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  • File : 1266859371.jpg-(101 KB, 620x351, new-aliens-vs-predator-screenshot.jpg)
    101 KB Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)12:22 No.50401741  
    Over its predecessors,

    - Alien play MUCH more stealth/tactic based. No more charging a marine and one-shotting him; now you have to get the drop on him, and levels are designed with that in mind. Hiding in a vent and luring someone underneath felt exactly like the horror-movie kills in the movies, especially if you quiet-killed them. Satisfying every single time, even after doing it forty billion times.
    --- "Press jump to leap at a wall" is flat-out amazing
    --- Crawling on the ground until you're at an enemy is a neat feature
    --- Hiss is only marginally useful, but super fun
    --- Hit the lights!
    --- Harvesting civilians is so much fun. I wish you could harvest marines.
    - Predator missions have more freedom; he's powerful enough that you can (unless there are turrets involved) charge headlong into the fray and fuck people up, but there's plenty of room for distracting, stealth, and overall "like the movies" play. Felt a little like Arkham Asylum, with leaping down to silently kill someone and then leaping back onto roofs or into trees.
    --- Jump point system: Awesome. A little finicky in its implementation, but being able to leap from tree to tree or building to building felt great.
    --- Better health system than the previous ones (using energy to heal never made sense, either from the story perspective or from gameplay perspective)
    --- Less energy-dependent overall
    --- Less dependent on being at range; claws are actually useful now
    - Marine is MUCH more powerful than in previous versions. Being able to block with weapons and L4D-style butt enemies is a great feature. One of the devs (?) said early on that if you're in front of the marine, you're probably going to die, and I like that they stuck to this.
    --- Motion sensor doesn't suck
    --- Isn't carrying nine weapons at once, which means the few weapons that he has are balanced better
    --- Uses smartgun with two hands, hell yes
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)12:23 No.50401786
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    >> Sexy gothic plate is sexy 02/22/10(Mon)12:24 No.50401863
    >No more charging a marine and one-shotting him
    Nope, now it's charge in, heavy attack and then light attack/grab.
    >> Jawsus (pretty cool guy) !!/gU4EkriYy3 02/22/10(Mon)12:26 No.50401976
    Someone needs to learn to melee as a marine
    >> Sexy gothic plate is sexy 02/22/10(Mon)12:27 No.50402023
    if they catch you slightly off guard by 1 second? You're dead, if they're too far to be melee'd while they ice skate towards you? You're dead.

    Seriously, that heavy attack is the bane of my games.
    >> Polaris !!GXbP84CXHwL 02/22/10(Mon)12:27 No.50402040
    Yeah but that takes some skill instead of one button to win game.

    It's like a good Pyro in TF2, a good Alien is leagues beyond his fellow HISSSSSSSers.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)12:27 No.50402045
    - Aliens:
    --- Sparks on feet, what the flying fuck is this
    --- No on-demand live headbites
    --- Melee is absolutely dependent on the enemy not sucking
    --- I wish vents were done a little better. I like that you can leap into vents by targeting them; I absolutely do NOT like that this is your only option. I wish you could just crawl into them normally instead of turning it into a miniature pixel-hunt.
    - Predator:
    --- NO TROPHY COLLECTION. Big disappointment.
    --- The spear felt tacked on, especially since the "it returns to you after a short time" isn't actually explained or implemented. Would have preferred the speargun.
    --- No energy regeneration. Even if it were slow, I'd have preferred that to the "find a source" method. Granted, he's less dependent on it now, since cloaking doesn't take energy by nature (at least, not on normal -- maybe it does in the other difficulties?), but, still.
    --- Didn't let you do the hand-to-hand with the Queen. That was one of the most epic battles in the original game, and I was really hoping they'd do it this time.
    - Marine:
    --- Flare system sucks. I know the goal here was to have fewer situations where it's truly needed, and to have it be more of a complement to the primary light source, the flashlight, but it still sucked big time.
    --- Very few weapons. I liked that he could only carry three at a time, but where was the fucking minigun?!
    --- Fighting Bishop's androids was stupid. It would have been okay if they kept it to the very last part, when you're nearing the end, but I played the Marine campaign to be shuffling through dark corridors looking for Aliens, not playing Mindless Shootan 12.
    >> Jawsus (pretty cool guy) !!/gU4EkriYy3 02/22/10(Mon)12:28 No.50402095
    Lrn2lookaround and not be caught off guard. Either way you cannot deny the classes are all well balanced.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)12:29 No.50402149
    >Find shotgun
    >One-shoot any aliens trying to get close
    >Feel good again

