02/06/10(Sat)15:20 No. 48755555 >Bloated The industry is bloated.>DRM on top of DRM (yo dawg) Nope.
Your Steam account is the only DRM associated with Steam. No SecureROM
or Starforce. No limited installs. Only real limit is 1 person logged
into an account at any given time.>Terrible
with launch dates Accurate, but it is still better than
any store since you don't even have to leave the house to get it, and
you don't have to pay $10+ for shipping to get it the day after release.>They can completely buttfuck you and block your
account with ALL YOUR GAMES should you do something illegal (Remember
Modern Warfare 2 and the CD keys?) Activision forced them
to do that, not Steam. Steam isn't to blame in any way for that. Also,
you only lost Modern Warfare 2 for that, not ALL YOUR GAEMS. Even if you
are caught hacking, you are only VAC Banned, which only excludes you
from VAC Secured servers. It's a really good anti-cheating system for
the rest of us that play legitimately.>The
only thing its got going is weekly discounts on five years old games Cheaper
than any discount you could find for a game twice as old in a store. Also,
preorder bonuses (Bioshock 2 is 10% off until release, comes with
Bioshock 1 for free that you can gift to a friend.) Steam also
has a community function built right in, so it's better than most
methods of distribution for that sole purpose.