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  • Kimmo Alm aka "Sysop" from AnT has been spamming us for YEARS now, and has recently stepped it up. This shit has got to fucking stop.
    As promised, here are all of the e-mails he has sent me over the years (and my responses).
    ↑ UPDATED March 16th! ↑
    One of Kimmo's ex-moderators posted hundreds of PMs. They are absolutely hilarious/terrifying.

    File : 1269267823.jpg-(48 KB, 474x322, Untitled.jpg)
    48 KB Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)10:23 No.53329409  
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)10:24 No.53329440
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)10:24 No.53329458
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)10:25 No.53329506
    I can't believe at the time it never occurred to me that "wuss" was being swapped in for something else. Fuck, was I that stupid when I was a kid?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)10:25 No.53329510
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)10:25 No.53329520
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    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)10:26 No.53329576
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)10:27 No.53329589
    You're not alone I never caught it either
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)10:28 No.53329635
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)10:28 No.53329672
    wow, haha

    I didn't realize either.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)10:28 No.53329691
    Seifer may not be the best villain/rival, but he is certainly the most insulting.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)10:29 No.53329737

    There's a difference between being "stupid" and being "naive"
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)10:29 No.53329757
    god damn why do they have to water shit down like that. IT DOESNT EVEN MAKE SENSE
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)10:30 No.53329808
    >> Chicken-wuss 03/22/10(Mon)10:31 No.53329854
    "What did you call me?!"

    Zell is such a fruit ^o^
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)10:31 No.53329882
    thats fucking harsh, they need to censor that
    >> Dripping yellow Madness 03/22/10(Mon)10:32 No.53329896
    Don't they say shit at other points in the game anyway?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)10:32 No.53329940
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    >this thread
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)10:32 No.53329952
    Seifer is more bro than villan in my book
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)10:34 No.53330019
    idk Kuja and Jecht were dicks.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)10:34 No.53330043

    I think they did. Can't remember.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)10:35 No.53330103
    Ya know
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)10:35 No.53330115
    someone post squall being a pussy when he got assigned as leader for the garden
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)10:35 No.53330128
    Spoony's review is the greatest I've ever seen.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)10:38 No.53330311
    Seifer is a sitcom level bro.
    >> Mudkipz !!qMqoEKguRyW 03/22/10(Mon)10:38 No.53330313
    Spoony's review is the greatest I've ever seen.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)10:39 No.53330348
    Dude please
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)10:39 No.53330355

    what's supposed to be there...?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)10:39 No.53330362
    His FFX review?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)10:40 No.53330397
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    >> 「僕」 !BOKU/lkVms 03/22/10(Mon)10:40 No.53330439
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    Seifer is the best antagonist in any FF to date.
    Motherfucker cuts Odin in half and doesnt afraid of anything.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)10:41 No.53330449
    "I couldn't play IX because it looks like shit and has furries."

    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)10:42 No.53330528

    I'm probably retarded, but I don't get it.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)10:42 No.53330546
    >implying I said anything about FFIX, it looking like shit or having furries in it
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)10:43 No.53330572

    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)10:43 No.53330573
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)10:43 No.53330577
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    >sounds like Spoony is a faggot
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)10:43 No.53330600
    >implying that isn't something Spoony said in his FFX review
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)10:44 No.53330606
    I dont get it, what do you mean swapped for something else?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)10:44 No.53330661
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    I was quoting the review, dumbass.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)10:45 No.53330673

    Or, you know, chicken-shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)10:45 No.53330674
    He only serves to showcase that Gilgamesh is the greatest character in FF.
    ...Does he even appear in XIII?
    >> Revolver Sagat 03/22/10(Mon)10:45 No.53330683
    Spoony loves FF, his reviews are ironic.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)10:46 No.53330750
    If only he'd been at Cleyra. Those dancers would have beeen all over him.

    and he'd like it
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)10:46 No.53330751

    Like chicken shit?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)10:46 No.53330775
    You mean, you mean?, CHICKEN AND COW!?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)10:47 No.53330838
    I'm not sure anymore. Sometimes I think he likes them, sometimes I think he hates them. He rags on them all the time, but I noticed he has FFVIII figurines on a shelf.
    >> 「僕」 !BOKU/lkVms 03/22/10(Mon)10:47 No.53330841
    Gilgamesh is such an asshole. He just waits until Odin was killed then pops down to steal his sword.
    That said, he was still a pretty cool fight in XII. After you beat him he loves behind his "ordinary sword of legend" and sneaks back in just before you leave to reclaim it.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)10:48 No.53330847
    >oh no im choking on a million dicks.jpg
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)10:48 No.53330873
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    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)10:48 No.53330898
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    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)10:49 No.53330925
    Final Fantasy 8 was a huge disappointment :(

    Just played through it naow. The story just did not hold it together, AT ALL!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)10:49 No.53330947
    I know all that.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)10:49 No.53330956
    Who the fuck thinks it's supposed to be chicken puss? Or pussy?

    What the fuck, it's supposed to be chicken shit you fucking mouthbreathing sonsabitches.

