Reviews are coming in, GI, 9.5/10 PSM: 5/5, AAA game confirmed.Tell me the truth /v/, do you troll this game out of insecurity of just the fact that most people here can't experience it. funny how wrong /v/ always is.
Holy shit PSM gave Heavy Rain a 5/5?They never hand out 5s!
>he still takes /v/ seriously
we troll this game because JASOONNNNNNNNPUSH X TO SHOES
>PSM 5/5
we troll because it's fun
>>48768968not videogames, take this shit to /g/ or /tv/
>>48769026whenever a game gets trolled the fuck out of on /v/ it usually means it's a pretty good gameif the game is shit it is usually quickly forgotten and the trolls move on to new prospects
/v/ - Video GamesGo to /tv/ with your movie.
lol imagine how many millions $ony must have bribed the press with so that their shitty game doesn't get the 1/10's it deserves
Gaming XPFor many people Heavy Rain won’t be more than a progression of quick-time-events...
guys, even if review scores don't matter (except when trolling).Never NEVER use the exclusive game's console magazine as a driving point.It's retarded.
>PSM: 5/5I came.inb4 hurr durr bias, they weren't always the official playstation maggazine
>>48769173how can they bribe if they're poor, as the fanboys love to point out?
the publisher bribed them with phloons
>Implying Sony didnt pay for these reviews
it's still a movie no matter what
if you took anything on /v/ seriously you would never play games
This kind of game doesn't deserve 10/10 or even 9 or 8/10 scores. It's actually kind of hard to say they are games even.
>>48768968Oh man, this game is gonna be so great the closest thing to alternate really since MMO's.
>game>heavy rain>ps3>gameWut
I have no problems with movie games, but that demo just looked terrible.
/v/ hating a good game ?is this new ?they don't have a valid reason for hating Halo , Fallout 3 , Oblivion ect .they hate it because it's popular .i remember the day MW2 came out .the whole board was filled with threads about it .
>>48768968you know pre-release reviews are generally positive right?
/v/ - Insecure trolls.
Other than Heavy Rain, there's a fuck lot shit coming out in the next 2 months.It's going to be Oct/Nov '09 all over again.
US embargo is over on the 10th. We shall see.
nice movie
Still waiting for the demo.
>>48769365the last time i checked it had gameplay
>>48769402>BioShock 2: good>Aliens vs. Predator: shitsux
>>48769387if heavy rain was good /v/ would have next to 0 threads about it.
>>48769434Unless you're lazy or a troll, you can get the beta now. And no, you don't need to make a European account, Kotaku is just stupid.
>>48769434the demo is out i played it you gotta solve the puzzles to get the code
>/v/ trolls Heavy rain, 9.0+ scores>/v/ hypes the shit out of AvP, 5.00 scoresGood taste, as always guys.
played the demo, cancelled my pre-order
>>48769420Embargo? What?
>>48769387Halo is only good game in that bunch.
>>48769538Non-disclosure agreement... welcome to media.
>>48769271>implying Sony paid PSM and PTOM for reviews
I don't really care about the trolls, but there are times when the ACTUAL legit ps3fanboys do stupid shit that obviously attract more trolls, then they cry about it.Like OP. Either he's a troll, or a fanboy who wants this tread to turn into trollsville.
minigame Wii bullshit, tap X receive cookie
ITT: Butthurt. Just Butthurt Xbros everywhere.
>>48769516you didn't have to solve any puzzles in the actual demo though.left me feeling a little meh.
>>48769614>implying playstation magazines aren't biased towards playstation
>>48769508>if heavy rain was good /v/ would have next to 0 threads about it.not possible, it's a PS3 exclusive. Meaning even if it is good, there's going to be troll threads.
>>48769663How wierd, since they're, you know, Playstation magazines.
>>48769517this AvP gets a shitty review"OMG NO GI JUST MAD IT'S NOT MW2 "Heavy Rain gets a good review " PAID BY SONY , MOVIE LULZ X 2 JASON "Rebellion has never done a good game AvP was always going to fail .Heavy Rain was created by a good company with some new ideas to bring to the table .
