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  • File : 1265815102.jpg-(176 KB, 1024x768, cp_dustbowl0922.jpg)
    176 KB Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:18 No.49129064  
    now i don't have to play with those ugly baka Varuvo models xD
    >> TheDoctor !!anOGQiF31mc 02/10/10(Wed)10:19 No.49129102
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:19 No.49129112
         File1265815156.png-(3 KB, 247x220, 1252727305989.png)
    3 KB
    im still waiting for Reisen sniper and Tewi scout
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:20 No.49129156
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:20 No.49129163
    weaboos eat shit and die.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:20 No.49129180
    <3 the Suika voicepack
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:21 No.49129212
    link where?
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:21 No.49129213
         File1265815285.png-(170 KB, 287x511, Untitled.png)
    170 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:21 No.49129235
         File1265815315.jpg-(4 KB, 143x107, yiff in hell.jpg)
    4 KB
    eat shit and die
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:22 No.49129262
    Did those nukes hurt?
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:23 No.49129284
         File1265815384.jpg-(119 KB, 640x480, 1263577420964.jpg)
    119 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:23 No.49129303
    Touhou fortress :D
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:23 No.49129315
         File1265815416.jpg-(115 KB, 1024x768, cp_dustbowl0908.jpg)
    115 KB
    help me D:
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:24 No.49129343
         File1265815449.png-(3 KB, 175x93, WTF3.png)
    3 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:24 No.49129353
         File1265815459.jpg-(55 KB, 312x312, barf.jpg)
    55 KB
    what the fuck am i looking at
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:24 No.49129383
         File1265815490.jpg-(21 KB, 344x400, 1264384427885.jpg)
    21 KB
    lol yiff?
    >> Batbro !!ex0R4Q5bw6v 02/10/10(Wed)10:24 No.49129390
    That looks like complete and utter ass.

    Completely ignoring the content of these models, just looking at them aesthetically. They're filled with multiple bright colors, without any distinct shape or form to them, and it's all very clashing. Playing like this must be a clusterfuck, with all of these unrecognizable generic characters running around, as opposed to TF2's clearly distinct classes. They were designed with unique silohuettes for a reason.

    Just as evidence, look at where his crosshair is. I cannot tell you how many characters are right there. Somewhere between 2 and 4, I can't tell.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:25 No.49129411
    nice thumbnail retard
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:25 No.49129418
         File1265815543.png-(22 KB, 200x200, thefuck.png)
    22 KB
    I like Touhou but this...

    >> Neku 02/10/10(Wed)10:26 No.49129445
    I support this because it makes people mad.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:26 No.49129451
         File1265815584.png-(44 KB, 158x158, 1263453328731.png)
    44 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:26 No.49129455
    Eh, give me proper female models based on the male models.
    >> Metal Slime 02/10/10(Wed)10:26 No.49129462
         File1265815601.jpg-(39 KB, 321x306, 1264419058854.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:27 No.49129490
         File1265815641.jpg-(65 KB, 504x371, Jumper.jpg)
    65 KB
    its like I'm really playing HAVE online!
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:27 No.49129497
         File1265815651.png-(99 KB, 247x248, 1241052316983.png)
    99 KB
    aww. he's mad.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:27 No.49129500
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:27 No.49129504
         File1265815656.jpg-(19 KB, 486x355, 1261356343000.jpg)
    19 KB
    why did i think that was a pepperoni pizza at first...
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:27 No.49129519
         File1265815678.jpg-(24 KB, 400x490, G.jpg)
    24 KB

    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:28 No.49129526
    YOU people are a fucking cancer to the internet and society. "Ooooo I love anime I have to have it in my video games." LEARN TO FUCKING SOCIALIZE you faggots! "My waifu oooo," WELL FUCK YOU. You obsess over something that's not even from your culture, try desperately to learn the language even though we all know you failed at that. You visit Japan once with some glossed up perspective given from anime and your own dumb weabo mind. To realize you could never live there or function there. You're pathetic anti-social losers who don't know how to interact with other people, so you obsess with poorly written overly happy water colors. You are pathetic.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:28 No.49129543
    My friend used to play like this and acutally watching it on his screen was fucking horrible not only did he have the touhou skins but other skins for his gun and it looked just BAD
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:28 No.49129553
         File1265815738.jpg-(30 KB, 292x302, whywouldyoudothat_2.jpg)
    30 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:29 No.49129581
         File1265815777.png-(267 KB, 502x471, nick.png)
    267 KB
    I like you.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:29 No.49129594
    As nice as the idea might be, any animu touhou whatever model replacement is going to be INCREDIBLY weird looking and uncanny valley and whatever else.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:30 No.49129621
         File1265815836.jpg-(133 KB, 1024x768, cp_gravelpit0242.jpg)
    133 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:30 No.49129631