    Goddamn you are fucking idiots.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)10:51 No.53331059
    He probably has really mixed feelings about it.

    I love some things about IX but hate a lot more.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)10:53 No.53331127
    Wakka Wakka Wakka
    >> 「僕」 !BOKU/lkVms 03/22/10(Mon)10:53 No.53331137
    It still made a hell of a lot more sense than 4.

    Okay so im a dark knight, turned paladin and just flying about in my airship whoops it turns out the villain here is my brother and totally not under any mind control and Kain has betrayed me yet again. Now hes summoning a tower to go to the moon, how shall I ever follow? Oh, ill just wish for a giant whale to fly me to the moon and meet some lunarians. After countless fights with moon-dwelling dragons and other fucking robots and shit we reach the end where the real villain is revealed and his dastardly plot of "destroy the world just because" has been thwarted. Oh and Cecil was a good guy after all, whodathunk.

    Im pretty sure he does not.
    >> 「僕」 !BOKU/lkVms 03/22/10(Mon)10:54 No.53331191
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    er, Golbez.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)10:54 No.53331196

    u mad?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)10:54 No.53331201
    XIII sucks ass.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)10:55 No.53331243

    u happy being dumb?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)10:55 No.53331267
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    Then Final Fantasy is truly dead.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)10:55 No.53331270
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    So... Zell is an outgoing, hot blooded guy who is usually singled out by the biggest bully in the school, dislikes being called "Chicken", owns a red jacket and a hoverboard, engages in regular (heated) conversation with a crazy scientist who experiments with time travel and a late game solo mission has a strict requirement that he be in a certain place at a certain time.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)10:56 No.53331312
    I probably shouldn't even ask but what exactly in it didn't make sense for you?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)10:56 No.53331353
    They both also have Parkinson's.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)10:57 No.53331368
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    >> 「僕」 !BOKU/lkVms 03/22/10(Mon)10:57 No.53331375
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    My guess is one of 3 things;
    b) GFs ate my brain
    c) Rinoa
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)10:58 No.53331466
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:00 No.53331615
    She knew she would be killed by SeeD (because history says so), tried to control time to change her fate.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:02 No.53331708
    Hey mudkipz thanks to you people thought we were samefag

    Why do you do this
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:02 No.53331747
    After the events of FFVIII people know about sorceress called Ultimecia and her rise to power in the "distant future".
    This means all sorceresses after Rinoa and Edea get persecuted and attacked by SeeDs regardless of whether or not they have done anything wrong.
    Obviously UItimecia herself gets attacked by SeeDs but she is strong enough to defend herself.
    Since there is no reasoning with the SeeD organization she has to keep fighting against them.
    She eventually manages to win against them becoming a "cold blooded tyrant" ruling over everyone.
    This still isn't enough since everyone including her knows that "Legendary SeeD" from the past are supposed to appear to kill her.
    Being a time/space sorceress Ultimecia comes up with the concept of "Time Kompression" in order to escape her fate of getting killed.
    Using Junction Machine Ellone she possesses Edea, Rinoa and Adel in order to get in touch with Ellone in order to send her consciousness far enough to past in order to execute her Time Kompression.
    She eventually is successful in executing her Time Kompression (partly because Squall and co. let her).

    The point of her Time Kompression is to gather the power of Hyne (god who created FFVIII's world) which is spread along sorceresses regardless of where and when those other sorceresses are.
    This in turn should let her become a a living god who is able to change her fate and be able to edit the FFVIII's world to her liking as an added bonus.
    However her Time Kompression also backfires in way as it also provides Squall and co. a way to appear out of nowhere to kill her which was the exact thing she was trying to prevent.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:02 No.53331749
    What? I thought she wanted to possess a more powerful sorceress, but they stopped her from taking Rinoa, so she kompressed time to possess some ancient sorceress or some shit...Yeah fuck it, I don't have a clue.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:03 No.53331800
    The worst part was that they all were together in that kinder garden. WTF was that, they met up later just randomly. The whole story stinks. Even GFs are more realistic than that they would met up and not remember each other, lol!
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:04 No.53331833
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    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:06 No.53331987
    It's true that this game's storytelling opted for subtlety and nuance but reading this makes me think you just weren't paying attention.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:07 No.53332038
    I dunno, I haven't played the game in a while, entirely possible I've just forgotten.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:08 No.53332116
    >they met up later just randomly
    You're now aware that Cid, the director, and the one who owned the orphanage along with Edea, is the one who assigned them the mission together.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:12 No.53332401
    You are now aware that cid is the greatest final fantasy character ever
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:12 No.53332403
    I love how everyone complain about this when there is much bigger bullshit going on in the game.

    Anyway... I frequently see people mock the idea that all of the children at the orphanage miraculously ended up coming back together again. It's constantly labeled as a plothole, yet it makes quite a lot of sense in retrospect. At the time of Edea's possession, Cid is in the process of establishing the three gardens out of the unused Cetra shelters. After Edea is possessed, Cid is left with an orphanage of children that he knows he cannot care for by himself, so he takes them along with him to his new project, the Gardens, until such time as he can find a more suitable home for them. Squall, Seifer and Zell are taken to Balamb with Cid. Zell is adopted to the Dincht Family, while Quistis is sent off to a new home, but after problems, Cid decides to bring her back to the Garden with the others, who have at this point forgotten her. The reason Squall and Seifer weren't adopted was probably because they were the two most unlikeable children. Squall, withdrawn and miserable, Seifer a bully.

