ITT: Things that piss you off about other people's gaming habits.I'll start. I fucking hate watching my roommate play video games because he insists on playing everything on kindergarten difficulty. Plays Mass Effect 2 twice on Casual. Whenever we play co-op halo he insists on playing Easy. I'm not an anti-social dick so I don't bitch about it, but nigga please, learn to enjoy a challenge once in a while.
Perhaps you should just let him play the way he sees fit. If it bothers you that much, kill yourself.
>>48578526>I'm not an anti-social dick so I don't bitch about itI keep it to myself. And remember anything that makes you rage on the internet is just mildly annoying in real life.
People who won't play a game because they heard it sucked.O.k. You played it and hated, maybe but outright not playing a game based solely on what you heard is ridiculous.There's a reason I'm still playing Sonic Heroes.
>>48578736I bought my little brother Mass Effect.He died against those three recon drones. The first enemies you fight against.He died basically because he wasn't trying and won't play the game again.
>learn to enjoy a challenge once in a while>only challenges in life come from children's entertainment
Fuck you, if he enjoys easy let him enjoy it. What's important is playing and loving the shit out of it.
whenever my roommate and I play borderlands he always runs off ahead of me while I look for ammo.
>>48578526You're just like OP's room mate aren't you?
When you're letting someone you know play a game you've beaten, and they pester you about what's going to happen next or how to beat the game. It really takes away from me re-experiencing the game vicariously through you, bro!
in left 4 dead, everyone that everything does is irritating.
People that swing and turn the controller in any game, as if they're trying to swerve without actually fucking using the analog sticks. This was mostly with older gen consoles, as you have sixaxis and Wii shit now
>>48578905>implying that mass effect is marketed toward children>implying my life revolves around video games
>>48578736Was I supposed to understand that?
Buy guitar hero, it's a casual game but you can select difficulty individually
>>48579073Oh man, so many people I know do that. I never say anything though, too much lols to be had.
People who call themselves gamers.
>>48578290My biggest pet peeve is people who have a massive boner for hard video games.Now I usually play my games on the hardest difficulty, I like a challenge, but I know plenty of people who always play the easiest difficulty. Whether it's because its an rpg and they just want to experience the story or they just wanna mindlessly blast through the game and don't want to actually think and try. Hell, maybe they just plain suck ass.In any case, different difficulties are there for a reason, SO DIFFERENT PEOPLE CAN HAVE THE CHALLENGE THEY WANT TO HAVEJust because someone else likes it easy instead of mind-numbingly, borderline snap your game in half difficult, doesn't mean you should freak at him. Having an easy option doesn't stop you from playing it on hard, just leave the guy alone.
>>48579229Fucking this.
My girlfriend insisting on showing me every new item and person she gets/meets on Animal Crossing Wild World. Sorry honey I don't give a shit, same way you don't give a shit I killed Flamelurker on NG+.
>>48579184My sister did that back when she played. I showed her flow and flower. She lol'd.
>>48579251It ruins the experience man.I dunno what the hell are you playing games for, but games are supposed to be about challenge.
>>48579109"Look man, just try it! I'll even buy you a copy so we can play multiplayer if you like it!""This game only scored 8/10. It's shit and you shouldn't be playing it."
>>48579386you don't play drunk that often, do you?
>>48579386>implying games are about challenge instead of fun.>implying I can't have fun without a challenge.whatthefuckamireading.jpg
Typically, backseat gaming.I mean for fucks sake:>Just about to get the guy behind me>GET THE GUY BEHIND YOU!>AND THAT ONE>GET THAT BOX, GET THE HEALTHAnd people who obsess over having control.>Oh, I know how to beat this boss.>Oh, great! How?>Nah, it's too hard to explain. Better let me do it.>Huh? I'm sure I'd understand if you told me.>No. Just let me do it.>...Okay, then.>I find out the 'secret' was to hit the weak spot, just like every other boss.>Whatthefuckman.jpg
>>48579448People that think of games as movies tend to do this more often.
>>48579451o lol, speaking of, played ME2 today really drunk. That fucking hacking mini game dude. Couldn't do it.
>>48579532FUCK. i had a friend just like that.
I am pretty weird in my gaming habits. One day I'll be playing Armored Core, doing the hardest missions, focused like a motherfucker on the challenge and not even blinking to maintain concentration.The other day, I'll be playing Dragon Age on easy with cheat items to make the game even more of a breeze.
>>48579747>>48579532I must admit, I've done that before. Makes me feel bad man afterwards though.
This is just fitting:
>>48579229I know its a troll, but people who have this mentality.You can tear it up with the best of them any day of the week - but sometimes, its nice to play Lego indiana jones because you're fucking stoned... simple, right?>>48579532...Sorta...guilty of that back in my hayday >.<
>>48579899A game isn't good because it's hard; good developers usually don't give a shit about casuals, meaning often the game will be difficult.
>>48579002Are you that guy who has to search every single nook and cranny then cross examine every piece of loot you find? I had this guy on xbox live pull that shit and constantly asking me to wait. Fuck.
