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  • File : 1270875851.jpg-(112 KB, 450x300, dash.jpg)
    112 KB Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)01:04 No.55312627  

    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)01:07 No.55312904
    Enjoy your shitty, generic, unbalanced third person shootan.
    >> ▲ ▲ ▲ !!VdxnTj16D8v 04/10/10(Sat)01:08 No.55312931
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)01:08 No.55312937
    >the epic story concludes

    There was a story?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)01:08 No.55312969

    >> Croft ♠ !X2sRdBvG1c 04/10/10(Sat)01:08 No.55312990
    hooray for UE3 powered brown n' bloom FPS #36457
    >> Snork !IR7ogMhC0s 04/10/10(Sat)01:08 No.55313000
    I'd love to see a colour other than brown in the next installment.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)01:08 No.55313004
    How to make Gears of War 3 awesome:
    >Remove all single player
    >Remove all competitive multiplayer
    >Entire game is Horde mode
    >> Commissar Urdnot !26Zf504quw 04/10/10(Sat)01:09 No.55313057
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    >Gears of war
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)01:10 No.55313087
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    >Make multiplayer more shitty
    >Don't improve gameplay mechanics
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)01:10 No.55313091
    Think it was about a train or something.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)01:10 No.55313092
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    Green was confirmed for gears 3 at GDC 2010
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)01:10 No.55313096
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    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)01:10 No.55313098
    >epic story

    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)01:10 No.55313110
    Wonder if the online will actually be playable this time. Probably not.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)01:10 No.55313143
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    Is this character confirmed, because if it is, I'm going to cum buckets
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)01:11 No.55313179
    Oh god. I only JUST got through Gears of War 1 without dying from boredom.

    I couldn't even finish Gears of War 2 because it was just more of the same shit. So glad I pirated it first.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)01:11 No.55313190

    This better fucking end and not do all that Halo bullshit. When it says concludes, this should fucking be the last of the trilogy.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)01:11 No.55313203
    A character like that could make the game interesting again.
    >> Sudowoodo !!3qUlT4d9A1L 04/10/10(Sat)01:11 No.55313214

    >brown n' bloom FPS #36457

    But it ain't an FPS


    > I'd love to see a colour other than brown in the next installment.

    The second game had an entire level inside a giant worm which not only contained pinky bits of innards and gallons of blood, but also plenty of green glows tentacle like things.

    Also the cave systems featured some different colors as well, glowing blue fungi and stuff.
    >> Snork !IR7ogMhC0s 04/10/10(Sat)01:12 No.55313273
    Oh boy.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)01:12 No.55313276
    >Bigger Maps
    >Hand to hand combat
    >Disarming players when you get close
    >Using dead bodies, or hostages as a shield

    >I came.jpg
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)01:13 No.55313321

    I concur, the underground segment was very creepily colorful
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)01:13 No.55313361
    >Not playing GoW with a bro
    You are doing it very wrong.
    >> Sudowoodo !!3qUlT4d9A1L 04/10/10(Sat)01:13 No.55313365

    But Halo 3 did conclude the trilogy. In regards to Master Chief.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)01:14 No.55313388
    Funny how they abandoned PC "because of piracy". Yet pirating is just as easy on 360.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)01:19 No.55313837
    epic story? aliens invade earth. go kill them. this is an epic story we have made.
    >> Commissar Urdnot !26Zf504quw 04/10/10(Sat)01:20 No.55313965
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    >Implying it's Earth
    >Implying they invaded
    >> Sudowoodo !!3qUlT4d9A1L 04/10/10(Sat)01:21 No.55314006

    >aliens invade earth.

    Technically the Locusts aren't Aliens, or at least that's what the player is lead to believe. They emerge from underground, hence the name "Emergence Day". Their architecture is much older than anything on the surface.

    Not earth by the way.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)01:33 No.55315060

    Crysis doesn't look that shitty.... WAIT! THAT ISN'T CRYSIS
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)01:39 No.55315548

    A hacked 360 means no xbox live, which makes Gears mostly useless. No co-op/horde, no fun.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)01:39 No.55315570

    >> Moarfeene !TORPeDoINg!!MkqGgo4b9zj 04/10/10(Sat)01:40 No.55315645
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    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)01:40 No.55315667

    although in the game's universe, Sera is 'earth' as far as we know. Meaning there's no other humans.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)01:40 No.55315689

    typical tripfag that knows nothing about games
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)01:41 No.55315713

    so...killing floor?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)01:42 No.55315795

    Thank you
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)01:42 No.55315796

    >implying it's possible to get banned with a modded 360 unless you're retarded
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)01:43 No.55315952

    Enlighten me
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)01:43 No.55315958
    Hate all you want, but there is definitely a visceral satisfaction attained when you cut your enemy into bloody chunks using a gas-powered chainsaw gun.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)01:45 No.55316133

    Sorry but no lady 4 u. in the Gears universe, women stary home and give birth to new soldiers, while the men go out n fight locus.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)01:46 No.55316162

    the question you should be asking yourself is why are you wasting your time with the game's shitty deathmatch when every other mode is 14532532152 times better, and there are dozens of other games that do DM better
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)01:46 No.55316192
    fuck yeah, I love me some GoW
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)01:47 No.55316251

    bitches don't know about Bernie.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)02:05 No.55317743
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    Enjoy my awesome, fuck online's shotgun and roll technique multiplayers, third person shooter?

