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  • File : 1266348048.jpg-(108 KB, 500x900, Mvc2-tron-bonne.jpg)
    108 KB Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)14:20 No.49778634  
    Real arcade fightan thread. None of this online day frame/lag bullshit. I want to hear stories of real bros meeting and being real life niggas

    >Go to local nickel arcade
    >Some snotnose thirteen year old is playing with half a dozen of his friends surrounding the cabinet, acting obnoxious. Team: Iron man, Cable, Gambit
    >Ask politely if I can play. Recieve general shit talk
    >Proceed to whoop him mercilessly Megaman/Sonson/T.Bonne for several matches
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)14:22 No.49778732
    >implying the correct course of action wasn't to place your palm on his scrunchy little bratface, squeeze, and shove him on his ass for talking back to an adult
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)14:24 No.49778963
    i don't really have any good stories as i'm just too broke these days to visit the arcade much lolstudentloans. last time i went i hit the sf4 cab and got like 3 perfects in 5 matches against this scrubby sagat player w/ his gf on his shoulder. then i got promptly handled by some dude in his 30s playing ryu.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)14:28 No.49779277

    >sf4 cab

    You lucky son of a bitch
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)14:30 No.49779463
    >Go to community college
    >Rec room has TWO MvC2 cabinets
    >Ridiculous shark tank of pros
    >Learn with the best through the most painful method possible
    >Become pro with asians

    Fucking awesome experience
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)14:30 No.49779523
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    >approach cabinet with a crowd around it
    >players are ridiculously good
    >suddenly they all want the foreigner to play
    >win round 1 even though I KNOW it was a test round
    >get raped
    >and again
    >and again
    >suddenly I win a match by the skin of my teeth
    >he pretends to recieve a text or some shit and says something I didn't understand
    >sat alone at the cabinet
    >look across the arcade and see a japanese neckbeard playing some gundam shit alone
    >our eyes meet

    >so ronery
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)14:33 No.49779816
    OP here

    Those kids were regulars at that arcade, too. They'd always find me there, always make a scene, and always get their little leaders' ass kicked by my ridiculous teams. Dan's never seen so many victories.

    >Walk into arcade with a bro whose never played MvC2 on anything but his ps2
    >Fucking empty. Notice the machine is off, and ask the guy behind the desk to turn it on
    >"You guys like that game? How about this, if you can beat me, I'll let you play it for free all you want"
    >Awestruck, accept his challenge
    >Employee pushes a button inside the cabinet and fakes nearly 30 credits
    >Friend goes against him. Team: Ryu, T. Bonne, Wolverine.
    >Opponent: Storm, Rogue, Magneto
    >FUCKING DEMOLISHED. A similar fate awaits me
    >Go on like this for all thirty rounds. Leave after being promptly humiliated

    Feels ok.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)14:37 No.49780123

    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)14:39 No.49780301

    Did you shake the man's hand?
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)14:43 No.49780634

    We left after receiving our ass whoopings, and we were polite and sportsmanlike and whatnot. He was still playing the game after we left. He must have spent days working in that empty arcade with nothing to do but play the fighters all alone, just honing his skill and hoping he'd find someone as good as him to fight.

    He seemed so excited when we mentioned MvC2. It must be lonely at the top...
    >> heartbreak !SqEDOid1Hg 02/16/10(Tue)14:43 No.49780691
    >Go to an arcade
    >Find a nearly abandoned X-Men vs SF machine
    >Start playing
    >A guy who I know from the uni appears
    >"Anon, I didn't knew you were into vidya"
    >Starts playing with me, he's pretty good
    >Play more than 15 matches and I have to go
    >Found a new bro :D
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)14:45 No.49780830

    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)14:46 No.49780918
    The lack of posts in this thread just goes to show how few people on /v/ ever actually went to arcades

    Explains all the cold, un-bro like tripfags that regular fighting threads
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)14:47 No.49780991
    BUT GGPO IS JUST AS GOOD FOR HONING MY SKILLZ!! yeah most "serious" fightan fans are faggots.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)14:48 No.49781120

    >> Shadow Monster !bb6OCCHf8E!!UMMPN3IBcMt 02/16/10(Tue)14:49 No.49781181
    >Go to local Nickel Arcade
    >See someone is on Tekken Tag
    >Ask to play him
    >Play as Yoshimitsu and Law
    >He chooses Eddy and Hwoarang
    >He spams attacks, borderline button mashing
    >He barely beats me
    >"Well that was fun. You're pretty good." I lie
    >His response: "Psh, chyeah."
    >Bite my tongue and go play Galaga
    >> heartbreak !SqEDOid1Hg 02/16/10(Tue)14:50 No.49781219

    Just like any "serious" fan of anything...
    >> Dr. Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)14:50 No.49781274

    Hey now, I have a CvS2 cabinet at my university.

