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  • File : 1263424295.jpg-(173 KB, 1024x768, Worse_than_Hitler.jpg)
    173 KB Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)18:11 No.46753102  
    That's it. I'm getting a new goddamn computer.

    In the past 2 days my computer has just restarted for no goddamn reason 3 times. You have no fucking idea how annoying this is when you have to download something by Friday for a party and YOU CAN'T FINISH IT. PEOPLE WILL BE UPSET. But that's beside the point.

    My computer was shit when it was new 5 years ago and it's just worse now. It can't even play WC3 on full settings. I'm fucking ashamed of this shit. I need something that won't die on me and can do some serious shit.

    So anyways, /r/ing GAEMAN RIG pic and tips for building a PC.

    >Inb4 >/g/
    >Inb4 consolevsPCbullshit

    Picture unrelated. Barely runs on this though. Just kidding. Maybe.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)18:34 No.46753734

    I need help.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)18:35 No.46753837
    how weird, i'm also buildan a gaeman rig

    but i'm afraid to post the specs because people will laugh at my foolishness
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)18:36 No.46753859
    > when you have to download something by Friday for a party
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)18:37 No.46753902
    If you're buying it piecemeal then make sure you know what you're doing. A good way to get ideas on components is to check out websites that specialize in gaming rigs that have a build your own option. Play around with that and get yourself an idea of what you want.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)18:38 No.46753932

    TV shows.

    Entire series ~25 gigs.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)18:38 No.46753933
    does anyone have the serials for real lives
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)18:38 No.46753958
    I have yet to get something that damn awesome in Real Lives
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)18:38 No.46753960
    Congratulations on wanting to join the glorious PC gamer master race. Small caveat though, do you actually know how to build a PC?

    If not, I DO NOT suggest you attempting to do it yourself your first time. Find a small "mom and pop" computer store near you and get them to price out a good computer. You want a fast core 2 duo or something similar, depending on how much cash you have to burn you could go with some of the newer AMD quad cores or an i7.

    You don't need much to have a powerful gaming rig, you just can't fuck up choosing the parts.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)18:38 No.46753965
    just get an intel i5 750 and a radeon 5850, most bang for your buck.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)18:39 No.46753982
    post your budget
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)18:39 No.46754023
    That's not big. Why my HD rips of 1 season come to that alone.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)18:40 No.46754041

    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)18:41 No.46754091
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    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)18:41 No.46754102
    lol i cant maintain pc so i pay for new one lol
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)18:41 No.46754117
    how the fuck did this happen?
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)18:41 No.46754129
    are you from nürnberg op?
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)18:42 No.46754185
         File1263426172.jpg-(170 KB, 827x1244, 8cdf216dbc5d2a281d4ade44af787d(...).jpg)
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    6000 dollars, is a new PC or a sex doll, or 2 loli sex dolls
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)18:43 No.46754222
    ATI introduced a new card during this tech convention thats going on right now.

    That will probably be kickass.
    Priced at 50 -100 bucks.

    Phenom2 950 for CPU and your set.
    The rest is obvious.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)18:43 No.46754227

    Old as fucking dirt.

    Everything in that list is not even worth getting any more.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)18:44 No.46754284
    Here's some delicious copypasta for a PCbro:

    Until September I was using and gaming on my computer I had since 2003. Those specs:
    Athlon XP 2500+ (~1.8GHz, equivalent to P4 2GHz)
    1GB RAM
    ATI HD2600XT (replaced my fried Radeon 9800SE which replaced my original fried Ti4200)

    Very few upgrades, I basically added 512MB RAM to my original 512MB, and also added another hard drive.

    Now I have a decent budget system. I can play TF2 on high settings and get a good FPS, as well as newer games. I no longer cut myself with jagged edges and I constantly rub my eyes at the bloom in the vidya. It cost me less than $575 with all new parts. My old PC originally cost about $1300, but I had someone else build it for me. I probably got ripped off, even at the time.

    Anyway, new specs:
    Phenom II X2 550 (3.0GHz dual core)
    4GB RAM (had 2GB in September, then added another 2GB last month)
    Radeon HD 4670

    You do not need to spend big bucks for a good gaming PC, unless you want to play GTA4 or Crysis on high.