    I WILL!
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)02:08 No.55317962
    Starting the hype machine a year before release?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)02:12 No.55318331

    Pretty par for the course, isn't it?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)02:19 No.55318859
    I would've put money on that they'd do the same thing they did for 2 and announce it in April and release it in October or whenever their "Emergence Day" date is.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)02:22 No.55319128

    Truth be told, I'm surprised by the late release date, too, seeing how 1 was released in 2006 and 2 in 2008. 3 years for a new entry into the series? Sounds like a lot of development time for a game that (presumably) won't be that different from its predecessors.

    Maybe they're just trying to dodge some other releases, e.g. the inevitable CoD sequels etc.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)02:24 No.55319257
    Gears 1 was okay
    Gears 2 is the worst game I've ever played
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)02:24 No.55319295

    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)02:25 No.55319375
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)02:30 No.55319745

    1. That was demoed on a PC

    2. That's an Unreal Engine Tech Demo, not a Gears of War Tech Demo. Just because the engine can use colour (see: Mirror's Edge) doesn't mean the developers use them. Gears of War stays brown and bloom by artistic choice alone.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)02:31 No.55319842
    Why the hate on Gears of War 2?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)02:32 No.55319912
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)02:34 No.55320058

    Bad characters, generic plot, short single player, broken multiplayer.

    Art direction and general design is awesome, but the rest of it doesn't hold up
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)02:34 No.55320087
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)02:34 No.55320099
    I like the game, but I think they overdose on the testosterone pills on the characters.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)02:36 No.55320236
    >> Sudowoodo !!3qUlT4d9A1L 04/10/10(Sat)02:38 No.55320420

    >Bad characters, generic plot, short single player, broken multiplayer.

    Couldn't these be applied to the first game?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)02:39 No.55320494

    Precisely, but he asked about Gears of War 2, not 1. The fact is, they made pretty much the same thing with some minor gameplay additions.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)02:40 No.55320563
    >posting about a good game on /v/
    Silly OP, /v/ only likes shit indie games for the PC like Stalker: Call of Bugs or terrible japanese games like Final Linear Bad Game 13431298403242
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)02:40 No.55320583
    Can't fucking wait for more hilarious moments where Epic tries to make the characters emotional and relational.

    Also, I can't wait for the comically unfitting ad campaign.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)02:40 No.55320595
    no because no female cogs it dont even make sense
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)02:41 No.55320646
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    >> Roo 04/10/10(Sat)02:42 No.55320768
    How to make Gears of War 3 good:
    Gears of War 1 with more content.

    How to fuck up Gears of War 3:
    Gears of War 2 with more content.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)02:44 No.55320883
    >implying I'm trolling
    There's a reason /v/ is full of social outcasts, because their retarded.

    There's a reason indie devs are indie and aren't mainstream, because they make terrible games that only sell to niche markets.

    Enjoy your denial, I'll continue playing good games. You know, the games that are mainstream because they're good.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)02:44 No.55320894
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)02:44 No.55320929
    Their the EXACT SAME GAME.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)02:44 No.55320933

    Cole was the squad member.

    I hate Marcus's Christian Bale Dark Knight voice. It's so painful hearing him speak.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)02:45 No.55320974

    *best squad member
    >> Roo 04/10/10(Sat)02:45 No.55321034

    >Didn't play multiplayer.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)02:45 No.55321038
    Where the hell did all the gears 2 hate come from? It was leagues better than its predesscor.

    Granted, Gears 1 had playable multiplayer that didn't require you to wait an hour to find a match, but it had such a boring and uninspired story I didn't know what was going on most of the time.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)02:46 No.55321068

    But gears of war sucks

    enjoy your shit game
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)02:46 No.55321106
    Gears is a good fucking game.

    What the hell is your damn problem /v/? You go on about 'fun' - This game TYPIFIES fun.
    >> Sudowoodo !!3qUlT4d9A1L 04/10/10(Sat)02:47 No.55321178

    >I hate Marcus's Christian Bale Dark Knight voice.

    That's how John Dimaggio talks bro.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)02:47 No.55321186
    >Cole was the squad member.


    No, he was shit.

    Best squad member was Baird.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)02:48 No.55321208
    A bro bought me a copy of Gears 2 so we could play together.

    The co-op'd the campaign on the hardest setting, what a mixture of rage and lols that was.

    We put like 50+ hours into the Wingman mode online(five 2 man teams in deathmatch) - Gosh we had some awesome times, we both got really great at it and use to really dominate at times.

