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    File : 1267502428.png-(241 KB, 819x460, harvestmoon.png)
    241 KB Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:00 No.51139929  
    Game of the year, all years.

    Harvest Moon 64 appreciation thread!
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:02 No.51140081
    Karen's the best wife, bro.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:03 No.51140215
    Fuck yeah HM64!
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:04 No.51140237
    >> Garage Sale Gamer 03/01/10(Mon)23:05 No.51140310
    This was my very first harvest moon game and the only one i've enjoyed since. I wish they would get it right like this again but it doesn't look like there's ever going to be one this good again.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:05 No.51140324
    The fucking females are like 10 years old.

    A wedding between kids just seems so disturbingly unnatrual.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:05 No.51140351
    Chickens on the mother fucking ROOF.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:06 No.51140391
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:06 No.51140404
    >> Ditto !DghqDitto. 03/01/10(Mon)23:06 No.51140435
    Ann is the only right choice for me
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:07 No.51140480
    Oh god I still have this game, Fucking best Harvest Moon EVER
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:07 No.51140494
    The weirdest thing is that when you get married, you wear an ALL WHITE SUIT and STILL wear that fucking blue/orange hat.

    what the fuck, man.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:07 No.51140500
         File1267502839.jpg-(27 KB, 300x300, 1258757475173.jpg)
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    I was always an Ann man, myself.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:07 No.51140542
    Simple village folk man
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:08 No.51140610
    Jack wears his cap at his wedding and doesn't afraid of anything.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:08 No.51140617
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    I liked this better when it was Back To Nature.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:08 No.51140632

    enjoy your one dimensional wife.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:10 No.51140740
    Ann is probably the best choice but Karen was always my favorite.

    Now I like Eli.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:10 No.51140747
         File1267503022.jpg-(24 KB, 333x500, leverage-eliot-spencer.jpg)
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    It's called STYLE.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:10 No.51140767
    OP's pic is adorable <3
    >> Gentleman on Friday !/45YveMf92 03/01/10(Mon)23:10 No.51140768
    Holy shit, I spent so much time on this game. I love you /v/.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:10 No.51140774
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    Enjoy your broken egg.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:11 No.51140861
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    >marrying Potpourri

    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:12 No.51140936
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    don't talk to the old lady in the summer
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:12 No.51140937
    >Implying Save the Homeland music isn't superior
    oh u
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:12 No.51140982
    I've been playing this on my N64 emulator recently. Shit's just as much fun as I remember it.

    What i can't figure out is how I knew how to play this game the first time around. They don't tell you how to do anything. I mean, it's not rocket science, but some stuff isn't as obvious as other things.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:13 No.51140988
    No Elli love? :(
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:13 No.51141034
    What the fuck is wrong with you?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:13 No.51141039
    Mod made by some japanese guys for the PS3 is very similar to Harvest Moon 64, but has more shit to do and slightly better graphics.

    Worth a look though.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:14 No.51141082
    I've always been all about Elli.

    Bakers daughter? Yes please.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:14 No.51141083
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:15 No.51141184
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    Don't think so Tim.
    >> fatbaconman !!4NSYArihXjC 03/01/10(Mon)23:15 No.51141206
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    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:15 No.51141210
    Suddenly, Mineral town series vs Island series
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:15 No.51141229
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:16 No.51141278
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    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:16 No.51141283
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:17 No.51141333

    GRANDMA ;_;
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:17 No.51141355
    I didn't realize how many Harvest Moon related images people had.
    >> Godzilla !8LUB2GeDYo 03/01/10(Mon)23:17 No.51141398

    Mineral Town and this isn't with nostalgia goggles; I think...
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:18 No.51141413
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    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:18 No.51141422

    Mineral Town series durr
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:18 No.51141465
    >Implying Friends of Mineral Town isn't superior
    oh anon
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:18 No.51141480
    Fuck yeah!
    I just started replaying this! Going for full photo album, just got Ann's!
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:18 No.51141489
         File1267503536.png-(11 KB, 400x400, 1258757009218.png)
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    I loved HM64 and BtN/FoMT, but the rest of the series never really captured me the same way. I can't never put my finger on what these two games did right that the rest didn't do.
    >> ファインダー 03/01/10(Mon)23:18 No.51141490
         File1267503536.jpg-(59 KB, 500x610, 46429ee6ebaa97a719037173952211(...).jpg)
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    Always went for Elly in Harvest Moon.

    Rune Factory though... Hard to decide in that game.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:19 No.51141549
    Karen is the best from HM64...

    If we can include all Harvest Moon's... Nami is my favorite overall, despite A Wonderful Life quickly spiraling into boredom.