    This does not go on to explain why exactly Selphie and Irvine were sent to different Gardens, though. But I think it goes someway to explain that part of the story.

    Also it also fits the games fate and "childrens of fate" theme.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:13 No.53332419

    And they don't remember each other because using GFs causes memory loss
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:14 No.53332505
    You're now aware that everything that happened in the game was plotted beforehand by Cid.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:15 No.53332617
    maybe cid assigned their mission, but how the fuck dont they remember each other and how the fuck does irvin remember it but doesnt mention it until near the end?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:15 No.53332625
    I know, but still. All the different stories just did not work together. They were vaguely connected and had rly no real meaning to the main story. Like the Laguna and team story. They were the leaders of the "what that name of the city again", and that was it, lOOOOL???
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:16 No.53332680
    They don't remember because of the GFs. The only real plothole is Irving not mentioning it.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:17 No.53332739
    You are now aware of that Cid is Hyne.

    >Hurr Durr
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:17 No.53332762
    Laguna was the president of Esthar, adoptive father of Ellone who was the main component of Ultemecia's plot and possibly Squall's father.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:18 No.53332792

    And they did not know that A LONG FREAKING TIME AGO???
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:18 No.53332797

    Uh, Laguna was Squall's father.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:19 No.53332867
    No. The GF memory loss was just a theory they all initally dismissed, but it turned out to be true. It is fair to say that that plot point was shoehorned in though.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:19 No.53332869
    >but how the fuck dont they remember each other and how the fuck does irvin remember it but doesnt mention it until near the end?
    Overuse of GFs eventually causes memory loss and Irvine remembers because he started using them recently. He doesn't mention it because at first he isn't really sure if they are the same children from the orphanage.

    And before you start complaining about this as well, GF memory loss was hinted from the very beginning.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:20 No.53332986

    Should I play FFX/XII if I hate half of the characters?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:21 No.53333055
    How many of you remember everyone in your kindergarden class? I don't remember anyone at all after I moved to a new school in 1st grade, and adding in the whole GF thing which degrades your memory even more it could be possible to completely forget everyone.

    (Still though that plot device pissed me off)
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:21 No.53333060
    >The only real plothole is Irving not mentioning it
    >Here are these guys who I haven't seen since I was a 5 year old kid and they don't even recognize me, sure they must be the same children and I can't possibly be mistaken!
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:23 No.53333174
    One of the reasons I personally like about FFVIII is the fact it doesn't forcefully spoonfed it's story to you and allows you figure things out for yourself. However this also means many people don't get it's story and end up saying it sucks. Truly getting everything in it basically requires at least two playthroughts as well.

    Laguna and co. dethrones sorceress Adel who was ruling Esthar with iron fist and they end up leading the country instead as they were popular and one of the more important members of this rebellion.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:24 No.53333203

    This. Think of someoe you haven't seen since you were 5 years old, and they were 5. If you can even remember what they look like at all, imagine if they were 18. Would you recognize them?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:24 No.53333251
    All in all FF8's story just sucked!

    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:26 No.53333367
    >(Still though that plot device pissed me off)
    I don't like it that much either, but you never see people complaining about monster cells replacing memories (FFVII).
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:27 No.53333415

    It's good if you use the fanfiction of Squall dying on disc 1 that was on Fakku a while back.

    other than that it's pretty weak
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:27 No.53333421
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    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:27 No.53333425
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    No, I don't agree, sir.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:27 No.53333434
    This. I'm 26 now and I have had a hard time recognizing or remembering some classmates from elementary school that I haven't seen since until recently. They don't usually exactly look or act the same as they did then either...
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:28 No.53333454
    >trying to make FF8's sound riveting and DEEP

    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:28 No.53333479

    wats the story again? all i know is FITHOS LUSEC WESOC VINOSEC
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:28 No.53333491
    And how exactly does that make it good?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:30 No.53333601
    This game rocked until disc 2, as long as you think of magic as equipment and not as something to ever be cast.

    After disc 2, the plot took a nose-dive into a septic tank and never came up for air.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:30 No.53333604
    Which is a made-up anagram of SUCCESSION OF WITCHES and LOVE.
    So there's your story.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:30 No.53333613
    He never said anything about it being deep, just pointing that the story rarely tells you important things directly (which is entirely true).
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:30 No.53333618
    I didn't say that FFVIII's plot is good or deep. I'm just one of the few people on /v/ who don't like having the plot spelled out for me, I like having to think about the words mentioned.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:32 No.53333716
    Also Irvine almost chickened out in the assassination mission BECAUSE he realized that the target was Edea, an important mother figure at the orphanage.
    Unlike with the rest of the team.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:33 No.53333760
    Thats the problem, everything is just barley connected to each other.
    Eks: The Laguna thing, you follow him trough all of that shit, and find out he is the leader of that city. It is part of the MAIN plot and in the end it is just rly nothing important at all, as most of the shit in that game. It rly have no importance in the story or main plot, but you think so untill u finish the game and sees that nothing really matters at all. Just a bunch of unimportant events combined into a game called FF8
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:34 No.53333896

    This is the alternate story fanfiction thinger that I said before, it's not too bad im my opinion and resembles the "Ash in a coma" story too.

