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  • File : 1271334119.jpg-(93 KB, 760x360, magnets.jpg)
    93 KB Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:21 No.55906707  
    I actually like this song.

    Here's an exploitable picture.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:22 No.55906756
    inb4 magnets.

    I like the part in the song where we says VIDEOGAMES
    >> Anonymons 04/15/10(Thu)08:22 No.55906764
    >Here's an exploitable picture.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:23 No.55906833
    I thought it was pretty funny the first time I heard it.
    Now every time I just hear the Pro-Intelligent design argument of it.

    Also, [spoilers]videogames[/spoilers]
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:24 No.55906839
         File1271334244.jpg-(98 KB, 760x360, magnets.jpg)
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    A better one.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:24 No.55906868
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:24 No.55906890
    >implying any single one of you knows how magnets work
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:24 No.55906893
         File1271334293.png-(608 KB, 641x480, Chris_Chan-MAGNETS.png)
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    Chris-chan likes it too.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:26 No.55906965
         File1271334364.png-(279 KB, 622x474, fuckin_magnets2.png)
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:26 No.55906996
         File1271334399.jpg-(93 KB, 612x840, spittake.jpg)
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    are you shitting me
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:26 No.55907010
    asspained juggalo detected.... go choke on some faygo
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:27 No.55907027
    >Implying protons, neutrons and electrons. Also the fact that it is law and if it doesn't make sense to you then too damn bad.
    >> The Baron 04/15/10(Thu)08:27 No.55907056
    i dont think you have good taste in music, enjoy your many words that rhyme with day.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:28 No.55907088
    SHITWHAT i'm out of date on the CCC (chrischan chronicles)
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:30 No.55907203
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:30 No.55907220
         File1271334633.jpg-(8 KB, 200x240, 349254__1913613262.jpg)
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    >Implying a pelican eating a cellphone is a miricle
    >implying this music video didnt have a budget of $30 and a cracker
    >Implying I want to fuck a rainbow
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:31 No.55907256
    fucking rainbows
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:31 No.55907265

    ...What, you're surprised? CWC isn't that much worse than your average juggalo. Also, more CWC hilarity:
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:32 No.55907296


    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:32 No.55907309
    what song?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:32 No.55907326
    juggalo here

    i love seeing you guys get so worked up over a song

    hahaha keep it up guys, real classy ;)

    MMWCL ninja
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:32 No.55907332
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:32 No.55907335
    I remember being into ICP as a kid (I assume that all ICP fans stop liking them when they grow up?) and hearing all the shit about how they had some huge, secret, amazing knowledge that they would reveal on their last album.

    Turned out it was that God is awesome and they love God and God created everything and God is totally cool. So is Jesus.

    Fucking faggots.
    >> Body Thetan !!j7BvgG0ZnNx 04/15/10(Thu)08:32 No.55907341
         File1271334776.jpg-(38 KB, 519x372, 1270874162315 2.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:33 No.55907348
    >implying you don't want to fuck a rainbow
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:33 No.55907349
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:33 No.55907368
    Goddammit internet.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:34 No.55907400
         File1271334866.jpg-(19 KB, 600x520, wolfshirt-moon.jpg)
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    Fucking wolf shirts. How do they work?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:34 No.55907404
         File1271334870.jpg-(82 KB, 500x362, 532491604_a96154e3a8.jpg)
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    concept was good

    but why the fuck are the lyrics so goddamn retarded it sounds as if a 12 year old boy wrote it in his poetry class taught by some mexican
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:35 No.55907443
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:35 No.55907448

    we hold em up round here
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:35 No.55907451
    wait was that dude a good troll or is he really autistic or whatever?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:36 No.55907492
    is that even a fucking sentence?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:36 No.55907504
    What Song
    >> Body Thetan !!j7BvgG0ZnNx 04/15/10(Thu)08:37 No.55907547
    I could actually tell you that :3

    I used to work where they're made
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:37 No.55907552
    We'll never know.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:37 No.55907569
    What ICP song are we talking about
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:37 No.55907578
    personally, I think they are trying to say that the world itself is magic and beautiful in the way it works, without having some clinical breakdown of the shit

    i mean, if you were a father and saw your kid looked like you, you would think that is a miracle, you would not think"oh yes, well of course since we share DNA then he will looik similar."
    I believe it is about being caught in the moment


    wait, why am I bracing? I don't care what you guys think lol
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:38 No.55907630
    From Violent J's autobiogroaphy