    OH U SO MAD!
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:31 No.49129659
         File1265815884.jpg-(186 KB, 1456x938, 2.jpg)
    186 KB
    I actually really like this mod for some reason.
    I always play with it now.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:32 No.49129698
    Oh boy I love gore threads.
    >> Omega-Xis !!gsLH+/f9G6M 02/10/10(Wed)10:33 No.49129735
         File1265815992.jpg-(18 KB, 315x404, 1265782909347.jpg)
    18 KB
    >Touhou Fortress
    I don't see the point in these models, they don't fit in the theme of the game.
    >> !0958DyNamo 02/10/10(Wed)10:33 No.49129744
    Goddammit. I thought the one on the far-left was Zero.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:34 No.49129786
    i hope you die
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:34 No.49129789
    Touhou fags don't need an excuse to cram this cancer in everything.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:34 No.49129793
         File1265816064.jpg-(16 KB, 287x334, BATMANWUT.jpg)
    16 KB
    eh, I have seen worse skins
    >> Sonic the hedgehog !ozOtJW9BFA 02/10/10(Wed)10:34 No.49129794
    What a giant clusterfuck.
    Still, I'm interested in other TF2 reskins.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:34 No.49129795

    oh yes, you mad.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:34 No.49129803
         File1265816082.jpg-(18 KB, 323x400, WTF.jpg)
    18 KB
    >Patcholi as sniper
    >not Reisen
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:34 No.49129810
    That looks cash OP, do need source
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:35 No.49129839
         File1265816117.jpg-(14 KB, 248x244, 1257033391639.jpg)
    14 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:35 No.49129847
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:35 No.49129851
         File1265816126.jpg-(25 KB, 649x467, 8D.jpg)
    25 KB
    >Suigintou Pyro
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:35 No.49129860
    That's why I kind of liked the idea of that TF2 korean knockoff. It had a few cute animu shit characters mixed in with other stuff; it looked like a more meaner, modern toy story thing. The most important thing was that it all fit together, unlike putting touhou models in TF2.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:35 No.49129864
    Why do people do this? It just perplexes me.

    They put a lot of work into making interesting characters, and the first thing some people do is to find a way to crowbar in completely unrelated characters from somewhere else! Why?!
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:36 No.49129880
    Me, mad? I'm mad at you but I'm not the poor social dipshit. You obsess over water colors that move with fake voices. You wear all black, with anime on the t shirt and fingerless gloves. You probably have a poor form of facial hair trying desperately to cling to some poor form of manliness that you don't have. You hang out with other poor social people where all you do is talk about anime and wonder why no one else converses with you. If you some one tries to be friendly or talk to you; you always fuck it up by talking about anime in a serious tone. They act confused and say, "You mean that cartoon show?" which you retort being arrogant, "No, it's an anime don't you know anything." Being completely serious and snobby OVER A CARTOON SHOW. You're in you late teens/ early twenties GROW UP.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:36 No.49129927
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:37 No.49129986
         File1265816260.png-(112 KB, 256x256, 1265464870454.png)
    112 KB
    >Touhou fortress
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:38 No.49130013
         File1265816291.jpg-(30 KB, 480x480, heavyface.jpg)
    30 KB
    Asspained Amerkunt detected.
    Your has-been nation has no culture. Choke on it, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:38 No.49130014
         File1265816295.jpg-(26 KB, 500x333, large.jpg)
    26 KB

    You so mad
    >> Omega-Xis !!gsLH+/f9G6M 02/10/10(Wed)10:38 No.49130041
         File1265816323.jpg-(60 KB, 800x660, 80046a.jpg)
    60 KB
    I actually would download this pack if the models actually had that TF2 style, without the bright colors.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:38 No.49130049