    I miss him so much ;_;

    The Gears gseries are fun, quality games but not original - they don't deserve all the hate though.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)02:48 No.55321244
    My problem, I just don't find these fucking games enjoyable to play. Seriously, shit's just not interesting and the basic machine guns feel like they're shooting bb's.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)02:50 No.55321422
    Actually I did, and it's the exact same game. You probably just suck.
    >> Roo 04/10/10(Sat)02:51 No.55321459

    Bingo. Gears of War has a terrible storyline, so the only way to set it apart from its sequel is the quality of the multiplayer. Gears 2 falls flat on its face there.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)02:51 No.55321471
    The only good 3d shooter was Syphon Filter

    Gears, RE45 and Uncharted are stupid. Flash no substance
    >> Sudowoodo !!3qUlT4d9A1L 04/10/10(Sat)02:51 No.55321493

    >Seriously, shit's just not interesting

    Yeah that chainsaw on the bottom of the gun is just boring. So is that gun that sends an orbital beam down on the field. Or that one gun that looks like the Nerf Big Bad bow that fires an arrow that sticks in and explodes whatever it touches a couple seconds later.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)02:52 No.55321519
    >Bad characters

    >generic plot

    I didn't care much for the story, too busy being entertained by the action. Gameplay comes first, story second.

    >short single player
    True that you can beat this in one setting, but I find it to be lengthy, I wish games were priced on what it is because yeah it's definitely not worth the $60 from the start, but then again, what games are? There's replay value if you bother to do co-op achievements.

    >Broken multiplayer.
    I agree with you on that. Which is why I only play Horde or Campaign.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)02:52 No.55321535
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    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)02:53 No.55321606
    Obvious indietard
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)02:53 No.55321628
    Dat fire inducing tazer lawl
    >> athens !SysNpnp3nU 04/10/10(Sat)02:53 No.55321645
    >Syphon Filter

    Congratulations, you are now edgy.

    Please continue to like obscure games until you are cool enough to become a real hipster.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)02:54 No.55321693
    Has it occured to people tha tmaybe...just maybe some folks don't like the gloom and doom and hardcore grimdark vibe Gears gives off?

    Ever heard of things killing the mood? A wayward comment, stinky breath, falling alseep during sex? That's kinda what the whole edgy vibe is.

    Now if they wanted it to make it more realistic like say Resistance then that's a different story
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)02:54 No.55321702
    >terrible story
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)02:55 No.55321780
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)02:55 No.55321802

    Even with that I still can't get into the game. Guns in that game just don't feel powerful in the least, or at least are interesting and fun to use. It's all in the style of gameplay they chose to go for, and I just don't enjoy it.
    >> athens !SysNpnp3nU 04/10/10(Sat)02:55 No.55321809
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    >Implying Resistance: Flop of Man is better than Gears
    >> Sudowoodo !!3qUlT4d9A1L 04/10/10(Sat)02:56 No.55321847
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    >gloom and doom and hardcore grimdark vibe Gears gives off?

    No because the only thing that truly gives this vibe are the pretentious commercials that want to imply there is something deeper when there isn't.

    When you actually play the game it's just too wacky most of the time to ever be taken seriously.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)02:56 No.55321855
    I liked Gears of War.

    Ya'll are hater.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)02:57 No.55321919
    >implying Resistance's human and chimeras don't have realistic proportions in comparision to Megaman-esque beefheads in gears
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)02:57 No.55321960
    >Tripfag acting retarded
    Nothing to see here folks
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)02:57 No.55321972
    gears of bros 3. now they get to ride in big trucks, no wait they already did that.
    >> Roo 04/10/10(Sat)02:58 No.55321996

    >No you're wrong and you suck lol.
    Gears 2 is terrible in every way. They've only just begun the process of patching it into something playable now.

    A regular game of Gears 2 back at release date was;
    >Bridge host
    >"Fuck we didn't get host, quit out."
    >Bridge host.
    >"Okay we got it."
    >Throw smoke grenades.
    >"Wow, these guys are lagging all over the place"
    >Run in with shotgun or chainsaw and clean up everybody thats stunned.

    Now its the same thing but without the smoke grenades and more reliance on who gets host.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)02:58 No.55322006
    >implying you've seen a gear without their armor on
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)02:58 No.55322008
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    >Syphon Filter

    This is the first time I'm positively sure someone is underage. Go home kid you do not belong here
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)02:58 No.55322017
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    >this thread
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)02:58 No.55322071
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    >> Roo 04/10/10(Sat)02:59 No.55322102

    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)02:59 No.55322107
    Too easy to even try
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:00 No.55322157
    >implying gear would be that much bigger than the actual wearer's appendages