    Bruce was the last born of three children. His father, Richard Bruce, stole all the family's money and left when Bruce was two years old. Joe's mother, Linda, was forced to care for him and his siblings, Robert and Theresa, off the income she made as a janitor. When Joe was seven, while he was living in Berkley, Linda married fifty year old Lester Wool. Lester became abusive, and molested all three Bruce children. Joe recounts when he was nine, Lester's grandchildren once asked him to have anal sex with them, to which Rob kicked both the Wool brothers out of the house. Theresa got the worst of the molestation, and eventually ran away from home. She left a note for her mother which revealed all the molestation done by Lester. Linda and Lester divorced that day, but Theresa suffered from mental breakdowns for years to follow.

    Being raised dirt poor, the Bruces received all their clothes from rummage sales, and their food from canned food drives. The Bruce brothers embraced their poverty, and called themselves "Floobs", a scrub who was proud of their scrubbiness. After moving to Oak Park, Joe got a job as a caddy, where he began to hate the rich for their selfish ways. Joe and Rob used to escape from reality and gather themselves in a forest called Picker Forest. Joe cites Picker Forest as the beginning of The Dark Carnival.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:38 No.55907640
    >hearing all the shit about how they had some huge, secret, amazing knowledge that they would reveal on their last album.

    Holy shit, it's hard to live in a world with people this stupid.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:39 No.55907658
    Lol gay rape

    Joe met John Utsler, and his little brother Joey, in Oak Park. The three got involved in backyard wrestling, and created two backyard wrestling rings. Bruce also began his gang life by reluctantly getting involved in criminal activity in Royal Oak Township. Joe, John, and Joey all got heavily into rap music. The three recorded a song on a four-track tape recorder, under the group name of JJ Boys, called "Party at the Top of the Hill," but they did not pursue a serious career in music. Back in The Township, Bruce recalls walking through a vacant house with a school bully who, while holding a brick in his hand, demanded that Joe give him a blow job. Terrified, Joe got on his knees to pretend he was going to, but picked up a log and threw it before running home.

    Joe dropped out of school in eighth grade, and moved in with his friend, Rudy, in River Rouge. Bruce formed his own gang called Inner City Posse, and they would drive to Birmingham and beat up rich kids on a daily basis. Rob joined the U.S. Army, which left Joe with no parental guidance. The gang soon began terrorizing people with Army-issued tear gas and stealing car radios for money. One night, Joe's mother, who had just moved to Ferndale, had her house attacked by rival gang Hazel Parks. Fearing for his mother's life, Joe fled to Bonnie Doone, North Carolina, a trailer park town just outside of Fort Bragg where his brother was staying. It was there that Bruce witnessed the open racism which would later emerge as the hate for bigots referenced in Insane Clown Posse's lyrics.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:39 No.55907659

    Seriously, all of their albums have been "secretly" about God. That was their big secret. They're a bunch of fuck ups.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:39 No.55907698
    Then some more gay shit happened

    At seventeen, Joe returned to Ferndale. He was soon jailed, and the experience convinced him to get away from gang life and start a career in professional wrestling. At his first event, Joe met Rob Van Dam and Sabu, two other first-timers with whom he became very good friends. After multiple matches, Joe realized his dislike for the backstage politics of the wrestling business. Joe recorded Intelligence and Violence, which marked the debut of Bruce's stage name Violent J, with a boy named Dale who owned a karaoke machine. Joe bought his own karaoke machine and, along with Joey and John Utsler, formed the music group Inner City Posse, named after their gang. After the release of the album Bass-Ment Cuts, the group hired record store owner Alex Abbiss as their manager, and established the Psychopathic Records record label with the him in 1991.