    Touhour character designs are terrible for FPS.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:39 No.49130074
         File1265816371.png-(190 KB, 456x479, SOL.png)
    190 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:39 No.49130087
    bitch ugly
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:39 No.49130089
         File1265816384.png-(13 KB, 290x216, Dissapointeddizzy.png)
    13 KB
    this is pretty stupid
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:40 No.49130145
    >Playing with bots

    lol weeaboo with no friends
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:40 No.49130146
    Why do you fags care if someone wants to shit up their own game with skins? Its not like you can see it.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:41 No.49130156
         File1265816462.jpg-(61 KB, 279x280, AngryMokou.jpg)
    61 KB
    >> Sonic the hedgehog !ozOtJW9BFA 02/10/10(Wed)10:41 No.49130158
         File1265816462.jpg-(126 KB, 1024x768, Jokerspy.jpg)
    126 KB
    Now THIS actually looks awesome!
    >> Omega-Xis !!gsLH+/f9G6M 02/10/10(Wed)10:41 No.49130162
         File1265816466.jpg-(117 KB, 1334x761, utsuhoss2.jpg)
    117 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:41 No.49130174
    They enjoy it.
    I know, it's mind blowing, they enjoy something different than you.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:41 No.49130194


    haah, waaw
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:42 No.49130237

    Who is who.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:42 No.49130239
         File1265816547.jpg-(13 KB, 180x191, 1258777912376.jpg)
    13 KB

    >Team Fortress 2
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:43 No.49130303
    Exactly. The models themselves are good. Not taking in how they actually perform in movement, hit boxes, etc. I remember seeing one for the heavy where it was just another normal sized girl, so her arms were like twice the length of her body to properly hold the minigun. But there's far too much visual noise. Silhouettes blur together, and it's a giant mismatch clusterfuck of rainbow colors, frills, and dresses.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:43 No.49130305
    So I'm an asspained americunt and you are? Lets lets say Russian, "Former Communist state with society control issues, you have the highest rate of alcoholics in the world, you have had a the longest history of a corrupt government which dissallowed art, music, comedy, movies, and was choked by propaganda. Vladimir Putin has put in a puppet government as the Prime Minister and can impeach the "president" at any moment. You have a shadow fascist governemt,"
    On to England which suffers from the worst class system in first world countries. England class system works where if you are born middle or lower class you go to SPECIFIC public schools where there is no budget and the teachers aren't paid barely. The upper class go to funded schools and have a growing neo nazi movement against pakistani and other middle eastern immigrants. Australia has a growing Conservative Christian government which is censoring everything including videogames, Canada has the highest un employment, France is suffering for economic downfall. SHOULD I CONTINUE?
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:44 No.49130328
    Face looks terrible
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:44 No.49130345
    I would literally beat the shit out of anyone who used that.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:44 No.49130360

    To be fair, wouldn't it be better to live in a nation that has piss poor culture, than to spend your entire life obsessing over the culture of another country that you'll never be part of?
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:45 No.49130399
         File1265816716.gif-(52 KB, 212x150, 1170004960518.gif)
    52 KB

    Biggest amount of mad I've seen in a long time.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:45 No.49130403
    >The upper class go to funded schools and have a growing neo nazi movement against pakistani and other middle eastern immigrants.

    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:45 No.49130409
         File1265816729.png-(304 KB, 558x389, SOL2.png)
    304 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:45 No.49130425
    Get back under your bridge, troll
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:46 No.49130444
    >Aya with Meirin's hat
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:47 No.49130526
         File1265816840.jpg-(45 KB, 400x260, 3d.jpg)
    45 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:47 No.49130535
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:47 No.49130538
    Trolled HARD.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:47 No.49130539
    I must admit that I chuckled.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:47 No.49130557
    i sear this are the same models from Bad Apple. Just now the black and white are repainted with shitty colors.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:47 No.49130559
         File1265816869.png-(16 KB, 381x400, 22.png)
    16 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:49 No.49130634
         File1265816942.jpg-(16 KB, 397x418, BabyMad.jpg)
    16 KB

    >Trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:49 No.49130636
    Well I like kebabs.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:49 No.49130656
    I don't troll faggot. I speak the truth and the truth is, that weabos are a fucking plague. They're pathetic and useless to society.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:49 No.49130684
         File1265816985.jpg-(196 KB, 649x744, f.jpg)
    196 KB
    Good show, /v/, good show.