All the JASON trolling /v/ has been doing has actually been a form of viral marketingSo I thank you /v/ because I'm now getting this game day 1
/v/ loved borderlands. It was terrible./v/ loves AVP, people say terrible./v/ hates Heavy RainGood.What a surprise.
>Reviews are coming in, GI, 9.5/10 PSM: 5/5, AAA game confirmed.Damn, remember that French site that gave it 6/10, Sony blacklisted it and threatened with court?Yeah, I'm sure that opened some eyes.
i would really love to have one dad hurrrr
/v/ said the same thing about uncharted 2>hurr good reviews must be payed by sony
>JASOOON X was viralNow i've seen everything.Good work SONY workers.
>>48769832Did this happen today?
>>48769742>quick time events are new
>>48769516>demo>reviewis it ok if i review the whole game off the demo?if so, 3/5
>>48769832Lies.Never happened.
Didn't Sony ban a reviewer for giving it a 6/10?
A french magazine gave it 6/10 though
>>48768968loved indigo prophecy, heavy rain looks amazing. just love the JASSSUNNN meme and other shit going around. funny stuff.
demon's souls was a good hypethis is a bad hyperegards,idort
I am going to buy this.JAYWSOON XXXXXXXX or not i am adventure games whore.
>>48769856and halo 3and gears 1 & 2
most people settle for the glitchy badly coded mediocre crap that is shoved in their face.we are better than that.
>>48769931Huh>>48769941>>48769965Sonybros status: fucked.
>>48769856That's because /v/ is full of retards who are either virulent 360/PCfags, or take the LOLPS3NOGAEMS thing too far.No matter what, it's near impossible to get good threads on most of PS3's exclusives.
>>48769832Yeah, Gamekult.Make fun of Sony all you want for blacklisting them, but that place is retarded as fuck.Metacritic doesn't even accept their reviews, and they gave Mass Effect 2 a 7/10.
>>48769976>indigo prophecy
>>48768968You have to admit it OPThat video was bad. Not bad but REAL BADHELARISOSUSOS BAD
This is just a point and click adventure with a controller, no?
I sure am sad I won't get to play Quick Time Events: The Movie: The Game
lol so many xboys in hereenjoy your no exclusives and 67% failure rate
>/v/ says PS3 is shit and Xbox is superior 2 years ago>buy Xbox>regret>buy PS3>enjoy PS3 more>MGS4 is a movie>buy MGS4>becomes favorite game>loljasun press x for xDDD>PSM 5/5>AvP is going to be game of the decade>shit sucksYou suck /v/, stop rating games. You suck at it.
>>48770023sounds like they use an actual 1-10 scale instead of the 7-10 bullshit most places do.
>>48768968>Crap movie gets 105/100 scores in media>Implying that means the movie is good
>sony loses money with every ps3 they sell>opm is going to give a ps3 exclusive a low scorelolno
The people saying Heavy Rain is an interactive movie are underageb& that never played adventure game.
>>48769965>>48769941Well, that's Sony france. When the NA sony and JP sony regions begin doing the same shit, you can come over and we can kiss/make up.
>>48770023Troll hit reviewers?
>>48769322Goddamn, look at those fucking apples. How can you resist?
>>48770036>richard dawkinsdont what are you doing
/v/ only trolls good games. I had very little interest in HR until I starting seeing so many troll threads for it. Went down and pre-ordered it yesterday.
JAYSONBADASS GLASSESPHALLONSCLOWNSORIGAMIPRESS X TO DO EVERYTHINGHaha i am so buying this.Just for the heck of it.I guess trophies will be sweet/easy to get.
Sony doesn't need to pay PSM to rate games highly. The better playstation looks, the more subscribers they get the more money they get. As for Game informer, everyone knows that magazine is shit. And look at the reviews for indigo prophecy, they started out the same way, I'm calling around an 85 score for this game.
>>48770023>they gave Mass Effect 2 a 7/10.To that dumbed down version of a dumbed down action rpg?HOW DARE THEY.>Metacritic doesn't even accept their reviewsThey don't accept reviews because the score isn't to their liking?There's no reaction pic adequate to this.But there is a reaction video.
wait can some Xboxfags tell me what Xbox Exclusive from this year got a good review ?it's a good thing being compared to a movie . because that's what a next Gen game needs to look like .enjoy paying for another Halo 3 : ODLC
I've always said that when you play a game in motion, you usually don't have time to see things like graphical quirks unless you're some discerning faggot.Tell me, how many of you spotted this shit the first time you watched the video?
