>> |
04/09/10(Fri)18:55 No.55277089 File1270853712.png-(127
KB, 320x240, HamiltonCroagunk.png)
 >>55276468 It's
already like that to an extent with abilities and whatnot. You'd be
surprised at how often people don't realize that Croagunk &
Toxicroak are healed by Water attacks. There's other little details too
such as Weezing being immune to Ground attacks. Yeah it's Poison, but
it's floating in the fucking air, Earthquakes shouldn't be hurting it.
There's more to consider than just TYPES AND WEAKNESSES, there's
abilities, moves available to each pokemon, how they fit in with the
rest of the team, their stat spread, etc. Steel may be a defensive type,
but Lucario is by no means a defensive pokemon.
>>55276521 >Remember, we're talking about the company that
hasn't made a new IP since 1995. Drill Dozer |