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    File : 1263259599.jpg-(280 KB, 976x831, RE5hardmode.jpg)
    280 KB Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:26 No.46599331  

    What went wrong?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:26 No.46599347
    you know
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:27 No.46599362
    Fucking inventory system.
    >> Rotraven !!MiXwawYhfwO 01/11/10(Mon)20:27 No.46599394
    no zombies
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:27 No.46599398
    your picture pretty much sums it up
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:27 No.46599410
    Not scary at all
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:28 No.46599411
    no zombies
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:28 No.46599417
    having to play it co-op with a retarded AI or a friend.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:28 No.46599419
    It is a good game.
    >> Azathoth !5rf0jJFT4c 01/11/10(Mon)20:28 No.46599429
    Shitty AI
    >> athens !SysNpnp3nU 01/11/10(Mon)20:28 No.46599431
    Strayed from the formula too much.

    I think I speak for most of us when I say Africa was a SHIT setting.
    >> Buffalo !SF7Mb5yLjo 01/11/10(Mon)20:28 No.46599432
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:28 No.46599443
    The decision to focus on co-op and multiplayer rather than a solid single player experience.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:28 No.46599451
    Inventory system

    Plot that tried to take itself seriously, and made fuck-all sense if you're not a long-time player of the series

    Inventory system
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:28 No.46599460
    thats only because you're a racist butthole irl
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:28 No.46599465
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:29 No.46599470
    Complete Global Saturation.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:29 No.46599489
    too many Nigras killing them helps but not that much
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:29 No.46599493
    Niggers. They ruin everything.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:29 No.46599498
    Blonde Jill.
    >> athens !SysNpnp3nU 01/11/10(Mon)20:29 No.46599503
    >Plot that tried to take itself seriously

    This too. RE5 was so cringe inducing at points. Even moreso than RE1 with its poor voice acting in fact.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:29 No.46599528
    Forced co-op. Otherwise it was a damn good game.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:29 No.46599530
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:29 No.46599533
    >> Pater !Hq9Z8qgtDU 01/11/10(Mon)20:29 No.46599534
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    >complain about games not being original anymore
    >complain when they don't follow a formula
    >> GameBoo !mpZx7zHN/Q 01/11/10(Mon)20:30 No.46599564
    I liked the Swamp level.
    The Boat was alright.

    However, it as
    >>46599431 said.

    Too much focus on action
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:30 No.46599566

    didn't sheeva wanted to leave chris, and then a scene later "we are partners, to the end"

    And punch the rock
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:30 No.46599568
    Nothing, as far as I'm concerned. Was a good sequel, eagerly awaiting the DLC.
    In before troll.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:30 No.46599584
    It was Gears of War with the controls of the old RE games. They needed to commit to being an action game or a horror game, instead of failing at both.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:30 No.46599585
    re5 was great and hilarius
    not scarey at all
    but fuck it, it was a lot of fu
    if i want scarey i'll go play and old silent hill game or drive through a black neighborhood at night
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:30 No.46599587
    Losing focus on zombies, suddenly the various viruses just exists to turn Wesker in the The Matrix.
    >> athens !SysNpnp3nU 01/11/10(Mon)20:30 No.46599591
    [Witchcraft rituals are] images that held much currency through the centuries of colonial rule and were used to justify the imperialism vis-a-vis this “otherness.”

    >Young men are attacked and their genitals cut off while they are still alive; children's throats are slit and their organs removed; and border-crossers are caught with bags containing human heads and sexual organs, says a shocking report this week.

    >The Mozambican Human Rights League, which initiated the report, said these stories and more are contained in their horror report about the widespread trafficking of human body parts in Mozambique and South Africa, which has unveiled a scary reality: body parts are frequently used in traditional medicine and there is a commonly held belief that such medicine is very powerful.

    >"Ritual killings are common here; it's like daily bread. We do not even get shocked when a person is found dead with body parts removed," said one of the South Africans interviewed.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:30 No.46599608
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:30 No.46599610
    Nothing went wrong. Good game was good.

    Probably not so awesome for people with no friends though.
    >> athens !SysNpnp3nU 01/11/10(Mon)20:31 No.46599669
    I've never complained about a lack of originality in such an absolutist sense.

