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  • File : 1265853209.jpg-(11 KB, 365x362, asus-rog-cg6190-gaming-computer.jpg)
    11 KB Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)20:53 No.49180778  
    Sup /v/,

    Ordered a custom gaming PC monday, going to take about a week or longer to be assembled then UPS'd. Been sitting around playing Casual Warfare 2 for the past few days, as my current comp is pretty shitty. I can't take it anymore. :(

    Need some suggestions to occupy my free time until it arrives.

    Also, Steam name = Leothres, just incase any bros want to team up and play some vidya that I do have.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)20:54 No.49180862
    whats your current vidya card?
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)20:55 No.49180921
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    >Ordered a custom gaming PC
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)20:55 No.49180963
    Currently a 9600Gt, but a Single Core 2.00GHz Processor and 2 Gigs of RAM.

    It's sad, but has lasted me about 5 years or so and played modern games on tolerable settings.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)20:55 No.49180993
    >waiting for it to be assembled
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)20:56 No.49181015
    I think your PC might have a tumor or some sort of fluid buildup.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)20:57 No.49181092
    Yeah I have the 9600gt but at least I have quadcore with 4gigs of ram

    Plays BC2 on mostly high settings.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)20:57 No.49181166
    Great the consolefags are going to awaken to take us master race PCfags out, quickly, take cover my boy!
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)20:58 No.49181183

    OP here,

    Yeah, that's one of the games that showed the mortality of my comp. And it won't load ME2 at all. Figured I should upgrade.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)20:59 No.49181296

    It's not custom unless you built it with your own two hands, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)21:00 No.49181397
    Where you order the comp from? how much isk?
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)21:01 No.49181509
    who the fuck orders gaming computers?

    the fun of it is to buy parts and assemble them.

    god damn, you ruin pc gaming everywhere, almost as bad as buying a mac and saying your a gamer
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)21:01 No.49181536

    Right. I guess there's some other term for buying a PC with every part specified by you and letting someone else build it together.

    Also, I had the money to upgrade, figured I'd add abit more in and let someone else put shit together. Not going to fuck up my system trying to install liquid cooling.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)21:03 No.49181652
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    >how much isk?
    >> Clanker the Whale !D8VpT6O.06 02/10/10(Wed)21:04 No.49181730
    >I can't take it anymore

    You can play MW2 and you're bitching?

    I have a fucking P4 with an x1600 and 1.5 gigs of like DDR ram

    I'll have the money by next month on payday but McDonalds only pays 9 bucks an hour which I suppose is good for part time but I'm a greedy faggot
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)21:05 No.49181825

    As long as it wasn't Alienware/Dell/Peugot, they aren't too bad. Mine cost about 75$ more than what it would have cost me to build, and it came with a bitchin' case.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)21:05 No.49181830
    OP here,

    You're implying MW2 is even a game to be considered enjoyable to play.

    Also, it looks like shit, regardless of being able to be played.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)21:06 No.49181882
    What's the company? Alienware, FalconNorthwest, etc?

    Then your fat ass will say I brought a *insert brand* just like all the other old ladys and children say when they got a Dell, HP, or Gateway.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)21:09 No.49182134
    OP here,

    Ordered from Cyberpowerpc. They have some horror stories, but overall people like what they got. Also they have a decent warranty and an explotiable bug to get free shipping and some free upgraded hardware.


    "I got a Cyberpowerpc". lolk
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)21:10 No.49182258
    Goddamn, I want a PC so bad. Too bad I don't know enough shit to know what to get/what not to get.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)21:11 No.49182333

    OP here,

    I'd suggest asking /g/. A few bros over there helped me get the right things, and kept the price affordable. Just have to be patient, as the board isn't really buzzing all the time.
    >> Vanilla !!9rpLbLfSScI 02/10/10(Wed)21:12 No.49182392

    Buy Mediocre PC,

    Install ram and 75$ video card

    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)21:12 No.49182451
    Do some research and stop being lazy. Everytime I jump into the market for any electronic equipment I spend about a week reading reviews, doing price comparisons, checking trends, etc.

    It's your money, use it like you appreciate it. You'll be better off in the end.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)21:13 No.49182500

    Thanks OP, I'll do that.

    If you don't mind me asking, how much did you end up paying?
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)21:14 No.49182599
    I'll go dig up the exact specs if I have to, but I got a Quad Core 3.2GHz, ATI 5770, 4GBs of RAM, some other shit. Removed the mouse and keyboard, since I have decent ones already.

    Ended up at $760 with free shipping.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)21:16 No.49182696
    Trick for gaming PC

    any PC with Quadcore

    buy extra 2 gigs of ram (Seeing most PC's start out with 2 gigs, making it 4 with the extra 2)

    Buy a 9800gt, it's like ~100 bucks

    27 inch LCD moniter
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)21:19 No.49183002
    Console peasant, here. While that comp be able to play ME2 on max? Is it upgradeable?

    so tired of being a peasant.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)21:22 No.49183224
    OP here,

    I made sure to do some research. They tested the card on a setup not too far from mine, was playing Crysis Warhead at 53 FPS or so maxxed. So ME2 will be cake for it. Had other games tested on it, it kept everything else 60+ FPS on 1680x1050 ( My current monitor resolution. )
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)21:23 No.49183297
    it's only worth getting 4 gigs of ram if you are running a 64bit OS
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)21:26 No.49183515
    >> Clanker the Whale !D8VpT6O.06 02/10/10(Wed)21:30 No.49183892
    Yea, you're wrong

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