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    File : 1264606251.jpg-(44 KB, 350x500, fae1ea843de6.jpg)
    44 KB Adorable Tripfag !A4jsQTgi.Q 01/27/10(Wed)10:30 No.47836497  
    Game series that will never get the respect they deserve, picture very related. I don't know a better game series that I would call an under-rated gem of the more recent consoles. I don't know if /v/ is familiar with this series but they should check it out.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)10:32 No.47836554
         File1264606325.jpg-(48 KB, 299x350, 46220.imgcache.jpg)
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    It's awesome but I never bothered getting all the endings.
    Maybe one day.
    Anyway, another game that whould never get the respect it deserves.
    >> Adorable Tripfag !A4jsQTgi.Q 01/27/10(Wed)10:32 No.47836566
         File1264606339.jpg-(30 KB, 400x300, july04_wayofthesamurai2_070704(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)10:32 No.47836572
    Terrible production quality, but fun as fuck.

    Fuck you Europe for getting the ninja spinoff.
    >> Ass Coke 01/27/10(Wed)10:33 No.47836615
    Way of the Samurai was fucking awesome. The game would sometimes just end because of your choices, the storyline finished. Could play it over and over again.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)10:33 No.47836619
    Purchased the third game a while back.

    I want to like it, I really do.

    I just wish I had a LITTLE instruction on what I'm suppose to do.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)10:34 No.47836645
    Way of the Samurai was awesome as fuck. The sequel was pretty okay, but it was a while back. Don't really remember it anymore. Is 3 awesome?
    >> Adorable Tripfag !A4jsQTgi.Q 01/27/10(Wed)10:34 No.47836650
    The animator behind this game is making a new game that is kind of like Murumasa.

    Yeah and the main character of the Ninja game makes a cameo in Way of the Samurai 3 and you have the fight him and the game draws it out as such a huge thing but it doesn't make any sense why if you never played the Ninja series.

    Also did you know the guy who did the music in this did the music in Ruroni Kenshin and the Tenchu series? Which explains why the game's soundtrack was always amazing.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)10:35 No.47836688
    Wait, what ?
    Can I get a source ?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)10:35 No.47836705
         File1264606548.jpg-(75 KB, 640x564, contact_ds.jpg)
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    I'm one of the ten or so people who played and enjoyed this game.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)10:36 No.47836738
    >Way of the Samurai
    >underrated game
    >one of the worst PS2 games ever made
    Never change, /v/.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)10:36 No.47836749
    WotS2's intro theme is the BEST intro theme. Ever. No exceptions.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)10:37 No.47836784
    Oh wow holy shit. I remember playing this SO LONG AGO.
    >> Blue !!nEfqzT7h90C 01/27/10(Wed)10:38 No.47836808
         File1264606683.jpg-(913 KB, 2000x1348, Red Ninja FDO.jpg)
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    I don't care what anyone has to say.

    I fucking love this game.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)10:38 No.47836810
    4/10. Nice try.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)10:38 No.47836822
         File1264606706.jpg-(193 KB, 900x900, kyojiro5.jpg)
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    Yandere is the best.
    >> The Red Barrel !wrlCUCqkG6 01/27/10(Wed)10:38 No.47836827
    Fuck. Yes. I'm actually going to do an article on that series. I'm glad the 3rd was released in the states, but sadly didn't get the sales it deserved even though it was cheaper.

    I wouldn't say terrible. Purposeful, really.

    That'd be about the only downfall I found. And the spotty aggression sometimes.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)10:38 No.47836835
    You are insane
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)10:39 No.47836858
         File1264606756.jpg-(53 KB, 280x398, ToDremake20f.jpg)
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    the tales series
    >> Paintrain Johnson 01/27/10(Wed)10:40 No.47836896
    I can't think of any series that I play that doesn't get enough respect outside of DW/RoTK/WO, but games that don't get enough respect?


