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  • File : 1264024320.jpg-(87 KB, 640x480, 1249704671942.jpg)
    87 KB Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)16:52 No.47311436  
    You're given Admin powers on 4chan. What do you do?
    >> !THEGameSrs 01/20/10(Wed)16:52 No.47311481
    ban all IPs
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)16:52 No.47311482
    Lock the board for days.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)16:52 No.47311484
    Post threads about video games.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)16:52 No.47311502
    forced anonymity on /v/
    build a statue
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)16:52 No.47311509
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)16:53 No.47311543
    >> !THEGameSrs 01/20/10(Wed)16:53 No.47311553
    oh, well
    sir, you just won
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)16:53 No.47311560
    OP's mom.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)16:53 No.47311562
    Oooh, I'd have so much fun banning people, I'd never run out of them!
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)16:53 No.47311572
    Eat some soup.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)16:53 No.47311592
    Delete every board but /b/
    Clicking on any other link sends you to a picture of a statue.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)16:53 No.47311595
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    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)16:54 No.47311608
    Remove the option to use a tripcode
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)16:54 No.47311617
    delete all board-related threads until every thread is offtopic
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)16:54 No.47311623
    Everyone wears a mandatory Big Dumb Queer##2sk0akdjkp00p triptag.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)16:54 No.47311634
    forced anon in every board
    >> eyrion !d0Vf0Y.ha6 01/20/10(Wed)16:55 No.47311663
    ban people that makes non-vidya related thread,ban people that post furry stuff..
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)16:55 No.47311666
    Abuse them until I get banned.
    Just like the rest of you faggots.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)16:55 No.47311671
    Resign. Immediately.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)16:55 No.47311674
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    >> Chicken 01/20/10(Wed)16:55 No.47311680
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    i wouldn't do anything

    i'd just watch and wait

    wait for namimi to post

    no i wouldn't ban him though

    i'd wait for him and lanced to get their 200+ post threads

    and then i would ban EVERYONE who replied to them.

    and suddenly, /v/ is 6 times better
    >> Paintrain Johnson 01/20/10(Wed)16:55 No.47311683
    Use the lust ritual and resurrect W.T. Snacks.

    Unleash him upon the demon that is /b/

    Finally I can return home.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)16:55 No.47311691
    you guys know there's a way to get around forced anonymity right?
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)16:55 No.47311699
    play videogames
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)16:55 No.47311708
    delete /v/ altogether
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)16:56 No.47311727
    kill the cancer
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)16:56 No.47311730
    Then build statues.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)16:56 No.47311752
    Ban you for making a shit thread.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)16:56 No.47311757
    Troll faggots.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)16:56 No.47311765
    Initiate Hellbanning

    People will be banned without being told. They can view and post, but their post does not go through to the servers so the rest of us cant see it. As far as they know they will be being ignored

    After a while I will make the home page the permban notice and shut the site down for a good 3 or 4 months

    Then I will reopen and users will come back at a slow trickle
    It'll be like new again
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)16:56 No.47311769
    Banhammer all tripfags that troll
    Banhammer all anons that make shitty non-vidya related threads
    Build statues
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)16:56 No.47311773
    start banning people making threads not related to vidya like this one, troll threads, and people who have to troll the shit out of a good vidya related thread.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)16:56 No.47311776
    Brilliant. I've wanted to do similar to /b/ (ban everyone who responds to one of those "post ending in 69 becomes a mod threads" or 75-chan threads.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)16:57 No.47311787
    Get threads, lots of them.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)16:57 No.47311817

    Post like I normally do.

    wouldn't you? Aren't you honest, /v/?

    No. What am I thinking...
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)16:57 No.47311830
    fix this fucking board.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)16:57 No.47311836