    Truth is, everything is derivative. If I wanted to play good all out action games I'd play Gears and Uncharted.
    >> Massimo !DAleMAK82w 01/11/10(Mon)20:32 No.46599706
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    In addition to these, a questionable color palette. I felt like I was in a land made of chocolate most of the time.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:32 No.46599729
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:32 No.46599732
    Nothing, I thought it to be a great game.

    My only complaint was the coloration. Too much brown.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:32 No.46599733
    It's either a re-hash or too different from the previous games.

    You fags are never satisfied.
    >> Nadia !!wZ6+lr+4+7z 01/11/10(Mon)20:33 No.46599751
    Everything in RE5 seemed too fast paste

    In RE4 you could walk around and just kill at your leisure

    RE5 to was just going to your destination, killing, doing what you have to do and leaving to the next to do it all over
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:33 No.46599754
    Wesker has been Neo since Code Veronica, where have you been?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:34 No.46599802
    The decision to make it a shitty rip off of Army of Two.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:34 No.46599813

    Turned out a lot of people hadn't played Resident Evil 4.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:34 No.46599831
    africa could have been very scary
    that first area where you walk the streets and everyone watches you is indicative of this
    instead of fighting zombies on motorcycles i would have prefered fighting shambling zombies while crazy aids infected locals try killing me just because i'm white
    >> Aya☆ !!PKji2VNLKA1 01/11/10(Mon)20:34 No.46599832
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    They put too much focus on co-op play instead of making it more like an improved RE4 with Chris.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:35 No.46599852
    >Did everything Resident Evil 4 did, only not as good.
    >Cooperative bandwagon.

    Why are people complaining about the plot? It's Resident Evil.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:35 No.46599882
         File1263260153.jpg-(157 KB, 486x581, isaac_dead_space.jpg)
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    >What went wrong?
    It wasn't Dead Space.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:36 No.46599906

    That doesn't mean it was a good idea.


    RE4 has little to do with RE5. It's more a sequel to the rest of the series shit.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:36 No.46599919
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    Who thought Versus was a good idea?

    And who thought while playing Versus, if a single person left out of the 4 in every game, the whole game is over was a good idea?

    Goddamn, man. Shit is so BAD.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:37 No.46599973
    How did it take itself seriously? What does that even mean? Nobody complains about equally stupid ass metal gear solid plotlines.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:37 No.46599997

    the same person that decided to charge it as DLC, before tha game came out
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:37 No.46600007
    Co-op was awesome guys. Quit complaining about an awesome co-op.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:37 No.46600013
    No one on /v/ has any friends, so they couldn't play the game properly.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:39 No.46600093

    I do. And what I said makes perfect sense. RE4 is a perfect counterpoint of a story that's just as stupid, but doesn't try to delude the player that it's anything else.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:42 No.46600249
    It wouldnt be a bad game, if it wasnt for the ass backwards controls

    Its proof that the Japanese are quickly falling behind.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:42 No.46600256
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    >implying I couldn't play the game properly
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:42 No.46600278
    I played the whole game on co-op and it was a piece of shit. Dead Space was about 10x better and it was made by EA.
    >> helarias !!DwAuorXisKO 01/11/10(Mon)20:43 No.46600318
    i had a great time playing it. and mercenaries was a fucking blast!
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:44 No.46600432
    I was in the section of the game watching Wesker with his bullshit speed and super strength getting manhandled, gratuitously burned, and crushed. Wesker wasn't Neo in REC:V he wasn't exploding into black and wavedashing every time something was hurled in his direction, and he sure wasn't catching rockets.
    >> Lord Edin of the Stoner age !09ENY0w322 01/11/10(Mon)20:46 No.46600510
    played with my friends they so suck, i beat it with an online friend tho. the game didn't have the replay value of RE4, didn't have the the b-movie feel. mercanaries was weak. very few different enemies no boss fights at all. reccuring leach monster was boring
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:46 No.46600538
         File1263260798.jpg-(984 KB, 1685x1076, colors and shit.jpg)
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    For everybody complaining about color; if you played it on PC there's no reason you had to stand for it.