    Was a depressing time when it stopped working. Heck, it's a depressing time now that it stopped working again!

    pseudo-fond memories of losing on purpose to a girl I don't understand it, either. She used to be able to kick my ass back in high school.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)14:51 No.49781319
    The first time I ever played Samurai Shodown IV was with a group of friends who had played it a bunch. I saw one of them play Nakoruru and wanted to try her, but I picked Rimururu unknowingly.
    I proceeded to beat the crap out of all of them, for like 5 matches straight. It was fucking awesome.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)14:53 No.49781509
    or cause some of us live in buttfuck nowhere. Seriously i have never had an arcade where i live. One mall had an MvC cabinet but it uses all happ parts which i cant stand.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)14:54 No.49781568
    Protip: American arcade cabinets are going to use American parts.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)14:54 No.49781618

    That is the scum of the fighting community. Bads who win with scrubby tactics by the skin of their teeth, whose tactics and bullshit are only reinforced by what few wins they scrape out.

    You should have fucking demolished him, and rubbed his nose in it. You should have taken your hand and jammed it straight into his chest, only to pull out his heart and eat in front of him
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)14:54 No.49781621
    you poor poor thing. welcome to how it's always been, ever.
    >> Anonymous of London !hCFl0iGnqs 02/16/10(Tue)14:55 No.49781697
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    >Go to local nickel arcade between lectures
    >Practice some Bison
    >Couple of Asian guys come in
    >Shit bricks
    >Bison vs Ryu
    >FADC all his jabs, punish every whiff, headstomp his jumps, ultra finish last round
    >C.Viper vs Rufus
    >Slaughtered by Asian guy's friend
    >Play some matches of BlazBlue together
    I love this arcade, £1 = 3 credits too.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)14:56 No.49781823
    >MvC2 cabinet at local arcade

    >Decent community of pros and decents. STORM CABLE SENTINAL dominating most of the chosen rosters, with the occasional magneto or Psylocke

    >Machine is inexplicably reset. All unlocked characters are gone

    >Most of the God tier is fucking GONE

    >Begins the golden age of MvC2 at that arcade

    Best few weeks of my life
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)14:57 No.49781848
    >live in high wycombe
    >no arcades

    sucks, man.
    >> Clovis !9L.gxDzakI 02/16/10(Tue)14:57 No.49781868
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    I wish people in my town cared about arcades enough for me to have stories....

    At least my mall has a MvC2 and a 3rd Strike machine.....
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)14:57 No.49781896
    So what, you are a cool guy because you lie to him and he reacts honestly to you?
    He may be a dick, but if you think you are not you are wrong.
    >> Shadow Monster !bb6OCCHf8E!!UMMPN3IBcMt 02/16/10(Tue)14:57 No.49781902
    I would've, but he seemed like he was the type who would just say "lucky game" or some shit like that. It wasn't worth my time.

    You can learn a lot about a person from how they play. He played like a douche and acted like a douche.
    >> Dr. Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)14:58 No.49781993
    >Friend convinces me to play MvC2
    >We shit around
    >More people come around
    >They shit around with us
    >Later, MAGNETO, STORM, PSYLOCKE guy comes in and beats me
    >Everyone leaves

    I wonder how that guy felt.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)14:59 No.49782092
    >MvC2 cabinet. Some cute girl is playing

    >Nut up and challange her. Play a few fun matches. She isn't bad, but obviously doesn't understand the intricacies of the game. At least she can use inputs, which is condescendingly impressive.

    >Talk about marvel characters. She knows her stuff. Expresses disdain for Cable, exclaiming he's what was wrong with marvel in the 90's. Hard to disagree

    >Choose Cammy. "Ugh, she-guile. She's just like, guile's partner or something."

    >Shrug off comment and continue to play

    Never see her again. Least I talked to her :(
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:00 No.49782129
    I haven't been to an arcade in ten years; The place I used to frequent got turned into a fucking liquor store.

    This was back when the Dreamcast had come out and Marvel vs Capcom 2 was still the new kid on the fightan block. I used to rock Ryu, Iron Man, and Gambit; I lost about as many games that I won, but all of the neighborhood guys would congregate there and practice their asses off at it every day just to see who could master this new game the quickest (the MvC1 and Marvel Superheroes vs Street Fighter machines were well worn and old hat). Shit was awesome. Then when they got a new Tekken 4 machine, the place used to be packed with nothing but fightan bros. All the regulars used to hold impromptu tournaments and, when the house sponsored them, we played for cash and token.

    Good times.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:01 No.49782237



    >> zerosozha !!Mio3wfOZIOR 02/16/10(Tue)15:01 No.49782241
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    >Local movie theater
    >Hop on House of the Dead 3
    >Random dude comes up
    >"Hey, can I play with you?"
    >"Go for it."
    >We destroy the game together
    >High five afterwards
    >> MK !F5MkmkmkMk 02/16/10(Tue)15:01 No.49782265
    This was like years ago.

