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  • File : 1266260895.jpg-(24 KB, 284x452, 1264119342683.jpg)
    24 KB Every single AVP3 review so far Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:08 No.49658997  
    Copy-pasted from an avp forum.

    Empire Magazine 4/5
    Game Informer 5.75/10
    Gamers.AT 81%
    Seraphic Gaming 8.6/10
    OXM UK 8/10
    IGN UK 8.5/10
    TechDigest.TV 4/5
    PC Zone 82%
    Bit-Tech 7/10
    Polymania 3+/5
    Gamereactor 6/10 7.5/10 86/100 7/10 (SP)
    Games.Tiscali 7/10
    Gram.PL 4/6
    GamingXP.Com 84%
    Gamespot 5.5/10
    FZ.SE 2/5
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:15 No.49659548
    the only review /v/ will see is Game Informer's 5.75 and Gamespot's 5.5.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:15 No.49659609
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:15 No.49659615
    SO pretty much average/above average?
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:16 No.49659627
    my review

    3 shits out of 10
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:16 No.49659685

    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:17 No.49659758
    This list also shows off how casual the reviewers are. The more casual the lower score.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:18 No.49659830
    somebody sum up the pros and cons already
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:19 No.49659873
    Highest is an 86
    No 90+
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:19 No.49659945
    Jesus I've never seen a game get such mixed reviews. It's always really high or real average.
    >> Falcon !2Rbw7EnERg 02/15/10(Mon)14:19 No.49659949
    Heh....i was expecting worse from what i played in the demo.
    Looks like a pretty meh game.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:20 No.49659987
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:20 No.49659996
    Stop trying to justify buying this horrid fucken game. Shit looks like its for the N64.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:21 No.49660019
    Developer failed to buy off everyone.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:21 No.49660053
    >Game Informer 5.75/10
    >FZ.SE 2/5
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:21 No.49660077

    That's Bioshock2
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:21 No.49660098
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:21 No.49660105

    A game doesn't need to be 90+ to be fun.


    Hyperbole. It doesn't look anywhere near that bad.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:22 No.49660114
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:22 No.49660135
    Sega is saving their money for their next sonic game's reviews
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:22 No.49660184
    I don't why /v/ hyped this so much anyway. /v/ hasn't been this wrong about a game since Borderlands, an at least that was fun for a week.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:23 No.49660210
    I rate it 5 golden spray-painted shit-stars.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:23 No.49660213
    How low are you fanboys going to lower your standards? I feel ok though knowing most of you will pirate this piece of shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:23 No.49660239
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    >A game doesn't need to be 90+ to be fun.

    what you say?
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:23 No.49660259
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    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:24 No.49660291
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    These reviews are all over the place, I can't even remember the last time there was such a vast spread like this...

    ...Oh wait...
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:24 No.49660335
    this game is a turd. A rich one
    reviews are shinny diamond.
    Turd buys shinny diamonds to look better.
    But no matter how many shinny diamonds you put on it, IT'S STILL A FUCKING TURD.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:25 No.49660456
    Pretty mixed reviews, but on average it's average. Not surprising at all.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:25 No.49660461
    Same person.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:25 No.49660508
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    You heard me.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:26 No.49660555
    feels mediocre, man.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:27 No.49660698

    These people are angry they're getting disc'd by preds.

    Marine is OP and I think the game is still fun as I Main a Pred.

    Stop being fags.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:28 No.49660792
    Pretty excited for this game. Kind of bummed you can't preload it, or at least it's looking that way, but I'll be at school when it's released anyway, so, I'll be busy during the download wait time.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:28 No.49660837
    Fucking retarded reviewers killing a great game.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:29 No.49660920
    Europeans have to wait until the 19th
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:30 No.49661063
    How is Marine OP'd?
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:30 No.49661076
    If the game was given good reviews it'd be full of casuals, would you really want that?
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:31 No.49661176
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    >Marine is OP
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:31 No.49661202
    i enjoyed the multiplayer, I'm buying it.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:32 No.49661258

    I don't want empty servers in 3 months either.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:32 No.49661343
    come on /v/ wheres your spirit?
    we all know mediocre equals shit in the end.
    >> AVP3 SUCKS YOU RETARDS Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:32 No.49661347
         File1266262378.jpg-(52 KB, 727x469, Dale talking.jpg)
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    >People implying Rebellion makes good games

    The only thing Rebellion ever did good was make AVP1 and publish Evil Genius. Otherwise they have a fucking awful track record.

    List of shitty Rebellion games:
    Rogue Warrior
    Prism Guard Shield
    Sniper Elite
    Judge Dredd
    Shellshock 2: Blood Trails
    A bunch of shitty PSP and PS2 ports that nobody gives a fuck about.

    Only deluded retards thought the demo was any good.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:33 No.49661392
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    >guys seriously everyone who gives it a low review is a casual, this game will be amazing ... hissss hisss, right guys?
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:33 No.49661434
    That sounds fair. Fun but not mind-blowing. Gamefly, HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:34 No.49661497
    you should avoid the console version then. come halo reach beta this game will be dead.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:34 No.49661535

    No problem. Master race here.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:35 No.49661579
    i pirated 360 version while waiting it for PC..
    game fucking sucks hard on gameplay part as alien/predator... it feels like they forgot move when you are trying stealth kill. because aliens cant do trophy kill from the wall, you have to be on floor.
    another thing is if you bounce trophy kill, enemy alerts others and while doing killing animation they will shoot you dead.

    last and most fucked up is that all the campaigns have 5 missions. avarage complete time is 30min on each and all three race have same maps but differed objectives. its "12h single player" but you are playing same maps 3 times.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:35 No.49661590

    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:35 No.49661626
    The marine shoots himself at the end of the game
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:36 No.49661728


    Godammit, learn to play.
    >> AVPfag !!jv2kdi0NhFX 02/15/10(Mon)14:37 No.49661769

    Not quite 12 hrs I'm afraid.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:37 No.49661794
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    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:38 No.49661887
    last and most fucked up is that all the campaigns have 5 missions. avarage complete time is 30min on each and all three race have same maps but differed objectives. its "12h single player" but you are playing same maps 3 times.

    so its avp?
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:38 No.49661924
         File1266262708.gif-(38 KB, 380x240, 1266179220087.gif)
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    I can see where the controls become clunky if you are playing on a fucking controller.