    It'll be tl;dr for most people so don't bother following the link if you don't feel like reading.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:36 No.53334000
    >Doesn't realize FF8 is a character driven game and the Laguna parts were showing Laguna's story the dualism between Squall and him.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:37 No.53334051
    What's IX's excuse? Or XII's?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:38 No.53334103
    What does FF9 need an excuse for?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:38 No.53334134
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    >The Laguna thing, you follow him trough all of that shit, and find out he is the leader of that city. It is part of the MAIN plot and in the end it is just rly nothing important at all
    >nothing important at all
    Laguna is probably the most important character in the game.
    You're trying too hard.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:39 No.53334168
    It's shitty plot.
    >> Rick Jones !4FpOkZ2y9g 03/22/10(Mon)11:39 No.53334210
    Its better than 7's.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:40 No.53334240
    What shitty plot? I only saw a good one that unfortunately left a few characters to the wayside, but nonetheless remained interesting and emotionally engaging from beginning to end.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:43 No.53334429
    Well the whole Terra plot wasn't doing it for me. Seems like all the cool shit was ignored and all the gay generic shit was the focus. Meh.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:43 No.53334469
    Not to me, it wasn't bad executed, the storytelling was pretty good, but the plot was generic and boring for the most part, it really didn't try to do anything new and played it safe all the way.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:44 No.53334521
    While I don't think I'd refer to the plot as "gay" or "generic," I'll respect your opinion.

    I do think Freya needed to be a more important character, but her entire storyline disappeared after Cleyra. That was more than a little disappointing, as she was one of the most interesting characters in the cast.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:46 No.53334661
    And still it have no real importance to the plot, thats whats missing. They have a ok plot, very good side plots, but when they try to connect them, it is like my diarrhea, crap that goes down the drain :\
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:47 No.53334724
    Agreed. Her whole people were completely shat on. And everyone responsible seemed way too easily forgotten. Kuja and Brahne are coddled in their deaths, and Beatrix gets off scott free.

    I understand that they were trying to go for grey morality or whatever but when you commit mass genocide you deserve to die. No five-second apology bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:47 No.53334737
    I'm not the guy you replied to but FFIX's plot has some plotholes and oddities in it as well just like all other FF games.

    For example:
    -Freya should have the biggest vendetta of the entire team against Kuja. But she ends up having the least to do with him.
    -Beatrix being fully forgiven from her crimes after she temporalily joins Zidane's group, why?
    -Garland joins Zidane's cause because... ?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:48 No.53334753
    Remember all, this is about FF8,

    NOT FF7 OR 9!!!!
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:48 No.53334809
    >And still it have no real importance to the plot, thats whats missing
    I can't tell if you're serious anymore.
    Care to explain how Laguna had no real importance to the plot?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:49 No.53334846
    I wonder why all FF threads on /v/ eventually end up discussing FFIX...
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:50 No.53334912
    Someone in Square hates rats i guess. Or more likely because the game was such a rush job.

    As for all the repentant villains, probably because it's "deep"
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:52 No.53335019
    He says 'the separate scenes and plot points are badly tied together'.
    The jump to 'SORCER RINOA' and 'A witch from the future attacks, go kill her' is kinda abrupt and doe not tie well with two and a half discs.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:53 No.53335083
    He has ALL to do with the Adel's arc and setting of the game, he also is Squall's father and the president of Esthar, how is that not relevant to the plot?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:54 No.53335146
    >How many of you remember everyone in your kindergarden class? I don't remember anyone at all after I moved to a new school in 1st grade

    OHSHI- You're probably the first to think of this

    Suddenly, everything makes sense
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:54 No.53335152
    too easily forgiven*
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:54 No.53335169
    You are a nice guy, be our leader and president.
    Your daring action being prodding the sorceress a bit so she falls, ONLY you could do it.
    So you are president of one of the greater nations for what 10+ years?
    What the fuck have you even been fucking doing till the plot asked us to come find you?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:54 No.53335170

    Maybe someone in this thread would like to read this.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:56 No.53335243
    I'm sorry but I can't describe Kuja and Zidane as anything but gay and generic, respectively.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:56 No.53335288
    Fucking interns. What else?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:57 No.53335317
    Don't tell me this yet another bullshit theory like the R=U one or that Squall is dead one?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:57 No.53335328

    I remember when those graphics looked good.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:58 No.53335371
    The real importance he has to the plot is:
    -Being the leader of the lolert city
    -Knowing that time girl
    -Freeing the city from the evil Sorceress

    Any other person could have done that.
    When I met him again I expected something more than. "Go kill da sorceress, NAOW!"
    I already know I have to do that. And thats all :(
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:58 No.53335384
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:59 No.53335455
    NO, just read it is quite good.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)11:59 No.53335463
    Someone just reading way too much into hamfisted separate scenes.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:00 No.53335508
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    >> Broderick Luchterhand !fuCkyesjiY 03/22/10(Mon)12:00 No.53335539
    Fuck FFVII, this is a game that needs a remake.
    Fix the GF summoning so you don't have to watch the animation every. fucking. time.
    Fix the drawing system. Junction is awesome but FUCK drawing.
    Fix the leveling monsters.
    Remove Selphie.