    If it's powered mecha? yes. If it's just armor and stuff? no. Do you think Firefighters walk around in boots that are 10 times their shoe size? Same for Hazmat workers or even old school knights?
    >> Sudowoodo !!3qUlT4d9A1L 04/10/10(Sat)03:00 No.55322192
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    No argument so instead your lowering yourself by referring to the one posting? Clever ruse anon but you're not fooling me.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:00 No.55322196
    Actually no because I was playing at release and I barely ever had lag. Sounds to me like you are just grasping for straws and never played the game. Probably either a weaboo or a hipster fuckwad.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:01 No.55322229
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:01 No.55322248
    >futuristic soldiers from a different planet
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:01 No.55322285
    I was goin to post hurr brown durp
    But i will say this isnt
    Bout time xbros got a game
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:01 No.55322295
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    Gears is shit
    Resistance is shit
    RE games are shit
    Any game that started this gen or get rebooted this gen is shit
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:01 No.55322299
    I can't really argue something that has no basis in facts.
    >> Brosephosaurus !!ylfEn2vySFA 04/10/10(Sat)03:01 No.55322305
    >Implying I care since I'm having fun killing Locust faggots with my bros
    >> Ninj4_Ken !!qRCOj+w2WNZ 04/10/10(Sat)03:02 No.55322357
    yeah in the Books. comics too kinda. had hot female COG's though
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:03 No.55322417
    I'm sorry I guess the concept of gloves and work boots must be different. And they must have some sort of super hammer space tech that allows tiny ass hands and feet to move around in gear that is 3X larger. Cliffy B is a genius and so are his fans.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:04 No.55322480
    I hate that shit. A real woman soldier on a scorched planet would look like a dog's ass.
    >> Sudowoodo !!3qUlT4d9A1L 04/10/10(Sat)03:06 No.55322679
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    >I can't really argue something that has no basis in facts.

    You're going to deny that the commercials with extremely out of place songs that imply a deeper meaning to the game aren't pretentious? Also they certainly don't match the mood of the game which is a bunch of gung-ho bears riding up mountains on giant tonka looking trucks to get underground only to go around shouting stuff like "WOO, I'M THE COLTRANE BABY".
    >> Roo 04/10/10(Sat)03:07 No.55322707

    Uh huh. Probably because you're an American. Gears 1 allowed people who didn't hail from GLORIOUS FATHER AMERICA. BLESS OUR APPLE PIES, NASCAR AND HILARY CLINTON WOO, to host their own games and allow people of their own country to play and enjoy a relatively lag and latency free game. Unfortunately, Epic fucked up hard in Gears 2 by adding matchmaking, a system that gave Americans host 99% of the time because they are the only country on the face of the earth.
    >> athens !SysNpnp3nU 04/10/10(Sat)03:07 No.55322726
    I'm 22.

    I had a PS1.

    I never played Syphon Filter despite having about 25 games for the PS1 in 1999, and about 50 for the PC.

    Go and be edgy elsewhere.

    I have a PS3 and a 360 and a PC and a DS and a PSP, not to mention past gen consoles/pcs going all the way back to the Acorn 3000.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:08 No.55322810

    The majority of gamers live in the USA, deal wit it. At least ones that play shooters online. If the game doesn't have dedicated servers, its a fact that the majority population will get host more often.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:08 No.55322862
    I wouldn't listen to /v/'s opinion on this game. I mean it's coming from the same underage b&/manchildren who love pokemon.

    Online may suck, but overall Gears was always a fun game.
    >> Roo 04/10/10(Sat)03:09 No.55322892

    >The majority of gamers live in the USA

    This is what Americans actually believe.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:09 No.55322901
    Nice story tripfag. You should just go by anon and ignore people that call you out
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:09 No.55322904
    I love the bitch tears of weaboo faggots. BROWN N BLOOM LOL CASUAL LOL TUFF GUY LOL GAME SUX LOL.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:09 No.55322924
    >Story sucks
    >Balance sucks

    Yeah, I'll be getting this one, thank you kindly.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:10 No.55322981
    >Gears was always a fun game.

    You manchildren have shitty opinions. Go play something other than Pokemon and Tears of Bore
    >> athens !SysNpnp3nU 04/10/10(Sat)03:10 No.55323009
    Samefag who was complaining about Sudowoodo earlier.

    Typical anonymous faggot who hates anything mainstream.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:11 No.55323035
    /v/ is shit
    They think FF9 is the best FF. Cum over STALKER and Skies of Arcadia. Then they bash Halo and Gears. At least they like Uncharted.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:11 No.55323052
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    Weeaboos sure love shitty games. I'll be playing Red Dead Redemption while you weeaboos enjoy your bald space shooter.
    >> athens !SysNpnp3nU 04/10/10(Sat)03:11 No.55323053
    Go and play Minecraft you nigger.

    True. People who dislike Gears just have no friends methinks.
    >> Clovis !9L.gxDzakI 04/10/10(Sat)03:12 No.55323148
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    >Cliffy B actually spending time and money working on a story for fucking gears of war
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:13 No.55323212
    I hate gratuitousness yes. Bloated, over done stuff that was a byproduct from someone with a complex yes. This applies to Gears it has no sense of subtlety and this is apparent with Cliffy B himself. Same with tripfags. The majority of people are anon so why go against the grain? It actually can help keep discourse somewhat civil especially when no one knows who the fuck you are.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:14 No.55323227
    maybe this time the host advantage wont be as bad.

    probably not though
    >> Roo 04/10/10(Sat)03:14 No.55323293

    If they didn't have matchmaking, the host advantage would be limited to a single player rather than an entire team.
    >> Ninj4_Ken !!qRCOj+w2WNZ 04/10/10(Sat)03:15 No.55323319
    yeah kinda meh but Anya is pretty hot. real female COG is more like Bernadette Mataki from the book. just a big bad ass Samoan like woman.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:15 No.55323326
    Why is it that the people who complain about Gears and Halo never seem to have owned xboxs.....
    >> athens !SysNpnp3nU 04/10/10(Sat)03:15 No.55323353
    >The majority of people are anon so why go against the grain?