    I see your point though.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)12:29 No.50402156
    - General pros and cons:
    --- Collectibles are always a retarded idea
    ++ Level designs were a little better. The Marine was still runnin n' gunnin between checkpoints, but for the other two, the levels were built around you having options to you, and I liked that.
    --- Obvious complaint: Way too short. I blazed through the three campaigns on normal mode in about six hours. A couple deaths here and there (with more than a couple on fucking Bishop's OP shotgun, but mostly blazed through. I'll be retrying it on hard, and then probably on the hardest, but Aliens and Predator got shortchanged BAD.
    ++ Smoother overall.
    --- Super bad plot. I know this game probably wasn't aimed at making a good plot, but it was obvious where it was going from scene 1.
    --- Really bad AI. Like, super stupidly bad. The AI aliens did no sneaking beside spawning in vents; they just weaved around to try and make it hard to shoot them, which didn't work.
    --- "MOUSE 1 NOW!!" "HIT MOUSE 2 OMG" prompts. Obnoxious. I could probably have turned them off, but now that I'm thinking about it, I didn't look. Made the already-bad AI even worse when melee combat became Simon Says.
    ++ The heavy grab attacks are great for when they're actually applicable. Silent stealth kills, etc. If you try and use them when surrounded by people, yes, obviously you are going to die immediately. Complaining about that is kind of silly -- be smart. They're great tools if you use them right. When you do ... so satisfying. I love the Alien's "tail through your mouth" one.
    ++ Some of the places where they hid the Aliens were amazing. The nooks in the hive tunnels, the first time I was caught by that, were done SO well.
    ++ Graphic-wise, the movement of Aliens was a lot better. They're more fluid, more like the movies, than the previous games.
    --- Checkpoints were done okay, but I liked the save system more. Old-fashioned that way, I guess.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)12:29 No.50402168
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    That's why you shouldn't let them get near you.

    By the way, am I the only one here who really wants a combat synth skin? These guys are awesome, easily my favorite new thing from the game.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)12:30 No.50402273
    Verdict: Unless you like the multiplayer a lot (I don't -- not really my style of multiplayer; I've always played the AvP games for the singleplayer), I'd suggest renting it. If it were longer, especially the Alien & Predator campaigns, it'd be worth the sixty bucks, but when you can easily beat it in one sitting, that's a bit much.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)12:31 No.50402302
    Most of the complaints:
    >I played on normal!

    AI sucks always but go back and beat that shit on hard like a real man.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)12:31 No.50402303
    Yeah, their skins were pretty awesome, I'll give them that.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)12:33 No.50402434
    In avp2 you could jump at any wall and latch on, you didn't need to press x to enter a vent, no one cares about hitting lights, hiss is useless, predators are now wtfuber, predators can't super jump anymore, claws were always useful, marines are overpowered (meleeing an alien srsly?), flashlights were always in avp, motion sensors are always shit no matter what.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)12:33 No.50402449
    Problem with the difficulty here is that the AI is still bad. When you're fighting computer aliens, they do one of three things:

    - Leap & sideswipe
    - Charge and light-attack, then heavy-attack
    - Charge and stand straight up for an obvious heavy attack

    All three of those are mind-numbingly easy to counter, and even that's if you don't kill them before they get to you. Like I said, I'll definitely go back and play it on hard, and then shoot myself in the foot by playing it on hardest, but really, most of the difficulty came from them sneaking up on you. Once you know where they spawn ... it's a cakewalk.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)12:35 No.50402543
    >fighting Bishop's androids was stupid. It would have been okay if they kept it to the very last part, when you're nearing the end, but I played the Marine campaign to be shuffling through dark corridors looking for Aliens, not playing Mindless Shootan 12.