>>48768968>Implying that if you praise shit, it becomes candy.
Only IGN's opinion matters
>>48769474>Implying you didn't completely destroy your credibility by saying "Bioshock 2: Good"
>>48769973>frenchThere's your problem.
Finally a REAL adventure game.You underage fags could at least check out what it means.Preordered HR already.
>>48770023Damn. What a weird site. I wish I could speak French actually, I don't so I could see exactly how they're rating games (i.e. if it's something along the lines of Browsing their site, though, the highest review score I've seen was a 9 for Braid. Then an 8 for Bayonetta and Darksiders. What the fuck?
>>48770327360 has yet to have an exclusive release this yearMass Effect 2 is also on PC xbrosOnly game that's guaranteed AAA scores will be Halo Reach
>>48770023hmmmlast night /v/ was bitching on how GI gave ME2 a 9 being a dumbed down version of ME1because they gave AvP a 5.75
>>48769322What in the world happened here?I'm honestly curious.
>>48770142every console since the N64 (with the exception of the wii, which is little more than a glorified toy) is sold as a loss to the company that makes it.Revenue is ALWAYS made up by software sales you dipshit.So its not just sony that loses money when they sell a console,its everyone.
>>48770385IGN, which has banner ads for games everywhere and clearly has conflict of interest on anything but obscure titles?
>>48770402It is.
HEAVY RAIN!PS3 gets another AAAHEAVY RAIN!Anal pained xbros lost the game
Reviews are coming in, GI, 10/10 PSM: 5/5, Grand Theft Auto IV = AAA game confirmed.
back then "when are games going to look like movies ?"now with heavy rain looking like a movie " ENJOY UR MOVIE !! 11!!1!!X TO JASON "
>>48770414Yeah, it was also a French magazine (Canard PC) which dared to call out Fallout's 3 flaws.How dare they, they don't eat up hyped titles!!
Don't worry, in a few months Alan Wake will start.
>>48770423Yes! Exactly! I've been waiting so long for a good mystery/adventure game on the PS3. The trolls don't even understand what they're trolling. That think it's "LULZNOTAGAME!" if they can't pew pew pew every 15 seconds.
99% of people are fucking morons./v/ is full of people.This shouldn't be a surprise.
Can't wait to rate this shit on IMDB
>>48770474So far as I know Nintendo has never sold a system at a loss, not just the Wii.
/v/ only likes shit like Mass Effect, and /v/ only likes rehashed games.
>they still believe that bribed game critics give honest reviews
That doesn't change the fact that Heavy Rain threads are fucking hilarious.
>>48770761gamecubes were sold at a loss, the only one of nintendo's consoles to do so.otherwise the guy you quoted is right
>>48770692They sound great to me. Called mass effect 2 how it is, fallout 3 WAS flawed. New reviewers to follow it seems.
>>48770708>implying Alan Awake can be as awesome as using the Wiimote as a Flashlight ( SH:SM )
>press x to piss blood>press x to open dorr>press circle to green text>press square the game
Does it matter?It's on the PS3, polarizing, and not shootan.It'll sell 500k at best.
My friend told me on MSN that he had taken 15 preorders today for HR.I guess hype train is quite effective.
>>48770423>HR>adventureMy favorite FPS is starcraft.
Why are magazines based around game journalism reviewing a movie?
Awwwww don't cry. Go play your 360, it will make you feel better.....till it breaks.
This game will sell like fresh buns in Europe.It will bomb in America.Why?Because it is matter of taste.Europe has one.America not quite....
why ppl thinks its an adventure game lol, theres no exploration at all and no puzzles either, u just walk in corridors QTEing
>>48770868They're selling slim Gamecubes right now at a huge profit.*rimshot*
>>48770906>Not Shootan. You mean the 360 right?
>>48771007Europe has taste for shitty bluray movies?
