>play TES Oblivion>"well this doesn't seem so bad, kinda cool">"finally a weapon">"a look a bow!">"IS THAT A FUCKING ZOMBIE?!">"OH SHIT, GOBLINS!">"He died? Oh well.">get out of sewer>"Guess I'll go this way.">"Holy fuck how far away is it?">"Fuck off wolf">"Fuck this, it's taking forever">exit TES Obliviontl;dr - your oblivion stories and mods
>>57301679>fuck off wolf
>download oblivion>download nude mods>fap
>1st playthrough>get out of sewer>eventually make my way to cheydinhal>go to the march rider>talk to bitch>Hey, that's a cool weapon she's selling. Maybe if I kill her, I can take it>...shit
>>57301860pretty much this
Shoot arrow into skyKill someone in the areaGuard comes runningArrow hits guard in head, kills him instantly<--My face
lol casual
>Download Wizard's Tower DLC>Start game as a high elf custom wizard>Journey on foot to frostcrag>Brave the elements>Camp out under the stars>Enter house>Arrange stuff>What the fuck how was i doing that for 2 hours
>attacked by bandit archer>run behind tree and draw bow>take some skooma>press RB to bring up VATS>queue up 5 VATS attacks on the bandit>they all hit the tree>my face
>>57301679>"Fuck this, it's taking forever">exit TES Oblivionsomeone doesn't know about fast travel.
True story: I love vanilla Oblivion, and prefer the console version over the PC one.
>download Oblivion>"fuck off wolf">it isn't a wolf it's a bear>it's really my father>I realize my hands are paws
>undress annoying fan>rape
>Kill some dick trader early on>Feel god about what ive done knowing the prick had no right to live>Take on assassination quest later on in game>Quest finished as soon as i start it because he was a marked man.
I'm going to play Oblivion for the first time later. Which class is most suited for a casual gamer such as myself?
>>57301679>Load up Oblivion>Walk around for a few minutes>Worse movement mechanics in any video game in the past 15 years>Uninstall
>>57302405>find out that he was actually a speaker for the dark brotherhood>find out your orders were forgeries from a traitor>lucien lachance is dead>my face
>>57301679 Good lord, thats my story. After that I deinstalled it and never wanted to play again.
>>57302360So... Why are you using VATS in OBLIVION again?
>>57302368Fast travel is for casuals.
HALT HALT HALT HALT HALTthis is DAYTIME /v/You cannot have a thread about video games without it being filled with trolls and children
>use nude spell on civilians>fap
>save before grabbing transcendent sigil stone.>constantly reload till effect is 30% chameleon on self.>repeat process for multiple oblivion gates>enchant two rings, an amulet, and a hood with 30% chameleon>120% chameleon>laughingelfman.jpg
>Play Oblivion>Kill random guy>Get visited by some vampire dude>Do the Dark Brotherhood chain>The rest of the game sucks in comparison>Uninstall Wizard
>>57302570Are you saying VATS isn't in oblivion? Or that I shouldn't use it? I don't understand.
>Leave a poison apple on a table.>Assassination target eats it.
>>57302793VATS is for casuals
>>57302662FUCK YEAH
>>57302833VATS is hardcore because it harkens back to the days when elder scrolls was isometric and turn based.
>Make character>Get out of tunnel and see character in actual lighting>Reload>Make Character>Get out of tunnel and see character in actual lighting>Reload>Make Character>etc.Next week: Dragon Age Origins
>>57302495Mage. Enchant stuff with chameleon or get a full chameleon spell that will last for one minute. Win everything.That's about as casual as you can play the game.
why do all white humans in TES look like niggers?
>download few mods to make the game better>notice on of the mods allows me to summon rape monster>use rape monster to rape everyone in imperial citymy face.
>>57303035source on rape monster
>>57302793VATS is Fallout 3. Even if you modded Oblivion to use it, why would you? It's game breaking and ruins the sense of satisfaction you get from blocking/parring and destroying your foes manually.
>>57303035>rape monsterDo elaborate
>>57303088best thing ever said on /v/
>>57303147Dude. I really hope it's a giant floppy wang that just runs around cocksmacking everyone.
>>57303128>He didn't understand the joke!
