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  • Kimmo Alm aka "Sysop" from AnT has been spamming us for YEARS now, and has recently stepped it up. This shit has got to fucking stop. As promised, here are all of the e-mails he has sent me over the years (and my responses).

    We've done all we can do about him. We've banned THOUSANDS of proxies, and deleted OVER A HUNDRED THOUSAND spam posts. His attacks continue though, and we've reached the limit of what we can do.
    edit: we aren't going to add captcha.

    File : 1268575671.jpg-(588 KB, 400x3372, storyofvlife.jpg)
    588 KB Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)10:07 No.52481416  
    ITT: People relating to this
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)10:09 No.52481498
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)10:09 No.52481532
    not vidya relatan'
    report gettan'
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)10:10 No.52481584
    Yeah, I too have a fucking weird shaped nose.
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)10:11 No.52481694
    >Implying I'm not getting sick of video games as I age.

    Seriously though over the past 2 years I've noticed that I'm starting to enjoy video games less and less. They're still fun.. but just not as fun as they used to be.
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)10:12 No.52481746
         File1268575974.jpg-(204 KB, 470x570, lolwhyumadtho.jpg)
    204 KB

    Nevermind, I know why
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)10:13 No.52481788
    Who cares?

    Just have fun. Don't try to be the badass of your story.

    Life's cool. Relax.
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)10:13 No.52481809
    I got an xbox just for that reason .. Shit is lame man . Can't enjoy them like b4
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)10:14 No.52481867
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)10:15 No.52481913
         File1268576139.jpg-(22 KB, 445x456, placeit,DOIT.jpg)
    22 KB
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)10:17 No.52481996
         File1268576226.png-(131 KB, 742x600, Hit me 1.png)
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    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)10:17 No.52482038
         File1268576269.jpg-(24 KB, 500x462, ps2.jpg)
    24 KB

    Just get this.
    >> Anoon !9pI4h3/VLg 03/14/10(Sun)10:17 No.52482043
    What's that actually from?
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)10:18 No.52482089

    Same broseph; couple of years back my hard drive was clogged as shit with games, had 3 consoles set up, DS/PSP all with a fuckton of stuff. I'd spend literally every day on one game or another, mainly WoW but still...

    Now I have TF2 and BC2 on my PC, because they are all that I enjoy.
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)10:19 No.52482138
    So what you implying is .. Get BFBC2 ?
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)10:20 No.52482225

    >Implying I just don't want to play anything else other than those two anymore
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)10:22 No.52482343
    I'm actually a semi-retired video gamer.

    I'm into the video gaming culture, but often times I don't play much games, despite having three consoles and a laptop for PC games. This was the end result of my dad complaining about me playing too much video games. Ironically he did not complain much about me watching tv (which is to my opinion, mostly shit because I could not find anything interesting to watch) or the internet, so I was focused on the internet culture (BBS)

    The end result is that I have 40 games, unfinished. Everytime I start a game, I slowly lose interest in it for some reason or another.
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)10:23 No.52482425
         File1268576620.jpg-(336 KB, 1111x963, brofist.jpg)
    336 KB

    See pic.
    >> Anonymous 03/14/10(Sun)10:24 No.52482476
    >So what you implying is .. Get BFBC2 ?

    No, he said that he can only enjoy those two games for some reason.

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