    One simple 150kb-ish file plugged into your directory and you had all the pretty colors you wanted.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:46 No.46600559
    wasn't Dead Space
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:47 No.46600611
    it was the controls for me, i played the demo and said fuck this
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:48 No.46600646
    >Implying Resident Evil 4 and 5 were trying to scare you like Dead Space
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:48 No.46600649
    Hey! Someone else that gets it! Wanna fuck?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:48 No.46600656
    Nothing, it's good enough.
    Fixes the flaws of RE4 (goddamn piece o' shit NPC that can't even use weapons to goddamn dumb NPC that at least shoots enemies and saves me when in the red; plot is more related to past games than RE4's sidestory; at least attempts to explain what happened to Umbrella instead of simply saying "oh it's gone now. Now go kill some Spaniards"; more weapon variety; and so on). The only thing it did worse in that regard are the doors. Enemies can open doors instantly whereas in 4 they could bash it 3 times before opening, giving more than enough time to kick it in their faces.
    Also, Mercenaries is still fun, doubly so when playing with someone.

    Versus is still better than what PC version got.
    "Oh hey, so I heard you have Solo and Duo. Well see, we could give you Versus for 3 different types of gameplay, but we won't. Here, take No Mercy. We put Solo inside your Solo so you can Solo while you Solo."
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:48 No.46600672
    They're playing the console versions, of course they have something to complain about.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:49 No.46600700
    It's supposed to be a survival horror games; why did they give the enemies guns and make them not zombies?
    >> THE VERMILLION SPARROW: KING OF /v/ !!D8jM4nn0hYY 01/11/10(Mon)20:49 No.46600711
    I would of loved to been able to play as Leon, like Leon by himself, and for co-op one player if Leon Kennedy and the other is Leon Kennedy's massive testicles that have become autonomous in order to kick more ass.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:50 No.46600764
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:50 No.46600824
    1) Inventory system was dreadful
    2) Partner AI issues
    3) Clunky controls

    Still a really good action horror game though, I rented RE5 but plan to buy the GOLD addition (it has a fuckton of added content)

    Also the hoopla about having too many blacks in an African based game was truly pathetic.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:51 No.46600860


    Thank god. RE5 looks like shit without the doom and gloom filter.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:51 No.46600872
    Only because you couldn't really display those kinds of abilities with a Dreamcast/PS2. He was limited to afterimages when dashing about, still having super-strength and not even caring about having his face burned.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:51 No.46600874
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    If it had been a clone of RE4, it would have still considered it a great game. But it wasn't. It was a complete abomination of a mutated clone. The game wasn't adapted for the co-op they decided to shoehorn in for the 360 fanboys, and just about every change they included was a flaw.

    Another aspect was the story. It completely butchered everything in the series. I find it ironic how it tries to present itself as the most serious and in-depth storyline in the series, yet requires more suspension of disbelief than any other game before it. Some of the things in the game approach MGS levels of stupidity in both content and context. I am convinced Capcom was attempting to cash-in on the people who bought MGS4 with an over-the-top "epic" storyline while simultaneously trying to sell the game to typical Xbox shooter fans.

    Also, it didn't help that RE4 Wii edition was released 2 years before it and had vastly superior controls that made RE5's look primitive in comparison.

    RE5 failed in the 3 most important aspects of a good video game.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:52 No.46600928
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    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:52 No.46600941
    Nothing. It was RE4 with co op. Almost everything about the game is the same. Sans more enemies with guns and the inventory system which was ripped out of old REs.

    People bashing it for being this and that are dumb.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:52 No.46600942
    >> Euphoria !!jvCuWJ8NrnK 01/11/10(Mon)20:53 No.46600987
    I dunno, I thought that shit was tight
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:54 No.46601046

    Plot is not an important aspect of video games. Learn some game design.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:54 No.46601062
    >Another aspect was the story. It completely butchered everything in the series. I find it ironic how it tries to present itself as the most serious and in-depth storyline in the series, yet requires more suspension of disbelief than any other game before it. Some of the things in the game approach MGS levels of stupidity in both content and context. I am convinced Capcom was attempting to cash-in on the people who bought MGS4 with an over-the-top "epic" storyline while simultaneously trying to sell the game to typical Xbox shooter fans.

    lol no. RE has always had shit story. RE5 had the best one since it tied everything together and actually made Chris have some emotion. The only characters that acted even remotely human were Chris in 5 and Claire in CV.