    Inner City Posse began work on their first album recorded in a professional studio, Dog Beats, with producer Chuck Miller. Miller charged US$45 an hour, produced tracks by a single beat at a time, which would end up taking three hours to produce one track. After the success of Dog Beats, Inner City Posse became Insane Clown Posse, and Joe had a dream in which spirits in a traveling carnival appeared to him—an image that would become the basis for the Dark Carnival mythology detailed in the group's Joker's Cards series. Carnival of Carnage was recorded with new producer Mike E. Clark, who continue to work with them throughout their career. The album featured appearances by Esham and Kid Rock, but just weeks prior to the release, John left the group.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:40 No.55907752
    yes, I understand the concept, thats the goddamn idea, captain obvious

    the lyrics, which the whole meme and this thread is about sounds stupid
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:41 No.55907783
    Oh god, ICP is just terrible. I thought that was just some shit angry young white people, tired of THE MUNDANES liked.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:41 No.55907794
    Anyone has Violent J nude?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:41 No.55907813
         File1271335316.jpg-(109 KB, 771x514, 0502-CWCAsh3.jpg)
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    It's obvious that CWC isn't a troll, he's the real deal.,_I%27m_on_TV_:%29#Chris_Chan_in_the

    Pic related, it's what he used to wear in high school.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:42 No.55907816
    ICP is just fucking insane.

    that is all
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:42 No.55907833

    Go back to gamefaqs where you belong.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:42 No.55907841
    No shit, Sherolock. ICP didn't become the most hated musical act in the world by writing quality music. The fuck did you expect?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:43 No.55907863
    no fucking shit, asswipe

    i am a juggalo and I think the song is retarded, I was just saying why I thought they did it, you fucktard

    I agree the eme is shit, the song is shit, and you are shit

    eat a dick, fag boat
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:43 No.55907892
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:43 No.55907916
    go back to your fathers cum towel, where you belong
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:43 No.55907926
    How does magnets?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:44 No.55907941

    Basically they're retarded white trash that never grew up, and never tried to learn anything worthwhile.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:44 No.55907945
    lol y u so mad tho?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:44 No.55907950
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:44 No.55907951
    What the hell is that anyway? I've only seen this juggalo on /v/.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:44 No.55907971
         File1271335489.jpg-(88 KB, 1023x572, 1270140996245.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:45 No.55907987
    wow no one ever types this here you tremendous faggot

    what's next, going to start using emoticons?

    christ this place has gone even farther down the shitter lately
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:45 No.55907992
    Is that shit actually from his autobiography?

    It sounds unbelievable but...why would you lie about getting raped and sucking cock?

    Man, I always knew Faggy 2 Dope and Silent Gay were bummers but...shit...I'm surprised they aren't /v/ regulars.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:45 No.55907994
    and yet they have more money than you ever will

    how does that feel?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:45 No.55907999
    >go on chatroulette
    >wear guy fawkes mask
    >ask people how magnets work
    >people keep disconnecting
    >one cute girl decides to answer
    >she says "magic" to be cute/ironic
    >realize I'm talking to a cute girl
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:45 No.55908025
    what is all this magnets shit all about ???
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:45 No.55908026
    ICP used to throw write their songs on tape and throw them at kids on their way to school.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:45 No.55908035
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:45 No.55908039
    The only guy I knew who liked ICP also liked Viva La Bam.

    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:46 No.55908057
         File1271335566.jpg-(26 KB, 252x346, 1230130149157.jpg)
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    >am a juggalo

    you have a problem
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:46 No.55908096
    >and yet they have more money than you ever will

    Do they? I'm not so sure. That video didn't seem to have much of a budget. I wouldn't be surprised if they blew through whatever money they got from their little cult following.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:46 No.55908097
    trollbait or gigantic faggots?

    obviously it's both, why the fuck did you hover over this you retard?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:47 No.55908124

    >i am a juggalo

    How do you live with yourself? If you don't mind me asking.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:47 No.55908185
    y'all faggots posting in a juggalo thread

    the fuck is wrong with you?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:48 No.55908194
    so if juggalos are actually christian is ICP communion like faygo and twinkies?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:48 No.55908202

    If she told you that magnets work by magic ("irony" or non) you should have spat on her face. Well, on your monitor, but it has the same effect.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:48 No.55908216
    what the fuck is this video for those not in the know?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:48 No.55908223

    >>i am a juggalo

    Stopped reading there.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:48 No.55908227
         File1271335717.jpg-(97 KB, 421x512, thefuck.jpg)
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    the fuck is a juggerlo? who is icp and why should i care?

    someone explain
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:48 No.55908230
    Are there more of these? This is hilarious.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:49 No.55908258
    I used to be a juggalo. The whole "I'm pathetic slob but I don't give a fuck" mentality got me through some real tough time.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:49 No.55908281

    It sounds to me that ICP communion is butt-rape and forced cock sucking.

