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    Major server overhaul complete—site should be significantly faster now.
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    File : 1263164927.jpg-(128 KB, 539x393, 1262666849003.jpg)
    128 KB LordOfTheFridge !4E0aNsouDw 01/10/10(Sun)18:08 No.46506033  
    Given the constant evolving state of graphics being the most important aspect to any game/console since we started evolving with different types of bits, developers will have secured a game style that mirrors the real world. In the next 3-5 years, there won't really be much more amazing upgrades in graphics to make, so what do you think will happen next?

    I personally think they will start taking a Nintendo route of new peripherals for gaming, specifically virtual reality. They already have an early type, and will no doubt create one that shows the same amount of lush graphics as games we have today within 10-15 years. I think this will create a sharp gain in the amount of Sci-Fi and Fantasy games, y'know, things we probably won't ever experience ourselves, where things such as serious war simulations and horror games being made less due to the problems such as post traumatic stress disorder or extreme fear in which people don't release it's just a simulation at certain points.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)18:10 No.46506152
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    >Tripfag with a thought out opinion
    >> LordOfTheFridge !4E0aNsouDw 01/10/10(Sun)18:11 No.46506246
    Shameless self bump.
    >> LordOfTheFridge !4E0aNsouDw 01/10/10(Sun)18:14 No.46506388
    Really? Nobody at all?

    I guess i'll go back to truth trolling.
    >> Gaexy !GAEXYAeUy. 01/10/10(Sun)18:14 No.46506419
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    When they can get over this it should finally be about the gameplay again.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)18:15 No.46506517
    No this is fine.
    >> LordOfTheFridge !4E0aNsouDw 01/10/10(Sun)18:16 No.46506621
    I thought the maximum they could see was around 60 or so, but the main point i'm trying to make is eventually they will mirror human vision such as what that movie Avatar was attempting to do with the new CGI. I no doubt think that it will be all about the gameplay for a long time, and all those graphic studier types at the developers will start working on making it seem like you are in the game.
    >> LordOfTheFridge !4E0aNsouDw 01/10/10(Sun)18:19 No.46506832
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    Troll threads = 234 posts 118 image replies omitted

    Honest Vidya Discussion = 3 or 4 people posting.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)18:20 No.46506889
    The only thing that worries me about constantly-improving graphics is that realism seems to edge out other art styles. I'm all for experiencing something as close to reality as possible, but I wish other, less graphics-dependent styles got the attention they deserve as well (for example, I still think Wind Waker is one of the nicest-looking games ever made, and I don't think better technology would make any meaningful improvement to it).
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)18:21 No.46506920
    I personally think either one of two things are going to happen:

    1: We're going to reach that "real-life" level of graphics, but then the issue is going to be how it is shown. It's no longer going to be about how it looks, but how you play it. It's going to start out simple, like a super-HD Wii, but then there's going to be a super race for who can make the most innovative way to immerse the player. I can see the end result being something like how the RIG worked in Dead Space, wherein the screen floated in front of you and you could tap it and it would react.

    2: Developers are going to reach the "real-life" level of graphics, then run out of ideas. Then everything will revert to nintendo-esque catroony games in order to avoid being realistic.
    >> A.T. \oдo/ 01/10/10(Sun)18:21 No.46506921
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    It cant be helped.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)18:23 No.46507145
    Speaking of which, I would totally buy the shit out of a Dead Space-esque RIG suit. DEVELOPERS, TAKE NOTE.
    >> LordOfTheFridge !4E0aNsouDw 01/10/10(Sun)18:23 No.46507168
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    I see your point, but with the large demographic of gamers which are "M Rated Real Graphics = Best Games" people, that perhaps this kind of style will be lost, or rarely seen past things like FF Art Styles, and nostalgia goggles make disappear.
    >> LordOfTheFridge !4E0aNsouDw 01/10/10(Sun)18:24 No.46507218
    >> Pikachu !!zO7QpRShARb 01/10/10(Sun)18:25 No.46507278
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    I'm going to bump you because this is a perfect example of what /v/ should be.

    As for my opinion, it's true, eventually realism will be reached.
    But what then?
    Do we degrade to other things?
    Extravagant and wild art styles?

    And what of virtual reality?
    I shudder to think that the movies and tv shows may be correct with all the disaster scenarios where everyone is so absorbed with VR that R ceases to exists.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)18:25 No.46507300
    Larger online games will be part of the future. Mag is promising 256 player battles. I think we'll have a WW2 game where hundreds of thousands of players will participate in D-Day sized wars.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)18:25 No.46507306
    Barely any attention is being taken to this thread, but you're not being saged...

