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    File : 1269634217.jpg-(46 KB, 970x730, chaoticbattlefield.jpg)
    46 KB Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)16:10 No.53788620  
    And then suddenly a fucking battlefield
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)16:11 No.53788684
         File1269634261.jpg-(44 KB, 202x214, irikeit.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)16:11 No.53788732
    code geass teh game?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)16:12 No.53788827
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    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)16:13 No.53788882
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    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)16:13 No.53788922
    >.< want the third game already!!! Dammit Kojima!!
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)16:14 No.53788967

    holy shit that pictures better than the original troll face.
    but this.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)16:14 No.53789033

    Stop it!
    stop it...
    fuck you
    fuck you Kojima ;_;

    ...I love you so much.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)16:14 No.53789048
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    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)16:15 No.53789129
         File1269634550.jpg-(75 KB, 400x400, Ken_ZOE_portrait_01.jpg)
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    mai waifu
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)16:16 No.53789198
    hey, it's that girl from Xenogears!
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)16:17 No.53789259
         File1269634634.jpg-(161 KB, 544x692, kojima_hideo.jpg)
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    we all do
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)16:18 No.53789355
    This guy:


    that's just the first thing that came to mind when i saw that screenshot. I was right too.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)16:18 No.53789385
         File1269634719.jpg-(74 KB, 610x832, kenstairsse4.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)16:22 No.53789797
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    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)16:26 No.53790159
    this Ghost in a Shell?
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)16:27 No.53790213
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    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)16:28 No.53790353
         File1269635338.gif-(1.72 MB, 250x187, zeroshift.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)16:30 No.53790505
    I really don't understand why he's dragging his fucking heels for ZOE3 so much

    it's one of few things I'd get a PS3 for
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)16:30 No.53790536
    newfags don't know about zoe.also where is the third game???
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)16:31 No.53790614
    zoe3 with online battles will be pure awesome
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)16:32 No.53790663

    I never actually played ZOE2's versus but I can't imagine it being that fun
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)16:33 No.53790792
    Zone of the Enders 3 at E3
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)16:33 No.53790844
         File1269635636.gif-(1.15 MB, 300x228, 1269402275570.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)16:34 No.53790921
    FFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCK!!!!!!! the memories, they're coming back!

    The battlefield portion of the game was one of great epicness! WHERE'S MY ZOE 3!
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)16:35 No.53790978
    You best be telling the truth.
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)16:37 No.53791185
    ZoE3 will be on _PSP_
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)16:38 No.53791312
    No, you troll

    It'll be on DS
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)16:39 No.53791349
    3DS maybe
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)16:44 No.53791796
    I'll lol when it'll be announced for the Wii
    >> Anonymous 03/26/10(Fri)16:44 No.53791807
    No one responds because they know it is true.

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