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    File : 1267551773.jpg-(48 KB, 600x474, bobbykotick.jpg)
    48 KB Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)12:42 No.51189041

    The news first hit yesterday afternoon, when G4 reported that IW heads Vince Zampella and Jason West had met with Activision, after which neither were seen from again by staffers and "a bunch of bouncer-types" showed up outside Infinity Ward's offices.

    >"a bunch of bouncer-types" showed up outside Infinity Ward's offices.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)12:43 No.51189080
    viral marketing
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)12:43 No.51189099
         File1267551829.jpg-(151 KB, 715x561, 1262120153206.jpg)
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    >Kotick's private army

    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)12:45 No.51189189

    I fucking hate Activision, and I fucking hate that greedy Jew Bobby Kotick even more.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)12:45 No.51189230
    Jason West got canned.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)12:45 No.51189240
    viral marketing ploy.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)12:46 No.51189290
    Seriously who shows up with heavies to a FUCKING VIDEO GAME DEVELOPERS office. That's like showing up to a nursery with an army.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)12:46 No.51189304

    Aside from that, goddamn. Insubordination?
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)12:47 No.51189329

    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)12:47 No.51189366
    Look how fucking cheap his suit looks.
    I hate that guy.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)12:48 No.51189380
    Allegedly, Infinity Ward hasn't seen a dime of the billion Kotick made off of MW2, so Zampella and Jason West had been meeting with other publishers secretly.

    Also to note, their contract with Activision ends in October.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)12:48 No.51189383
    I hope them leaving bankrupts that fat fuck
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)12:48 No.51189413

    >>51189240 here

    actually no.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)12:49 No.51189484
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    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)12:49 No.51189485
    >Seriously who shows up with heavies to a FUCKING VIDEO GAME DEVELOPERS office

    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)12:49 No.51189501
    Why do I want Kotick to have sex with me?
    ...why, /v/, why? ;_;
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)12:49 No.51189505
    Bobby Kotick wanted some fresh liver for breakfast
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)12:50 No.51189564
    "The emerging spat between Activision and the heads of Infinity Ward may have been caused by unpaid royalties.

    Website BingeGamer (via VG247) was told by a collection of unnamed sources that not a single penny of the $1bn generated by MW2 has been seen by Infinity Ward.

    The report also states that the "insubordination" IW bosses Jason West and Frank Zampella appear to have been sacked for was caused by secret discussions with rival publishers.

    Infinity Ward partially owns the rights to the Call of Duty IP, and the studio's contractual obligations to Activision end October 2010, the report pointed out.

    News broke early this morning that security had arrived at Infinity Ward to give West and Zampella their marching orders, following an internal human resources inquiry.

    There's still been no official response by Activision or Infinity Ward."
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)12:50 No.51189574

    of course not, why would he give th - GIMMIE MONIES PLOX
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)12:50 No.51189606

    yure a fg
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)12:51 No.51189637
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    TWO heavies?
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)12:51 No.51189643
    It's alright, some of those Heavies aren't what they appear.

    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)12:51 No.51189670
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    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)12:51 No.51189672
    So, who else is excited for Bad Company 2?

    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)12:52 No.51189688

    because your a dirty dirty whore who wants to gaze upon his Jew gold
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)12:52 No.51189715
    >Kotick later stated he tries to promote an atmosphere of "skepticism, pessimism, and fear" in his company

    Kotick strikes again!
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)12:52 No.51189735
    I hope BC2 does better than MW2.

    How the fuck is it possible for Activision to make EA look good?
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)12:53 No.51189745
    Hmm, that actually makes sense. Thanks anon :*
    I can haz jew monies nao?
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)12:53 No.51189763
         File1267552400.jpg-(40 KB, 494x429, bobby_kotick_activision.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)12:53 No.51189765
    They probably suggested Dedicated servers.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)12:53 No.51189793
    Mr Bobby "Money Bags" Kotick is at it again!
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)12:54 No.51189829
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    >> Chris Kamara !OqJxo4cnq. 03/02/10(Tue)12:55 No.51189879
    Oh boy

    Kotick, you silly boy
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)12:55 No.51189896

    It is better
    But it won't do better
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)12:55 No.51189926
    >"A significant portion of our revenues has historically been derived from products based on a relatively small number of popular franchises and these products are responsible for a disproportionately high percentage of our profits," the report points out.