    Saving OP's pic for future use Even though I don't play TF2 or Touhou.
    >> Omega-Xis !!gsLH+/f9G6M 02/10/10(Wed)10:49 No.49130695
         File1265816996.png-(116 KB, 276x300, Soku-portrait-utsuho.png)
    116 KB
    >> Touhou☆~ !T1990//5l6 02/10/10(Wed)10:50 No.49130712
         File1265817009.jpg-(110 KB, 400x300, suiseiseki00022X.jpg)
    110 KB
    Touhou Fortress 2 is done!?
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:50 No.49130713

    I will not tolerate any more of you faggot ass faggots disrespecting me. do you know how close you are to being completely olibiterated? i am not even close to joking when i say you better shut the fuck up. is talking back to me really worth ending up dead in some ditch covered in your coevered in your own blood while you slowly bleeding out of a gunshot and knife would as you eventually die to death? FUCK YOU and show me the respect i deserve or you WILL know the true power of the fury of my unmstoppable raging wrath
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:50 No.49130716
    >I confuse being trolled with trollING

    Oh boy.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:50 No.49130721
         File1265817018.jpg-(14 KB, 368x256, tfmad.jpg)
    14 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:50 No.49130742
         File1265817031.jpg-(53 KB, 423x297, u-mad.jpg)
    53 KB
    If you're not trolling, then you're a very sad person who is very, very mad.
    >> Sonic the hedgehog !ozOtJW9BFA 02/10/10(Wed)10:50 No.49130746
    And I'm sure you are a doctor or something, and not a basement dwelling neckbeard.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:50 No.49130755
         File1265817048.jpg-(124 KB, 1024x768, koth_nucleus0004.jpg)
    124 KB

    Help me :(
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:51 No.49130767
    >touhou fortress 2

    I'm ok with this.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:51 No.49130778
    Says the WoW player.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:51 No.49130783
         File1265817078.jpg-(4 KB, 126x114, amused kitten redux.jpg)
    4 KB

    You're a faggot.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:51 No.49130807
    That looks really weaboo OP
    >> Omega-Xis !!gsLH+/f9G6M 02/10/10(Wed)10:52 No.49130827
         File1265817132.png-(712 KB, 649x600, 1264875882323.png)
    712 KB
    Calm down bro, it's just a game.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:52 No.49130831
    Says a namefag with a tripcode. Really who's the neckbeard when you have your name as Sonic the Hedgehog. How pathetic are you?
    >> Touhou☆~ !T1990//5l6 02/10/10(Wed)10:52 No.49130835
         File1265817140.jpg-(47 KB, 300x200, suiseiseki00452X.jpg)
    47 KB
    I think it looks pretty NEET
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:52 No.49130850
         File1265817156.jpg-(38 KB, 284x357, ClownMad.jpg)
    38 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:52 No.49130874
    So which Tou Hoe go in each class?

    I heard there is more than 100 Touhous, so I am guseeing there isn't only one for each class.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:52 No.49130875
         File1265817178.jpg-(113 KB, 1169x768, 1265464580889.jpg)
    113 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:53 No.49130883
    Do you want to meet me IRL? Because if you said that to me in the club down fifth street I would NO JOKE knock you the fuck out where you stand. You are a fucking troll who needs to eat his own shit because I can not believe you would say that about Chrono Cross. Your mommy probably still pays for your Xbox Live account so you can play Halo 3 all day. Shut your fucking mouth kid before I shut it for you.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:53 No.49130885
         File1265817188.jpg-(228 KB, 641x429, DemMad.jpg)
    228 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:53 No.49130887
    Oh, now I see the Sauron eye.
    My apologies, the short hair and black clothing threw me off.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:53 No.49130895
         File1265817199.jpg-(145 KB, 800x600, 1265652276115.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:53 No.49130933
         File1265817234.jpg-(72 KB, 666x800, FavreMad.jpg)
    72 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:53 No.49130943
    My public school was rather racist, although it was a grammar school, so it was quite upper middle class.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:54 No.49130969
    >TF2 doesn't have a bad community!
    >Weeaboos and furries everywhere

    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:54 No.49130989
         File1265817281.jpg-(64 KB, 256x290, lolwat.jpg)
    64 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:55 No.49131007
    >> Sonic the hedgehog !ozOtJW9BFA 02/10/10(Wed)10:55 No.49131016
         File1265817308.jpg-(84 KB, 500x283, wtfhamster.jpg)
    84 KB
    >> Chrono Cross
    >> Good Ol' Jim !!jL8Bodcm607 02/10/10(Wed)10:55 No.49131025

    That is a very accurate description of England 60 FUCKING YEARS AGO.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:55 No.49131036
    Sniper - Patchouli
    Pyro - Mokou
    HWG - Yuyuko
    Scout - Aya
    Demo - Suika
    Engineer - Nitori
    Soldier - Reimu
    Medic - Eirin
    Spy - Sakuya

    So far.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:55 No.49131060
         File1265817344.jpg-(242 KB, 700x1000, 1254253968982.jpg)
    242 KB
    Actually, Team Fortress 2 and Touhou have a lot in common.