>>57303035Thats a good mangaWolf Guy - Wolfen Crest
>see oblivion thread in /v/>read through thread>topic turns into rape monster>my face
>>57303128>Vats is OblivionYeah, so what if I added some gun mods. What is wrong with VATS? Sounds like you're a hater who complains about stuff not being "lore friendly".
OP i had same experience as you, but mine changed at:>"Holy fuck how far away is it?">"Fuck off wolf">"Fuck this, it's taking forever">"this quest said use the map to go there instantly, what the fuck button opens map?">"F3 or something, port to town for quest">"attack horse, run from horse for dear life">"steal shit from church">"spend all money trying to bribe guy at horse pen">"talk to the frausen whatever his name is for quest">"this is boring">exit oblivion, decide to uninstall later
My Oblivion story, as told by my character.
>Play Oblivion>Set zombie on fire with sword>Suffer constant crashes whenever trying to get to Arlington Library>Realise this is actually Fallout 3>COMBAT SHOTGUN IS BESTEST
>walking down the road>hear the music change>look around frantically waiting for something to come out of the bushes>SUDDENLY BEAR>stunlocked to death
>>57303128blocking/parrying and destroying your foes manuallyYou mean mindlessly slashing over and over
>>57303535That's pretty heartwarming.
>fuckin around>fuckers stop and talk to me>kill their asses>kill guards>become king
>>57303608>Implying your attacks always deal high damage and is not directly based on your fatigue>Implying you can't be staggered by low agility>Implying you can't be disarmed and knocked flying into various traps
>Play with 250% damage mods>Fighting balrog>Loaded up on resist potions and equips>Long ass 45 minute long fight>Finally kill it>Oblivion crashesI haven't touched it since, fuck this shit.
>get out of sewer>the mao doesn't feel that big>fffffffffffffffffffff huge map>get lost>200 hours of game play so far without completing gameFUCKING WORTH IT! KEEP PLAYING.
>Install Deadly Reflex>Pretend I'm a Highlander>Every named enemy NPC is an Immortal>Have to kill them by cutting their heads off>Thieves guild mission>Get attacked by a named NPC>THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!>Cut their head off>Get fined>BORN TO BE KINGS, WE'RE THE PRINCES OF THE UNIVERSE!
>>57303785>>Implying it matters because slash slash slash.
>>57303708>Killed a Master trainer
>>57304064>>57304001>>57303827>>57303708>>57303535last 2?
>"a look a bow!"derphurr.jpg
the rest of the comic can be found herehttp://oblivionadventuretime.blogspot.com/
>tcl to kill Septim's asassin>people act like he was killed, but he's really still alive>only I know>only I know>only I know
>>57304001>i went through a fort with lots of dead stuff so i made sure they were all lying down like they should
>Run Oblivion>Realise I accidently Morrowind instead>SKREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE>Oh shi->Have mental breakdown
>>57304611>I miss the fun elf though he said lots of funny stuff;_;Flyyyyin'.Flyyyyin in the skyyyyyy!Cliffracer flieeees sooo high...Flyiiiinnnnn....
>>57304727>Run Oblivion>Realise I accidently Morrowind instead>I'm ok with this
>>57301679>He doesn't know about fast travel!
>decide I want to use a bow>takes 50+ arrows to kill even small shit
>>57305149>he just started the game you fucking idiots>implying you can fast travel to places you've never been>goddamn you're tards
>>57305377You can fast travel to cities dumb shit
>Play Oblivion>"Wow this game looks cool">Find out you can't do anything or it will break the game>find out you can't do nothing out law or you will be hunted down by a T-1000 guard forever>find out the landscape holds nothing to find or explore, and the few things it has are uninteresting empty caverns>find out alchemy doesn't work as everything else in the game>"hey at least i have to survive in the wild">Find you can fast travel since leaving the sewers to anywhere without even traveling there not even once>Find the leveling system being a constant grind but ultimately pointless since everything levels up with you>Never encountering enemies bigger than a cat, a midget, and the occasional and super rare and still boring to fight minotaurOblivion had potential but it's so half assed. God damn.