    These, moderators of the year, all years
    >> Nabe Gewell 01/20/10(Wed)16:57 No.47311840
    Then ban yourself, make it 50 times better.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)16:58 No.47311862
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)16:58 No.47311863
    Ban fags making /v/ unrelated threads
    Ban fags posting in them not using sage
    200 times better /v/
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)16:58 No.47311869
    Make it so every image posted on /b/ is replaced with CP, then tell the FBI about so everybody there gets arrested.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)16:58 No.47311883
    Can someone please give mod powers to chicken?
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)16:58 No.47311887
    Forced names for everyone
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)16:58 No.47311902
    Hire mods who actually ban people.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)16:58 No.47311919

    is that a bb gun?
    >> Chicken 01/20/10(Wed)16:59 No.47311949
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    only for a suck of my cock
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)16:59 No.47311952
    Public bans would be nice
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)16:59 No.47311955
    I permaban anyone on sight who even slightly annoys me or posts anything I disagree with.
    >> Silly Putty !!u8Z+SSt787r 01/20/10(Wed)17:00 No.47311997
    Only correct answer
    Build statues
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)17:00 No.47312027
    Someone please get this man Admin powers.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)17:00 No.47312037
    just browse /tg/
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)17:00 No.47312040
    thats... actually a surprisingly good idea.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)17:00 No.47312042
    They already did that for nigba threads

    I'm disappointed they stopped that policy
    >> Tannu, The Black Winter Knightess !t7WooWOOWo 01/20/10(Wed)17:01 No.47312063
    Not a whole lot.

    /v/ is near perfect as is, the best place to be on the internets. Wouldn't have it any other way. Well, I might ban people who dump gore or the like in legitimate threads just cause they mad or something.

    All these people who hate it and want it changed radically... Why are you here if you dislike it so much?
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)17:01 No.47312067
    Make anyone who has used a tripcode for more than a week a admin
    /v/ is instantly 5 times better
    >> Chicken 01/20/10(Wed)17:01 No.47312104
    >Public bans would be nice

    remember just recently when there were two public, stickied, bans

    a thousand faggots made threads to taunt the mods, and a thousand other faggots made threads to scream "LOOK MODS!" and all the good threads got knocked out
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)17:02 No.47312150
    They can't continue that policy because NOBODYS FUCKING HERE
    >> !BAWKersLBg 01/20/10(Wed)17:02 No.47312151
    Absolutely nothing.

    Why change tradition?
    >> Etna !!ax6bnpysIjS 01/20/10(Wed)17:02 No.47312152
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)17:02 No.47312196
    At least it lets us know we aren't forgotten
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)17:03 No.47312239
    Anyone ever get the feeling this thread is one of the moderator recruitment questions where if you give a semi-human answer they'll do something like a ban-ip but instead it's more of a prompt for more contact information for the actual job?
    >> Big Dumb Queer !!ctrKYvGJNTd 01/20/10(Wed)17:03 No.47312268
    what does the tripcode look like
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)17:04 No.47312280
    1. any tripfags who troll will be permab& and their tripname blacklisted so that when they use it, everything they post filters to 'I am an enormous faggot, please rape my face'

    2. Ban all non /v/ threads from /v/. hire an army of loyal janitors and a squadron of elite mods to enforce this. I will run my chan like as an nameless emperor, striking all I see unfit from my board forever.

    3. mark out stream threads to delete themselves upon posting -- only on /v/ though

    4. put a java script box for up to 5 games to be playable between you and another randomly selected /v/irgin. pong, chess, mario ect...
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)17:05 No.47312334
    Make a /po/ board
    Make a /fur/ board
    Remove anonymous and tripcodes, everyone is assigned a unique name that is locked to their computer.
    Make a 1 day wait period between posting on /b/ and posting on another board. as in, if you posted on /b/ you have to wait 24 hours before you can post anywhere else.
    >> NiGHTS !!Oeub+IpSSZF 01/20/10(Wed)17:05 No.47312357
    delete /b/ then hire mods
    >> Moron Brigade !Yf8mZVPoBs 01/20/10(Wed)17:05 No.47312374
    Ban Lanced Jack's IP address by STATE range.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)17:06 No.47312409
    Lots of temporary bans. Delete unrelated threads. Ban obvious trolls and console wars bullshit. Generally try to get civil discussion going. /v/ is the most intelligent general video-game forum I've seen, and it would be nice if we could have actual discussions. I'd temp ban both trolls, and people who fall for very obvious trolls, depending on their level of stupidity.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)17:06 No.47312422
    Delete /a/, leave /jp/ to its fate, change /tg/'s name to /touhougames/ and wordfilter the words "sergal" and "weeaboo shit"