    Is this a win or a lose?
    >> Corvus !pp1QJ4VZwc 01/10/10(Sun)18:26 No.46507384
    >implying most tripfags dont think our their op-

    ok wait

    >implying some tripfags dont think about what they say some times
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)18:27 No.46507450
    This seems to encompass some awesome ideas.
    Indeed, but it's very correct in a way, because most people play games as sort of getting an experience of things they couldn't in reality. If it's almost exactly like reality, except something even more extravagant, how can they help but stay within?
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)18:27 No.46507460
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)18:27 No.46507476
    I really, REALLY hope this isn't the case in the future. I know it is now, but I hope some super-drastic shit happens in the game industry wherein everybody's opinion changes. We need more innovations like Wind Waker OR A KIRBY GAME FOR THE WII DAMMIT NINTENDO [i.e. its main selling point isn't BLOOM AN BROWN] to bring back gaming from the frat boy crypt.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)18:28 No.46507602
    Using konata as a avatar is overrated, so is the anime itself.
    >> Rubius !saA39LMSqk 01/10/10(Sun)18:28 No.46507629
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    I like Peanuts :3
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)18:29 No.46507647
    Gimmicks will continue to take over the gaming industry as graphics are improved more and more. Each console seemed to bring some new gimmick this gen, which prompty died and is now being replaced with something new, minus Wii and DS.

    Personally I don't really focus on graphics and I hate gimmicks so I hope game devs like Insomniac and Capcom continue to thrive and make games that focus on gameplay before all of that other nonsense.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)18:29 No.46507649
    Another strange thing with this brown and bloom style is it doesn't actually make the games realistic. The world is actually very colourful and should be shown in games as I see it.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)18:29 No.46507653
    >implying that everyone being in a VR wouldn't be awesome unless we were being used as batteries
    >> Corvus !pp1QJ4VZwc 01/10/10(Sun)18:29 No.46507660

    oh well.....

    but as for this thread yeah virtual reality would rock. but you know regardless of what disorders it may cause people would buy war and horror games because the generic faggots would consider it LOL TRAININ FOR DUH MAIRUUNNNES.

    but thinking on it, playing WoW in virtual reality would be unlimited amounts of kickass.

    also i thought you were lanced jack for a moment.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)18:29 No.46507724
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    Ah, there's the rub.
    >> LordOfTheFridge !4E0aNsouDw 01/10/10(Sun)18:30 No.46507763
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    Hey, I like the Witch King too!
    >> Pikachu !!zO7QpRShARb 01/10/10(Sun)18:30 No.46507766
    This is easily the best thread on /v/ right now.

    Large scale games sound like they could be what comes next in gaming, but a lot of work needs to be done until then. MAG doesn't even feel like you are up against an army with one of your own. Nor is it an interesting game in it's own right.
    >> Corvus !pp1QJ4VZwc 01/10/10(Sun)18:31 No.46507829
    ah yes the brown an bloom games.

    honestly i look out my window and see a myriad of beautiful colors whenever its not filled with fog, and even then the fog has its own calm blue gray coloring.

    and when seeing videos from japan or china or germany the places may be overcast but everything isnt brown.

    i dont even see where the fuckers got the idea that

    real world = brown
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)18:32 No.46507911
    Next next gen batman? I am the goddamn batman.
    >> LordOfTheFridge !4E0aNsouDw 01/10/10(Sun)18:33 No.46508003
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    I think they're trying to encompass a shadowy or decayed world under the foothold of War, or in the future where most natural things are destroyed. I believe that even winter scenes shouldn't be so gray, when I look out the window upon the plains of snow, it's pretty, not threatening.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)18:33 No.46508010
    I agree. MAG had the potential to change the face of gaming but in general it's a flop.

    I think more games are going to adopt the MMO style of games where the worlds are persistent, the player is a small part of a greater cause....stuff like that.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)18:33 No.46508023
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    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)18:33 No.46508036
    Wouldn't all Virtual Reality games be in first person? is it possible to do anything else?
    >> LordOfTheFridge !4E0aNsouDw 01/10/10(Sun)18:34 No.46508116
    Yeah, but I think people are already striving for first person gameplay.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)18:34 No.46508134
    They either live in the deserts or they have never looked anywhere except for the ground whenever they went outside. I like to think that if developers went to a botanical garden sometime their reality would be fucking shattered.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)18:34 No.46508158
    Coleco licensed Nintendo's Donkey Kong as the official pack-in cartridge for all ColecoVision consoles, and this version of the game was well received as a near-perfect arcade port, helping to boost the console's popularity. By Christmas of 1982, Coleco had sold more than 500,000 units,[3][4] in part on the strength of its bundled game.[5] The ColecoVision's main competitor was the arguably more advanced but less commercially successful Atari 5200.[6][7][8]
    The ColecoVision was distributed by CBS Electronics outside of the United States, and was branded the CBS ColecoVision.
    Sales quickly passed one million in early 1983,[9] before the video game crash of 1983. By the beginning of 1984, quarterly sales of the ColecoVision had dramatically decreased.[10]
    Over the next 18 months, the Coleco company ramped down its video game division, ultimately withdrawing from the video game market by the end of the summer of 1985.[11][12] The ColecoVision was officially discontinued by October 1985.[13] Total sales of the ColecoVision are uncertain but were ultimately in excess of 2 million units, as sales had reached that number by the spring of 1984,[14] while the console continued to sell modestly up until its discontinuation the following year.[15]
    In 1986, Bit Corporation produced a ColecoVision clone called the Dina, which was sold in the United States by Telegames as the Telegames Personal Arcade.
    >> Corvus !pp1QJ4VZwc 01/10/10(Sun)18:35 No.46508179
    yeah i can understand decay but even then.

