www.funmail.comThread 3 motherfuckers
>>52721964Actually, the correct quote is "All WE had to do was follow the damn train, CJ!"The entirety of /v/ has been misquoting it for years.
holy shit i cant stop laughing
Hey, faggot.Stop spamming this shit, it's not funny.
the metaphors are amazing
Oh for fucks sake stop posting this bullshit.I want to think you're trying to parody /v/ with these shitty macros, but you're most likely just a faggot trying to make money.Yes I'm mad
Oh god, I snapped
Okay what
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
>>52723453OH MY GOD
I fucking love this thing.
>>52723483No way.
So very oddly appropriate.