Fast Travel is for casualsVanilla oblivion sucks dick
>Play Oblivion after playing Morrowind>Can't kill the king or any of the guards>WHAT THE FUCK
>>57305377But, you can, you fucking retard.The only places you can't fast travel are the UNIMPORTANT ONES
without the modding community oblivion would be nothingagreed?
>play TES Oblivion>"well this doesn't seem so bad, kinda cool">"finally a weapon">"a look a bow!">"IS THAT A FUCKING ZOMBIE?!">"OH SHIT, GOBLINS!">"He died? Oh well.">get out of sewer>"Guess I'll go this way.">"Holy fuck how far away is it?">CANT LET YOU DO THAT STAR FOX>"Fuck off wolf">exit TES OblivionThis is what I imagine happened in OPs game and I will never think otherwise.
>Hunting Kirin>Get really, really lost>Wat do?
>>57305750You would realize half of that isn't remotely true if you'd played longer than 5 minutes
>>57305831Well, to tell the truth, they did give characters a lot better AI, and they sent them between towns, and had people go all suicide bomber near the end of the main quest. I'd be pissed if the questgiver just died for no reason. It's not like in Morrowind where basically the only way to get rid of a questgiver NPC was to kill him yourself.
>>57305998Kids these days
>>57305750This is why no one plays vanilla. I'll be over here enjoying my beautiful redone cities and world while fighting a fucking ogre three times my size.
>>57305998You must be either fucking retarded or wearing some kind of think nostalgia googles over it
>>57306109I seriously wanted to like it but i just couldn't. And I don't see the point in investing more time in modding it to make it bearable.
>>57306256Adding hundreds of new creatures and changing the world from a rather barren emptiness to something that actually looks... you know, good, is generally a plus, I feel.
>>57301679>playing oblivion>take annoying fan to top of the highest mountain>shoot an arrow right in his eyefuck off you flame haired faggot
>>57306460It's a japanese mod. Has three variations of Kirin armor (white, pink, black). Got another one that adds Khezu armor (white and pink), and a third one that adds a couple of MH Greatswords like Bone Agito and Barbaroi blade.The swords are insanely strong, but make you walk very, very slow.
>Play Oblivion>Go into Vilverin>"Well, these bandits are easy enough to stealth kill, and the skeletons aren't a problem at all...">Zombie comes out of the darkness>"Well I'll just kill thi--HOLY SHIT HOW MANY ARROWS DOES IT TAKE GOD DAMN">Get raped
Oh, and it also swings slower than normal, too.And weighs 110... whatever the unit of measurement is.
>>57306605>zombie rapeSounds hot.
http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=OblivionMods.Detail&id=5779Your all fucking welcome
>>57303088>>57303035>my face
Also Khezu armor.>>57303035Ah yes. Who doesn't love summoning rape monsters on innocent townspeople? Bit laggy though if you catch too many at once.
>>57307388Nice no antialiasing
>play oblivion>exit dungeon>Huge world>Wat to do?>Close game, never play again
>>57307546The game won't let me take screenshots if I don't turn off antialiasing. Bit of a pain in the ass but I don't care enough to get a program to take them for me when I turn it on.
>>57301679>First play on PS3, somehow get lost in the sewers, make loops for three hours before I start again. I figured I was in the adjacent ruins wasting time.
The first time I played Oblivion I didn't know you could fast travel like that.... so I walked from the sewer .... to anvil.... rage
>buy Oblivion>get bored>find out years later it has a ton of mods>no mods to fix the fuckawful animation>my face
>look up mods for oblivion>try to install focom>give up after 3hrs of searching through bad links
>>57307630Fraps takes like 5 minutes to dl and install dude.
>he uses fast travel... what a casual..
>>57307949I'm one of those people who doesn't care about jagged lines in my screenshots, pretty much.
>>57307734What? There is an entire Animations section in Tesnexus, that has thousands to replace the terrible animations.
>>57308080Well fuck you for not doing Kurese's mods justice.
>>57307734>>no mods to fix the fuckawful animationYou're thinking of Morrowind.
>>57308271I PLAY with antialiasing on. I just turn it off for screenshots.
Someone say mods?
>>57308052>he walks everywhere while feeling superior and 'hardcore' for ignoring a game mechanic