>>48579793Dragon Age's combat isn't fun and you can in almost no way affect it. It's a battle of damage and health. You can of course choose skills, attributes and items.I'd rather just skip the shit and just have a talking game.
>>48580061Fuck you, I do that. I love loot searchen'
ME 2 had shit combat. Till I turned the difficulty to hardest. For some reason even though I had to reload saves over and over, it became more fun.
>>48580141Its much more viable in Fallout3 tho.In Borderlands its just a mad-as-fuck scramble run for an area with a large supply of weapon caches.Am I wrong?
>>48579002That's why I don't like to play most RPGs with other people. My pace is usually pretty slow, as I like to search the entire fucking room for every little thing, and people don't usually wait/like to wait.
>...Huh?>How the fuck?>...Okay, seriously, how the fuck did you do that?>Fucking hell!>...>...Are you fucking screen peeking?
>>48579793I beat Mass Effect 2 on Insanity as a Vanguard then started the game up on normal the other day as an Infiltrator for no real reason.
I go through games on casual first to get a feel for them and then scale up.
>>48579073I do that when I am completely smashed
>>48580243Insanity was a lot of fun, the other difficulties were cakewalks.It made combat more visceral and less about derp runintoyourfaceandpower/shootyou.Still, difficulty I= good in the long run I say.
>>48580351Vanguard on Insanity? Fair play, that's probably the worst class to do it as.
Console fanboys. Holy shit are you people retarded. Are you trying to justify spending money on your console by shitting on the others? Do you really think the corporations give a fuck about your loyalty beyond the massive amounts of money it makes them? Goddamn.
>>48578692>And remember anything that makes you rage on the internet is just mildly annoying in real life.Truer words were never typed on 4chan.
I usually play RPGs on easier settings since they're usually bullshit as hell when you crank them up and require perfect mastery of the all the equipment in the game.Make any mistakes, and you're fucked.Halo on easy though?Haha. That game isn't even worth playing on anything less than Legendary.
>>48579013Hate this so much.Just because I'm here doesn't mean you need me to beat the fucking game for you.I know you can figure this shit out yourself.
>>48580427Yeah, I felt like I made a mistake halfway through but it wasn't that bad. Probably would have gone soldier.
>>48580449The way ol' Tubbs has broken it down?A console fanboy doesn't appreciate the games whatsoever - or even the console for that matter.He (or in rare cases, she) simply respects the hardware inside the external case.A gamer respects all notions of gaming, whether it be from casual lolvivapinata to the upmost slaughterfest like dwarf fortress.The true defenition of a game is whatever that makes us happy and entertains us. And in years to come, nostalgia....HARD.
When I'm with a friend, they say they want to try out Mass Effect 2 because they've herd it's good. THEY SKIP ALL CUTSCENES AND DIALOG"WHEN CAN I SHOOT SOMETHING""WHY DO I HAVE MAGIC POWERS""EW IS THAT AN ALIEN OR SOMETHING"
>>48580396 Still, difficulty I= good in the long run I say.And I'd say I KNOW that's wrong.If the game is easy then the gameplay is useless. A difficult game forces you to use all of it's mechanics. You don't get a choice, you have to play the game if you're going to play the game.When my mom watches TV she does not actually look at the screen. She watches entire movies this way. She'll just glance at it every 30 seconds or so, and otherwise just listen. If you were to talk to her about the movie later you'd notice that she missed a ton of things and maybe didn't get the movie at all if it wasn't generic and simple enough.Easy difficulty is the same. Yeah there are people who honestly aren't going to be able to beat normal for whatever reason, but that is not the vast majority. For the rest of them, fuck you, bump that up to whatever difficulty you have trouble with, because that's what a difficulty is for: To give you a challenge but still leave the possibility of beating the game.
>>48580802FFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUI hate thatand then afterwards they say the game sucks and never play it again
>>48580802>lol i dun want to play no stupid tutorial>moments later>HOW THE FUCK DO I PLAY THIS OMG ITS IMPOSSIBLE
Anyone who goes into a game expecting to hate it, purposely does bad at it, then complains that it isn't as good as whatever game they do like.I swear to god I'll break someone over that shit one of these days.My friend does that over everything since he's a massive casual."It would have been better.. If it was HALO" has become a running joke in my circle of friends.Funny, the only game I agreed with him on it was the game that started the joke.Valkyria Chronicles. I think I would have liked it more if it was Halo..
>>48580837I'm not saying that difficult doesn't -always- mean not good, I'm just saying that isn't the only way to judge a game's quality.To say it is such is ridiculous.However, I do see your point. I still stand by mine.
>>48579013I'd make the bro sit on my lap with my arms around him, us holding the controller together. He could lie against my chest with me whispering instructions to his ear.
people who wail on my controllers like their stretch arm strongs, turning the analog sticks with the palm of their hands, forcing the buttons in harder when the game gets more difficult and (the worst of the worst), trying to twist the solid plastic. seriously Gavin, you break another one of my contollers and i'm going break your fucking neck.