    The vast majority of gamers like Gears/Uncharted, why go against the grain?
    >> Clovis !9L.gxDzakI 04/10/10(Sat)03:17 No.55323473
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    Reading this thread is fun stuff; it's nice to know that other people dislike GeoW as much as I do.

    Hey, if you have fun with it, good for you. But I just don't care for TPS games, especially ones with horrendous looking character models.

    >There's a reason /v/ is full of social outcasts, because their retarded.
    >because their retarded.
    >> athens !SysNpnp3nU 04/10/10(Sat)03:18 No.55323567
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    >Implying anyone cares what a girl gamer thinks about games

    oh u
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:19 No.55323603
    b/c we're not interacting with a majority of gamers. Only a handful on a board where 95% of the people go by anon. Plus not playing shit means nothing. Going with names and shit just stirs up trouble. Unless you fags like to stir up shit for the sake of. After all trolling is a way of life apparently.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:19 No.55323633
    >> Sudowoodo !!3qUlT4d9A1L 04/10/10(Sat)03:19 No.55323651

    Judging by this thread most people have barely even heard of the mother fucking game.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:19 No.55323661
    Not all games need an over saturation of color. I'm not saying "Brown and Bloom" is the only requirement Gears should have, but too many rainbows would make the series feel far too out of place.

    Not so much about being "Hardcore," but there series is derived around apocalyptic atmosphere, so you're not gonna see much color coding aside from Locust architecture.

    Other than people finding the art direction boring, I don't understand why they complain about the Brown & Bloom articulate design. Too much saturation would make it feel out of place...
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:19 No.55323662
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    >vast majority
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:19 No.55323666
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    I feel like laughing too! Let us laugh! At stupid people who play stupid games!
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:20 No.55323719
    herp just realized I repeated myself
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:21 No.55323745
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    >liking gears of war
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:21 No.55323753
    >apocalyptic atmosphere,
    >The Road
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:21 No.55323784
    I came.

    For fuck's sake, fix the multiplayer. That's all I really want.
    >> athens !SysNpnp3nU 04/10/10(Sat)03:21 No.55323795
    Look at the sales figures for those two games.

    Then compare it with a garbage game like STALKER, that launched buggy and shitty and never met hardly any of the promises that the devs originally made.

    But of course /v/ forgives them, because it's obscure enough to warrant praise. For the moment....
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:22 No.55323845
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:23 No.55323891
         File1270884180.jpg-(108 KB, 640x360, gears-of-war-3-201004090031367(...).jpg)
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    First leaked pic
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:23 No.55323905
    matchmaking wasn't the problem.

    TERRIBLE FUCKING NETCODE was the problem.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:23 No.55323946

    >> Sudowoodo !!3qUlT4d9A1L 04/10/10(Sat)03:23 No.55323958
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    Yeah he's such an idiot for trying to improve on something the previous games did poorly/not at all. What an idiot he is.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:24 No.55323975
    To create an apocalyptic atmosphere you need a lot of things which the other examples provide. Gears of war just has the setting done. Then the whole lack of story and witty banter and caricatures of soldiers throws that shit out of the window.
    >> Clovis !9L.gxDzakI 04/10/10(Sat)03:24 No.55324022
    Hey, I like plenty of stupid TPS games (RE4 is one of my favorites) but on the whole, the genre is's just a clunkier FPS.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:25 No.55324076

    Gears of Weaboo
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:25 No.55324097
    Too bad Cliffy B working on said plot or script is like Stephen Hawkins hiring Michael Jordan to teach him how to dunk.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:25 No.55324103
    RE4 has clunkier controls than Gears, what are you talking about?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:26 No.55324157
    I uh, I like the story for Gears, or at least Gears 2+Comics

    I'm not expecting Hotel Dusk/Final Fantasy/etc. from it, but it's pretty coherent as an "Action Blockbuster" arch goes.

    Except for the father of Marcus. They completely retconned that
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:26 No.55324176
    FPS are just as limited. At least you can add cover and co op moves to 3PS. FPS has nothing like that
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:27 No.55324259

    >RE4 is one of my favorites

    You like RE4, a clunky, over the top game with an awful story and writing which has a huge lack of colors, but you don't like Gears?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:28 No.55324276
    Uncharted 2 was the only game on the current gen besides Halo 3 that I feel as though I got my money's worth.

