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  • File : 1266785329.jpg-(40 KB, 776x329, 28v9f1f.jpg)
    40 KB Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)15:48 No.50313068  

    Give me some mind-fucks
    >> PK Fire 02/21/10(Sun)15:50 No.50313178
         File1266785437.jpg-(705 KB, 638x824, 0c848e694f88c4415a630fc90ff0c6(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)15:51 No.50313240
         File1266785483.png-(7 KB, 480x448, Mario doesn't hit blocks with (...).png)
    Mario doesn't hit blocks with his head.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)15:52 No.50313300
    GODDAMNIT for the longest time I didn't even know he was holding a gun, i just thought they fucked up on the photograph and also thought i was the only one
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)15:52 No.50313301
         File1266785528.jpg-(18 KB, 986x200, 98897.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)15:52 No.50313317
    >> !bgREVLN8FU 02/21/10(Sun)15:53 No.50313374
    >>   02/21/10(Sun)15:53 No.50313412
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)15:54 No.50313434
         File1266785641.jpg-(105 KB, 1024x768, 124526572937.jpg)
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    >>50313240 whole life has been a lie
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)15:54 No.50313455
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)15:54 No.50313495
         File1266785687.jpg-(132 KB, 1728x1064, what the fuYEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHH.jpg)
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    thats a hand you imbecile
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)15:55 No.50313538
         File1266785726.png-(953 B, 150x150, 565566.png)
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    Super Mario Bros 3

    3 has Tanooki Suit as shadow.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)15:55 No.50313540
         File1266785728.jpg-(86 KB, 1024x768, =o.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)15:55 No.50313569
    What are you pointing out?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)15:56 No.50313601

    holy shit
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)15:56 No.50313617
    Every fucking block <---> head joke is ruined.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)15:56 No.50313621
    In the beginning of Borderlands, Guardian Angel says "Would you kindly go help that clap trap?" and then you do what she tells you for the whole game.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)15:56 No.50313643

    Seriously guys? You didn't know this? Has no one on this damn board ever heard the arthritis jokes about Mario's hand? Come on now...
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)15:56 No.50313645
    >retards actually didn't notice this

    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)15:56 No.50313654
    >I don't know how mindfucks work
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)15:57 No.50313690
         File1266785847.jpg-(109 KB, 336x333, 1266076911925.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)15:57 No.50313698
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    my brain asplode
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)15:57 No.50313715

    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)15:58 No.50313749

    no go awee dunkee
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)15:58 No.50313772
         File1266785895.jpg-(26 KB, 298x298, 222112.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)15:59 No.50313868
         File1266785969.gif-(204 KB, 300x400, Spinning Shadow Illusion.gif)
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    "Which way is she spinning"...?
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)15:59 No.50313889
         File1266785987.png-(73 KB, 510x2359, Other Metroid.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)16:00 No.50313935
    clockwise, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)16:01 No.50313996
    This makes me happy. :D
    This one, i've known about and I've never played Mother
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)16:01 No.50314004
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)16:01 No.50314018

    I don't get what the illusion is supposed to be...
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)16:01 No.50314042

    obviously counter-clockwise
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)16:01 No.50314055
         File1266786105.png-(4 KB, 321x287, cleafairy.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)16:02 No.50314080
    It's supposed to look like it can spin both ways.
    But it can't.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)16:02 No.50314089
    I got chills.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)16:02 No.50314098
    if you look at her shadow long enough, she starts spinning the other way. crazy shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)16:02 No.50314151
    I know what you're talking aboit but it doesn't work. You can learly tell which side is wich and where the front and back for her head is.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)16:02 No.50314163

    Are you fucking serious? That was easy.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)16:03 No.50314185

    It's a test to see if you're right brain or left brain dominant. If she's spinning clockwise you're right brain, counter-clockwise you're left brain. If you stare at it for too long you can see both, she'll flip back and forth, or you can see whichever you choose, that's not what it's testing. Right brain is the rational mathey thinkey part of the brain, left is the artey creativey part.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)16:03 No.50314227
    I was so blind...
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)16:03 No.50314230
         File1266786237.jpg-(21 KB, 577x397, 1259506359480.jpg)
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    MY GOD
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)16:03 No.50314231
    In FF IX, when you first visit the village of Dali, after you sleep and wake
    up when you heard Garnet's voice, you can pay 10 gil to see your
    'color fortune'. You can do it as much as you want, but the first time,
    it says:

    Good Omen
    Today will be a day filled with deja vu

    You will see familiar sights and eat foods that you tasted long ago.
    You may find a long-lost friend.

    Take a moment to recall good memories.

    >You may find a long-lost friend.
    You meet Freya not long after that.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)16:04 No.50314236

    Sorry, didn't mention that the spinning is subjective, and can be altered at will with practice...
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)16:04 No.50314269
    the head actually makes contact even though this screen was capped to make it look like only the hand does.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)16:04 No.50314307
         File1266786291.png-(6 KB, 240x160, mtr3.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)16:05 No.50314341
         File1266786316.jpg-(13 KB, 273x166, banjo_tooie.jpg)
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    banjo tooie
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)16:05 No.50314393
         File1266786356.jpg-(133 KB, 720x480, 1257492987880.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)16:06 No.50314405
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    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)16:06 No.50314414
    Holy shit. At first I wondered what the illusion was, then I looked at the shadow and she suddenly changed direction. Once you're set on one direction it's hard to change into the other.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)16:06 No.50314422
         File1266786376.png-(145 KB, 640x480, paint.png)
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    Il Piantissimo is the Marathon Man.
    >> Dr. Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)16:06 No.50314436

    That's not a mind-fuck, that's foreshadowing.

    ... unless foreshadowing is a form of mindfuckery, which is possible.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)16:06 No.50314443
         File1266786393.jpg-(81 KB, 600x596, re5-3.jpg)
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    I never know that BSAA agents can read backward
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)16:07 No.50314481
    play it. the hand clips through whatever you jump-bump.
    >> Anonymous 02/21/10(Sun)16:07 No.50314511
    It's his hand you fucking morons.

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