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    File : 1264534406.jpg-(68 KB, 600x382, no-more-heroes-2-desperate-struggle-wall(...).jpg)
    68 KB Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)14:33 No.47775776  
    How come nobody is talking about this amazing game?

    It's like everyone forgot about it after the iso was uploaded.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)14:34 No.47775852
    mass effect 2
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)14:34 No.47775884
    Maybe they are playing it.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)14:36 No.47775974
    Wii games are so crappy that people won't even play em for free
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)14:36 No.47775999
    >Implying /v/ plays games.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)14:37 No.47776057
    >No More Heroes
    Shut your whore mouth.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)14:38 No.47776120
    Everyone has already played it.
    Everyone has already forgotten about it.

    Next, please.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)14:38 No.47776157
    that's the thing, they're playing instead of posting on /v/.
    >> JT 01/26/10(Tue)14:38 No.47776163
    I'm picking it up from Gamestop today along with Tatsunoko vs. Capcom.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)14:39 No.47776201
    But I'm playing it right now.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)14:40 No.47776255

    Fuck year wagglan weeaboo shit, I totally don't get why no one is talking about it either.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)14:41 No.47776325
    I can't believe the hate in the thread considering how much cock was sucked for the first one.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)14:41 No.47776337
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    >Implying No More Heroes uses motion controls
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)14:42 No.47776378
    It was meh. Play it, beat it, move on.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)14:42 No.47776385

    im playing with classic controller~
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)14:42 No.47776394
    It does use motion controls. Just enough to annoy the user but provide no benefit, just like nearly every other Wii game.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)14:43 No.47776451
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)14:44 No.47776476
    >wii game

    best be trolling nigger
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)14:47 No.47776662
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    I was watching a stream of this last night. The 8-bit minigames are cool, but apart from that, some parts of the game feel a bit rehashed.

    It still tries way too hard to be 'huurrrr we're breakan the 4th wall and being all post-modern and ironic and cool', though.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)14:48 No.47776722
    Just got it yesterday, and I'm happy so far. From what I can tell, they've really improved on everything from NMH1. No shitty overworld. Boring jobs are replaced with nostalgia-tastic NES game clones. You no longer have to grind for entry fees; all cash goes towards buying upgrades and clothes, meaning earning cash is totally optional. Gameplay is fun, and the enemies are (imo) more challenging than the first game's mooks.

    I'm currently at the Resident Evil 4 level. The boss fight is against this fat-jason voorhees looking motherfucker. Maybe I'm just rusty, but he's pretty damn hard compared to the other guys I've fought.
    >> Gligar !!HL80T3ogGEA 01/26/10(Tue)14:49 No.47776787
    just got back from buy this and TvsC gonna play them in a moment
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)14:50 No.47776808

    You do realize you can play this game with the classic controller, right?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)14:50 No.47776840
    >Resident Evil 4 level

    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)14:51 No.47776859
    anyone got a link to the iso? I can`t download at bitgamer or anything like that, though :(
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)14:52 No.47776888
    Is the wiggling more annoying than the first? I enjoyed the very occasional wiggling that was on the first, what the fuck is wrong with you people? You bare had to do more than move your wrist to the side every once in a while, Jesus Christ.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)14:52 No.47776889

    Me and all my friends purchased NMH2.

    Supportan Suda feels good man!
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)14:52 No.47776900

    Wait until you get to fight the japanese guy who summons a dragon outta his sword later on. Guy playing on the stream I was watching failed 3 times to beat him. He's fucking tough.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)14:53 No.47776959

    The "waggle" is not annoying at all to me. Then again I'm not some jaded OMG WII WAGGLAN CASUAL KIDDY ect yelling drone.

    In fact I like it over the classic controller controls.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)14:53 No.47776973
    Yeah, the level is a spoof of RE4. It takes place in a gloomy forested village. There's a graveyard and a church at the top of a hill, overlooking a lake. Lots of mooks with axes and chainsaws. You have to dodge boulders during one part. You enter an abandoned shake for the boss fight too.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)14:54 No.47777008
    i think he was the hardest boss in the whole game.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)14:55 No.47777052
    I wanted to buy this game, but I'm fucking broke right now. I gave in and downloaded it 2 days ago when someone posted a link. ;_;

    Well, at least I bought the first NMH, as well as most of my games.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)14:56 No.47777111
    I shudder just thinking about it.

    BTW, is Heavenly Star in this game at all? I went to Naomi's place and the clothing store, and neither played that delightful japanese song.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)14:57 No.47777150

    Fuck no. Batt Jr., form 3 warping around like a motherfucker, and if you're not careful he punches you out the goddamn window.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:00 No.47777306
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    >Travis get's a mysterious box
    >open box
    >receive severed head
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:00 No.47777319
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    I'm enjoying the game. The gameplay hasn't improved that much, but it's fucking entertaining.

