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01/22/10(Fri)22:00 No.47499942  File1264215622.jpg-(36 KB, 500x500, dawnwantsin.jpg)
just find it strange that over the years the R rating has fell out of
favor for PG-13, but the same trend isn't happening with video games.
>On one hand, I can't recall a video game having a backlash as strong as Mortal Kombat did back in the early 90s
Answered your own question, there.
really don't care about video game ratings the same way they do about
movie titles, and the only way that will happen is if there's some
catastrophic backlash and ensuing public awareness campaign, which I
don't see happening.
And I find it very hard, as someone who's over 18 but doesn't have any kids, to really care about this at all. |