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  • File : 1264139708.jpg-(98 KB, 650x650, armored core.jpg)
    98 KB Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)00:55 No.47431745  
    This game is harder than Demon's Souls. It has no dating sim. This entire franchise has better music than all other ching chang jap games combined. Buy this game and be prepared to shit blood. No pausin to select moves, no slowin down combat, no party members, and a hardmode newgame + that will bring you vets to your knees.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)00:55 No.47431781
         File1264139756.jpg-(24 KB, 450x518, gioco_armored_core4.jpg)
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    Silly me, I uploaded the wrong picture.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)00:57 No.47431847
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    >implying Armored Core has a dating sim element.
    >> Kaishuno !awU.fEYV9A 01/22/10(Fri)00:58 No.47431883
    When is Armored Core 5 out?
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)00:59 No.47431909
    Chink shit

    Play Mechwarrior, it's better.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)00:59 No.47431949
         File1264139989.jpg-(33 KB, 520x481, 1252681481291.jpg)
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    Did you even read what I said? I was comparing it to other current gen games. People who can't handle AC4 can go back to persona or dragon age or whatever dwarf rapist game they play.
    >> Over-G !!OvGYpcRMSml 01/22/10(Fri)00:59 No.47431953

    That's not (insert choice of Last Raven/Silent Line/Nexus here).
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)00:59 No.47431957
    Armored Core 4 is easy modo, try 3. Wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy harder
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)01:00 No.47431961
    Mass Effect > this shit

    fuck off weeaboo
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)01:00 No.47431968

    They'll never make MW5 don't ever mention that shit I swear.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)01:00 No.47431996
    Got For Answer and it cleaned my clock.
    Got Demon's Souls and I got used to it pretty fast.

    AC series definitely has a huge challenge to it.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)01:01 No.47432014
    Armored core games are only hard because the mechs and their controls are slow and unresponsive.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)01:01 No.47432023
    the last one I played was AC2 and that was hard ass balls to get enough credit to buy what you need. Fuck yeah energy weapons, ammo is for rich assholes.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)01:01 No.47432039

    If you have mentioned Last Raven or Silent Line or ACFA I might have believe you
    but no, you are just a poor troll
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)01:02 No.47432107
    Well, I thought you guys like realistic mecha control?
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)01:03 No.47432155
    Customizing mechs in AC is intimidating.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)01:03 No.47432162
    >implying that dwarf fortress is bad, and that this game is more difficult.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)01:04 No.47432171
    I haven't played an AC game since Master of the Arena.
    Which one does /v/ suggest of the entire series I pick up out of them?
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)01:04 No.47432206

    Things to do before you start playing AC1:

    -Sell everything except arms and core
    -buy cheap rev. joint legs
    -buy mid machine gun
    -buy head with radar
    -buy better generator
    -buy economy boosters

    Your AC is now infinitely better than what you started with.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)01:05 No.47432248
         File1264140341.jpg-(67 KB, 259x189, redleader.jpg)
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    Whoa I never said AC4 was good. The highspeed combat and broken targeting make it hard as fuck, but nearly every other game in the Franchise is better. I especially loved all the PS1 games and AC2 when I first got that on my PS2fat. God, nostalgia!!!!

    But yeah, AC4 can rape you for several weeks. I'm constantly running out of ammo in missions, and even fat AC's with tank leg part are flying circles around my mid-weight bipedal build. It's CRAAAAAAZY!!
    >> Over-G !!OvGYpcRMSml 01/22/10(Fri)01:06 No.47432268
    More like

    >die a lot
    >get Human Plus
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)01:06 No.47432271

    None. You got the best one.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)01:07 No.47432318
    Okay okay, how about the /second/ best one?
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)01:07 No.47432341
    I did something similar. I think in the first level there was a shitty radar part you could find and sell as well. About midway through game I would get the heavy quad legs, a linear gun, karasawa, and rocket launcher (rockets actually felt okay for me in that game.)

    Towards the end when I would opt to kill Chrome I'd get the double-missle back part and some bipedal legs again, but when I would kill murakumo I would keep the quads and extra artillery. One of my fav games of ALL TIME.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)01:09 No.47432439

    Play AC1. AC1 controls are the simplest, you can't use analog sticks though. No OB, no inside weapons, no over weapons, no extension parts, no radiator. Just you and your AC. The further into the series you get, the more complicated it becomes.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)01:10 No.47432469
         File1264140604.jpg-(34 KB, 450x351, tick-graphic.jpg)
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    Get them all, play them in the chronological order they were released, enjoy the storyline, enjoy using your own "signature" build in each game, and have some fun. Also, dat music.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)01:11 No.47432557

    Bleh. Plus is for casuals. And it's not like you can't get those buffs with optional parts anyway.
    >> Over-G !!OvGYpcRMSml 01/22/10(Fri)01:12 No.47432602
    Also, tempted to say this is the best opening cinematic in any Mech game save MechWarrior 2.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)01:14 No.47432724

    First mission on the bridge. After you've started but before you go forward, turn around and jump over the barrier. Look behind you and the single most powerful weapon in the game is yours. On the first level. For free. Turns out they're rockets though, so fuck that.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)01:15 No.47432793

    EVEN THE 4 ON 1.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)01:18 No.47432940
    Some AC music:


    And last but sure as hell not least, With Heat:
    >> Maximilian Thermidor !!hzeFKjF7lyF 01/22/10(Fri)01:19 No.47433024
         File1264141190.png-(475 KB, 858x900, 8270173.png)
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    Rumored to be completed by this year's holiday season. We'll probably see a overseas copy early next year.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)01:20 No.47433036
    That's not the SRWZ intro:
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)01:20 No.47433067

    Enjoy. Best fucking intro.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)01:21 No.47433075
         File1264141262.jpg-(59 KB, 709x913, lucas.jpg)
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    You know it's taken me so long to finally get an AC discussion going on /v/ and I'm a little disappointed now at the lack of AC2 love, and a bit weirded out that so many people liked MoA. MoA wasn't a bad game at all, it's just the one I remember least. I remember many frustrating arena battles, but the story and the missions are just a blur. They're all good games though like I said and glad to see some fans on this board, so lets keep this discussion going.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)01:22 No.47433140
    It's the best part about the series for me, along with the challenge.

    In ACFA I got my girlfriend to try it out and she spent hours just picking and choosing parts to dick around with. It's a lot of fun.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)01:23 No.47433179
         File1264141427.jpg-(206 KB, 480x640, 1257632946509.jpg)
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    OP here still.

    Heres my fav AC song at the moment, from AC2
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)01:24 No.47433200
    AC2 was my favorite one, buddy.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/10(Fri)01:24 No.47433202

    Has there been any word on where and when this one is placed in the AC storyline? All the concept art and previews I've seen have shorter and stockier looking ACs, similar to older models. It's making me think this might be a prequel.

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