    Also, MOEY
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:00 No.47777334

    the two destroymen fight was hard as well.

    You're playing as Shinobu, you're in a warehouse, one destroyman fights you on the ground, the other stays on the warehouse's upper level and trolls you with laser beams and giant balls of electricity.

    Plus they can both revive each other should one of them die. It's tough.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:00 No.47777338
    really? because i managed to dodge everytime, and stayed away from the windows. form 4 was a bitch though, because of not knowing which way dodge.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:01 No.47777374
    >Naomi's boobs

    wat is this i dont even
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:01 No.47777378
    shes saying "moe"
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:02 No.47777427
    Can someone tell me about the different weapon types, and how they function? That's what I'm most excited about.

    Also, does Holly show up in any way?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:02 No.47777452
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    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:03 No.47777471
    Because we're too busy playing its awesomeness!
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:04 No.47777527
    I don't think so. Destroyman was resurrected because he was sliced cleanly in half. Holly's upper-body was blown to cube-sized bits. I don't think she'll come back.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:04 No.47777528
    full playthrough on autoplay, or in on demand for anyone who wants to watch it but doesn't own a wii, or want to spend money on this great game
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:04 No.47777545
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    yeah... I know that.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:04 No.47777563
    Wait, was it true? Does it have like a million bosses like they promised?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:04 No.47777573
    this shit always gets me
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:04 No.47777577
    The game is good but is way too easy, I just defeated Mimmy and I haven't died a single time yet.

    I mean, I remember NMH1 being pretty difficult.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:05 No.47777656
    I was able to buy the MkIII sword fairly cheaply at the beginning of the game. This was the ubersword from the last game, so it strikes me as odd how I got it so early on.

    Is it some special reward because it detects NMH1 savedata on my wii or something?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:06 No.47777694
    I don't recall the first being difficul--


    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:06 No.47777719
    15 bosses
    50 assassins
    one boss is a footballplayer and the cheerleaders are about 25 assassins themselves
    one boss kills a number of other assassins
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:06 No.47777738


    You fight this american football jock and his band of cheerleaders which takes you up a few places.

    Then you get entered in a battle royal with ten other people - the other eight get killed by Letz Shake and you just have to fight him.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:07 No.47777788
    swords: you get your normal one to start with, that green sword from the last game as a upgrade of sorts imo. longsword beam katana, hits multiple people but swings slow as hell. you don't get your dual katanas until like half-way through the game

    as for holly, no
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:07 No.47777861

    Massive disappoint.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:08 No.47777904
    any strategies for Matt Helms?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:08 No.47777954
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    I went to buy it today and the person at the register tried to sell me Mass Effect 2. Silly woman.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:09 No.47777996

    also, two of the ranking fights you play as Shinobu - one against the destroymen, and the other against a guy called Million Gunman - basically Dr.Peace without the singing.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:09 No.47778020
    At the haunted house right now, fighting the guy in the hockey mask. Do you recommend using the starting sword, or the mkIII?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:11 No.47778089
    Why the fuck would you not use the MKIII if you have it?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:11 No.47778098
    I'm digging it so far, but my only disappointment was the football player fight. The mech fight was ridiculously easy, and I raged when it turned out I went through half the games assassins in the blink of an eye.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:11 No.47778113
    My favorite part of the game is the Touhou ripoff Bizarre Jelly 5 minigame.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:12 No.47778178
    She sure knows her stuff.
    >You are buying Super Mario Wii? Then maybe you'd be interested in Left 4 Dead 2, it's played with 4 persons too.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:13 No.47778209
    because he said >[the mkIII] hits multiple people but is slow as hell.

    I was wondering if quick/light would be better than slow/powerful
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:13 No.47778223

    Is it just me or was the singing done with Vocaloid?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:13 No.47778227
    After playing Killer7, NMH was the greatest disappoint ever.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:14 No.47778285
    yup its hatsune
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:14 No.47778290
    I've never played Killer7 and I liked NMH. You people always bring Killer7 up and if you guys keep at it I swear to God I will fucking check it out.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:14 No.47778291
    What's your favorite "job" minigame? I haven't played them all yet, but I think I have to go with the Pizza Delivery game. Whenever I play it, memories of playing Rad Racer on the nintendo come flooding back.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:14 No.47778296
    dodge. alot.

    also, i loved alot of the music they used in the this game.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:16 No.47778377
    Is there an alternate ending for beating the game on Bitter or fulfilling certain conditions? I only beat it on mild and the ending was kinda mediocre.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:16 No.47778385
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    I can't play this, so I'm sad.