    >"Due to this dependence on a limited number of franchises, the failure to achieve anticipated results by one or more products based on these franchises may significantly harm our business and financial results," according to the report.

    >Or, in Brian terms, one bad Call of Duty, one under-performing Guitar Hero, or, don't even think it, a sudden disinterest in World of Warcraft leveling and Activision will be in a world of hurt.

    hey guys, lets fire the main guys at infinity ward who created one of our 3 main sources of income!
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)12:55 No.51189928
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    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)12:56 No.51189971
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    Beat me to it.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)12:56 No.51189994
    Just according to keikaku.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)12:56 No.51190013

    yours is nicer though, i had to MSpaint that shit up with a laptop touchpad

    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)12:56 No.51190017
    that better not be true.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)12:57 No.51190038
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    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)12:57 No.51190065

    He created it. Now they have it.

    Why do they need him now?
    >> Chris Kamara !OqJxo4cnq. 03/02/10(Tue)12:57 No.51190072
         File1267552661.jpg-(179 KB, 1161x768, vader-1[1].jpg)
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    We shall destroy the rebels....
    >> Falcon !2Rbw7EnERg 03/02/10(Tue)12:57 No.51190084
    >IW heads Vince Zampella and Jason West
    Call of Duty is officially dead, it was in comatose for quite some time now so its no biggie.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)12:57 No.51190093
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    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)12:58 No.51190104
    Goddamn, I feel bad for hating on IW now. Fuck you /v/, they weren't the bad guys.
    >> BROTOMAN !AWEsomEEEE 03/02/10(Tue)12:58 No.51190112

    I seriously need an .mp3 or .wav of I AM ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROL and other HARBINGER LINES
    >> Gum !!WRTTCVH+5Mo 03/02/10(Tue)12:58 No.51190153
    I don't really like MW2 much but I thought Vince was a great guy when I met him a few months ago. I'm sure they'll get solid jobs. Also, fuck bobby kotick.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)12:58 No.51190154
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    >Story sounds ridiculous, follow link expecting a kotaku story from 3 years ago
    >Its real
    >Karmic payback for shitting on PC community
    >My face
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)12:59 No.51190176
    Going to pick it up on PC after I get out of work. They should go back to EA they are better now, figures after what DICE said about DLC they are the true devs. Activision is scared of the competision.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)12:59 No.51190199
    They're being greedy by breaking the law.

    Which is ironic considering I recall that whole selling shares thing with Kotick.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)12:59 No.51190206
    > a sudden disinterest in World of Warcraft leveling and Activision will be in a world of hurt.

    Again with this bullshit.

    Wow is still property of Blizzard Entertainment, and Activision-Blizzard is more of a Joint Venture than a single company.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)12:59 No.51190224
    Activision doesn't even get a snif of the WoW money.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)13:00 No.51190242
    good. after the abomination that MW2 was they can fuck off and die. hopefully activision is nextfor publishing such a fuck up.
    >> Chris Kamara !OqJxo4cnq. 03/02/10(Tue)13:00 No.51190260
    >solid jobs

    They'll make another studio, shitloads of other IW guys will go and they'll make another FPS that's better than CoD.

    But the casuals will still buy CoD in their millions
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)13:00 No.51190286

    Shhh, /v/ fags need a reason to hate on wow so they can still feel like they're superior to somebody.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)13:00 No.51190305
    Activision makes money from 2 games, WoW and COD. While WoW will never stop being a cash cow, eventually COD will die off.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)13:01 No.51190359
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    Why the fuck does Kotick always have that evil smile? It's really disturbing.
    >> Anonymous 03/02/10(Tue)13:02 No.51190415
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