    Too many newfriends incorrectly using the word weeaboo these days
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)17:07 No.47312467
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)17:07 No.47312487
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    enforce the no trolling rule

    of course
    >> Tannu, The Black Winter Knightess !t7WooWOOWo 01/20/10(Wed)17:07 No.47312512
    >2. Ban all non /v/ threads from /v/. hire an army of loyal janitors and a squadron of elite mods to enforce this. I will run my chan like as an nameless emperor, striking all I see unfit from my board forever.
    Enjoy everyone leaving and only about 20 people sticking around, aka 7chans video game board.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)17:08 No.47312523
    Also, getting banned changes your assigned name.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)17:08 No.47312537
    forced anonymous
    >> Van Gogh !!UdKBpuZ9uMT 01/20/10(Wed)17:08 No.47312577
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    I'd only allow child porn to be posted on every board.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)17:09 No.47312623
    there haven't been new moderators on 4chan in a LONG time

    moot still hasn't even bothered looking through Janitor applications yet
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)17:09 No.47312627
    Make it a text born and no names at all.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)17:10 No.47312650
    Better have 20 people discussing vidya than a legion of morons babbling about whatewer unrelated shit pops into their minds.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)17:10 No.47312661
    ban all weeaboos. oh wait thats the whole board.

    oh well.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)17:11 No.47312698
    i love you
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)17:11 No.47312750
    I|d make Aya the mod of doom.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)17:12 No.47312800
    create /5/
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)17:12 No.47312811
    If there are no mods, how come you can still get banned then, genius?
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)17:12 No.47312817
    Troll /a/, /b/ and /r9k/ constantly

    i.e. moot's policy
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)17:12 No.47312826
    >implying this is a bad thing
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)17:13 No.47312875

    Ban all tripfags.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)17:14 No.47312914
    ban everyone that dose >green text
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)17:14 No.47312934
    >forced anonymity
    >crew of hardcore mods that enforce rules strictly
    >ban faggotry of any sorts, furry or otherwise
    >enforce heavy chemo on all boards
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)17:14 No.47312953
    Enforce rules with an iron fist.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)17:15 No.47313017
    Make all bans public.

    Ban constantly, for trivial things.

    Put the fear of m00t back into Anonymous.
    >> Toon Link !!qJq+5W2asGO 01/20/10(Wed)17:16 No.47313040
    Delete all non-/v/ related material on /v/ and ban the people who make those threads. You may say "hurr /v/ is so much better with /b/ material" but no. If you feel this way then you don't belong here.

    In return for getting rid of trolls and /b/ shit, I'll allow videogame porn to be posted because it's /v/ related.
    >> Anonymous | 01/20/10(Wed)17:16 No.47313068
    Ban every avatar faggot.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)17:17 No.47313069
    ban avatarfags every one
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)17:17 No.47313098


    You mean "EL MODERADOR" bro?
    >> Chicken 01/20/10(Wed)17:20 No.47313288
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    if you vote chicken for mod, you'll see the idiots who fall for trolls get banned in droves

    the publicly executed, by popular vote of how the people want them killed

    then once a month we tie "aya" "bumpers" and other avatar using miscreants to a post and hit them with tomatoes all day

    and of course, if you vote me for moderator, the ps3. WILL. HAVE. GAMES.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)17:20 No.47313303
    >I'll allow videogame porn
    No, that will turn it into /b/

    people seem to misunderstand that letting porn be posted on any blue board will just lead to constant deluge of porn threads and nothing else.

    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)17:20 No.47313305
    Ban everyone on the first offence of trolling. Anon gets 3 dan b&, trip fags get a month for trolling.

    Greentexting for spelling and grammar errors gets a 24 hour b&

    anyone posting a picture of Konata or any Lucky*Star related bullshit gets a 3 day b& on sight.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)17:20 No.47313312
    >I'll allow videogame porn to be posted because it's /v/ related.

    I like this.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)17:21 No.47313369
    starting non vidya thread get a 24 hour b& and the thread is fucking locked.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)17:21 No.47313390
    Ban any image that is not OC.
    >> Toon Link !!qJq+5W2asGO 01/20/10(Wed)17:21 No.47313402
    Well basically seeing how mods don't do their jobs, we're already living the dream. I'd just basically make it official.
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)17:23 No.47313574
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    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)17:24 No.47313583
    Make the word sauce result in a 7 day ban

    Make it so anyone suffixing things with fag is banned forever
    >> Chicken 01/20/10(Wed)17:24 No.47313638
    I'm the real Chicken

    I disapprove of this thread
    >> Anonymous 01/20/10(Wed)17:25 No.47313646
    Ban any OP that post copy pasta.

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