>>48580988Got a friend who does that.I just flat out challenge him on it."Yeah, I'd hate that part too if I had just skipped the first two minutes."He also says MGS3 "brought back the series" and MGS4 is just a movie, even though he's never played either. I always make a point of reminding him of that last part very loudly every time he says that to our friends.He gets quiet, but not for long. On the plus side, nobody listens to him anymore.
>>48578289Stop spamming www. anon talk . com thanks.
I play easy mode all the time. Why? Because I would rather have fun playing a video game than being frustrated by one.
That one faggot who you will beat multiple times in any game, lose to them once, and they then refuse to continue playing and declare themselves better than you now and they're quitting forever.You know that faggot. I know you do. Everyone did.
>>48580837Telling people how they should enjoy their vidya is pretty ignant, bro.
>>48578290I don't mind other people's gaming habits, what pisses me off and causes me to enter a state of FROTHING MOTHERFUCKING GODDAMN RAGE is when people don't see an OBVIOUS thing on their fucking screens and look around, ask me if i see it, and then i have to go all like "left, more left, fuck no man, right".I don't really get it how they can NOT see that stuff. I mean, i can keep track of everything there is on the screen in most games and spot stuff instantly, so does my bro and my sis.
>>48578290I'm not a fan of when people play my babydrums for Rock Band Anything and think it's funny to play them with the sticks in a stabbing motion that fucks up the pads."Hey check this out lolololol!"
>>48580802I loathe people like that with every fibre of my being.
>>48581378Nope I've played with lots of people and never met such a person.
>>48581199Only had this happen once. I didn't actually notice him twisting it and shit, but then it broke and his girlfriend blurted out "about time that thing broke, you've been manhandling it"We were playing some shooter and he's a casual who isn't so good at this. Didn't realize he was getting so mad.All good, though, he bought me a new one right away. He won't play that game anymore.
>>48580837I play most games on harder/hardest difficulties but to say that's the only way to experience is pretty irresponsible of how everyone else thinks.Not everyone is you and not everyone enjoys is the way you do or will.
>>48579073>implying you've never been immersed enough in a game to do thati fel bad 4 u son
>playing Halo 3 with old roommate>she has ALMOST zero ammo>wait for to reload>she doesn't reload>she still doesn't reload>she's still not reloading>she hasn't reloaded yet>she's not reloading>she's>not>reloading
>>48581384Not really, no.
>>48581623Not surprising, since it was a chick.
>>48581665what the fuck am i reading
>>48581623Damn I'd go crazy too.
>>48581556Has nothing to do with me.The point stands: If it's too easy, you don't need the gameplay.
>>48581665Yes really.Yes. Fucking. Really.
Some cock smoker acquaintance of I know loves to use strategy guides FOR EVERYTHING.And then he had the nerve to ask "How does New Super Mario Bros Wii play like?"He considers himself hardcore at any game, but he's ultra casual at best. Also, he ruins like everything for himself by reading the wikipedia article for it, but passes it off like he knows everything.fucking canadian faggot
>>48581623How is that even possible?I start to feel sick of I don't reload when not in combat.MUST HAVE FULL AMMO AT THE START OF EVERY FIGHT.
>>48580030>A game isn't good because it's hardThis is something /v/ really needs to learn.
>>48581069Holy dicks my boyfriend did this when I tried to get him to play monster hunter. He skipped the tutorial and died to the first giaprey, and no joke, asked where the monster HP and the lock on was, then he shoved my psp back into my hands and said it was stupid. What a fucking casual.
>>48581732Sounds like someone I know.Fucking Lee.
>>48581623At least you have a female friend that can even fire the gun enough times to NEED to reload. The only female friend I've tried gaming with (we were playing Battlefront 2) pushed both analog sticks forward at the same time, "to go faster." She did this for the entire match, never looking up from the ground. Then said, "this game sucks, I didn't even see anyone."
>>48581719your a moron.
>>48581623Why dont I help you out.
When a friend complains that when you hang out u don't do anything but when you play a game and he looks bored you ask if he wants to play he says no. Especially when its a game they say they would like to play.GOD DAMN IT! YOU COMPLAIN WE DON'T PLAY GAMES WHEN WE HANG OUT I OFFER YOU THE CONTROLLER AND YOU REFUSE! FUCKING ASS!
>>48581719>If it's too easy, you don't need the gameplay.Who's to say someone can't derive pleasure from mercilessly fucking up everything on screen with barely any opposition?Certainly not you, sir.
>>48579251This bothers me too. My roommate gives anyone shit who doesn't play L4D(2) on Expert. And while I think that playing games on a difficulty that is too easy isn't fun, I am not good at L4D(2) and I prefer playing on normal(sometimes hard). I don't last very long on expert and playing the game is not fun.I also hate people who blame their losses on anything but themselves. I knew a guy who could never admit he was fairly killed in a FPS...bunch of bullshit.