    Some protips for building a good budget gaming PC:
    -you don't need a quad core CPU unless you want to pay a premium for GTA4

    -start with 2GB RAM; adding more memory later is so easy my dog could do it... actually he put my DIMMs in when I was building my PC

    -you don't need a $400 video card, or even a $200 video card... mine cost under $80 and runs most games on high; also, video cards are very easy to replace and upgrade later on

    -AMD CPUs are preferable for budget systems; they're cheaper than their Intel equivalents

    -get one of the cheaper cases, mine was ~$35 and the fans are quiet, it looks slick, and with good cable management there's good airflow in there

    -get a decent motherboard since it's much more of a pain to replace, but actually look at what you need before you buy; if you're not going to use SLI/Crossfire, then don't get a motherboard with two slots for video cards
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)18:44 No.46754295

    I have about $850 in the bank, but I'll need to wait a while longer and save up more money so I'm not broke after buying everything.

    But what I've been told is that you can build an awesome rig for about $500-600.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)18:45 No.46754362
    What the fucking fuck, That character is awesome.
    Worse than Hitler god damn, A worthy title.
    >> Turbokaratelaserpuma !pZDCZX4dfQ 01/13/10(Wed)18:46 No.46754414

    i know my gpu is bottlenecking my system, im getting a 5870 with my tax return
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)18:47 No.46754457
    there is a very small percentage (2-5%) of real lives games that end up epically, like world leader or bill gates rich to reflect the existence of these people. So go play 100 games of real lives, and then you'll get 2-5 that were really worth it.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)18:47 No.46754460
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)18:47 No.46754462
    > get one of the cheaper cases

    Yeah don't listen to that bit of advice, pay a premium and get a good antec.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)18:48 No.46754495


    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)18:48 No.46754518
    >pay a premium and get a good antec.

    I humbly disagree, at least for a budget system.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)18:49 No.46754597
    Oh budget system? Yeah.... He said new though, and there are smaller antec cases he can get, I didn't mean GO GET THE MOST FUCKIGN EXPENSIVE ANTEC EVER.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)18:50 No.46754670
    Haha for the price of ONE decent PC I could buy a PS3, Xbox360, AND a fucking Wii. Plus some games.

    Fuckin' PC gamer morons.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)18:51 No.46754693
    >can build an awesome rig for about $500-600.

    Not awesome but decent enough.

    Id suggest spending up to 800 for best results.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)18:51 No.46754742
    You can buy all that for $500

    I'd like to know where
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)18:51 No.46754761

    OP here. I have a PS3, Wii, and a DS with a flashcart.

    What I don't have is a decent PC and RROD.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)18:52 No.46754851
    Jesus fucking Christ.

    Dont drown your CPU in thermal paste, wtf.
    >> Tobi-kun !5bWTegIBy2 01/13/10(Wed)18:53 No.46754911
         File1263426828.jpg-(152 KB, 1119x1565, wing-commander-iii-cover-art.jpg)
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    Can't play Wing Commander 3 on full settings?

    Thats a pretty shit computer.
    >> Turbokaratelaserpuma !pZDCZX4dfQ 01/13/10(Wed)18:54 No.46754935
    lol it was fuckin cold in my room and that shit was fuckin thick. i should of dipped it in warm water first
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)18:54 No.46754954

    >> Kaskade !!UyLrtKELxQa 01/13/10(Wed)18:55 No.46755023
         File1263426917.jpg-(109 KB, 666x500, Sara2.jpg)
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    Some basic standards for today's gaming computer (if you want to play fairly new stuff):

    Dual-core processor (preferably 2.1 Ghz+)
    3 MB RAM
    300 GB HD
    PCI express motherboard (fuck ATI)
    nVidia graphics card (fuck Radeon)
    800W power supply

    That should get you started on your search. I suggest going to and and doing some research.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)18:56 No.46755132
    subtle troll is subtle.

    >> Turbokaratelaserpuma !pZDCZX4dfQ 01/13/10(Wed)18:57 No.46755199
         File1263427060.jpg-(7 KB, 298x379, 1262677905700.jpg)
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    >3 MB RAM
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)18:57 No.46755207
    >3 MB RAM
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)18:58 No.46755247
    bad idea.

    Just keep spreading it.
    The first 2 or 3 drops would have been enough.