    >Go to nearby arcade
    >Power Stone 2 cabinet is seen in the middle
    >Start to play it
    >Three other people join in
    >Have a good time and kick some ass as Falcon

    >> heartbreak !SqEDOid1Hg 02/16/10(Tue)15:02 No.49782301

    >Local arcade that's mainly made of PCs running pirate/MAME games
    >Know the owner
    >Start talking about BlazBlue, explains that it's like a Guilty Gear sucessor
    >Owner becomes curious
    >Continuum Shift leak conveniently sitting on my pen drive
    >Owner plays it on his PC, likes it
    >High possibility of a BlazBlue CS cabinet :D
    >> Dr. Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:02 No.49782330

    You lucky asshole! I never seen a Power Stone 2 cabinet anywhere aside from the Philippines.
    >> Kazuma !!JIPK28Ffleh 02/16/10(Tue)15:03 No.49782410
    Yeah, man, he should have slammed his face into the cabinet.

    But here's some honesty for you: Fuck you, you over-aggressive dickhead. In society, we weather the idiots without stooping to their level.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:04 No.49782530

    Why is that fucking hilarious. I love how thats the definition of illegal pirating, yet I'm sure no legal recourse will occur.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:04 No.49782549
    I did this too, but with Time Crisis 3

    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:05 No.49782599
    But i does not live in america
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:05 No.49782602
    Yeah, that shit is fucking crazy.
    >> Anonymous of London !hCFl0iGnqs 02/16/10(Tue)15:05 No.49782673
    House of the Dead/Time Crisis is fucking-A bro-material.
    >> Octopus Prime 02/16/10(Tue)15:06 No.49782729
    I only have 1 arcade story that sticks out in my mind over the years.

    >Playing X-men vs Street Fighter at a bowling alley, 8 or so years old.
    >Doing half good, mostly button mashing.
    >Kid about my age comes up and just puts quarters in without saying anything
    >He chooses Bison and spams his knee slide
    >I have no idea how to block.

    That kid had such a shit eating grin the entire match.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:06 No.49782732
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    ill just leave this here
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:06 No.49782740
    >Play MvC2
    >Arcade's regular is an obviously down syndromed asian guy. He's very loud, but not an asshole or something
    >Decide to play him
    >He plays an impressive Anakaris and Cable. He constantly talks about the tactics the characters are best in
    >Infinte combo'd by a retarded guy
    >Never recover my pride
    >> heartbreak !SqEDOid1Hg 02/16/10(Tue)15:07 No.49782797

    It's hilarious. Sometimes the SFIV cabinet flashes with the Windows Live content. Too bad that mostly are KoF cabinets, and I fucking suck at KoF ;-;
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:07 No.49782833

    >Set Highscore on Galaga at a movie theater in 2000 at age 13.
    >Still there in 2010..

    I'm the shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:08 No.49782870
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    >Infinite combo'd by a retarded guy

    Proof even retards can play fighting games
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:08 No.49782896
    >find out arcade had BBCS
    >get raped
    >guys are still pretty cool, giving me tips and shit
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:10 No.49783024

    That has to be the best feeling ever
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:11 No.49783100
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    >Play SF3: Next Gen in mall arcade while some of my friends are getting food and shit
    >Little kid comes up, hits buttons like he's playing
    >Be a little annoyed at first, but decide to just put in a credit for him
    >End up teaching him shoto moveset, playing around with him, tell him a little about the basics
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:11 No.49783123
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    >live in Europe
    >nobody plays arcades anymore
    >everything is shutting down
    >feels bad man

    Seriously, what went wrong? I miss those old days pouring all my money into Contra cabs.
    >> Intellectual Zombie 02/16/10(Tue)15:11 No.49783160
    My memories of playing arcades versus other kids... Those days are long gone. Nowadays, I don't have any bro stories. Just moralfag shit that jaded /v/irgins don't wanna hear.

    >at amusement park with an arcade
    >mostly ticket games and skiball, some cabinets downstairs
    >see kid playing arcade AvP
    >game beats his ass on the third to last level or some shit
    >no more credits
    >kid looks sad and walks away
    >stop him and give him some of the quarters I got from the change machine
    >his face lights up and he goes back to the machine
    >some other kid has started a new game