    Hell, Uncharted 2 is worth MORE than 60 bucks. And the amount of hours I've put into Halo 1, 2, and 3 is ridiculous.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:28 No.55324284
         File1270884509.jpg-(25 KB, 450x268, jackie-chan.jpg)
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    Gears of War (1) is one of the smoothest TPS's I've ever played.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:28 No.55324314

    Not sure if believe.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:28 No.55324322
    Japan > America
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:29 No.55324373
    It's from another game that looks EXTREMELY similar to Gears.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:30 No.55324426
    This is why /v/ can't discuss video games
    >> Roo 04/10/10(Sat)03:30 No.55324455

    I like you.
    >> Sudowoodo !!3qUlT4d9A1L 04/10/10(Sat)03:30 No.55324459

    >it's just a clunkier FPS.

    It allows for much better movement and perspective, and while it lacks the precession to move over say, a small plank, most third person games have allowed for some way to fix that, and it offers about as many different options for genre mixing as a first person shooter genre does. And it's always better for platforming.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:31 No.55324492
    I never understood the appeal of this or Halo. I don't think I'm into the whole syfy military thing unless it's really advanced like Mass Effect or it's just modern like Call of Duty (or a touch of both like MGS)

    Then again Halo is pretty far. but the guns and stuff seem kinda ho hum in comparison to other titles.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:31 No.55324513
         File1270884706.png-(148 KB, 333x354, 1268845556397.png)
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    >implying that isn't a leaked picture from Mass Effect 3
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:31 No.55324521
    HOLY SHIT! How are they NOT getting sued by Cliff and Epic? It's the EXACT SAME FUCKING THING.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:33 No.55324625
    >> Clovis !9L.gxDzakI 04/10/10(Sat)03:33 No.55324644
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    It worked for RE4, because it's a tense shooter meant to make you really uncomfortable; it's tank control for a reason. When RE5 switched it up to try and make it more like Gears, most people complained (and rightly so; it didn't fit the experience).

    Gears is meant to be a streamlined action game....and yet it would be better if it were a FPS. As it is, you have xbox huge characters all over the damn screen. I swear, that's the only game to ever make me have motion sickness.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:34 No.55324724
    Jesus christ, I can't believe we still have people defending tank controls.

    There are better ways to make games scary than tanks controls, you fucking moron.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:35 No.55324754
    Fuck off bitch. RE4, 5 and Gears all have fine controls. Hate the games whatever but they controlled just fine.
    >> Sudowoodo !!3qUlT4d9A1L 04/10/10(Sat)03:35 No.55324755

    Man, Halo has hammer that can block rockets and send vehicles and people flying. It has a grenade launcher with a giant blade on the bottom and shells that allow you to bounce them around corners, it has a gun than shoots waves of purple needles that flow to a target then cause them to explode in a fiery blast of plasma. It might not be chalk full of insane weapons but I'd say its got a good share of cool ones.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:35 No.55324800
    Don't worry, he's just a faggot who's never played games like STALKER and Penumbra.
    >> Clovis !9L.gxDzakI 04/10/10(Sat)03:35 No.55324808
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    Is there platforming in 2? Because there sure wasn't in 1.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:37 No.55324921
    I'm the biggest fucking Halo fan around and I gotta tell you, the UNSC's weaponry is very generic. It's not necessarily a bad thing, I enjoy the futuristic/upgraded versions of current weapons, but they are not very original. The Covenant's weaponry is pretty unique though.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:37 No.55324934
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    lol mainstream games
    if you aren't playing competitive games you're a failure at life
    lol @ indie vs mainstream argument, fucking extreme faggots

    sit down and think about how much of a faggot you are for basically having a reading hobby
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:37 No.55324935
    >triple-melee'd a tank to death
    >keeps throwing a woman who appears from nowhere
    >> Clovis !9L.gxDzakI 04/10/10(Sat)03:38 No.55324970
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    Did I say I had a problem with tank controls? I loved RE4, controls included. Dead Space did a great job without them, too.

    For an action game like RE5 or Gears, though, it just seems bulky and lose the finesse present in a FPS, and it just feels too clunky.

    I can't believe you're giving me such a hard time about this; surely it isn't that hard to believe that somebody doesn't like fast paced TPS games.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:38 No.55324981
    I guess that's all well and cool but for the setting I guess I still wanted more craziness. Like that Laser? Thought it would be different. And I understand it's for game balance but I kinda go into syfy expecting some real zany shit. I guess my standards are too high. I should try climbing down my high horse or stick with the less violent shit like Okami and whatnot
    >> Roo 04/10/10(Sat)03:39 No.55325044
    Is anybody going to try and defend Gears 2 as being better than Gears 1 or can I go now?

    I want to go have a toss.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:39 No.55325049
    >Tripfag named after a shitty code gayass character who is also using a character from a gay film. Freeman is cool though. Doesn't even realize he is being trolled.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:40 No.55325059
    >Epic story
    wait someone cares about the story?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:40 No.55325060
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    You can't really blame /v/. It's a btown and bloom, popular, 3D shooter action series (And primarily played on consoles)

    It's to be expected. Still, /v/'s a bit harsh on the series. The first Gears of War was rather impressive upon release, and in fact still playable to this very day. Gears 2 hate is warranted (Lots of weird gameplay changes to the difficulty curve) but they're trying (read: trying) to make the action story coherent. You can't blame them for trying to tweak with the result of Gears 1.