    And RASSLIN'!
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:49 No.55908318

    I like how you disregard the part where they call scientists liars and believe magnets to be powered by magic.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:49 No.55908319
    nah not christian
    they changed their tune after ppl got pissed with the god thing, and said they meant karma or some shit similar, so they wouldn't look like they followed a religion
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:49 No.55908321
         File1271335794.png-(169 KB, 329x351, FACEDOWNASSUP.png)
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    You want to know something really crazy?
    1. Objects cannot move in a circular path unless acted upon by another force. One such force is magnetism, which can generate a magnetic field that applies force normal to the object, and which can make it move in a circular path without touching it.
    2. When you subject protons to a strong magnetic field, they generate their own magnetic fields, and further, molecules like benzene create huge magnetic fields when subjected to a magnetic field due to their six rotating pi electrons. This can have horrific consequences when interpreting NMR spectra.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:49 No.55908324
         File1271335797.jpg-(116 KB, 400x376, adoptedcat.jpg)
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    >I used to be a juggalo.
    What the fuck man
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:50 No.55908336
    yeah high school must have been real tuff
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:50 No.55908343
    and that's ok
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:50 No.55908344

    Eh, it's just stupid shit for stupid people, made by retards. Basically, they think that magnets are miracles and that any reasonable explanation is a lie. The only explanation they will accept is "God made magnets."

    Basically they're the worst kind of fundamentalist retards.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:51 No.55908419
    oh no, don't get me wrong, I thought that line was bullshit

    fucking stupid STUPID shit that was.... sigh

    honelty I don't really listen to them anymore, but they were funny in the mid 90's
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:51 No.55908437
    Link to video please?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:51 No.55908443
    You guys have no idea how seriously juggalos take their little cult/pseudo religion. From random website:

    Welcome los/lettes to what I think is going to be the most important thing for juggalos. Let me tell you something... and i know you’ll like this. You have a choice to be kind and loving to your family, and go to shangri-la. Or to be a hater and go to hells pit. You know we have to look at it this way, as the unveiling says:
    Get with it and dig we don’t preach it flat out,
    ’Cause some ninjas don’t wanna get with ya,
    They quick to forget ya without the hatchet and gat out.
    So we rose the hatchet, do or die, now Juggalos standing tall,
    After all 6 have risen the end of time will consume us all.
    It aint got nothing to do with us! It aint Psychopathic Records!
    All we’re doing is pointing shit out to you, we in this together!
    Who’s behind the Dark Carnival, the Gatherings and the Hatchet?
    Who’s behind Dark Lotus, the Circus and everybody at it?
    Who invited Juggalos and Juggalettes and fuckin Faygo showers?
    What about that feeling you get when bumping our shit,
    Who’s behind the Juggalo powers?
    This aint no fuckin fan club, It aint about making a buck!
    Don’t buy our fuckin action figures bitch, i dont give a fuck!!
    It aint About Violent J or Shaggy, the Butterfly or Seventeen.
    When we speak of Shangri-La, what you think we mean?
    Truth is WE FOLLOW GOD we've all ways been behind him
    the Carnival is God may all JUGGALOS find him.
    Well MMFWCL to all.
    Rev. Aaron Maehre
    Senior Pastor
    Church of the Juggalos
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:52 No.55908479
    wow... sorry, i hate this shit as much as anyone but that was some stupid ignorant shit you just said
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:52 No.55908487
    What's funny is that this kind of shit from enough people will backslide the country into the dark ages.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:52 No.55908502
    I hate faggot artists who try too hard to have "deep" and controversial lyrics in their songs.I hate faggots who analysis those song lyrics even more.

    don't you have anything better to do with your time
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:52 No.55908514
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:53 No.55908548
    where does this cunt live? he must be eliminated before the 4th Reich
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:53 No.55908573
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:55 No.55908668


    Insane like a clown.