    Feels... kind of awkward.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:12 No.49783202
    >what went wrong?
    think about it for a minute. consoles
    >> JewYorkBro !!Oo43raDvH61 02/16/10(Tue)15:12 No.49783206
    >go to Chinatown arcade
    >full of fat asians, blacks, and bums
    >get owned at every game because these people do nothing but live there
    >smells of a mix between BO and fabreeze
    >never go back
    >my life is great
    >> SaigonTime !!k5knad7PigS 02/16/10(Tue)15:12 No.49783221
         File1266351150.png-(32 KB, 160x168, 1251606071522.png)
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    >Play MvC2 for years on Dreamcast, practice with gamepad
    >Get to college for Media Arts, destroy any and all-comers on it with Blackheart/CapCom/Jin
    >Drop out after two years, re-enroll in Game Design
    >Online bachelor's only
    >Live in apartment, Dreamcast collects dust because roomie doesn't care for MvC2
    >Go to the mall one weekend, walk by arcade
    >MvC2 machine surrounded by 7-8 teenage asians
    >Step up, drop my quarters like a boss
    >Clear through them, three matches never even using Jin or CapCom
    >Proceed to clear through arcade mode with five of the asians staying to cheer me on
    >One of them asks me for tips afterwards
    >"Forget tier lists. Find a team that works for you, practice as much as you can, and never give up."
    >Hear cheesy Japanese music playing in the back of my head
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:13 No.49783282
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    Ugh, I visited Korea a couple of years ago to visit some relitives, and we went to an arcade a few blocks down the road. Of course, I was thinking it's be some cheap ass place with a couple of cabinets.

    But once we got there, there was this HUGE crowd of people round a Sega R360 machine with some kid playing Wing War inside it.

    I swear to god I jizzed myself watching that thing, I queued up to have a go on it but the wait was almost an hour, and we had to leave pretty soon.

    Went back a couple of years later and the arcade was shut down. I actually felt disappointed, knowing that I was so close to being on one of those things.

    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:14 No.49783413
    But... they also have consoles in Japan/USA/Korea and shit is still going strong, thou admittedly less than a few years ago.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:15 No.49783472
    Actually its more like thugs drove the normal people, nerds and kids away and rule the things and steadily run them into the ground.

    My local SEGA Park, one of the last surviving (soon to be torn down ;_;) used to have great games and I spent alot of time down there. Now it just has a load of fruit machines, the punching machine thing for the chavs and house of the dead 3, with a broken second controller.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:15 No.49783522
    the arcade scene in the US is definitely not going strong, and my guess is population density in japan/korea keeps the coin-op market viable. the US generally is more spread out person to person so consoles/online is the most convenient.
    >> Clovis !9L.gxDzakI 02/16/10(Tue)15:15 No.49783526
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    >go to cabin like....5 years ago
    >play Raiden 3 in a movie theater arcade
    >go to same theater last year
    >I'm now number 2....someone named ACE is number 1.
    >beat his score....just barely

    1: POO
    2: ACE
    3: BUT

    I'm a shining star of maturity.
    >> Swizard !ycmqAHS42A 02/16/10(Tue)15:16 No.49783546
    Still a shit lot in japan.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:16 No.49783567
    Where the fuck do you people live that you have all these arcades with good games? The only arcade near me that as MvC2 and 3S is also a pool hall and NO ONE plays the cabs. No one. I spent 3 hours there alone ;_;
    >> Dr. Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:17 No.49783650

    University and this one "ANIME CENTER" whatever-shit that has a bunch of good games, too.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:17 No.49783664
    Hi there, Amerifag here. Don't know where you got the idea arcades are "going strong" here, they're dead as a fucking doornail in most places. And Japan's going to follow suit too, albeit much more gradually in the coming few years. Korea's already started migrating toward competitive PC gaming.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:17 No.49783671
    Oh, and for anyone who hasn't seen a Sega R-360... they're incredibly cool.
    >> SolarBoyDjango !rTaiyOhWoo 02/16/10(Tue)15:17 No.49783678
    I love Gameworks, they have their own separate area for fighting games. Last time I went there they just added a few SF4 and TvC cabinets. Too bad I don't play fighting games too much. So, I just went and played some Time Crisis and DDR.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:19 No.49783822
    Anybody played on the F-Zero GX cab? Shit that was awesome man. And hard as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:20 No.49783898
    My state has shit all ;_;
    >> Clovis !9L.gxDzakI 02/16/10(Tue)15:20 No.49783932
    I haven't been to Gameworks in forever, but it was easily the best arcade I've ever been too (not saying much....); so many great cabinets. AND HOUSE OF THE DEAD 4! YAY!
    >> Shadow Monster !bb6OCCHf8E!!UMMPN3IBcMt 02/16/10(Tue)15:20 No.49783972
    And now for a bro story.

    >Go to Nickel Arcade, same one as before.
    >Play Time Crisis 2
    >Some guy about my age comes and starts playing with me
    >We beat the game, high five, all that
    >He asks if I want to play another game with him
    >Accept his offer
    >It's Tuesday at 2 PM, so it's almost empty
    >Decide on MvC2
    >Lose first match
    >Second match play as Dan, Dan, and Dan
    >Act excited and powerful as Dan
    >Put a lot of energy and emotion into it every time I press the Taunt button
    >Guy starts cracking up, messing up his game
    >Get him down to his last character with one Dan left
    >He has half his health, I have almost no health
    >Do Dan's Taunt special
    >Guy just loses it, almost falls out of his chair he's laughing so hard
    >Do a suicide attack, instantly kills him
    >He laughs for two more minutes before he has to leave
    >Good times.
    >> Dr. Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:21 No.49783979

    Wanted to get extra content with our memory cards, but all the F-Zero cabinets we see are in Japanese.