    The fanbase has a fair share of idiocy, but I always found the series gave off this badass, 3D re-imaging of older co-op shooters like Contra, Metal Slug, and the such. Jocks aside it's one of the few shooters now in days that feels like there's a connection to cooperative/retro gamers
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:40 No.55325082

    >it's a tense shooter

    With the exception of the regenerators, it really isn't. And the only aspect Resident Evil 5 implemented from Gears was the cover system, and it fucked up on that because you were extremely limited with it unlike in Gears were it's at least slightly intuitive and you're not limited by it. I don't know what you're getting at with it being first person shooter either since it works so well in third person.
    >> Clovis !9L.gxDzakI 04/10/10(Sat)03:40 No.55325084
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    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:41 No.55325122
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    i wish i could hate you to death
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:41 No.55325126
    crying sonyfriends ITT
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:41 No.55325166

    >Gears 2 hate is warranted (Lots of weird gameplay changes to the difficulty curve)

    Such as?
    >> READ THE FUCKING PASTA Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:42 No.55325181
    >Having to bring the issue of tripcodes into the discussion.

    If you have to actually COMPLAIN about tripfriends then that indicates you don't have a filter, meaning you are an idiot. Here’s how to download one:

    1. Download/install Firefox.
    2. Install Greasemonkey:
    3. Install 4chan filter script:
    4. Refresh page..
    5. Enter keywords to filter in the box
    6. ???
    7. Profit!

    Also go here so you can hide ENTIRE THREADS:
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:42 No.55325182
         File1270885330.jpg-(335 KB, 1270x892, Coltrane - 02.jpg)
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    >Please do.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:42 No.55325224
    >implying 360 owners don't hate this game

    Cry more, weeaboo fag,
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:43 No.55325252
    I always hated the character designs of GoW, for fuck sakes they don't even look human anymore.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:43 No.55325266

    >it just seems bulky and cumbersome

    Well in Gears you are a bulky and cumbersome person. Seems as good of a half assed reason as using tank controls to make a game seem more "tense".
    >> Clovis !9L.gxDzakI 04/10/10(Sat)03:44 No.55325342
    The whole village segment is very tense. I'm aware that multiple playthroughs dampen the feeling, but going through with just your pistol can be quite a rush.

    Both Gears and RE4 are shooters, yes, and both in third person, but they play quite differently. The inclusion of a partner in RE5, the inventory change, and the dumbing down of health and weapons were one of the things that irked me about it; it felt like it tried to straddle both areas, but it fell flat on it's face.

    Now Dead Space 2...I can get excited about that. Hopefully, it'll bee as fun as the first.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:44 No.55325343
    Shotguns being changed completely from Gears 1, to the point of sucking completely
    Lancer does terrible damage
    New weapons, new features to old weapons, etc.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:45 No.55325409


    This implies that they once looked human. Which is never. By the way, look what they're fighting. They're built like football players, and Coltrane even says during the game that he used to be a football player, or rather a player in football like game since it's a different planet.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:45 No.55325439
    Halo isn't really meant to be an all out sci-fi game. Yes it is about aliens and gallavanting around the galaxy and such, but the basic elements of the human society are pretty much the same as they are today. Same military branches, we still use metal ammunition, cars still have wheels and aircrafts still have propellers. They just tried to make it more believable on our part instead of taking it to the next level and having be just another generic sci fi space marine laser shootan quest to kill teh aliens.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:46 No.55325460
    Those of you who hate the gun play in gears of war, and it's story fail to understand that the entire design philosophy is based on the imaginations of 12 year old boys.

    This game is a very gory version of those action figure battles you had with your bros in middle school.

    A bunch of army dudes fighting the bad guys. The entire thing would have made a FANTASTIC 90's cartoon and you know it.

    Scary Monsters pop up from the ground, and the heroes arrive and fight them off, cool sounding military stuff is being said, the monsters retreat back into their hole to fight another day. Don't do drugs.

    Gears of War is a gory version of this. Which is why it appeals to me. I just "get it".

    If you attempt to take the over the top characters and story seriously, you missed the point.

    The entire premise is a lunch table conversation between a gang of 12 year old boys.

    "You know what would be COOLER than a chain saw gun!? A bow that shoots arrows that make the bad guys explode! OOOR a tank with monster truck wheels!"

    It's all about those stupid conversations you had with your schoolfriends.

    Ooooh wait. /v/ has no friends.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:46 No.55325475
    The village is the only good part. The rest is balls or meh.
    >> Clovis !9L.gxDzakI 04/10/10(Sat)03:46 No.55325519
    >Seems as good of a half assed reason as using tank controls to make a game seem more "tense".
    Because it feels like you're playing a nightmare, where your movement is muddled when you panic; it takes a cool head to move, and if you freak out and run all over, shit goes poorly.