    Then, it can be actually pretty good gameplay-wise
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:01 No.53335590
    Yeah man, I am dead serious. FF8 was a nice game, but way by far the worst FF I have played
    Played: 7,8,9,X,12
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:02 No.53335647
    Keeping guard on Adel, doing what presidents do and don't letting Odine destroy the country with one of his experiments.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:03 No.53335685
    >You are a nice guy, be our leader and president.
    He was pretty much the goddamn leader of the rebellion.
    >Your daring action being prodding the sorceress a bit so she falls, ONLY you could do it.
    More like, only he had the guts to do it.
    >What the fuck have you even been fucking doing till the plot asked us to come find you?
    Getting rid of the lunatic pandora, maintaining Adel imprisoned, keeping Ellone safe, reconstructing the country after Adel's dictatorship, trying to avoid war with Galbadia...
    >> Helst !edREaasjpk 03/22/10(Mon)12:04 No.53335786
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:06 No.53335901
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    How sure are we of this?
    The FFI review yes, it was a joke, but as for the rest... I don't know anymore.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:06 No.53335921
    I love that scene.
    They all get put in a room and sit quietly while he thinks to himself.
    Then, suddenly: "I WON'T HAVE IT!"
    and he runs out.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:07 No.53335957
    Exactly, only huge 30 minutes long expositions can have any meaning, right?.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:07 No.53335958
    I like Selphie.

    I still think IX needs the remake.
    Give Freya plot closure. (with Fratley)
    Give Amarant a plot.
    Give Quina aids.
    Have Burmecia rebuilding and maybe not destroy Cleyra.
    Don't block off a ton of shit with tree roots due to laziness.
    Make some good side quests.
    Speed up the combat system.

    And frankly. They should let you choose to either kill Beatrix or recruit her. It could be a one on one match with Freya. Like Frog and Magus. That would have been a great throwback to a square classic.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:07 No.53336003
    >Your daring action being prodding the sorceress a bit so she falls, ONLY you could do it.

    Well, he came up with the entire plan, and if you ask me, headbutting the world's most powerful sorceress is a pretty fucking ballsy move.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:08 No.53336048
    Especially if you've SEEN Adel. D:
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:09 No.53336165
    The scary thing is though, he's the only one who's accepting Seifer's death as it should be accepted: He was an asshole who only died because of his own stupidity. Squall is the only one who seems to realise that - everyone else is talking about how Seifer wasn't a bad guy, and Squall realises "Shit, they're going to talk about how I was such a cheery guy when I get killed" and gets pissed.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:10 No.53336176
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    MMmmmmMm feed meee girlllss
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:10 No.53336178
    >Remove Rinoa.

    Also I kind of agree with the rest.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:10 No.53336208

    I've been saying that for a long time, but I've given up on talking about it because every time I've tried to do it here I always got attacked and trolled for it.

    People who hate FF8 so much are just like Ray Comfort I swear... No matter what you say they're never going to accept anything but their own way of thinking, even if there's solid evidence against their arguments.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:10 No.53336245
    The sidequests were good. Chocobo Hot and Cold, Ozma, Tetra Master, the auction house, gilgamesh, etc.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:11 No.53336262
    Here's how to fix FFVIII's gameplay:

    1. Make it so every character shares experience and thus levels together. This is important for later.

    2. Keep the level scaling.

    3. Introduce level requirements to Junction certain spells. Say goodbye to an easily-broken game.

    4. Change the Limit Breaks to be more like FFX's system. Get rid of the Aura spell.

    5. Give characters affinities for certain stats which are essentially multipliers for when you junction spells to that stat. Maybe Zell has an A-rank in strength but a D-rank in magic, for example. Let "B-rank" be the baseline that's currently in the game.

    Congratulations! The Junction system has been officially un-fucked.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:13 No.53336395
    I fucking loved the junctioning system as well, it really gives a good chance to customise your characters more.

    Choosing which stat to junction 100x Ultima to was a tough choice, but I always went for delicious Elemental Defence. 100x Ultima + 100x Shell = You gain health from every elemental attack launched at you. (Makes Ultimacea even more of a cakewalk)

    Besides, only fucking idiots got their magic from Drawing. REFINE THAT SHIT, IDIOTS.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:14 No.53336454

    For me drawing was less painful than refining
    plus it extended the gameplay
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:14 No.53336458
    I didn't like any of those. They all either were really boring or gave you crappy items. And Ozma's fucking lame.