    And story is one of the most important aspects of a game? are we ignoring controls, gameplay and level design?
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:54 No.46601069
    This guy understands it. How can the game try to take itself seriously while Chris has 92 inch biceps and is PUNCHING BOULDERS WITH HIS BARE FISTS.

    Every fucking word out of the characters mouths in RE5 was just the dumbest shit I've ever heard. RE4 had cheesy one-liners but they were funny. RE5 was just a shitty action movie.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:55 No.46601119
    >Plot is not an important aspect of video games.

    That's like saying the soup sucked cause the spoon was too big
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:56 No.46601170
    I can see punching boulders being lolwut but just because Chris is huge the game get blasted? dumb reason.

    RE1 and 3 have the best stories. CV and REmake had the best villains.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:56 No.46601204
    Here we fucking go
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:57 No.46601236
    Stop trolling. RE5 had good VAing almost throughout.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:58 No.46601291
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    It matters when THEY try to force it down your throat and it's nothing but a steaming turd.

    The fact that anyone on /v/ is even defending RE5 is reason enough for me to leave and never come back.
    You can't be older than 14 if you just called the RE5 story "good." Go read a fucking book.

    Yes, I MAD.
    >> LeftiesAreTheDevil !!EMS391ZC8wj 01/11/10(Mon)20:58 No.46601312
    Not scary. Dead space puts it to shame.They need to actually makes good games and stop relying on franchise names to move units.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:58 No.46601316
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    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)20:59 No.46601334
    ITT: people with no friends to enjoy the awesome co-op in this great game
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)21:00 No.46601423
    They sure as hell could've done graphically similar teleporting, and had any number of tells for it. It wasn't a graphical limitation.

    And I didn't play C:VX, I only played C:V What the hell do you mean Wesker didn't care about his face burning? The moment Alexia set him on fire he fumbled out of his acrobatics patted the fire on him out and said "Chris you take her!" and ran off. Then again getting set on fire was what drove him off in their final encounter in the game. Yet even the idea he was susceptible to fire was thrown away in RE5 when he was just fine wading in lava.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)21:00 No.46601438
    You're a moron. Compare The game to its counterparts not a Tree Grows in Brooklyn. Chris had no personality in the other ones. RE4 was just lolwut all over the place. RE2 had no relation sans a new virus and new characters.


    They were two different story types doing something completely different.


    Your logic is lacking
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)21:01 No.46601525
    Nobody gives a fuck about the story in RE games and yet they tried to make it SOSRS. It wasn't even good for what it was (which is all that's important.)

    The game was terrible and there's nothing to defend about it. Capcom fanboys make me fucking RAGE.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)21:02 No.46601533
    They did make him too strong. He should've been like a Tyrant stronger and faster but still capable of being beaten by a normal human with some luck and weaponry. He should only be able to dodge a bullet or two but it would make him super tired.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)21:02 No.46601547
    Yeah. I think it's true with a lot of games too. Mods that make Fallout 3 all green and pretty make me fucking cringe. I know the wasteland's depressing and somewhat barren, it's fuckin' wasteland, it's meant to be. Plus it actually has a huge amount of charm to it. It's so gleefully post apocalyptic. That '50s scf-fi totally fucking does it for me too. The enviroment is really the best thing about the game.
    >> Euphoria !!jvCuWJ8NrnK 01/11/10(Mon)21:03 No.46601599
    This dude knows what he's talking about. Playing this co op with my friend was some of the best fun I've had since I got my 360.
    >> Broseidon !8YimBiCYVg 01/11/10(Mon)21:03 No.46601618
    >what went wrong
    daylight, no longer a creepy village with secret company behind it, but shitt slum with same company that practically is revealed from the first hour.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)21:03 No.46601625
    I loved RE5, but honestly it played like a bad action movie without RE4's tongue-in-cheek charm. I understand they were trying to wrap up Wesker's whole deal, but if they had thrown in more humor and less serious business concerning partners and friendship, it would have been great.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)21:03 No.46601647
    The game was fine. Fun but stuck too close to RE4 which was a blast mostly because it was new. THe first area in RE4 is the best. Castle is awful and the Island was ok. RE5 is 7.5-8 game. RE4 was a 9 game.