    Including a retarded fanbase
    >> Omega-Xis !!gsLH+/f9G6M 02/10/10(Wed)10:55 No.49131061
         File1265817344.png-(3 KB, 223x268, 1265571183699.png)
    3 KB
    You oddly remind me of those 12 year old kids I hear on TF2 and GMod pub servers and Xbox Live.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:55 No.49131074
         File1265817354.jpg-(173 KB, 706x1000, 1265647798655.jpg)
    173 KB
    I lol'd.
    >> Cpt☆Fab !eoAPYwk2Tk 02/10/10(Wed)10:56 No.49131085
         File1265817362.jpg-(32 KB, 224x317, 1262799276831.jpg)
    32 KB
    The mad in this thread is overwhelming.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:56 No.49131113
    >Implying you are better than them.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:56 No.49131122
    Then /a/ and /co/ are both horrible boards, amirite?
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:56 No.49131134
         File1265817412.jpg-(123 KB, 1024x768, cp_dustbowl0899.jpg)
    123 KB
    The Touhou models even have their own hats. One of the Heavy's hats is... This fan thing.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:56 No.49131136
    Touhou Fortress 2 predates Bad Apple.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:56 No.49131137
         File1265817417.jpg-(55 KB, 304x519, GhostMad.jpg)
    55 KB
    Hey guys, how about a you mad pic dump from those of you who've got 'em?

    I mean damn, this guy really is THAT mad.
    >> Manly tears !!BC3VfEoLilP 02/10/10(Wed)10:56 No.49131139
    Nice backback stolen from the orignal zombie panic, notice how it's textures look like HL1.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:57 No.49131153
    Captain fab? Really?
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:57 No.49131177
         File1265817457.jpg-(513 KB, 1196x1080, HaloMad.jpg)
    513 KB
    >Play Halo 3 All Day
    >> Touhou☆~ !T1990//5l6 02/10/10(Wed)10:57 No.49131191
         File1265817468.jpg-(189 KB, 500x500, suiseiseki00402X.jpg)
    189 KB
    He has nice Konata pictures.
    Please don't disrespect him.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:57 No.49131192
    I'm neither a furry nor a weeaboo, so I automatically win.

    inb4 the tired and old fallacy that you're automatically a weeaboo for posting on 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:57 No.49131195
    I'm actually thinking to myself about how the Touhou designs can be transformed into a sort of non-anime 3D style that fits well within the Team Fortress 2 aesthetic. However, I always run into the conundrum that is Yuyuko as the Heavy.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:58 No.49131210
         File1265817484.gif-(640 KB, 250x170, 1265577656454.gif)
    640 KB
    You're all faggots
    Touhou fortress is a bad idea
    the people who are acting like this is the end of days are also faggots
    no one is right, everyone is wrong
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:58 No.49131217
         File1265817494.png-(199 KB, 800x790, 1210918628831.png)
    199 KB
    this thread seems kinda mad
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:58 No.49131219
         File1265817497.jpg-(18 KB, 194x271, HeMad.jpg)
    18 KB
    >> Cpt☆Fab !eoAPYwk2Tk 02/10/10(Wed)10:58 No.49131237
         File1265817517.png-(366 KB, 640x480, vlcsnap-2010-02-09-15h45m15s19(...).png)
    366 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:58 No.49131247
    >ctrl+f "mad"
    >24893 hits

    That's it, i'm leaving /v/ for good.
    You're just /b/ without videogames, spouting memes 90% of the time.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:58 No.49131252
         File1265817533.jpg-(124 KB, 500x316, Iguess.jpg)
    124 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:58 No.49131254
         File1265817534.jpg-(135 KB, 700x340, YuyukoFan.jpg)
    135 KB
    You can see this fan during Yuyuko's spellcards in PCB
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:59 No.49131266
         File1265817541.jpg-(111 KB, 1024x768, pl_badwater0009.jpg)
    111 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:59 No.49131276
         File1265817556.png-(1.8 MB, 1920x1080, 31232312332123.png)
    1.8 MB
    >> Good Ol' Jim !!jL8Bodcm607 02/10/10(Wed)10:59 No.49131277