    I wish they would make a game with AWL aging with HM64 festivals and level of depth to the characters (especially ladies) in game.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:19 No.51141562
    Oh hey
    Did you know that Rune Factory 3 features Hideyoshi's voice actor?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:20 No.51141597
    My good sir, from where and whence did these images come?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:20 No.51141614
    I cant wait for RF3.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:20 No.51141648
    Man, I can only wish for another HM game as awesome as HM64
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:21 No.51141705
    Oh fuck me Rune Factory.
    I married Alicia in the second one after getting Yue's marriage item. I don't know why.
    Dem tits I guess.
    Then I talked to Yue and she seemed so fucking sad.
    I gave Yue her marriage item and she said "it's past its use-by date" or some shit.
    I fucking lost it.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:21 No.51141733
    I've only played Friends of Mineral Town and A Wonderful life. Still haven't finished AWL since I don't want to die ;-;
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:22 No.51141813
    Are any of the DS games good? I'm thinking of roming one
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:22 No.51141814
         File1267503733.png-(7 KB, 191x234, EqualsCapitalD.png)
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    That game was my fucking childhood, always married the farm girl, I think her name was Anne?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:22 No.51141828
         File1267503751.jpg-(146 KB, 600x665, 1267230048264[1].jpg)
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    /cruise control

    yes harvest moon 64 IS the fucking goty all years

    poporri is of course the finest farman waifu, elli is way more useful of a chore-whore, she crates your eggs and shit popurri just waters the garden

    i stopped playin the first time when i stacked my first milli but ive played it at least four times since then


    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:23 No.51141915
    ITT: Nobody likes the library bitch.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:23 No.51141939
    While I do prefer karen over the others, Marrying ann saves her from an abusive relationship with the fucking drifter.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:24 No.51141980
    for you nostalgias and people interested in the series
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:24 No.51141984
    I let someone borrow my copy.
    ...I'll never see it again.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:24 No.51141986

    the nappiest slut in all the harvest moon could you
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:24 No.51142041
    that's my brother's waifu
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:24 No.51142072

    you whiny moralistic faggot
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:25 No.51142105

    I always loved how she walked around and watered shit in the middle of winter.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:25 No.51142110
    Harvest Moon DS is good, but be sure to get the EUR version, the US release was buggy as shit.
    Both Rune Factory games are good.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:25 No.51142144
         File1267503954.jpg-(28 KB, 406x570, 1266359704483.jpg)
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    say hello to my husbando
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:26 No.51142160
    K, thanks for the tip
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:26 No.51142168
         File1267503968.jpg-(15 KB, 250x236, computerkid.jpg)
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    Fuck you man, she was my childhood waifu.

    I think it was just her gigantic blue eyes, I also married Karen and the flower girl.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:26 No.51142180
    I swear, Rick is the biggest troll in the game.

    Rick's shop: closed Wednesdays and weekends and whenever I Rick fucking feels like it.

    Need to fix that music box? Too bad, it's Wednesday, then a festival, then he's closed Friday, then it's the weekend.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:26 No.51142247
    You fucking 'lol evil is kewl' dolt.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:27 No.51142271
    Rick's only closed on wednesdays, weekends, and rainy days. lrn2harvestmoon
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:27 No.51142309
         File1267504057.jpg-(62 KB, 600x400, 1253148547513.jpg)
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    Karen all the way

    Picture very related
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:27 No.51142323
    Why does that asshole close on rainy days?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:27 No.51142345

    you are the one guy who marries the library bitch arent you
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:28 No.51142380
         File1267504094.jpg-(94 KB, 540x675, RickKaicursher[1].jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:28 No.51142397
    who is a man enough to play the girl version and have a husbando?
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:28 No.51142412
    Now that "I don't open the shop on rainy days cause I'm thinking too much" comment makes a lot more sense. Still rage-inducing though.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:28 No.51142438
    Always married Ann, it was this moment in my life I discovered I liked tomboys. Time to go start a new save file up.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:28 No.51142451
    Karen and Elli were the only choices in any game.
    All others were for fucking idiots.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:29 No.51142473
         File1267504150.png-(291 KB, 430x1000, 1261988102955.png)
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    picture related
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:29 No.51142538
    Just finished a ~11 hr session of Animal parade.

    The next best HM after HM 64 and HM PSX
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:30 No.51142562

    >popurri and elli

    there ya go buddy, fixd for ya
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:30 No.51142589
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    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:31 No.51142680
    This is the first Harvest Moon game I've ever played! I remember playing the first year of the game from 9pm to 6am. I stayed up all night just to see what will happen next, tending to my farm, visiting the town, talking to the women.

    Then my mom reminded me of a book report I supposed to be doing... But still, that was the best harvest moon game I ever played!
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:31 No.51142681
    Popuri was the absolute WORST choice.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:31 No.51142727
         File1267504318.jpg-(20 KB, 210x400, Rick[1].jpg)
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    lol, i sorta trol u haha
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:32 No.51142755
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:32 No.51142805
    That is, like, your opinion, man.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:33 No.51142825
    I played this for almost two full game years before I realized Rick was a guy and not a girl with a boys name.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:33 No.51142833
    I think I paid like $80 for this game 10 years ago.
    >> Anonymous 03/01/10(Mon)23:33 No.51142870

    The only right choices to me were Alicia, Mana, Yue, and Cecile.

    Alicia, Mana, and Yue will be alone forever if you don't marry one.
    Cecile is stuck married to a total racist dickcheese.

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