    Steampunk Vampire Cowboys fightan hordes of the undead with splitter grenades, rail rockets, dynamite, 4 barelled shotguns with axes on the handles? AND Fucking awesome co-op/vs modes?
    >> Adorable Tripfag !A4jsQTgi.Q 01/27/10(Wed)10:40 No.47836901

    Check the composer

    If this is about the Jazz Jackrabbit thing, someone mentioned it to me while playing games with them a few nights ago, so I don't know how much validity is behind it.
    >> CactusG 01/27/10(Wed)10:40 No.47836904
    That was a great game; tried to lend it to a friend but he said it looked like shit.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)10:40 No.47836909
    this cover art was the source of many of my boners at Blockbuster and Gamestop
    >> KICKYOUINTHETEETH !!I2Id0gv6Okw 01/27/10(Wed)10:40 No.47836927
         File1264606839.png-(150 KB, 700x527, bb7fcd88dde4e9a6c979211d8256ff(...).png)
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    Loved all the of the WOS games. Need to play 3. I wasn't aware it had a ninja spinoff, holy shit.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)10:40 No.47836934
    It's alright, but many people hype up the 20+ endings thing too much. There are really only 3-4 "paths" through the games, and the endings are just different choices you make around the end. That, and the numerous "I'll pay you shitloads of money if you just walk away," offers from the bad guys that you can accept. Which are pointless, since the game ends immediately and you can't actually use the money.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)10:40 No.47836937
    at the start of the game, if you turned around and just walked in the opposite direction you started off facing, the game would end right off before you could do anything
    >> Blue !!nEfqzT7h90C 01/27/10(Wed)10:41 No.47836947
         File1264606860.jpg-(98 KB, 938x1580, 9f19ecb19f364b3917dd61402f6396(...).jpg)
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    How so?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)10:41 No.47836952
    But I heard WotS3 sucked shit compared to 1 and 2.
    Was I trolled?
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)10:41 No.47836959

    You should have told him that his face did as well.
    >> Adorable Tripfag !A4jsQTgi.Q 01/27/10(Wed)10:43 No.47837034
    That's the fun, you don't know what you are doing the first few times, you are just experimenting and finding different things out. Playing around with cause and effect.

    Thankfully there are no "Just walk away and I'll pay you endings" except like one where Fujimori says that he's impressed by your skills and if you step away now he'll make you a vassal.
    >> Blue !!nEfqzT7h90C 01/27/10(Wed)10:43 No.47837035

    I suddenly pictured some kid going into gamestop or blockbuster everyday after school just to look at the cover.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)10:46 No.47837136
    I just played the new one, which was fun for a few hours but I ran out of stuff to do and couldn't figure out why I was supposed to do next. And it's not like any of the NPCs were helpful. Only one gave me anything to do an they were messenger jobs.

    Talked to everyone, went everywhere, and still nothing to do. Sorry but this game sucked. Also running around all night with nothing to do and no option to sleep to pass the time.
    >> Adorable Tripfag !A4jsQTgi.Q 01/27/10(Wed)10:46 No.47837151
    Bare handed combat style is added, along with sword customization, a more forgiving save system, the ability to have health no longer tied to the sword a long with certain types of skills. You can also use a non-fatal blow that doesn't kill the target, changing the story and unlocking them as a playable character.

    It's an improvement in all areas. My favorite thing is small but you can end just about any cutscene by drawing your sword and killing everyone involved and at times this actually changes things in the story outside of the fact you just killed off an important character.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)10:46 No.47837154
    he saves his allowance every week and eventually purchases the game

    he doesn't even own a PS2
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)10:46 No.47837157
    Agreed. Namco hates the U.S., so we only see the "3D" Tales games. Ifor one would like to shove a cactus up Namco's collective ass & force them to release graphically & aurally updated versions of ALL their Tales games onto the 360 as an apology for the Vesperia debacle & release the games in one package for the 360. In America first, as we're more deserving than Japan is.
    >> Blue !!nEfqzT7h90C 01/27/10(Wed)10:49 No.47837283
         File1264607352.jpg-(21 KB, 442x308, father-son-bonding.jpg)
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    And his father was proud of him because he worked for his money and earned what he wanted.
    >> Adorable Tripfag !A4jsQTgi.Q 01/27/10(Wed)10:50 No.47837319
    You can sleep by going into your home in Takatane village or whatever it is, if you can't find out what to do, check your map, there is always an exclamation mark on it called an inkling, if you don't see one during the day or night you have killed off too many important characters.