    Replays would probably bring them down to 7 and 8 respectively but the way you folks bitch about it is ridiculous.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)21:04 No.46601708
    4 was a huge hit that "revived" interest in the series. They decided to copy 4, since it was popular, and just add a lousy AI for forced co-op. The story and level design were awful. That is why 5 failed.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)21:05 No.46601789
    >implying RE4 had an even decent story

    Again niggas 1 and 3 that was it in terms of tolerable plots. Stop bringing this shit up like it matters in a FUCKING VIDYA
    >> Broseidon !8YimBiCYVg 01/11/10(Mon)21:06 No.46601801
    yes, that too.

    having someone with you all the time wasnt as fun
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)21:06 No.46601820
         File1263261980.jpg-(2.09 MB, 3372x1077, colors and shit1.jpg)
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    Here's a quick comparison.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)21:06 No.46601828
    The inventory system was fine if you knew what you were doing.

    If anything, it was great being able to swap on the fly.

    The only real problem with RE5 was that it was just 4, without the pizaz.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)21:06 No.46601848
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    RE5's storyline

    A virus outbreak? No it's something new something different. LOL nevermind it's the old virus combined with the master plaga which Wesker stole back after the last game after Ada stole it and betrayed him for another organization that will never be mentioned again. Wesker you were an experiment preprogrammed to seek me out and want to become God, but I didn't program you to not stab me through the chest and kill me a few minutes before Jill and Chris coincidentally show up at my mansion. Jill died protecting me from Wesker boohoo, but something tells me she's also alive somewhere, BUT I KNOW WESKER DIED FOR SURE. There's no way he survived. Still I wonder whether she might have gone to Africa for some reason and be tied to the recent breakouts there, just a hunch... There's also no way she's actually that ninja plague doctor that keeps showing up, no way, just no way.

    Boy, I can't wait to see how Alternative Edition fucks this up even more.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)21:06 No.46601850
    It sucked because there was no castle level
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)21:07 No.46601877
    Outside of CG movies, I can't quite see that clunky game having similar animations for Wesker's abilities.
    I never thought he ran away from Alexia because of the fire. Rather, he completely ignores her after punching her in the face to rush at Chris, and when he sees she doesn't agree with that, he decides to kill two birds with one stone and leaves them to kill each other.
    Always chalked the final encounter to the RE tradition of pathwalking: if there's a rock in the floor preventing you from reaching your objective, there is no way to walk over it; you have to go around. But there was no way around.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)21:07 No.46601890
    The Black Hawk Down Filter is awesome. Fuck you guys
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)21:07 No.46601902
    Resident Evil hasn't been about horror for a long time. I'm pretty sure the box just reads survival action.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)21:07 No.46601903
    Though I prefer GRIMDARK BLOOMAN, I do like the pretty colors :3
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)21:09 No.46601965
    That's because the 360 has NOGAMES faggot.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)21:10 No.46602043
    Protip: The RE series has ran with more action since 3. Nemesis did keep the fear factor up but doding and 180 flipping made it play faster and looser. RE0 added 2 characters which made people bitch and RE4 had a few BOO moments and that was it. RE5 is just ok shoot shit.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)21:11 No.46602070
         File1263262265.jpg-(67 KB, 722x676, 1261418866369.jpg)
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    >This thread
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)21:11 No.46602115
    RE5 was the best game this gen and ended a series that was basically all fun all the time

    inb4 trolling

    like you fags would know what a good game is
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)21:12 No.46602134
    >implying you wouldn't suck Chris' big juicy cock.
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)21:14 No.46602271
    3 words

    Infinite ammo section

    Survival horror and infinite ammo NEVER GO TOGETHER
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)21:16 No.46602399
    >Resident Evil that isn't 1-2
    >Survival horror
    Why don't people fucking understand?!
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)21:16 No.46602411
    >I was never good enough to unlock the Gatling Gun in RE2
    >> Anonymous 01/11/10(Mon)21:16 No.46602419
    IMO the one on the right actually looks better

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    [V][X]AnonymousHome gaming is ...
    [V][X]Christ - 4...!jaNAUgtqaUNEW POKEGENERAL
    [V][X]L0nced J0c...!!xR5sHcf+IE5Americans shoul...
    [V][X]King Frost...