    It's a ball for Christ's sake. How long did it take them to think that up?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:15 No.53336566
    The experience is fine, the Aura spell could lower stats so you take the risk when using it, I agree with everytihng else.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:15 No.53336568
    >1. Make it so every character shares experience and thus levels together. This is important for later.
    >3. Introduce level requirements to Junction certain spells. Say goodbye to an easily-broken game.

    I still think my idea for fixing the "broken" system is better:
    Make it so that level 7 character can only junction 7 magics to his/hers stats while a level 100 one can junction all 100 of them to his/hers. This would stop you getting too powerful early on and would give a reason for leveling up if you want to.
    >> Broderick Luchterhand !fuCkyesjiY 03/22/10(Mon)12:15 No.53336575
    How the hell can you like Selphie? Seriously, she has little to no relevance to plot other than being comedic relief and the typical hyperactive high-school girl.

    >They should let you choose to either kill Beatrix or recruit her

    Was tempted to write that. But it would require a complete rewrite of the story. If you remove Selphie, though...

    When I was 17, I suddenly figured out that one of my classmates was actually my neighbour up until I was 8 and that I played with him nearly every day. Then he moved out, and I never saw him again. I never recognized it for 2 years and would never have, if it wasn't for a lucky coincidence.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:15 No.53336619
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    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:16 No.53336671
    Well that's your problem. There was a metric fuckton of sidequests and plenty of diversity in them that made them fun enough for me. I don't need to be rewarded with some lame piece of equipment that I have no need for to begin with considering how piss easy these games are just to enjoy the quest/mini-game itself.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:17 No.53336782
    Y'know what? Fuck my idea, that <i>is</i> better.

    Someone hack that into a version of the game.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:18 No.53336833
    I get the feeling that GFs are actually booze(or other drugs)...
    -You dont get them till a certain age
    -After you got them, you constantly fight with authorities
    -Cause memory loss
    -You even end up in jail
    -As soon as you use them you see pretty colors
    -The more you use them the faster you can drink(summon)

    i could go on
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:18 No.53336838
    ...Why the shit did I try to use HTML?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:18 No.53336843
    >Besides, only fucking idiots got their magic from Drawing. REFINE THAT SHIT, IDIOTS.
    You are aware that you can use both and not just one of them? That's the best way to play the game Draw some magic and Refine the rest of it. This way neither of them gets too annoying...
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:18 No.53336852
    Idk. I just didn't have a problem with her.

    Quina pisses me off to no end and Beatrix is a fucking killer who got away with it. Bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:19 No.53336871
    I cant tell 1 more thing that was bad about the FF8. What the hell is up with Seifer? He is supposed to be da man you want to fight, hate and be important. But he just sucks and does not rly do anything special :|
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:19 No.53336920
    play 2 or 3 and come back.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:20 No.53336924
    >Chocobo Hot and Cold


    >Tetra Master
    Random values my ass this was shit.

    >the auction house

    More Gilgamesh is always appreciated.
    >> Broderick Luchterhand !fuCkyesjiY 03/22/10(Mon)12:20 No.53336934
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:20 No.53336962
    So you like doing retarded fetch-quests for no reason at all? That's not my problem. It's just taste.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:21 No.53337008
    Don't forget FFX-2 especially if his main complaint about FFVIII is it's story.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:21 No.53337047
    Yeah but he was by far the lamest gilgamesh in the series.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:22 No.53337093
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    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:22 No.53337119
    He's supposed to be like that.
    He's a confused teenager.

    I think the main reason to hate him was because Rinoa's supposed to be on your side but she was his girlfriend and they were old friends.

    FFVIII was awesome. I'm going to play it after I finish Chaos mode on GoW3.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:22 No.53337128
    The point is that they're not fetch quests. They have story, and it isn't just "Gather me some shit, here's your item." You're the one who cares about the reward - why are you whining about fetch quests when that's all you want?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:22 No.53337133
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:24 No.53337257
    Come to think of it, isn't Odin a sidequest?
    What happens in that part if you don't get Odin?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:24 No.53337258
    No daddy no! D:
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:25 No.53337307
    Do go on... I love these.

    >Was tempted to write that. But it would require a complete rewrite of the story. If you remove Selphie, though...
    Actually if you think about it they could get away with it barely changing the story at... for example they could just keep the romance with Quistis going instead.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:25 No.53337313
    Because they have absolutely no relevance to the story whatsoever. How does dicking around with a chocobo, fighting a super ball, playing magic, and looking for coins have anything to do with FF9's main plot?

    I just want to get good shit for my effort. Like all the bad-ass materia and shit that FFVII had.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:25 No.53337326
    Who loved that part where Galbadia Garden and Balamb Garden have a massive flying fight.

    Fuck yeah ramming, fuck yeah rocket motorbikes.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:26 No.53337391
    You die.
    Also you had to throw the boot at that cat or the mouse won't bite your ties off.
    >> Broderick Luchterhand !fuCkyesjiY 03/22/10(Mon)12:26 No.53337400
    ...nothing, I guess...?
    I wonder what happens if you get Odin AFTER that part. If that's possible, of course, since I never checked.