    But I'm importing Paradise, so I'm happy again.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:16 No.47778387
    That one is the best.

    Fuck the coconut one.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:16 No.47778406

    Meat cooking minigame for me.


    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:16 No.47778410
    I'm playing it right now.

    I'm not sure if it's just me but some of the cut scenes are a bit choppy. WIIGRAFIXLOL
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:17 No.47778435

    Btw, I hated all the shitty jumping with Shinobu. No wonder Travis can't jump, the game would be a complete shit.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:17 No.47778444
    All you do is press A. Like the last game.

    After playing Bayonetta, this game is even less fun than the last.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:17 No.47778461
    Yeah, I noticed too. Maybe they should've gone with pre-rendered for the scenes or something.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:17 No.47778462
    Do we fucking have any more info/images of the fabled Very sweet Mode?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:18 No.47778485
    Did you pirate it and use the Neogamma loader? Because Neogamma is slow as fuck.

    Otherwise, I played it off a USB HDD with Configurable USB Loader or whatever, and there was only a bit of choppiness in a handful of cutscenes.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:19 No.47778532
    Some awesome bosses thus far. Letz Shake, Margaret, and Captain Vladimir were the ones I enjoyed the most.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:20 No.47778604
    I can't run it off disc channel, altough my cioscorp ran TvC perfectly. What could it be?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:20 No.47778607
    I noticed choppiness, and I'm playing off a usb.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:21 No.47778688
    Is it just me, or are the levels before bosses a lot shorter than in the first game (well, most levels, that is. coughletzshakecough).

    That's not a bad thing, necessarily.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:21 No.47778693


    >> ¡Croagunk! !KeROKeROeI 01/26/10(Tue)15:21 No.47778694
    wiiflow 4ever
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:22 No.47778745
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    >Letz Shake is a boss
    >no seriously you fight him
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:22 No.47778753
    Can wiiflow run games from a FAT32 partition? I'm currently using configurable loader, because I can't be assed with custom partitions that I can't even view in windows.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:23 No.47778776
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:24 No.47778802
    the scene were travis is about to fuck silvia has the most drops in was ridiculous.
    made me think something was wrong with the iso...
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:24 No.47778810
    As for Minigames, I enjoyed the garbage collecting in space to begin with. Then at stage four, when meteors keeps bashing me into the atmosphere, I realized it was the worst thing I had ever played.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:24 No.47778814
    I prefer the motion controls to the classic controller.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:25 No.47778885
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    >> SHINGO☆ !bDiverse1I 01/26/10(Tue)15:25 No.47778896

    Holy shit, you people actually have the nerve to pirate a Suda51 game?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:26 No.47778951
    What is everyone's preferred katana? I've found myself using the Peony the most (the heavy/slow one). Max ecstasy gauge makes for great crowd clearing.

    Also fuck the muscle training minigame.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:28 No.47779021
    third boss is raping me. So I rage quit.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:28 No.47779028
    Suda51 doesn't deserve money, so yeah.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:28 No.47779048
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    >Implying I care what 3 ugly mac users say
    >> That Funky Guy !8tZuHTwDHg 01/26/10(Tue)15:28 No.47779062
    Am I the only one who HATES this game compared to the first one?
    >> SHINGO☆ !bDiverse1I 01/26/10(Tue)15:30 No.47779159

    They see me trollin'.


    >>implying that Jenny McCarthy is ugly
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:31 No.47779173
    3rd boss? Are you talking about the football player? Well, disregarding the fight against Skelter Helter, that means you're facing the boogyman in the shack.

    That's where I am too. He's kicked my ass a few times, but I'm starting to get a hang of this. Last time I got him down to 1 square of health, and then died.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:31 No.47779208
    >Jenny McCarthy

    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:32 No.47779252
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:33 No.47779297
    What difficulty you guys playing on?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:33 No.47779316
    well, I didn't count the beginning fight as a boss.

    But yea, the haunted house thing.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:34 No.47779357
    mild. Too bad you can't start on bitter (assuming bitter is in this game)
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:35 No.47779414
    I made the mistake to use the big beam katana on him, and he fucked me up. He was pretty easy when I switched to a lighter one though. Just evade when you see him charging up for an attack, and grab the pizza when your health is getting critial.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:36 No.47779452
    What's the main difference between Sweet and Mild? Because the boss fights do seem really similar difficulty-wise between these two modes.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:37 No.47779470
    so you want to use the first beam over the MKIII?
    >> Anonymous 01/26/10(Tue)15:37 No.47779488
    Bitter mode is REALLY REALLY hard in this game. It would just be tedious to fight 3/4 of the bosses on it first time.
    >> BAMAN 01/26/10(Tue)15:37 No.47779499
    damnit brad pitt.

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