    Feel me, dog.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:55 No.55908687

    No, what they said was ignorant; in fact, they seem to revel in ignorance, and encourage others to do the same. This is especially irritating considering that their audience mostly consists of people younger than the age of 12.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:55 No.55908700
         File1271336145.jpg-(51 KB, 311x297, 1234320616286.jpg)
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    i just fucking cant read it, I fucking cant
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:55 No.55908703
         File1271336149.jpg-(1.1 MB, 1400x2000, rev_last_rite.jpg)
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    About Me
    I am the Presiding Minister and Founder of the Fellowship Of Juggalos. We are a non-denominational, multi-faithed Church. I am an advocate for Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Choice as well as a strong belief of Individuality. I believe that the Carnival is God, each Juggalo has the right to interpret God as they choose. Enhancing my stalwart beliefs is my service to the United States Navy as a Cryptologic Technician Technical First Class Petty Officer. I have served in the Navy for almost 15 years and plan to retire. I am married to a Juggalette, Rebecka aka Burger Queen. I have a four year old and a year old, Jason Michael Jr. and Demitri Burnell and my daughter Lillian Lotus.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:57 No.55908808
    yes what they said is ignorant

    what you said was also ignorant

    if this affects you so much, why not just ignore it? why take the time to comment here? no one cares, not the haters or the fans... just let it be and it will go away
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:58 No.55908858
         File1271336308.jpg-(15 KB, 375x417, 1253463206038.jpg)
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    >I am married to a Juggalette, Rebecka aka Burger Queen

    >I am married to
    >Burger Queen
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)08:58 No.55908881
    that... that is actually a fairly intelligent way to live, except for the whole minister of juggalos bullshit

    live and let live, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone...
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:00 No.55908997

    I love it when any argument reaches this stage.

    One person says something, other person callls them a dick, back and forth for about half an hour, then "Well, y'know man, if you don't like it maybe you shouldn't be talking about it, I mean why do you care so much"
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:01 No.55909042
    >if this affects you so much, why not just ignore it?

    This is the stupidest statement in the thread; it might be worse than "Magnets: HOW DO THEY WORK!?"

    A) It doesn't have much of an effect on my life. I comment on it here because it is funny.

    B) If it did have a significant effect on my life (which you seemed to indicate by saying "if this affects you so much") that would be all the more reason to actively resist it.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:01 No.55909066
    Sup Juggalos, Last Friday was Good Friday. The term "Good" Friday really boggled my mind. I understand from a Christian perspective that it stands for the day that Christ died on the cross for all of our sins thus fulfilling His Destiny and thereby giving us eternal Life. However if I were to look at it from my homie JC's perspective, that day really sucked. I know He knew that He had to do it. I know that He knew that He had to suffer but still if you were Him hanging up there wouldn't be kind of like "this sucks". Which makes me pose the question...if you could go back in time would you end His suffering. Let's say hypothetically that you had a "Hot Tub Time Machine" and you could go back to the time of Christ's Crucifixion. Now let's just say that you went back to that time and you had the means and capability to either stop Christ's Crucifixion or stop him from Suffering. Would you stop Him from being Crucified? OOOOOOOOh that'll make ya think. Those of us who are spiritual creatures have some form of human compassion and your first instinct is to say 'Yes'. But let's flip the side of the coin, if you did stop His suffering, wouldn't you defeat His Destiny. So now, conflicted and not being able to do anything you are forced to sit and watch Him Suffer.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:01 No.55909067

    How old are you? Not trying to say anything, just curious.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:02 No.55909077