    At least the experience was fun, I guess.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:21 No.49784011
    You mean AX? They made GX for Gamecube and AX for arcades.

    I really want to play one...
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:21 No.49784029


    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:22 No.49784080
    Fuck, Japan. Why don't we have one of these?
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:23 No.49784231

    >Implying you can pick the same character more than once
    >> SolarBoyDjango !rTaiyOhWoo 02/16/10(Tue)15:24 No.49784252
    I beat House of the Dead 4 there with my friend, he had this nasty blister on his hand after playing. All that gun shaking nonsense. I was recently told that they have a House of the Dead 4 special edition now though. I might have to go there and play it.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:24 No.49784258
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:24 No.49784289
    >Puyo-Pop machine
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:25 No.49784333
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:25 No.49784347
    Well it helps greatly that the majority of arcade games (shmups, fighters, rail shooters, DDR, etc.) are made in Japan, so it's like a natural testing ground.

    So no matter how much time passes, as long as those games keep being made, Japan will still have an arcade scene.

    Every country has at least one godly arcade, you just need to find it.
    >> SaigonTime !!k5knad7PigS 02/16/10(Tue)15:25 No.49784361
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    Here's sort of a bro story

    >Family vacation in England when I'm 12
    >Dad and sister wander off, hanging with mom
    >Head down to a four-floored underground arcade because she likes DDR
    >Run out of quarters on House of the Dead
    >She accidentally puts too many in
    >Hit both start buttons
    >"Well now you gotta play. Or else you wasted the quarters."
    >Beat House of the Dead in the next two hours with mom beating my score handily
    >Fuck yea
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:25 No.49784385
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    >At arcade machines in college cafeteria.
    >Three guys over by the Deer Hunter machine.
    >Dude has a hard time shooting a stationary deer.
    >Next game I play
    >One shot every deer on the screen including the bonus buck.
    >Dude is amazed.
    >Play shooting range game together trying to beat each other scores.
    >Brofist before we both leave for class.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:26 No.49784457
    >Go to an Arcade with the intention of playing CvS1, the only decent game they have
    >It's broken
    >Try playing SvC:Chaos for a bit before going home.

    awesome arcade
    >> JewYorkBro !!Oo43raDvH61 02/16/10(Tue)15:26 No.49784463
    I went to GameWorks with a friend recently. We bought an hour card and just sat at HotD4 putting in the card every minute or so getting an ass ton of credits. Sure we hogged the machine, but we beat it.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:26 No.49784485
    I actually had a Metal Slug and a Bubble Bobble arcade when I was younger, don't know where that shit went though.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:27 No.49784540

    >> Dr. Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:28 No.49784658
    Oh, has anyone played Primeval Hunters? Hunting dinosaurs and shit with rifles and shotguns and shit. Even has touch-pad technology on the cabinet to track your moments and get to your prey faster.

    was fun shit in disney quest
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:29 No.49784700
    I think I know which Arcade you're talking about bro
    the one on the same block as Citibank near Canal Street?
    Has BlazBlue CS & that punching bag Arcade in the back?
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:30 No.49784819
    This is why arcades died.

    Nothing but a bunch of elitist neckbeard pricks thinking their "skill" at a video game makes their life worth more than others.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:31 No.49784903
    Don't know where you live but when I was in vacation in Italy they had a ton of those, with people actually playing. Also, I was amazed how much weeaboo those fucking Italians are. Their MTV shows a shitton of anime and they were helding some cosplay contest while I was there.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:32 No.49784960
    Randomly finding the SegaWorld on my trip to Shangai was a definite high point of my trip. Shit was glorious ;_;
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:32 No.49785002
    >Frequent the local arcade as a child. Enviously watch the DDR pros, wishing I was that good at a video game.

    >New game in the middle of the arcade: Guitar Freaks 2

    >Try it out. Its hard, but I don't hate it. I decide this shall be my rythm game niche

    >Play it every time I'm there, song by song. Gradually beat every song on the list, one by one.

    >Master the game over time. Impress look-e-loos.

    >Hear about a new game coming out: Guitar Hero.

    >God has answered my prayers
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:33 No.49785039