>>48770823>He's butthurt
>>48770914He is right.Adventure games were always Point and Click.HR is a step forward.
>Trusting game critics>Trusting GAME INFORMER/v/ has fallen pretty far.
>>48770423>Finally a REAL adventure gameyou mean a movie where you need to press X every few seconds?
>>48771041Oh snap
>>48770823The 360 defense force is back. -_- the game. FAP
Too grimdark.
>>48771100This is the part where you explain how is he wrong.
Another AAA game only on the AAAStation 3.
>>48771166> -_-O_o u mad? xD
Silly Sonybros.I can just go to the mall in my city and shout Jason for free! Why would I buy Heavy Rain? :3
>>48771041because slim gamecubes are the only gamecubes and were infact the types of gamecubes sold exclusively at the launch of the're a retard and because they now generate profit off a slim version of the console that is from last gen it automatically means it always did.*rimshot*
>>48771243They aren't bribed. Good games = good reviews.
>>48771166>Implying there is one>SDF everywhere in this threadcool story
>>48771152>/v/ has fallen pretty farBecause /v/ was ever good? No, this place always sucked and always was "my opinion is best"-ish. /v/ rates a lot of games on it's fanbase and hates it without even playing it.For example the MGS series and Halo series./v/ just sucks, a new and good game comes out. Someone makes an appreciation thread about it, and some faggots get in and say "what a shitty game, you don't even have taste".This isn't trollling, this is just being asspained about other people enjoying games that aren't your favorite game.You suck /v/.YouTube, GameFaqs, every other vidya forum > /v/
lol @ french gamer mag giving it 6/10 then getting shitcanned by sony
>>48771374You're too ugly to go out.I know.
Has there ever been an actual adventure game on an X system? Would these Xkids even know what one was?
So it's kind of like Shenmu with a different setting and less control? Let me just remove it from my to-do list.~Or:~> Usual /v/: Fuck QTEs, they're the shittiest shit in modern shit games.> Heavy Rain, current game on "Will save the PS3!" blackboard /v/: OM NOM NOM DELICIOUS QTE GAEMIN
I troll because of how unintentionally hilarious this game is.
>>48771404By "explain" I meant "use arguments to prove your point".And yeah they're bribed. Ads, exclusives, games to review- without those mags die. And it so conveniently happens that publishers decide who gets them. And on what terms.
>>48771459>Everyone here with a different view is an xkid>My first adventure gaem was heavy rain hurp derp I am better than xbroscool story
>>48771537PS3 doesn't need saving anymore.It is clearly winning in games war.
I'm Adam Sessler and I give Heavy Rain a five...... OUT OF FIVE!!!!!!!!!!
>>48771408Jesus Christ, what a neckbeard. And they say that pcfags are the neckbeards.
>>48771459Monkey Island games were released a while ago on Live.
>>48771710You don't know what a neckbeard is. It's a beard that grows only on the neck.
>>48771602>"use arguments to prove your point">Neither do you
Hey "it's not a movie fags, bawww">>Sony Worldwide Studios bigwig Michael Denny has described Heavy Rain as an "interactive drama" that will be played in people's heads more than it is on control pads.
>>48771808>Ads, exclusives, games to review- without those mags die. And it so conveniently happens that publishers decide who gets them. And on what terms.Insert coin to your movie player and try again.
Playstation Home with out multiplayer the Movie the Game
>>48771860Thought this was already known? Also, that throws egg not only on the faces of people saying it's more game than movie, but also those who complain about the gameplay.
>>48771860Who the fuck careS? It's still going to be a good game.Movie/game =/= bad game.
I never understood the hype for this game.How can a game with nothing but QTE's be decent?I'd really like to know, because I have a PS3.Maybe I'll try the demo.
>>48772009How can a point and click adventure be a good game? Same general idea.
>>48771970>Who the fuck careS?Everyone in this thread who said it's not a movie.Got told. By Sony itself.
>>48771537>implying that the QTEs in Heavy Rain in any way resemble QTEs in most games.
>>48771860>SonyWell I'll say, there's a credible source if I've ever seen one when it comes to unbiased praise of games for the PS3.
Sometimes I wonder if there's going to be any peace between Xbros and Sonyfriends.