    so fucking true
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)12:35 No.50402577
    >predators are now wtfuber
    >Whine about no super jump and useless claws

    Going to decide yet?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)12:36 No.50402638
    - Didn't have a flashlight in the original (if they had one in AvP2, my bad, misremembering that)
    - Predator superjump is now the jump point system, which is far superior
    - Aliens were never supposed to be super strong; they're fast and agile, relying on stealth. Marines should be able to butt 'em with their gun. Your argument might be valid if doing it while the alien isn't heavy attacking still stunned them.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)12:37 No.50402704
    In hard sometimes they DO sneak up on you.
    >> Dr. Freeze !xyUquwRsP. 02/22/10(Mon)12:37 No.50402731
    Personally, did not have a problem with bishop. Just ran up to him, and double barrel blasted him till I was dry. Went down like a $10 whore.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)12:38 No.50402784
    Someone hasn't seen the AvP flashback of the Predators fighting the aliens on the pyramids.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)12:39 No.50402859
    Someone hasn't seen any AvP movies or Alien movies, Aliens are stronger than humans, only androids should be able to melee them.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)12:39 No.50402870
    They do on normal, too, but it's still counterable by knowing who spawns where.

    What they needed was a random spawnpoint system. They had plenty of vents and nooks to use, but in the end, aliens still spawned from only specific ones. If you get snuck up on and killed, you walk backwards next time and shoot him in the face.

    Maybe they spawn at completely random points in hard and I'm just spouting bullshit. I hope that's the case. If it isn't, it's still just down to knowing the level, which is the lowest form of arbitrary difficulty.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)12:40 No.50402898
    >AvP movie
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)12:41 No.50402996
    Really? I tried that and he two-shot me. :( I had to kind of whore him by running around that little square of (I forget what it was) shooting him from the other side.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)12:41 No.50403006
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    >> Dr. Freeze !xyUquwRsP. 02/22/10(Mon)12:42 No.50403024
    Yeah, and predators can survive in Antarctica.

    AVP movies never happened.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)12:42 No.50403053
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    >Thinks meleeing an Alien is viable
    >Thinks Aliens wouldn't just stick it in you in real life if you did

    Watch Alien 1 special extended edition, see what Ripley does all the way through for 3 whole hours
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)12:43 No.50403095
    >Shotgun one-shotting the enemy

    They must have changed a lot since the multiplayer demo, I played it today and 4 direct hits at <8 metres while the alien spazzed around trying to get used to the controls did not kill him.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)12:44 No.50403208
    >Implying a superior race couldn't invent a device that allowed them to survive in cold climates.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)12:44 No.50403214
    It's only viable if the alien is occupied.

    Say, by charging a heavy attack.

    Oh ... that's exactly how it works. Like I said before, the argument would hold weight if meleeing an alien stunned it every time, but as it is, it only stuns if they're rearing up for a heavy attack, which makes sense.

    I don't think it should flat-out knock them off their feet like it does, but interrupting the heavy attack is fine by me.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)12:48 No.50403444
    I have to say this
    im good at melee but when i press the middle mouse button he just walks at him while struggling to lift his gun
    >> Dr. Freeze !xyUquwRsP. 02/22/10(Mon)12:48 No.50403472
    I'm still calling bullshit. the ONLY part i liked from that movie was the predator working with the one lady.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)12:49 No.50403515
    >Alien 1
    >implying there is an Alien 2
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)12:49 No.50403559
    Yeah this is so annoying, watching your melee attack in slowmotion while the aliens coming at you with a heavy attack is really fucking demoralizing.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)12:51 No.50403663
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)12:52 No.50403694
    >Implying there isn't an Alien 3
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)12:56 No.50403942
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    Ever heard of "Occam's Razor"?