    >Implying regular customers destroy businesses
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:33 No.49785106
    My local arcade is bullshit. Bunch of old broken cabs, dance games, fruit machines and punch bags.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:34 No.49785124
    >Livin in New Jersey
    >lacks a arcade
    >you gotta baw because MvC is at a spanish laundry mat
    >shit closed
    the only arcade games i know are at AMC but to bad it sucks
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:34 No.49785126
    Dude, this is just a thread of people nostalgically recounting their stories from some of the favorite places they used to frequent when they were younger. Either you're a troll with no comedic timing whatsoever, or one truly jaded motherfucker who can't have people looking back on good times you never got to have. Either or, fuck out of this thread.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:34 No.49785154
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    >"Rival Schools 2" arcade machine
    >Tripping balls at the sight of this beauty as I've only ever played the DC import.
    >Guy watches my reaction and I'm concious of him eyeballing me.
    >Play arcade with custom team Kurow, Zaki and Yurika for about 5 mins.
    >He approaches me, my japanese isn't amazing but the guy wants to play me and fixes the machine for free play
    >His team is MANLY: Hideo, Wild Daigo and Hayato
    >Our teams are both colour coded and look boss as fuck
    >We play for like an hour straight
    >Went back there every day and never saw him again, nobody else touched the machine
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:34 No.49785158
    You serious? THAT'S what makes arcades interesting (because challenge/rage/broments) and pour money into them with regular customers.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:35 No.49785206
    This was many years ago, but figured it was appropriate.

    >Go to arcade, they have an old Ehrgeiz cabinet.
    >I play Cloud (hurr durr) and run through the single player arcade mode.
    >Guy comes up and challenges me.
    >Plays Sephiroth.
    >Fight eachother pretty evenly spread for like 10 matches.
    >I run out of quarters.
    >Dude gives me some so I can finish arcade mode.
    >True bro.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:35 No.49785219
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    > Wanna play CvS2 really bad.
    >Go to arcade on first chance I get.
    >It's Tuesday morning
    >No one there... :(
    >Machine eats my quarters
    >Owner gives me refund.
    >Eats my quarters again.
    >Say "Damn" and head home
    >Stop by Sonic's on the way there
    >Not all bad.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:35 No.49785263

    Is it located in Northbrook, IL?
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:36 No.49785364
    Fellow NJbro here, I swear to god, this state is like the DESERT of arcades. Like I said before, the only place I know that has MvC2, 3S, and MvC is a pool hall where everybody plays pool. The arcade cabs at the movie theater are all shit like DDR and Time Crisis. Fun games but I want to play some fightan ;_;
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:36 No.49785372
    This oh god this. I never really liked the fighting game genre even without the elitist fanbase but after meeting some of them... wow.

    Fighting game enthusiasts are the same losers that play MMOs, using their fictional achievements to boast because they can't do anything in real life. What's that, you can beat my ass at MvC2? Well I own a successful advertising company at only 24 and have a staff of 21 people working under me.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:38 No.49785482
    big whoop, i'm a teacher and i can look at myself in the mirror in the morning. fuck your "success" you little twat, enjoy your midlife crisis
    >> JewYorkBro !!Oo43raDvH61 02/16/10(Tue)15:38 No.49785515
    Yea that's the place. I used to go there on the regular when it was owned by the fat, old Chinese asshole who was known for molesting little girls.

    Now it's run by some paki douchebag who periodically sprays fabreeze everywhere thinking it will get rid of the smell from the sweaty kids playing DDR or the BO of nigs/nasty fish smell of the chinks.

    It's a mess over there, but the competition is the best you'll find.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:38 No.49785517
    >>Go out with some bros after work
    >>Bar has a VF5 machine
    >>I pick wolf because WRESTLAN
    >>he picks lion
    >>double perfects my ass
    >>we play again
    >>double perfect
    >>find out I work with a nationally ranked VF5 player
    >>I will never win at virtua fighter
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:38 No.49785544
    Good Lord. Thank God you're not at Aɳoɳ
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:39 No.49785574
    >Visit arcade with a friend
    >Other friend is there on the Blazblue machine fighting against some random guy
    >He's playing turtley Arakune and generally being a dick in his gameplay
    >Friend laughs at the random guy and starts being an obnoxious asshole
    >Other guy is fed up and leaves

    Felt horrible man, I should have apologized for them
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:39 No.49785591
    it's pretty much DDR in the movie theaters
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:39 No.49785648
    >owns a business, still posts on 4chan

    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:39 No.49785655
    The bar I usually go still has a Puzzle Bobble cab (and a lame Virtua Striker 3 that plays like shit). I'm 3rd placed in the ranking but those two other fuckers just live there and have nothing else to do.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:40 No.49785678
    You sound pretty mad. And I look in the mirror every day and love where I ended up. Doesn't sound like it worked out so well for you huh?
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:40 No.49785694
    NJ bros. if you live near Jersey City, check out a bar called Lucky 7s. cheap beers, great food and a MAME cabinet with 2000 roms.