    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:27 No.53337426
    See, FFIX? Saving rats is important!
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:27 No.53337464
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    >"Squall what do we do?"
    >Better give the right orders. Give too many and it'll get mixed up.
    >"Take care of the hot dogs"
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:27 No.53337491
    That's the part where I was like "fuck yes, this game rocks."

    And then immediately after I was like D: actually it sucks again
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:28 No.53337502
    >What happens in that part if you don't get Odin?
    Basically nothing. There simply isn't any scenes at the beginning of that fight.
    BTW: you can still get Odin on disc 4 but it's rather pointless at that point of the game.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:28 No.53337524
    Aye aye, Captain!
    >> Broderick Luchterhand !fuCkyesjiY 03/22/10(Mon)12:29 No.53337582
    Fucking awesome music and FMVs. Best part of the game actually.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:29 No.53337624
    I chose that option the moment I saw it
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:30 No.53337649
    What boot? What cat? What mouse? I wasn't wearing any ties?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:30 No.53337692
    I like how people complain about how "serious" FFVIII is when there are scenes like that and Laguna's ones in it.
    >> Broderick Luchterhand !fuCkyesjiY 03/22/10(Mon)12:30 No.53337693
    Oh well, at least you don't get Girugamesh

    >Rusty sword
    >1HP damage
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:31 No.53337716
    I guess it's not as pointless as Gilgamesh.
    >20 damage to all enemies
    >Thanks bro.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:32 No.53337781
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:32 No.53337810
    Rinoa has some FUCKING BICEPS

    She holds her weight for like A MILLION MINUTES with like TWO FINGERS
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:32 No.53337822
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    >> Chocobro !rESeArcHEs 03/22/10(Mon)12:33 No.53337857

    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:34 No.53337931
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:35 No.53338015
    At that age, I actually thought she would die if I took too long.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:35 No.53338048
    Now here is a REAL plothole for people complaining about FFVIII being full of them and not being able to actually name one. How the fuck is Rinoa able hold herself there with two fingers while the Gardens are ramming into each other?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:36 No.53338109
    I junctioned Fira to her strength.

    Also nanomachines.
    >> Broderick Luchterhand !fuCkyesjiY 03/22/10(Mon)12:36 No.53338124
    Everyone wants a FF7 remake. I stated why I want a FF8 one.

    >> Broderick Luchterhand !fuCkyesjiY 03/22/10(Mon)12:38 No.53338240
    WINGS :D
    >> Chocobro !rESeArcHEs 03/22/10(Mon)12:38 No.53338246
    Oh, okay.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:39 No.53338352
    That wasn't naivety. It's how that part should have been.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:40 No.53338359
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    >Everyone wants a FF7 remake.
    I don't want to see one...

    If FFVII would be remade we'd have the Advent Children Cloud as protagonist because SE thinks it's what the fans want and many of the awesome scenes would be watered down as well since they'd have to be "censored"...

    >no jesse, biggs and wedge
    >no cross-dressing
    >no trail of blood at Shinra HQ
    >no hojo at the beach
    >no gold saucer dating scene
    >no tifa slapping the fuck out of scarlet
    >cloud is no longer silly or a douchebag, and is emotionless
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:41 No.53338454
    She doesn't have them yet... she only has them after she becomes a sorceress later on.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:41 No.53338463
    Cloud was an asshole of epic proportions.


    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:42 No.53338511
    time compression
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:42 No.53338536
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    i.... its true..... ...
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:42 No.53338550
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:44 No.53338661
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    Oh god it's true
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:44 No.53338686
    Why would they take any of that out?
    Also, why does anyone like the scene where Tiffa gets into a bitchass slap fight with Scarlet. When I saw that I was like what the fuck? She would have just beaten the fucking shit out of her, why the hell did she slap like a girl? It made no sense, she could have just wasted her.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:46 No.53338796
    Still compared to Rinoa's superhuman strength and conveniently finding a perfectly functional spaceship that still has air on it after jumping to space with no prior planning it kind of makes sense.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:50 No.53339102
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    >Why would they take any of that out?
    Censoring is stricter nowadays and with more realistic graphics they would have censor them in order to keep the "teen" rating?

    Also you don't like catfights? Are you gay or something?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:51 No.53339134
    FFVIII is probably the most happy-go-lucky entry in the series.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:51 No.53339187
    Let's not forget she was running out of air until Squall got there and she pressed the button that gave her more air.