    Right, fuck these guys. Eminem was right, they need killing.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:02 No.55909092
    Fear not though because we know that 3 days later He shall be Resurrected, but what about you? What about your Resurrection? I'm sure you could live a good Life and wait until your Final days and upon your Judgment you will have a Resurrection or Rebirth according to your own Individual Faith. What about now though? We truly Dim ourselves. The light that is within slowly goes out like a candle wavering from the lack of wax. We allow material things to affect us on the daily. I laugh when I hear stories of people saying they can't do this or they can't do that. The murky waters of self-doubt and selfishness threaten to submerge our very being. Hate and the insistent need for attention stops us from keeping and holding on to interpersonal relationships or they stop us from opening ourselves up to new experiences and to new people, cultures and friends. We cry and whine and say "I can't go to this place because someone got beef with me". Boo Hoo we say "I can't go to church because someone has been talking bad about me". I can't do this, I can't do that. I can't...I can't....I can't... Or we say I hate this group of people....Hate....Hate....Hate.... STOPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!! RESURRECT YOURSELF...Lift yourself above the Hatred and Jealousy that binds you to old ways of thinking and liberate your mind. RESURRECT YOURSELF...
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:02 No.55909109
    Insane clown... PUSSIES.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:02 No.55909130
    Fore the true calling and glory goes to the Dark Carnival and you should not worry about anything else. You Pray to the Carnival. You Live for the Carnival. You Die for the Carnival. He said, She said, Who's here and Who's there. What was said and unsaid...None of it matters...only the Dark Carnival. RESURRECT YOURSELF... Regain and remember that pride that you held when you first said Juggalo AND MEANT IT. I cannot tell you that you are a Juggalo more than you already know. I cannot remind you of pride in the aspects and values of our Family that enrich us only you can. No one should say this person is Juggalo and that person is Juggalo for being a Juggalo is determined by the Individual and it is determined by the actions that you do, the secrets you keep, the stories you told, and HOW YOU GLORIFY THE CARNIVAL. RESURRECT YOURSELF... Stop being the whiny little bitch for with each FALSE TEAR that drops from the eyes of the man child threatens to put out and extinguish the little flame that is our FAMILY. Rekindle that flame and let it ROAR unto the sky shooting with such explosive force that it'll make even the Jeckel Bros. run and duck for cover. RESURRECT YOURSELF...Where is your Love? RESURRECT YOURSELF...Where is your pride? RESURRECT YOURSELF..
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:03 No.55909161
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:04 No.55909186
    furfag or juggalo, which one is worse v?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:04 No.55909203
    Why does /v/ care about Juggalos?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:05 No.55909259
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    What about Juggalo furries?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:05 No.55909281
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    >> XLR !KOaMEGASp. 04/15/10(Thu)09:06 No.55909297
    Juggalos have more heft out of the internet. I'd say that they are the worse of the two.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:06 No.55909305

    Juggalos... most furries are just sexual deviants. The few that do take it to the point of believing that they are animals or some shit aren't half as annoying as these retards.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:06 No.55909308
    Y'know... despite ICP always being silly, I used to have at least some respect for their music, they occasionally had a message (which is fucking rare for music now) that was an astute observation on society. Their music never used to be all that bad (their fans were fucking obnoxious, and they were too, but their music was, to be fair, passable).

    I couldn't make it 30 seconds into this video without fucking laughing like a deranged hyena at how retarded they've become.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:06 No.55909312
    i'd rather ask why you have that saved on your computer
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:06 No.55909320
    What god would allow these people to exist?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:06 No.55909334
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:06 No.55909339
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:07 No.55909352

    ...I wonder what they're doing? Why is he holding up that triangle in front of "her?"
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:07 No.55909363

    Juggalos, by far.

    It is not really a contest.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:07 No.55909397

    Faith in humanity diminishing in 5...





    Faith diminished, thank you /v/
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:08 No.55909407
    Fucking triangles. How do they work?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:09 No.55909467
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    How do they work?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:09 No.55909490
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    Juggalo furries you say?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:11 No.55909572
    Is that a woman? You know how sad I am? I'd still hit that. juggalo/furry shit and all.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:11 No.55909576
    What the fuck.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:12 No.55909604

    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:13 No.55909645
    >Is that a woman?

    I'm not sure that it is human.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:14 No.55909712
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    Kids, you are furries and Juggalos.

    I am disowning you for both reasons.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:15 No.55909745
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    I think you guys are missing the point to their message and musings.

    Shaggy and Violent J merely ask the rhetorical here. In one of the stanzas they proclaim "I don't wanna talk to no fuckin' scientist". Here, they're provoking inquisition without epistemology, challenging intelligent observers of this video to forget their nihilistic and seemingly paradoxical narcissistic and cult like messages altogether.