    Marvel Vs. Street Fighter
    Marvel Vs. Capcom
    Virtua fighter 1-3
    Street Fighter III Third Strike

    it's fucking heaven. and 1 quarter gets you 4 credits.
    >> ザックス !3GqYIJ3Obs!!kg1cqvaeq6X 02/16/10(Tue)15:41 No.49785768
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    I'll start with a recent one
    >at mall to look for jobs
    >step into food court for some lunch
    >see arcade, only prize games at front so i pass it off
    >go to bathroom
    >come back and see far in the back a 3rd Strike cab, mvc, mvc2, xmvsf, svc chaos
    >go to 3s cabinet and proceed to fuck around as makoto
    >owner comes and challenges me as akuma
    >proceed to shit on him
    >he gives me freeplay for like 3 hours until i got tired of it and went back into the city
    Felt good man
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:42 No.49785862
    And what's so funny about that? Even celebrities have posted on 4chan, I'm done for the day and am chilling out.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:42 No.49785870
    what exactly would make you think that? i just lol'd at you lying on the internet and responded in kind.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:42 No.49785880
    Judging from your other posts, sounds like your idea of "success" is derived from your ability to place yourself above other people. Typical American asshole. Have all the money you want, I'm still glad not to be you.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:42 No.49785892
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    Reminds me

    >Good ol' Nickel arcade

    >Favorite cabinet: Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo

    >Play it all the God damn time

    >Machine is tied up by some guy whose defeated several challengers throughout. He must be four years my senior. He's using Akuma

    >Challenge him casually. I pick Donovan

    >I use his big combos' counter gems to my advantage, and fuck him over even harder. Were both sweating bullets the entire time

    >Win in round 5.

    >"DAMNIT" He punches the fucking screen as hard as he can as soon as he loses. He asks how I fucking won. He's not being a dick, but he seriously didn't want to lose.

    >He walks off, never see him again

    The taste of victory was never so prominent in my mouth again. Whenever I go to an arcade, I just hope another moment like this occurs.
    >> JewYorkBro !!Oo43raDvH61 02/16/10(Tue)15:42 No.49785896
    No, it's gone because the home console is much more desirable than an arcade to the general public. It says you time, money on gas, and you don't have to wait while your kids play games.

    Also, in NYC at least, we had a number of arcades close to due gang related violence. Arcades are an ideal place to hang out for those kind of people and it draws crowds. I was told to take off my red hat a while back before I went into "Broadway Arcade" in Times Square. I had no idea why at the time, but it's because of bloods hanging out there. It's pretty sad, actually.
    >> ザックス !3GqYIJ3Obs!!kg1cqvaeq6X 02/16/10(Tue)15:44 No.49786015
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    A much older one
    >Age 8, at my local roller rink which has ST, A3
    >Play as sakura in A3
    >kids making a scene as i beat them left and right
    >DJ comes and asks for a quick match
    >V-ism dhalsim
    >Beat him by luck
    >he gives me like 40 bucks and says that noones beaten his dhalsim before
    Awww yeah gurl
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:44 No.49786026

    Was rooting for you at first, but your final statement makes you as much as an elitist as they. Dont sink to the faggots' level, just lament about their faggotry and move on.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:44 No.49786045
    >live near 2-3 arcades
    >one always has broken machines
    >one doesnt have fucking Gauntlet, but is alright
    >one has super rare game that makes me really want to play Dragon's Lair again
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:44 No.49786073
    If you can't beat a button masher you are no better then him. There's not such thing as a shit tactic.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:45 No.49786091
    i was actually going to NJCU, i never knew such a place existed
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:45 No.49786095
    One of these days when I have shitloads of disposable income I'm going build and buy a few arcade cabinets. It's going to be awesome.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:45 No.49786115
    omg you guys SIRLIN HIMSELF IS HERE! nice job in the hdr tourney, faggot.
    >> 新ファインダー !!nqGtX+Yw3aZ 02/16/10(Tue)15:45 No.49786125
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    Gameworks and Dave and Busters, are not real arcades.

    Just pointing it out there.
    >> Rudy 02/16/10(Tue)15:45 No.49786128
    >Broadway arcade

    How many years ago was that? I remember maybe four or five back, I went to NYC on a class trip for a weekend. My friend and I were in times square and we stumbled across a kickass arcade. When I went back to New York that summer, though, it had become an Italian restuarant.

    The only arcade I know of now is in chinatown.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:46 No.49786162
    >visit arcade
    >outrun machine
    >get in car
    >another person i don't know gets in the other car
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:46 No.49786175
    just get a grand together and build a fucking awesome MAME cab. unless you're looking to start a legit arcade?
    >> Comrade Ogilvy 02/16/10(Tue)15:47 No.49786251
    I used to go to arcades, haven't gone in a couple years now for various reasons...when i did go i never played fightan games though, i suck at them.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:47 No.49786265
    It's a great dive bar. me and a few friends go there every other weekend to get wings, beers and play the Alien vs Predator arcade game and FIGHTAN GAEMS
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:47 No.49786317
    i don't understand
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:48 No.49786337
    >Middle school field trip to a place with an arcade
    >Go play X-men vs street fighter with some friends
    >two spicks that can barely speak English are hogging it and wont let us play
    >They tell us if we can beat them they'll give it to us and all their quarters
    >I offer to play since I was the best of my friends
    >Spick uses team of Cyclops and Ryu
    >I use Wolverine and Akuma
    >Fight starts pretty nicely in my favor, then all of a sudden my characters wont stop taunting, as if the buttons are sticky. I lose
    >Notice that the spicks friend is leaning over the board and pressing my start button
    >Challange one more time and offer up $20 bucks if I lose
    >They accept, seems they didn't know that I noticed
    >Play cheap and Use Cyclops and and Akuma
    >They still use the same tactic
    >Spam cheap attacks and throws I win
    >They try to get out of giving us the quarters but it's 5 against two and we take them
    >and proceed to have a brotastic good time on X-Men vs Street Fighter
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:48 No.49786348
    I intend to do that as well. I also plan to create a 360/PS3 cab, as well as 2 - 3 authentic arcade cabs. It's going to cost so much but feel so good afterward.
    >> Unsung !!NO7ubUArw4F 02/16/10(Tue)15:49 No.49786449
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    >Go to local arcade
    >No one ever wants to play me in SCII
    >Everyone is always just playing Mortal Kombat or Pool