    I want to see everyone blame the controls when it comes out for PC.

    Oh glorious master race.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:40 No.49662178
         File1266262859.jpg-(3 KB, 126x126, 1253494216190.jpg)
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    Gamespot didn't get the pc review copy from sega because they said it wasn't up to par with the console versions.
    >> Judas Kiss !k/GQQsN1Qg 02/15/10(Mon)14:41 No.49662262
    It's spelled "D-R-A-G-O-N
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:42 No.49662327
    well yea. i havent played it much. pad controls are so horrible its real torture trying to play.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:43 No.49662438
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    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:45 No.49662709
    >List of complaints that all amount to the player being retarded
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:45 No.49662719
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    >Mixed reviews in video games
    What the fuck? since when was there variation between game reviewers?
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:45 No.49662801
    not enough bribing.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:48 No.49663131
         File1266263291.gif-(33 KB, 394x328, 1266178181858.gif)
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    Well i can see a pattern in all these reviews and it's a valid one. THE MOTHERFUCKING CONTROLS!

    Seriously i don't think avp is meant to be played on a console given all the quick movements and buttons you have to press. I find it so easy to just pick up and go wall climbing everywhere, sprint, and all that sweet bullshit that i do on a keyboard. But the moment you try getting that into a controller, get the point.

    I'm just saying this because obviously if you can't handle your fucking alien or marine or predator, then you are not going to be able to play it. And thus low reviews from everyone.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:56 No.49664208
    the only thing i see is that rebellion doesn´t bribe reviewers unlike activision

    i´ll be around here enjoying the best multiplayer of 2010
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)14:58 No.49664510
    agreed man. i'll enjoy the community, seems like it'll be full of logical non-casuals. hope to see you around. make sure to stop by the brohiss dedicated servers tomorrow once their up and running.

    feel free to check out our community
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)15:00 No.49664703
    lol destructoid gives heavy rain a 7/10 and it's the end of the world, but 7/10 for AVP is ok.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)15:00 No.49664768
         File1266264053.png-(169 KB, 330x327, 1257567810221.png)
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    God dammit it's by invite only!

    Someone give me an invite?
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)15:01 No.49664818
    The game controls slightly better with a gamepad for some reason. Probably just poor PC mapping or copy/paste from the consoles.

    Either way, the "shake the camera so violently you have no idea what's going on" melee is probably some of the worst melee combat seen in a multiplayer game. Really a shame, because the game would be fun without that nonsense. A little movement is ok to simulate a bit of realism, but it just has a total epileptic fit whenever you attack.

    Other than that, the Alien wall running is actually done worse than AvP2. I have no idea how that's possible. One would think a decade in game design would allow these things to progress. For some reason the auto-wallrun has horrific detection and the manual control for it is extremely imprecise. It's like it's just dumbed down or something. If you know exactly where you want to go, it just puts you in that general area, rather than exactly where you were looking. Problem with it is that this sometimes lands you on something that puts you at 90 degrees (how you wanted) and sometimes it hits an object next to where you were looking, and it puts you at 180 degrees (not how you wanted).

    The graphics are pretty bad, even by console standards. It just looks like first generation Xbox360 titles, stuff that's 4 years old, and only mildly better maxed out on the PC. This isn't really a deal breaker though because the concept of the title is solid. What kills it is the awful, awful melee controls/camera.

    The auto-lock on melee combat is like melee for children or something. And as stated before, the violent camera spasming doesn't actually accomplish anything except to frustrate the user or make them feel detached from what's going on.

    If they ironed out the controls, auto melee, and the epilepsy camera, it'd be a solid title. The way it plays now, it's going to end up as a bargain bin title and that's a shame.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)15:02 No.49665021
    My dad works at rebellion so i got to play it early.

    i give it 1.5/5
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)15:04 No.49665200
    I can't invite you if you don't give me something to invite.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)15:04 No.49665253

    Haha, cancelling pre-order and putting money towards COD7 instead.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)15:05 No.49665307

    Gentlemen, this is a man who does only what he is told.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)15:07 No.49665572
    >My dad works at rebellion

    What's it like having a father who's a loser?
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)15:08 No.49665625
    The problem is that Rebellion was expected to do this title so well, when the majority of the original staff that worked on AvP1 are not even there anymore. It's not even the same company.

    Look at their track record since then. It's horrendous. They've only managed to stay afloat by pumping and dumping cell phone and PSP titles
    >> Anonymous 02/15/10(Mon)15:08 No.49665646
    >People implying Rebellion makes good games

    The only thing Rebellion ever did good was make AVP1 and publish Evil Genius. Otherwise they have a fucking awful track record.

    List of shitty Rebellion games:
    Rogue Warrior
    Prism Guard Shield
    Sniper Elite
    Judge Dredd
    Shellshock 2: Blood Trails
    A bunch of shitty PSP and PS2 ports that nobody gives a fuck about.

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