    Here they ask one to reflect on the 'how' and 'why' of the universes mysteries without actually applying any reasoning, investigation or critical thinking. This short video merely paints a small glimpse into the mystics of trailer park philosophers.

    You just mad.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:16 No.55909800
    >I'm a faggot please rape me
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:16 No.55909812
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:17 No.55909853
         File1271337428.jpg-(20 KB, 603x380, big boss salute.jpg)
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    quality post
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:17 No.55909885
    >Burger queen

    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:17 No.55909890
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:17 No.55909892
    I'm pretty sure that's a set for a pool table.

    Still no idea why he's holding it up though.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:17 No.55909898
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:18 No.55909918

    There are a huge number of female furries, they are basically stage 2 yaoi fangirls left unchecked. Which is partly why so much furry shit is gay.

    If you must lower your standards, at least try to preserve some kind of self respect my man.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:18 No.55909926
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:18 No.55909954
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:19 No.55909990
    White trash can be hot too.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:19 No.55909998
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:19 No.55910000
    that must be one of the fakest tits i ever seen
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:20 No.55910030
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:21 No.55910082

    Fuckin fake tits.

    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:21 No.55910085
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:21 No.55910106
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:21 No.55910108
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    >142 posts and 29 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    orly /v/ ??
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:21 No.55910109
    >White trash can be hot too.

    White trash is never hot.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:21 No.55910114
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:21 No.55910116
    You see, the juggalo culture tends to attract overweight women. No jokes, just facts, 100% serious. It's part of the whole "I don't give a fuck about what you think about me" attitude that makes fat girls feel better about themselves. ICP and Twiztid even have a few songs talking about how they love fucking fat women. So yeah. That explains the whole Burger Queen thing.
    >> Epic Fail Flonne !KNuT906KxE!!1R2MxOqmKdU 04/15/10(Thu)09:21 No.55910118
    The fanbase are total faggots, but I think the songs are fucking hilarious.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:22 No.55910161
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:23 No.55910182
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:23 No.55910202
    I'd fuck the one on the left
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:23 No.55910215
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:25 No.55910279
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:25 No.55910298
    Worst shop I've seen today.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:25 No.55910308
    i would fuck the shit outta the left girl
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:26 No.55910357

    I'm not going to lie, I'd fuck pretty much all of them.

    I'd have to make sure to degrade them as much as possible whilst I did, though.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:27 No.55910368
         File1271338023.jpg-(46 KB, 480x640, juggalos[1].jpg)
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    you all mad?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:27 No.55910402
    Cool copypasta from the last thread, bro.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:27 No.55910407
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    >video games are my favourite video games
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:28 No.55910444
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:28 No.55910467
    I don't get it. Why are they mimes?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:29 No.55910473
    OP here

    how the fuck is this thread still here?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:29 No.55910481
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:29 No.55910511
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:29 No.55910521
    Fucking magic.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:30 No.55910531
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:31 No.55910576

    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:34 No.55910711
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)09:47 No.55911397
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)10:09 No.55912662
    This shit is some magic here
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)10:13 No.55912864
    i just spent an entire hour discovering chris-chan, who i previously believed to be a fictional character
    just refreshed the page and saw this thread is still alive, so that's just what i wanted to share
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)10:17 No.55913078
    Fuck, reading about Chris' life makes me feel better about myself. Did you read the one about the girl who worked at Pac Sun?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)10:20 No.55913288
    no, i couldn't bear reading anymore, it was hilarious at first, but i began more and more to feel sympathetic for how pathetic and oblivious he is
    truthfully, i am hoping chris-chan and his parents are all 3 trolls trolling the entire internet
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)10:21 No.55913348
    If it makes you feel any better he's an unrepentant racist and homophobe
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)10:28 No.55913791
    but he claims to be an autist too, whether that's true or not, i have no idea, but my little brother is an infantile autist at 16 with the mentality of a 5 year old, and somehow i related chris-chan's misfortune to my brother's, imaging him being expolited and ridiculed
    feels kinda bad man
    >> Anonymous 04/15/10(Thu)10:29 No.55913863
    too many typos to greentext

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