    Ideally its so thing that you still have metal to metal contact.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)18:59 No.46755310
         File1263427166.jpg-(10 KB, 252x222, ellis.jpg)
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    >3 MB RAM
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)19:00 No.46755406

    >800W power supply

    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)19:01 No.46755427
    >3MB RAM


    >PCI express motherboard (fuck ATI)
    >implying ATI makes motherboards
    >implying ATI cards aren't PCI-E

    >800W power supply

    For a dual core and a single card? Overkill much?
    >> Kaskade !!UyLrtKELxQa 01/13/10(Wed)19:01 No.46755434
         File1263427279.jpg-(44 KB, 375x500, sara.jpg)
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    Sorry, meant to say 3 GB RAM.
    >> Turbokaratelaserpuma !pZDCZX4dfQ 01/13/10(Wed)19:02 No.46755544
    ive stress tested the shit outta it, and its been running solid with good temps, and ive got it overclocked to 3.4GHz and my temps are high 30s idle and high 40s on load.

    ive seen where on occasions the thermal paste can leak out causing a shortage in the cpu, luckily mine is doing fine
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)19:03 No.46755578
    >still implying that you arent trolling
    >> tom !!w5y7l9HtenG 01/13/10(Wed)19:03 No.46755608
    holy shit, i'm in the same predicament and i've been playing Real Lives almost every night. how the fuck do you get to do shit in OP?
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)19:05 No.46755710
    800W power supply

    Dude you don't even need 800W if you run two GTX295s and any Quad Core.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)19:05 No.46755720
    >playing real lives every night

    Holy Shit, there is no scenario in my head in which you arent mentally damaged.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)19:06 No.46755810
         File1263427612.jpg-(152 KB, 776x820, EXPC WSI-6482B.jpg)
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    How are these 2 models?
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)19:07 No.46755873
         File1263427655.jpg-(148 KB, 623x820, EXPC WSI-6530B.jpg)
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    Second one. Planned to shell up to 500 bucks for a new computer.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)19:07 No.46755894
    two models?
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)19:08 No.46755952

    Trying to get a computer that can run SR2 and Mercs 2.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)19:09 No.46755997

    Have you formatted at all in the 5 years you've had it ?
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)19:09 No.46756011
    shit psus, shit cases etc
    lacking in the cpu, gpu department too.

    Build one yourself
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)19:09 No.46756013

    Low tier GPU
    Could use more RAM
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)19:10 No.46756072
    Graphics card is shit. You need at least a 46xx if an ATI. I have a 4670 and it runs most games fine, but I'd say it's really the minimum if your not still gaming in CRT resolutions like 1024x768.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)19:11 No.46756142

    Holy shit, that list is about 2 years out of date.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)19:11 No.46756150
    >CRT resolutions
    implying CRTs dont deliver better resolutions than most lcds
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)19:11 No.46756151
    Get a PSU that is not overkill and that would be a great office machine.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)19:12 No.46756199

    I am mostly satisfied with barebones resolutions. But guess the $400 one is out of the question.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)19:12 No.46756209
    Also no AA and stuff like that. Personally I don't care for it so it doesn't matter to me, but if it does you should probably go for something better.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)19:14 No.46756313
    Just build your own bro, you can get a pretty boss PC without paying thousands of dollars.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)19:14 No.46756349
    There are some ridiculous CRTs out there, but they're not exactly common, and if the guy has a 5-year-old computer with a matching CRT, I'm pretty sure it's not one of the high-end models.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)19:16 No.46756461
    Anyways, I was considering the $500 one now...all I need is just something that can play SR2 and Mercs 2 well enough
    >> Turbokaratelaserpuma !pZDCZX4dfQ 01/13/10(Wed)19:18 No.46756569
         File1263428281.png-(162 KB, 401x335, 1262677402183.png)
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    thanks to you im re-installing Mercs 2

    completely forgot i had it :)
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)19:20 No.46756757
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)19:20 No.46756790
    Phenom X4 955

    450 or 500w corsair psu

    match a motherboard and some ram.

    Bam, you can play anything and you spend 600 max.
    >> Anonymous 01/13/10(Wed)19:21 No.46756856
    Stop trollin'
    You can get a fucking great PC for $600, that can play anything on highest

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