    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:50 No.49786523

    Its sadly as close to a progressive arcade as some people will see

    Implying dave and busters isn't the most awesome business model ever
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:50 No.49786541
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    Anyone played one of these?
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:50 No.49786570
    Happened several years ago:

    >Playing Tekken Tag Tournament
    >I'm OK, good enough to beat average players I guess
    >Scary black man who looks like gangster and his posse starts watching
    >Feel kinda nervous
    >SBM challenges me
    >Beat him
    >He and his gang watch me play CPU for a bit
    >SBM challenges me again
    >I win that match and the next match
    >He challenges again and beats me
    >I turn to leave
    >He says "Wait up man, play me some more."
    >"I'm out of cash." (lie)
    >"Oh, no worries I've got plenty."
    >He then proceeds to pay for me
    >We play several more matches
    >His friends cheering us on and such
    >He asks for pointers and advice
    >Have a great time, shake hands before leaving

    I won't lie, I've got an aversion towards black people, especially ones dressed in baggy clothes. But this guy (and his gang) was cool as hell. Never saw him again, which was a shame.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:51 No.49786612
    there's a (lol) KoF 12 machine at my movie theatre (Queensway in Toronto, Canada)

    it's 66.66 cents (2 creds, 3 creds/dollar) but fuck me if i dont know how to play kof

    either that or the machine was set for hard mode because i couldn't win a single game, which is pretty bad for me because i can hold my own in SF games and GG games

    also no one else but me played it, KoF12 must really be shitty
    >> ザックス !3GqYIJ3Obs!!kg1cqvaeq6X 02/16/10(Tue)15:51 No.49786621
    I was homeless last year from like may til october and i was looking for jorbs every other day and i had ways of getting bus fare and some change for food
    i forgot the name of the mall but its a bit south of the mall of america
    >> JewYorkBro !!Oo43raDvH61 02/16/10(Tue)15:52 No.49786676
    It's basically Chinatown Fair, Mars 2112 (alien themed restaurant with arcade), and Dave & Busters. Shit is gone, my man.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:52 No.49786717
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    >go to chinatown fair
    >furries everywhere
    >my face
    >> Comrade Ogilvy 02/16/10(Tue)15:52 No.49786750
    I love meeting mean-looking nice people
    >> 新ファインダー !!nqGtX+Yw3aZ 02/16/10(Tue)15:53 No.49786775
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    The feeling on playing on a sticky cab just irks me.
    Private Arcades are <3 though.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:54 No.49786899
    Only Arcade I know of locally is at the bowling alley.They used to have this awesome dance/parapara machine there. Now all they've got is stupid shit like Guitar Hero and Deal or no Deal.

    These threads make me want to make a trip down to Grand Prix Race-O-Rama/Boomer's sometime soon. I miss Arcade gaming a lot.
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:55 No.49786924
    hmmm i see, homeless shelters?
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:55 No.49786929
    Threads like this are so depressing. Nothing but scrub stories.

    >Went to SHGL when it was still open
    >Every Friday until the clubs opened up at 11, just played games for a few hours
    >Played Alex Valle, Viscant, Mike Watson, Duc Do at Marvel, 3s, CvS, ST
    >Shit was so cash
    >> JewYorkBro !!Oo43raDvH61 02/16/10(Tue)15:55 No.49786992
    moar liek
    >go to Chinatown Fair
    >see fat nigger weeaboos with Naruto headbands
    >never go back
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:55 No.49787013
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    >Watch a kid play MvC2
    >He's on the final boss
    >It's past closing time, but everyone who was in the arcade has crowded around him
    >He pulls off a Tri-Super Combo
    >He walks away before it finishes
    >Smile and watch the inevitable K-O
    >Feel a little hope in the future of video games
    >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)15:56 No.49787058
    I love that smell, especially during the summer! Smells like love of the vidya.

    I hope CTF sticks around, I would die if it went under.
    >> 新ファインダー !!nqGtX+Yw3aZ 02/16/10(Tue)15:57 No.49787105
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    No sir, it is you. The Scrub, calling other people scrubs.

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