    I assume not, so here's a lesson. The simplest explanation is usually the right one.

    the simple explanation here? The first AVP sucked ass and was directed by one of the worst directors in the industry, the same jackass who did those awful resident evil flicks.

    So your defense based on "but dey can inbent de devices!!!1111" argument is fucking retarded, bro.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)13:02 No.50404362
    Your argument is retarded, I don't care for who made it why should you? You're assuming some alien race which is lightyears above us in knowledge wouldn't be able to invent anything to make them survive in cold climates when they have stealth camo, ability to regenerate and numerous space age weapons, they travel the galaxy and hunt a variety of creatures on every planet they come across and you think they wouldn't have invented things to stop the cold? Yeah right.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)13:06 No.50404641
    I rest my case.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)13:09 No.50404821
    I think that guy's a bit short on brains, but that doesn't really negate his point.

    Of course Predators can survive in Antarctica. Refuting that is flat-out stupid. Who directed the movie has literally no bearing on that point.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)13:11 No.50404961

    You fail to see my point. I'm saying your wrong and retarded because you're inventing conventions that have never been mentioned in ANY source material for the characters.


    Have you never fucking seen the Predator movies?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)13:12 No.50405011
    I for 1 loved the first AvP. Had some fucking awesome moments and the effects were nice
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)13:13 No.50405098
    I agree with the other anon. The directors wanted a mystery plot involving Mayas on Antartica and just forgot or ignored that Predators only hunt in the hottest of summers.

    The AvP movies are just fanfic and have no artistic value whatsoever.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)13:15 No.50405228
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)13:20 No.50405493

    somebody's pissed
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)13:20 No.50405556

    Somebody can't spell.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)13:22 No.50405632
    /tv/ really is the worst board on 4chan.
    Only pretentious homos discussing Avatar and their waifus, also Kaji posts in every thread.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)13:22 No.50405699
    everytime you correct me or argue a point that is beside the topic of discussion

    you lose!
    let that sink in for a minute
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)13:23 No.50405736
    Somebody's trolling.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)13:23 No.50405758
    >Implying you're right
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)13:24 No.50405808
    I wish they'd do something a little different than the same old Space Marines trope. Why not put the game in modern day and have regular marines and some citizens with guns?
    Of course I know where this version of the space marines comes from, but part of the reason this game has been received kind of poorly is because the setting has become very stale. Why not mix it up a bit?
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)13:25 No.50405833
    >> i'm always right
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)13:26 No.50405900
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    Well, there goes my brain.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)13:26 No.50405913
    Somebody can't shut the fuck up and let the adults talk.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)13:27 No.50405944
    Well 4chan is certainly not for such detailed reviews, that's for sure.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)13:27 No.50405948
    Because of retarded fans thinking Predators can't invent things to make them survive cold climates.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)13:28 No.50406034
    I'd agree if it were a new game, or another franchise, or something.

    But the universe this game takes place in is ... in the future. Where they have space marines. They're messing with established canon and you can't really muck with the timeline there.

    How would they get Aliens to Earth if it were modern day? The only reason Aliens even know about humans is because spacefaring humans stumbled upon them in the first place.
    >> /d/eviating Ca/tg/irl 02/22/10(Mon)13:28 No.50406071

    There IS a difference between CHOSEN hunting grounds, and going somewhere they don't normally, because something important is there.
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)13:28 No.50406077
    >Implying Aliens know about humans
    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)13:29 No.50406099
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    >> Anonymous 02/22/10(Mon)13:29 No.50406103
    Any attempt to "freshen up" the source material would've alienated and made pretty much any hardcore fan dislike it. One of the main complaints of the film series is that they didn't even try to use settings/stories that worked really well for AVP in the comics.

    Although this game isn't anything i've read in the comics, it's ripe with great art direction. Especially the predator's. As a big fan, I really enjoyed the level of detail that went into the predator temples.

    To each his own, my best friend and I can't get enough of the game and we're both die hard AVP fans. If you aren't a TRUE fan, stay away I guess.

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