    >you will eventually die to death

    lol. I thought I had anger problems, you are either a really bad troll or a psychopath who has no place in society and should be killed for the sake of genetics.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:59 No.49131289
    I don't give a fuck who you are or where you live,
    you can count on me to be there to bring your fucking life to a hellish end. I'll put you in so much
    fucking pain that it'll make jesus being nailed to a cross in the desert look like a fucking back massage
    on a tropical island.I don't give a fuck how tough you are, how well you can fight, or how many fucking
    guns you own to protect yourself. I'll fucking show up at your house when you aren't at home. I'll turn
    all the lights on in your house, leave all the water running, open your fridge door and not close it, and
    turn your gas stove burners on and let them waste gas. You're going to start stressing the fuck out, your
    blood pressure will triple, and you'll have a fucking heart attack. You'll go to the hospital for heart
    operation, and the last thing you'll see when you're being put under in the operating room is me hovering
    above you, dressed up like a doctor. When you wake up after the operation, you'll be scared for your fucking
    life, wondering what I did to you while you were being operated on, wondering what ticking time bomb is in
    your chest waiting to go off. You'll recover fully from your heart surgery. And when you walk out the front
    door of that hospital to go home, I'll run you over with my fucking car out of nowhere and kill you.I just
    want you to know how easily I could fucking destroy your pathetic excuse of a life, but how I'd rather go
    to a great fucking length to make sure your last remaining days are spent in a living, breathing fucking hell.
    It's too fucking late to save yourself, but don't bother committing suicide either...I'll fucking resuscitate
    you and kill you again myself you bitchfaced faggot. Welcome to hell, population: you.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:59 No.49131294
    It's not like you can see their mods anyway. Let the weeaboos have their fun.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:59 No.49131298
         File1265817582.jpg-(38 KB, 485x323, ThouMad.jpg)
    38 KB
    No, you're not leaving. None of us believe you.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)11:00 No.49131325
    No you're a fat pretensious neckbeard who thinks he's better than other people on the internet. You probably curl you stomach in ward to resemble an ass so you can stick your small flabby dick in between and slowly fuck it with your stomach with a sad poor attempt at masturbation.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)11:00 No.49131348
         File1265817637.jpg-(13 KB, 174x182, oldman5.jpg)
    13 KB

    you are definitely new here
    >> Cpt☆Fab !eoAPYwk2Tk 02/10/10(Wed)11:00 No.49131351
         File1265817639.png-(498 KB, 2000x2178, 1265567017824.png)
    498 KB
    >Cat ear Konata

    Pig disgusting
    >> Good Ol' Jim !!jL8Bodcm607 02/10/10(Wed)11:00 No.49131355

    Whatever you say. Fag. Please tell me if I pop one of your blood vessels.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)11:01 No.49131379
         File1265817671.jpg-(17 KB, 319x243, mad.jpg)
    17 KB
    >> Sonic the hedgehog !ozOtJW9BFA 02/10/10(Wed)11:01 No.49131395
    Too long didn't read.
    But please RAGE more.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)11:01 No.49131406
    >> Touhou☆~ !T1990//5l6 02/10/10(Wed)11:01 No.49131410
         File1265817701.jpg-(79 KB, 300x303, suiseiseki00372X.jpg)
    79 KB
    Wow Fab, what's your problem?
    You don't like nekomata Konata?
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)11:01 No.49131412
    >> Omega-Xis !!gsLH+/f9G6M 02/10/10(Wed)11:02 No.49131439
         File1265817733.jpg-(10 KB, 187x250, Geromy01.jpg)
    10 KB
    >Soldier - Reimu
    You forgot Yuka and Utsuho
    >Spy - Sakuya
    And Nue and Koishi

    And now you're probably trolling us as we speak.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)11:02 No.49131453
         File1265817749.jpg-(49 KB, 480x312, 1253749325069.jpg)
    49 KB
    not really
    surprisingly, i shave.

    pic related
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)11:02 No.49131454
    If only we could use your mad as energy sources.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)11:02 No.49131455
         File1265817752.jpg-(36 KB, 400x400, 1265148336023.jpg)
    36 KB
    >> Cpt☆Fab !eoAPYwk2Tk 02/10/10(Wed)11:03 No.49131486
         File1265817782.jpg-(628 KB, 1276x1754, 1204634910088.jpg)
    628 KB
    Nope. Reminds me of furfags shitting up everything i ever loved. I prefer vanilla.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)11:03 No.49131511
         File1265817814.jpg-(138 KB, 567x720, 1265647495429.jpg)
    138 KB
    I have not laughed so hard in a good while.
    Thanks for that!
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)11:04 No.49131543

