>> |
04/10/10(Sat)03:40 No.55325060 File1270885207.png-(103
KB, 283x244, RIPANDTEAR.png)
 >>55324426 You
can't really blame /v/. It's a btown and bloom, popular, 3D shooter
action series (And primarily played on consoles)
It's to be
expected. Still, /v/'s a bit harsh on the series. The first Gears of War
was rather impressive upon release, and in fact still playable to this
very day. Gears 2 hate is warranted (Lots of weird gameplay changes to
the difficulty curve) but they're trying (read: trying) to make the
action story coherent. You can't blame them for trying to tweak with the
result of Gears 1.
The fanbase has a fair share of idiocy, but I
always found the series gave off this badass, 3D re-imaging of older
co-op shooters like Contra, Metal Slug, and the such. Jocks aside it's
one of the few shooters now in days that feels like there's a connection
to cooperative/retro gamers |