04/11/10(Sun)03:07 No. 55440465 Bonk
and FAN need buffs, badly. FAN was already mediocre before it got
nerfed, since it was just a gimmick with the recoil. Now it's hard to
even knock enemies back to begin with, so it's pretty bad. Bonk is
useless since good teams don't need help taking sentries down, and good
players won't be fooled and shoot him. As a Demo, I can easily just pop
around a corner three times for stickies and take down most sentries -
the real threats are usually the heavies/soldiers/demos guarding the
chokepoints. FAN should either be turned into a high power weapon
that loses reload speed and clip size for more power than the scattergun
or leave it weak and increase the recoil for the Scout (so he can reach
higher areas, similar to rocket jumping). It only fires .33 seconds
faster than the Scatter does now, not a big deal when you lose 4 shots. I
also maintain that the Sandman should be scrapped. It's not so
seriously overpowered or underpowered anymore, but I hate the idea.
Would have preferred a blinding or disorientation effect. Give the Scout
a set 3-5 balls upon spawning, that don't regenerate. Slower swing
speed or less damage, don't care. Those are the big deals for me,
I was real hyped for the Scout update but severely disappointed. I love
the class, but outside of the Sandman(and even that's debatable)
there's no reason to use his unlocks. Spy watches are all sorts of
fucked up, but Valve will never test anything because they're too afraid
to make easily reversible changes. Ambassador is pretty bad, Huntsman
is obnoxious and didn't fulfill their original goal, Scottish Resistance
sucks because it has less versatility than the default launcher(but a
great taunt, so that's ok). I still hope the Sniper and Spy get
melee unlocks eventually. I really loathe the 2 secondaries approach,
although it wasn't as bad for the Demoman, since they gave him enjoyable
and not TOO sucky items.