    I'm done here and will go on my way. After introducing all that mad that I could; I have created arguments amongst yourselves I am done here.
    >> Touhou☆~ !T1990//5l6 02/10/10(Wed)11:04 No.49131548
         File1265817848.jpg-(157 KB, 550x900, 09bf55c2b3abfc094887f340e2e9ea(...).jpg)
    157 KB
    More for me then.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)11:04 No.49131566
    Goddamn, my U Mad? folder within my Reactions folder within my 4chan folder is 10 times beefier now.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)11:04 No.49131569
    I personally hate this shit, but with that out of the way,
    This guy has it correct. The whole point of the distinct silhouettes was to know which class it was easily. These models are just a clusterfuck of colors. I don't care that you guys want anime models, but the creators have to have some common sense and try to make the character shapes similar to the original.

    Now, I know that wouldn't work with Touhou, no one needs to point it out, but just a suggestion.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)11:04 No.49131594
    ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
    ..........''...\.......... _.·´
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)11:04 No.49131600
    >this thread
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)11:04 No.49131604
    >Yuka and Utsuho
    >Nue and Koishi
    I can see that working.
    I personally would put Kogasa as Spy, but I can't see that working, with the umbrella and all.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)11:05 No.49131614
    Hating furries, really? Furries have to be the easiest way to troll /v/. Jesus christ, you guys. You just make it too easy for me.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)11:05 No.49131630
         File1265817928.jpg-(58 KB, 309x375, 1264990000572.jpg)
    58 KB
    >> Good Ol' Jim !!jL8Bodcm607 02/10/10(Wed)11:05 No.49131634

    You'll be back.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)11:05 No.49131660
    If you're a dude and you like playing a female character/like pretending to be one, you need to reevaluate your life.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)11:05 No.49131664
    >This logic
    >Oh, you like to rape little children? That's cool. I respect your opinion.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)11:06 No.49131701

    >Reminds me of furfags shitting up everything i ever loved.

    I know how you feel.
    >> Cpt☆Fab !eoAPYwk2Tk 02/10/10(Wed)11:06 No.49131715
         File1265818005.jpg-(88 KB, 600x541, 1264830283042.jpg)
    88 KB
    I got loooaaads. I don't have that pic saved though. Why would you want to see konata hurt?
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)11:07 No.49131733
         File1265818020.jpg-(44 KB, 512x384, 1265147825378.jpg)
    44 KB
    >comparing child rape to tf2 skins
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)11:07 No.49131739
    Pathetic namefag being a namefag. *sigh*
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)11:07 No.49131787
         File1265818069.jpg-(4 KB, 124x110, troll who.jpg)
    4 KB
    You forgot your pic bro
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)11:07 No.49131799
         File1265818078.png-(509 KB, 1000x1000, 1265646732171.png)
    509 KB
    There is a difference between liking something and depravity brah.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)11:08 No.49131803
         File1265818086.jpg-(139 KB, 1024x768, pl_badwater0010.jpg)
    139 KB
    Instead of "MAGGOTS" she should say "ARMPITS" :3
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)11:08 No.49131817
         File1265818097.jpg-(36 KB, 370x300, 1263617167454.jpg)
    36 KB