    Sleep until day 30 and the game will start a story path about your character walking around and looking at all the things he has killed. You will usually get one of three endings off this. Death of Shuzen, Senseless Person, or The Demon of Amana.
    >> Dork !26dmjKI0Yg 01/27/10(Wed)10:50 No.47837325
         File1264607407.jpg-(149 KB, 600x883, drakengard_front.jpg)
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    You play as Caim. He has very little left when the game begins. His parents were killed by an Empire(bunch of humans with red eyes because they bad, basically) dragon. His sister is “The Goddess” which is supposed to be the final seal for Armageddon. It’s pretty dumb, but in a nutshell: if they break other seals and then kill her, the world ends. It is implied that Caim and his sister Furiae love each other, but most of it was removed from the American version.

    Your allies are a baby eating crazy bitch, a blind pedophile and a 6 year old kid who is looking for his twin sister that just so happens to be the leader of a cult that is seeking to initiate the fucking apocalypse by unleashing hordes of giant, naked man eating babies with invisible thunder wings or something.
    Spoiler warning.
    It kinda plays like Dynasty Warriors when you control Caim and his allies and it’s pretty much Panzer Dragoon when you are doing air missions. It has 6 possible endings and none of them is a happy one. The game is divided in verses and by the time you beat the game, you unlock new verses with different settings that slightly alter the story so it stays interesting and you don’t have to replay the whole thing to get new endings.
    >> CactusG 01/27/10(Wed)10:50 No.47837339
    And then he also got a boner.
    >> Adorable Tripfag !A4jsQTgi.Q 01/27/10(Wed)10:51 No.47837397
    Fuck yes, I loved this game series also. Shame the endings where always so weird. Like the moon babies, don't get me started on those things.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)10:51 No.47837404
    jesus christ
    >> Blue !!nEfqzT7h90C 01/27/10(Wed)10:52 No.47837438
    >Your allies are a baby eating crazy bitch, a blind pedophile and a 6 year old kid who is looking for his twin sister that just so happens to be the leader of a cult that is seeking to initiate the fucking apocalypse by unleashing hordes of giant, naked man eating babies with invisible thunder wings or something.

    What the fuck am I reading?
    >> Adorable Tripfag !A4jsQTgi.Q 01/27/10(Wed)10:54 No.47837529
    The most WTF inducing cutscene of all time.

    I wish I could find it on youtube, because nothing is scarier then seeing the sky get filled with babies trying to kill you.
    >> Dork !26dmjKI0Yg 01/27/10(Wed)10:56 No.47837612
         File1264607768.jpg-(12 KB, 528x393, babies.jpg)
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    The last ending was a fucking letdown. I spent like 4 hours trying to beat the boss and in the end

    a fucking jet shoots and you are impaled in some tower

    Also, youtube link for those who don't plan to play this game
    >> Dork !26dmjKI0Yg 01/27/10(Wed)10:57 No.47837679
         File1264607873.gif-(1.04 MB, 150x150, 1262937234417.gif)
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    You are reading the truth.
    >> Adorable Tripfag !A4jsQTgi.Q 01/27/10(Wed)10:58 No.47837706
    and here come the nightmares!

