Are you planning to buy their music because you heard it first on /v/ ?Also, why can't I stop playing this track over and over?! It's too damn catchy!
no one?
i got it when it was big on /g/
Sorry bro, I discovered So Nyeo Shi Dae on /a/ last year.
>use greasemonkey addons for 4chan>never even heard the song yet
Already bought Oh! and RDR. I wasn't around for the first press of the Gee mini album, and I didn't buy Genie either for some reason.
OP here. I'm definetly buying the single ASAP and it's album.Fuck, I want every album they have!
I hated it 2 hours is not so bad...and some of them are kind of cute...i am kinda worried about what i'll think of them tomorrow.
>>54449242this, many months agothere are many SNSD threads on /int/
>got rdr album>poster was of hyoyeon>my face etc
>>54449388>implying that it's better to pirate than to buy.
I blocked it... and got rid of babby images... but it just felt WRONG.
I hit the mute button whenever I open /v/.I hate fun.
To be honest I heard of them before on /a/ and /cgl/ but never heard of their music until now.>>54449449I don't see any on the front page of /int/
Koreans look so chinky and generically AZN. Japanese idols are better.
gee gee gee gee baby baby baby
>>54449553not right now just wait a few hours
SO how do all 9 of them happen to be smoking hot?
>>54449638Yeah, when the American 4channers come. They'll going to be very surprised when they see this.
Wow. I can understand buying games, but music?HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH WHAT A FUCKING JOKE
>>54449766OP here, I actually do pirate a lot of music. I use direct downloads when I want to pirate music.
>>54449557word. Japanese>Koreans>Chinese
>>54449656>All 9>Hyoyeon>hothahahaohwow.jpg