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  • File : 1270071619.jpg-(7 KB, 236x240, 1269910587016.jpg)
    7 KB Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)17:40 No.54363835  
    So /b/v/, how many of you drink coffee or coffee tainted beverages? How have you trained yourself to not fucking die from the horrible taste? I need to know as it's a matter of urgency.
    >> TropM !!rf6l/CITqIB 03/31/10(Wed)17:40 No.54363899
    >coffee horrible taste
    >OP is a giant giant faggot
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)17:41 No.54363904
    reports incoming...
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)17:42 No.54363993
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    >pile of sticks
    Wait...OP is made of wood?
    Fuck you Pinocchio YOU'RE NOT A REAL BOY.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)17:42 No.54363994
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    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)17:42 No.54364035
    we're adults. maybe you should stick to apple juice in a sippy cup, OP
    >> Garcian Smith !CleaneRJWg 03/31/10(Wed)17:42 No.54364073
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    >TropM calling someone else a faggot.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)17:42 No.54364083
    this is a genuine question guys how about a real answer?
    >> br guy 03/31/10(Wed)17:43 No.54364116
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    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)17:43 No.54364135
    >How have you trained yourself to not fucking die from the horrible taste?

    I'd like to know that as well. I tried drinking coffee. Might as well eat shit. It's disgusting.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)17:43 No.54364156
    I started off by my dad making me drink the stuff age 7.

    Start off with one flat teaspoon of coffee, three sugars and a tonne of milk.

    Then go down to less milk, two sugars and a proper sized teaspoon

    So on and so forth.

    Get GOOD QUALITY coffee, smooth blends are nicest. I cannot stress this enough. Cheap instant coffee will always taste of ass no matter how jaded you are to the taste.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)17:43 No.54364163
    /v/- video games
    >> DxTails 03/31/10(Wed)17:43 No.54364201
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    Coffee tastes fine to me <s>faggot</s>
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)17:44 No.54364218
    Y'all got trolled hard
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)17:44 No.54364221
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)17:44 No.54364246
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    It gives me massive shit---LITERALLY AUUGHH I CAN'T STOP SHITTING
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)17:44 No.54364283
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    With LOADSASUGAR is pretty good actually
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)17:44 No.54364292
    if you drink it enough, you get used to the taste
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)17:45 No.54364314
    Get an office job, you'll learn to like coffee you faggot.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)17:45 No.54364328
    I make my coffee in a cafetier (however it's spelt). Milk no sugar.

    I fucking love it.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)17:45 No.54364383
    >adults on /v/
    Major miscalculation.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)17:46 No.54364409
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    I wouldn't try.
    You should probably just start having sex with men
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)17:46 No.54364453
    You are a woman right?
    Right? RIGHT?!!!
    >> Anoon !9pI4h3/VLg 03/31/10(Wed)17:47 No.54364586
    You say that like the mods haven't actively promoted towards shitting up /v/.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)17:48 No.54364611
    I ask the same question to people who smoke.

    If If wanted the taste of a fat clown's asshole in my mouth, and do it the healthy way, and lick a fat clown's asshole.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)17:49 No.54364779
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    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)17:50 No.54364814
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    I was but I drank so much coffee I manned up and grew a cock and balls
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)17:51 No.54364945
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    Is that why every woman in Columbia has a fucking hairlip and a flat chest?
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)17:52 No.54365025
    i can't wait until it's announced that coffee gives you cancer and then everyone has one of those suddenly enlightened moments and goes "ahh no wonder it tastes like dog farts"
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)17:53 No.54365155
    Sugar + Milk

    I can drink certain brands straight black. I always enjoyed coffee, I got hooked when I was younger because my grandma always had coffee with a piscatti.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)17:54 No.54365243
    Ok, i'm gonna find another page that ACTUALLY talks about videogames
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)17:57 No.54365642
    Good Luck.

    Now, why does coffee taste like biological waste to me?
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)17:58 No.54365657

    Drinking coffee is as manly as sticking barbie dolls up your butt.

    Real men drink tea by the gallon.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)17:58 No.54365688
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)17:58 No.54365734
    Triple espressos, bitch. Makes a man out of you.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)17:59 No.54365782
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    >He dips bags in his drink like he dose with his mouth
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)18:00 No.54365877
    nigga just got told
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)18:01 No.54365972
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    yes that was quite a good one
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)18:02 No.54366110
    Tea + milk > coffee.


    Amerifag here.
    >> The Implier : /co/s greatest villain !54ls4sTf.E 03/31/10(Wed)18:03 No.54366244

    >Implying people enjoy the taste of black coffee

    All those flavors and creams and milk and sugar exist for a reason. Black Coffee is like death in a cup.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)18:03 No.54366248
    Because you are a tremendous faggot.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)18:05 No.54366452
    for the record it was creamed and sugared the fuck out, guess it was just really ass beans like someone else mentioned.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)18:07 No.54366550

    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)18:10 No.54366870
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    I love black coffee like I love red wine and 95% dark chocolate. I suppose I just have more refined tastes than a giant green baby.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)18:11 No.54366919
    Go drink 250ml you vagina
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)18:11 No.54366929
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)18:12 No.54367018
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    >Forgotten pic
    >> David Collins 03/31/10(Wed)18:12 No.54367050
    I think it tastes great. I don't even drink it for the caffeine, I just like the taste.

    But if it bothers you that much, buy a bottle of creamer. Italian creme is pretty good. Just be warned, it's a bit less manly to drink it with creamer.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)18:13 No.54367112

    Relentless for the win

    I just got that bizzare "The Order" magazine in my post today... they only have my address because I wanted the chance to win some free Relentless a while back. Oh well, it's got some pretty interesting articles in it.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)18:15 No.54367310
    robusta is the road to cancer and fail
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)18:15 No.54367349
    Coffee is an acquired taste, if you don't like it just throw in some cream and sugar. If you drink it regularly you'll soon find yourself using less and less until one day you're enjoying a nice cup of black coffee.

    The same could be said for beer, you may hate it the first couple times but eventually you grow to really enjoy the taste.

    Both coffee and beer culture contains some of the most passionate people out there so before you start running your mouth about how they taste horrible and everyone else is an idiot just consider for a second that maybe you might be wrong and you just haven't given them a chance.

    Also from a gaming perspective, coffee is 10 times cheaper and healthier then energy drinks.
    >> Ashin !!7GbGny89dzr 03/31/10(Wed)18:17 No.54367473
    Ever tried Monster Ripper (basically got fruit juice mixed with it), can drink that shit forever, tastes great.

    Relentless also do a juice version, not quite as good though
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)18:18 No.54367576
    don't worry kid, I used to be a giant pussy like you. didn't drink coffee, when I did it was full of cream and sugar. Hell I even had my steaks cooked medium for me.

    One day I saw this man with only one leg and a beard that got like leaves and shit stuck in it and he was drinking coffee straight up. I said 'man I wish I could do that.." and he goes " look kid, if you can't drink coffee because its to bitter, this is what you gotta do. drink like 3 shots of espresso. staright the fuck up. don't put any creme or whatever just BAM nigger straight. Now go back to coffee, and you'll find it delightful"

    Now look at me, I've got a beard, I drink black columbian coffee straight up. Fuck kid I not only eat my steak rare, I fucking cook it myself. On a grill. Of charcoal. Smooth ride baby.

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