    I'm well aware you don't need tank controls to make a horror game, but they are effective at what they do. I don't need clunky controls in a action game; I play it for the action. I play horror games for the atmosphere.

    But that's beside the point; even with tank controls, RE4 controlled very well.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:47 No.55325533
    Stop looking for sense in this, their necks are as thick as their immense thighs. It just isn't right.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:47 No.55325555
    My version of that would be ninjas that fight in space.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:47 No.55325560
    I'm not 12.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:47 No.55325562

    >RE4 controlled very well.

    And so does Gears. Except for you, apparently.
    >> Roo 04/10/10(Sat)03:48 No.55325608

    Terrible matchmaking.
    Smoke grenades don't actually smoke but instead blow you across the room and knock you flat for 5 seconds.
    Shotgun shoots very slowly
    All the actions are alot slower. In Gears 1 you could slide to a wall, go around it, shoot and then roll through their gibs in one swift movement. Gears 2 has a short delay between all actions that makes the game slower.
    Lancer slow down is fucking retarded. It even works when you're running sideways or away from someone.
    Proximity grenades, what the fuck.
    Significantly harder to no-scope with the snipers which when coupled with the active reload nerf makes it a very useless weapon.
    Boomshot gets three shots was a fucking mistake. They should have kept it as is.

    Yadayadayada, i'd probably have more to say if I played it like I had Gears 1.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:48 No.55325633
    What if we watched Power Rangers and feel no nostalgia for GoW?
    >> Clovis !9L.gxDzakI 04/10/10(Sat)03:48 No.55325647
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    >If you attempt to take the over the top characters and story seriously, you missed the point.

    Someone better tell Cliffy, then..
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:48 No.55325661
    Uh, okay, but can you give an explanation?

    Everything is much more slower/clunkier. Grenade wall tags are unneeded, chainsaw revs (While not as prevalent) have become an issue just because of the tanking a charge can take. There have been some improvements though, such as Sniper nerfing.

    Honestly, I haven't played it too recently, but I bothered with all of the map packs and constant, updated multiplayer. Everything became dedicated to the slower, casual player, and now they're trying to find a mix.

    Gears 1 may have been a shotgun rodeo, but the pacing required practice to adapt and earn your kills for the most part.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:49 No.55325690
    >If you attempt to take the over the top characters and story seriously, you missed the point.

    And yet they added the shit with Dom's wife and talk all that shit about story. It's like game developer's don't know what tone and shit is. I swear Kojima is the only one that could joke and then be serious even if some shit was wonky. I mean the whole joke about the butterfly and Big Boss' lost eye in 3 was done very well.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:49 No.55325697
    I'm not 12 anymore, furthermore I watched shit like Thomas the Tank Engine, not your GI Joe shit.
    >> Sudowoodo !!3qUlT4d9A1L 04/10/10(Sat)03:49 No.55325711

    I never knew people cared about Gears's multiplayer so much.
    >> Sudowoodo !!3qUlT4d9A1L 04/10/10(Sat)03:50 No.55325780

    >, but the pacing required practice to adapt and earn your kills for the most part.

    Or to host the game
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:51 No.55325841

    Confirmed for sonytard.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:51 No.55325865
    I still die a lot when hosting a game


    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:51 No.55325869

    >Is anybody going to try and defend Gears 2 as being better than Gears 1 or can I go now?

    I'll definitely defend it on a single/cooperative point of view. I couldn't give two shits about the multiplayer though.
    >> Clovis !9L.gxDzakI 04/10/10(Sat)03:52 No.55325885
    Yup. Exactly why I don't like it. When a game gives me motion sickness from all the poorly designed gray characers fighting gray enemies in a gray landscape, I tend to hold it against the game. I'm sure Geow2 fixed the color problem, but I just don't care enough to check it out; like I said, TPS games aren't my thing.

    I do like how waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back up here I said:

    >Hey, if you have fun with it, good for you.
    Jeez, you guys are so sensitive...heaven forbid someone not like your game.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:52 No.55325900
    >If you attempt to take the over the top characters and story seriously, you missed the point.

    Then what about the whole "serious" plot about Dom's wife, the extremely pretentious music to the commercials, and the odd comedy (We're fighting a war to the death and there's COLE TRAIN BABY!).
    >> Anonymous 04/10/10(Sat)03:54 No.55326053

    You're acting as if character exposition can not travel to emotional realms in a complete fantasy environment. Just because you aren't supposed to take the characters seriously doesn't mean you shouldn't like them, or care about them.

    The books go into great detail about their lives before E-day.

    Dom knew Maria since the fourth grade. That makes the scene even sadder. Doesn't mean watching Cole Train bust down a wall and go "WHOOOOOOOOOOOO!" any less funny.
    >> Roo 04/10/10(Sat)03:55 No.55326078

    Don't forget how they tried to make people care about Tai when he washed his mouth with buckshot or when Carmine2 died in the GIANT ENEMY WORM

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