    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)10:59 No.47837743





    Y DEY EAT HER :(
    >> Blue !!nEfqzT7h90C 01/27/10(Wed)10:59 No.47837745
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    >> Adorable Tripfag !A4jsQTgi.Q 01/27/10(Wed)11:01 No.47837812
    Irony, sweet delicious irony.
    >> Dork !26dmjKI0Yg 01/27/10(Wed)11:01 No.47837839
    She ate babies so that's why she says "THE GREATEST OF FEASTS". She was traumatized after The Empire wiped out her village and then she had to make a pact with some elemental spirits in order to survive. She had to give away her womb, though. This drove her crazy and she began devouring babies until Caim and friends recruit her/make sure she harms no one.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)11:02 No.47837878
    holy shit /x/like hijack
    >> Clovis !.f8JpGeaSs 01/27/10(Wed)11:04 No.47837960
         File1264608275.jpg-(1.26 MB, 1254x886, 1260477587697.jpg)
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    It got good reviews, it had a decent number of games, it even had a pretty solid hack n' slash spin off for DS.

    And yet....nobody seems to care.....
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)11:04 No.47837962
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    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)11:04 No.47837970
    fuck yea Drakenguard! (Drag-on Dragoon in Japan)

    Like you said, the story is really unique and interesting, but the game production is lacking in many areas. Although the gameplay idea is awesome (you and your dragon vs entire army), the gameplay depth is so shallow it becomes very repetitive very fast. Even with the 40 some weapons to choose from, most of them are simple recolors.

    The biggest beef I had with this game is the mission select menu navigation. This game would of benefited greatly by going with some kind of branching tree diagram instead of going with the whole 'mission 2a, 2b, 2c' thing. It was hard enough following the story line as it was, and the menus only made it harder really.

    I have to say though, the secret bonus ending made up for a lot of it. You know the one where Kaim and Angelus get transported to the real world and get shot down by F-16s subsequently getting skewered on the top of Tokyo Tower
    >> Adorable Tripfag !A4jsQTgi.Q 01/27/10(Wed)11:05 No.47837978
    The second game had some pretty fucked up shit in it also. I don't see how I went in expecting a game about dragons and got this shit, it happened to me twice!
    >> Dork !26dmjKI0Yg 01/27/10(Wed)11:05 No.47837997
         File1264608335.png-(3 KB, 209x215, 1263545449906.png)
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    and what the fuck is that?
    >> Blue !!nEfqzT7h90C 01/27/10(Wed)11:06 No.47838014

    >> Adorable Tripfag !A4jsQTgi.Q 01/27/10(Wed)11:07 No.47838070
    and then you unlock a jet.
    >> Dork !26dmjKI0Yg 01/27/10(Wed)11:10 No.47838171
    That's 65 weapons, actually. And yeah, I wish they had polished the gameplay a lot more. Nod on the verse layout. It kinda screws up replaying levels as you can't keep playing and get the ending you want without a guide or have REALLY GOOD MEMORY.

    I wish 2 had been as sick as 1. Also,

    Caim and Angelus die ;_;
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)11:10 No.47838172

    Oh yea, the plot of the second game was great too. I loved the boss fight vs Kaim, great build up right there although it was bitchin hard

    I thought it had a suprisingly good romantic plot with the whole "I'll love you no matter how many times you (almost) bring the apocalypse and destroy the world"
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)11:11 No.47838201
         File1264608669.jpg-(29 KB, 450x633, demon-chaos-ps2.jpg)
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    Kinda similar to Dynasty Warriors/Drakengard, only the game forces you to rely on your army a bit. Though it's mostly gimmicks such as demons spawning from blood crystals, which you can't attack because they're made from human blood.

    Also, the game can apparently handle 63,000 units on screen at once, though the only time that actually happens is in one of the challenge stages.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)11:11 No.47838216

    >> Anonymous 01/27/10(Wed)11:13 No.47838271
    Well the first ending kinda is (which you have to get first). It's the other ones where creepy shit starts happening.
    >> Adorable Tripfag !A4jsQTgi.Q 01/27/10(Wed)11:16 No.47838406
    I like how it was an escalation of weird, each time you beat the game you went "Well this can't get any weirder." and you where wrong everytime.
    >> Dork !26dmjKI0Yg 01/27/10(Wed)11:16 No.47838443
         File1264609016.jpg-(60 KB, 550x410, gitaroo.jpg)
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    Also, Gitaroo Man! I have only met like two people who have played this game. A great rhythm game that is balls hard.

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