    I hate the anime models myself, but holy fuck, you so fucking mad.
    >> Touhou☆~ !T1990//5l6 02/10/10(Wed)11:08 No.49131829
         File1265818106.jpg-(239 KB, 1920x1200, 1257366298517.jpg)
    239 KB
    I like to think Konata is into pain as much as I am :3.
    Also sorry for posting this one, it's not meant to flip you off, it's just the only other one I have on hand at the moment.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)11:08 No.49131856
    I can't wait for the Left4Dead2 Mod with Kogasa as Smoker, Yuyuko as Boomer, Aya as Hunter, Suika/Cirno as Jockey, Komachi as Tank, Flandre as Witch, etc.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)11:08 No.49131859
    guys this is so kawaii ^^
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)11:09 No.49131888
    So liking childporn is ok then?
    Cool logic, man.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)11:09 No.49131916
         File1265818189.jpg-(12 KB, 160x148, 1264377721698.jpg)
    12 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)11:09 No.49131921
    ^ You two are soo gay ^
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)11:10 No.49131954
    cp is fine with me broski
    >> Omega-Xis !!gsLH+/f9G6M 02/10/10(Wed)11:10 No.49131963
         File1265818246.png-(27 KB, 400x400, 2cymfe0.png)
    27 KB
    >> Cpt☆Fab !eoAPYwk2Tk 02/10/10(Wed)11:10 No.49131964
         File1265818247.jpg-(118 KB, 481x550, 1264923378029.jpg)
    118 KB
    Opinions i guess.
    >> Gary MF Oak !!kcBk/2kfo8h 02/10/10(Wed)11:10 No.49131966
         File1265818250.jpg-(56 KB, 813x768, 1257100424576.jpg..jpg)
    56 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)11:11 No.49131995
         File1265818283.jpg-(222 KB, 1134x768, DiGi Charat Nyo!.jpg)
    222 KB
    She's cosplaying as Puchiko. Nothing 'wrong' with cosplaying as a character that herself wears a cat-ear hat.
    >> kawaiicwutegamergrrl !h6ZP2VMNxg 02/10/10(Wed)11:11 No.49132019
         File1265818306.jpg-(5 KB, 180x164, hi.jpg)
    5 KB
    were can i buy this game in fuirst picture? x3
    So kawaiii me hanga des Varuvo, bakkas!
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)11:11 No.49132022
         File1265818308.jpg-(85 KB, 500x1319, FAG.jpg)
    85 KB
    Haha oh wow.
    >> Whiteboy Approves !/xgWHITEcE 02/10/10(Wed)11:12 No.49132077
         File1265818368.jpg-(72 KB, 720x720, 1264393105901.jpg)
    72 KB
    Even tho my love of Touhou is the same.

    Those skins completely ruin the game.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)11:13 No.49132091
         File1265818383.jpg-(39 KB, 403x396, 1242756147878.jpg)
    39 KB
    >This whole thread

    Good job OP, I've been using the models for a few months now and love them.
    >> Suika !IbukilEbpY 02/10/10(Wed)11:13 No.49132094
    What characters have gotten their soundpacks so far? I've been tracking this, and won't touch it until It's mostly done.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)11:13 No.49132100
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)11:14 No.49132148
    Holy fucking shit.

    This is far the most thread with "U MAD" pictures

    Proof that touhou fags are the cancer.
    >> Omega-Xis !!gsLH+/f9G6M 02/10/10(Wed)11:14 No.49132149
    Only Suika.
    >> Moron Brigade !Yf8mZVPoBs 02/10/10(Wed)11:14 No.49132155
    AM, you're a computer. You can't hate us dead. You have no emotions.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)11:15 No.49132247
         File1265818545.jpg-(109 KB, 500x411, whatsgoinon.jpg)
    109 KB
    >one weeaboo
    >one really angry dude
    >half a million faggots posting u mad macros

    As for the models: They suck for two reasons:

    1.) Touhou and TF2 use different visual styles. TF2 models, in game, are phong shaded and edge lit. Touhou characters are flat shaded, and flat lit.

    You can either render a Touhou character like a TF2 model, in which case it doesn't look like touhou; or you can try for the original Touhou art style, in which case it looks awful and significantly impairs gameplay.

    2.) These screenshots are shit. Utterly awful. Weeaboos don't need decent computers to troll pixiv and wank to porn games, so they make already ugly models look worse by running without MSAA or texture filtering.

    Basically, what I'm saying is that they're... casual.
    >> SAGE 02/10/10(Wed)11:18 No.49132392
    >Reminds me of furfags shitting up everything

    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)11:18 No.49132400
    Really? You're going to call touhou, a video game, bad when you're from /b/?
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)11:18 No.49132407
         File1265818697.jpg-(631 KB, 1000x1005, 1265648847186.jpg)
    631 KB
    So are you implying that I like child porn?
    Look who compared it to a video game first brah.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)11:19 No.49132458
    implying almost all entertainment media, platforms, referances you make did not oreiginate in NA
    >> Cpt☆Fab !eoAPYwk2Tk 02/10/10(Wed)11:19 No.49132497
         File1265818773.png-(175 KB, 704x396, 1254605467412.png)
    175 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)11:19 No.49132519
    I lol'd.OPs pic is excelent for trollan
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)11:20 No.49132559

    What?It's the truth.
    >> Suika !IbukilEbpY 02/10/10(Wed)11:20 No.49132566
    Well fuck, I bet it's really high pitched. I wonder if they'll even succeed at recruiting proper voice actors for the rest.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)11:21 No.49132593

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