    "In case of plot, press here. WARNING: Do not press unless you need plot armour."
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:52 No.53339215
    Fuck j00 I'm gay and that's the best scene in the game
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:52 No.53339239
    fuck FFVII it's horrible
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:52 No.53339265
    FF8 had all the best limit breaks.
    Except Rinoa's which were crap.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:53 No.53339328
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    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:53 No.53339337
    >> Broderick Luchterhand !fuCkyesjiY 03/22/10(Mon)12:54 No.53339383
    Dog bazooka was hilariously awesome.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:55 No.53339480
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    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:56 No.53339590
    Actually the one you get at disc 3 is rather awesome if you only have strong offensive magics like Meteor on her spell list. The ones with Angelo (or whatever you named him) are rather disappointing through...
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:58 No.53339730
    You know, this is one of the things I liked in FF8.
    You have your dragons, your ice bitches, demons, etc as summons throughout the games.
    But here, bu offering 6 items x 3, you get THE MOTHERFUCKING TRAIN OF DOOM.
    The fact that he is so fucking useful as well (only useful one outside of Eden in the end) makes it all the better.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:58 No.53339751
    When the fuk does Tifa get bitch slapped???
    Cant remember, WTF??!?!?!?!?
    Is it something wrong with me?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)12:59 No.53339794
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    Add dating sim into FF8

    Make it possible to break up with Rinoa

    Multiple girl endings, including Shiva ending, Siren ending, and personified Eden ending

    Special harem ending
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)13:00 No.53339856
    I like how you add the GFs, but not poor Quistis.
    >> Broderick Luchterhand !fuCkyesjiY 03/22/10(Mon)13:00 No.53339900
    Go back to Mass Effect
    No seriously.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)13:01 No.53339934
    You really are no fun/
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)13:01 No.53339970
    Let's not forget Cactuar or Tonberry (summon this against Ultimecia's first form) either. While not as awesome at least in my opinion they are worth mentioning simply because they are a nice comic relief compared to the other ones...
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)13:02 No.53340011
    "Your tongue is stuck to me, isn't it?"
    ". . . Yeth."
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)13:03 No.53340032
    >eden being useful
    Eden was so shitty it was untrue. You had to sit through a 2-3 minute summon animation that looked like an acid trip when all this time could be better spent just hitting the enemy with your sword. I wish the GFs were more useful in FFVIII.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)13:03 No.53340061
    Sure, but they are just cutesy monsters.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)13:03 No.53340115
    Tifa and Scarlet have a bitch-slapping contest on the Sister Ray just after Cloud goes for a swim in the lifestream.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)13:04 No.53340126
    I'm not saying it's nice to SIT through it, but it is cheap easy damage.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)13:04 No.53340144
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    Would be inferred by "multiple girls", i.e. Selphie, Quistis, Xu, Fuujin, god knows who else because I can't remember

    Oh, Library Girl as well, so you can be a dick to Zell
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)13:04 No.53340148
    What the fuck was eden
    And what the fuck happened during eden
    Seriously. I just kept tapping square (there was plenty of FUCKING TIME) and assumed it was one of those 70's sexual subtext animation of transforming vagina flowers.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)13:06 No.53340267
    Disc 2 in Junon just after the point FFVII's plot goes crazy for a while after your first visit in the northern crater.

    Add an 30 minute long ending where Ultimecia keep raping Squall and other until she is satisfied instead of the normal one... I'm sure she has needs too and konsidering how she has been alone in her castle for a while...
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)13:06 No.53340327
    > kastle
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)13:08 No.53340405
    Heh, missed that one.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)13:09 No.53340562
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    Bonus ending with Ultimecia revealing she's future Rinoa

    Player throws a riot
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)13:10 No.53340579

    Eden used earth as a magical Railgun to shot the enemy into another Galaxy.

    Which made it explode. Godhand anyone?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)13:10 No.53340639
    >just after Cloud goes for a swim in the lifestream
    That sounds like a nice euphemism for death... but it being literal kind of ruins the effect ._·
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)13:12 No.53340761
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    quit hitting on me you silly boys
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)13:16 No.53340995
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    I hope you are joking about that. Anyway Ultimecia raping Squall in front of Rinoa would be delicious...
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)13:16 No.53341014
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    Zell was a total bro, you're all faggots
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)13:17 No.53341029

    I dont know why, but rule 63 Squall is just HNNNNGG.

    By the way....isnt Lightning more similar to Squall than Cloud? Just look at that pic!
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)13:17 No.53341048
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    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)13:17 No.53341060
    That's sick.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)13:17 No.53341069
    turn off summon animation
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)13:17 No.53341099
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    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)13:18 No.53341124

    Ahhh iz dat zome Klose Kombat?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)13:18 No.53341159
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    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)13:19 No.53341255
    >WTF was that, they met up later just randomly.

    I know people are entitled to opinions, but why is it most critics of 8 are retarded?
    >> Broderick Luchterhand !fuCkyesjiY 03/22/10(Mon)13:21 No.53341398
    Because the storyline itself is retarded.
    >> Capt Haddock !Fzb9d9iCrg 03/22/10(Mon)13:21 No.53341401
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    >My face when I miss Alexander and thus cannot aquire Doomtrain
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)13:22 No.53341419
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    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)13:23 No.53341516
    >Ultimecia raping Squall in front of Rinoa would be delicious...

    But Rinoa IS Ultimecia
    >> Anonymous 03/22/10(Mon)13:25 No.53341707
    >Time Compress...
    Would be perfect if it said Time Kompress.

    Provide solid proof for this or present the R=U theory in a way it doesn't contradict itself out.

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