>>48772231There is.Just not on /v/.
not impressed. It's a movie with fuckin' QTE's tacked to it to make people call it a game. Protip: I own a PS3.
>>48772130Meh. Good point.
>>48768968Heavy Rain will be brilliant.In a thread about ME2, an anon said>I like ME more, but that's because I'd rather play a video game than watch a movie.Interaction. I'd rather play ME1 and 2 at any given time instead of watching the Star Wars movies.This is why it will be a joy to play, because of the interaction. And in my mind the Mass Effect games have a fair few parallels with Heavy Rain.
IN FPS GAMES YOU POINT YOUR RETICULE TO THE TARGET AND CLICK TO SHOOT.>you now realize fps games are adventure games
>>48772348over simplification doesn't work as an argument bro.
The game must be part of the hurr durr wars, because I've never heard of it before. What's the genre and what's it about? I'll go play it to my friend's if it's truly a 100/100 overall.
can somebody make a .gif from the flying sunglasses? from 2:08
>>48771860Because that specifically says it's a "movie" right?You people are fucking sad sometimes, this "movie" as you call it, is scoring better than most games. I don't even care for Heavy Rain, but fuck, open your eyes.
>>48772846>I've never heard of it beforeHave you been living under a rock for the last couple of days?
>>48770423Can it actually be considered like an old fashioned adventure game though? I mean is there even a map to explore or is just forced scenarios like "walk around this small area until you activate the next scene and are transported to the next area".
God I have such a boner right now. Can't wait to get this game!
>>48772943don't be a fucking retard
>>48772963I think you used to be able to drive a car around or something but then the director "didn't want to do a big free-roaming city like GTA, because the flow of the story will then be hard to control". In other words, it wasn't movie-like enough.
>>48772959Not browsing /v/ everyday is living under a rock now? The game hasn't really exploded all over the internet.
>"It's barely a GAME in the popular sense of the word, but Quantic Dream's masterpiece makes groundbreaking strides in storytelling and character development, demonstrating that interactive entertainment still has a deep well of untapped potential." -GIoh great PS3 still nogaems
>>48773539It actually has been mentioned many times before in other places, but no, it's not the largest most anticipated game out there.
>>48773808u mad?
PSSSS333333333333Excited about new bluray movies
Looks like complete shit.
>GameInformer>AVP3, a game: 5.75>Heavy Rain, not a game: 9.5>myface.jpg
>>48774002I'm glad
>>48773955Looks like your precious "games" aren't so special after all./tv/....AWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY
>make heavy rain thread>100+ repliesgood job /v/
>implying that you'd press any other button except x to jason
I make fun of it all the time. I'll buy it too.
Why do people call this a movie?The fact that /v/ does obviously means that you all grew up in the late 90s and have no actual concept of what a game is.Oh wait, that was too close to the truth, let me rephrase my post: PS3 has no gaems
>>48775654>I'm 30+ years old and i still browse /v/
>>4877565490% of these idiots were born in the mid-90s
>>48775654You're older and therefore superior to us?Why though?You just have wrinkles and a receding hairline.
>>48776215>>48776302Reading comprehension faggots. Did I ever say that I was superior or that I was 30?Stop projecting your insecurities.
The asspain in this thread is fucking hilarious.But I guess you get desperate when your console has no games, xbros.
>>48771176That bitch be teh crazy i'd be dead so long ago then again those guys didnt look like they really knew wtf they were doing.
>>48772130i keep seeing this but i don't understand.the central part of the gameplay in those was solving puzzles and gathering items.from the demo i was left with the impression that there are 2 major gameplay elements QTE fights (meh) and investigation (WOOO!) i just didn't see where the investigation went. even after i walked around the scene and gathered info i couldn't use any of it. at the end the only thing i could do was get in the car and leave.
>>48776773u mad
>He still believes marketing posing as objective journalism!
>>48776628>The fact that /v/ does obviously means that you all grew up in the late 90s and have no actual concept of what a game is.>you all>talk about the rest of /v/ in a condescending tone>get called out>lolnoimnot30urjustinsecureeverything in that post implies that you are over 30, nice try.