02/05/10(Fri)18:05 No. 48674595 >>48674341 continued>Uuugly! and a bitch! Have you SEEN the ME
relationship women? Liara has a fat baby face and is interested in you
only due to science and you being the only guy who will talk to her, and
has the blandest of personalities. I think Miranda gets too much hate
too but it's more deserved (nice ass, man face, boring "it sucks to be
perfect" personality). I feel about Jack how most of you seem to about
Ash. And Tali... yeah she definitely has the best personality, and I've
seen the FAN-art, but know one really knows what she looks like. Her
head probably looks like a glowing gray (hair? lol), may have a
Turrian/weird mouth for all you know, and her body could as easily be
insectoid as it is "night elf goddess" you want it to be. Also the whole
amino-dextro thing means a life together apart even if she got over the
whole weak immune system thing for those saying "waifu". Kelly is nice
but not a real relationship choice. She's not perfect, but Ashley
is definitely not a bad choice, if not the best you can get.