    whats better

    a generic brown bloom scene of death and destruction


    a colorful scene filled with destruction and death

    the colorful one has more impact showing that its a normally peaceful era now filled with blood and destruction rather then

    >> LordOfTheFridge !4E0aNsouDw 01/10/10(Sun)18:35 No.46508220
    Why do you constantly do this?
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)18:36 No.46508249
    The main console unit consists of a 14x8x2 inch rectangular plastic case that houses the motherboard, with a cartridge slot on the right side and connectors for the external power supply and RF jack at the rear. The controllers connect into plugs in a recessed area on the top of the unit.
    The design of the controllers is similar to that of Mattel's Intellivision—the controller is rectangular and consists of a numeric keypad and a set of side buttons. In place of the circular control disc below the keypad, the Coleco controller has a short, 1.5-inch joystick. The keypad is designed to accept a thin plastic overlay that maps the keys for a particular game. Each ColecoVision console shipped with two controllers.
    All first-party cartridges and most third-party software titles feature a twelve-second pause before presenting the game select screen. This delay results from an intentional loop in the console's BIOS to enable on-screen display of the ColecoVision brand. Companies like Parker Brothers, Activision, and Micro Fun bypassed this loop, which necessitated embedding portions of the BIOS outside the delay loop, further reducing storage available to actual game programming.
    [edit]Technical specifications
    CPU: Zilog Z80A @ 3.58 MHz
    Video processor: Texas Instruments TMS9928A
    256x192 resolution
    32 sprites
    16 colors
    Sound: Texas Instruments SN76489A
    3 tone generators
    1 noise generator
    VRAM: 16 KB
    RAM: 8 KB
    Storage: Cartridge: 8/16/24/32 KB
    >> LordOfTheFridge !4E0aNsouDw 01/10/10(Sun)18:36 No.46508304
    I don't get it, are the people spamming wikipedia articles just those Anonymous that think Tripcode = Faggot?
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)18:36 No.46508311
    Playing high speed racing games like burnout of wipeout in first person sounds pretty incredible. What about JRPG's though? play as the main character? I'm not really sure.
    >> Pikachu !!zO7QpRShARb 01/10/10(Sun)18:36 No.46508313
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    An MMO also sounds like another option, but with added technology this'll lead right into the whole VR situation.
    The scary parts of VR are already happening/have happened to people.

    On another note, how do I make an archive request for a thread? This needs to be posted as a future example to try to cure /v/.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)18:36 No.46508323
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    They said the same thing before this generation.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)18:37 No.46508365
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    rom its introduction, Coleco had touted a hardware add-on called the Expansion Module #1 which made the ColecoVision compatible with the industry-leading Atari 2600. Functionally, this gave the ColecoVision the largest software library of any console of its day. The expansion module prompted legal action from Atari, but Atari was unable to stop sales of the module because the 2600 could be reproduced with standard parts. Coleco was also able to design and market the Gemini game system which was an exact clone of the 2600, but with combined joystick/paddle controllers.
    Expansion Module #2 is a driving controller expansion that consists of a steering wheel, gas pedal and the pack-in game Turbo. The driving controller is also compatible with the games Destructor and Dukes Of Hazzard.
    Expansion Module #3, the final hardware expansion module, was released in the summer of 1983. Module #3 converts the ColecoVision into a full-fledged computer known as the Coleco Adam, complete with keyboard and digital data pack (DDP) cassette drives. Module #3 was originally conceived to be the ColecoVision Super Game Module using game wafers as the storage medium. Although Coleco presented a mock-up of the SGM at the 1983 New York Toy Show, that product was never manufactured. There were also rumors that Expansion Module #3 was to have incorporated an RCA CED player to store larger amounts of data.
    Coleco prototyped a fourth expansion module intended to provide compatibility with Mattel's Intellivision, but this was never released.
    Two controller expansions were also available. First was the Roller Controller, a trackball packaged with a port of the arcade game Slither, a Centipede clone and meant to be used with some dedicated games like Victory or to enhance the gameplay of previously published cartridges which benefitted from its trackball system (like Wargames).
    >> LordOfTheFridge !4E0aNsouDw 01/10/10(Sun)18:37 No.46508392
    I find that a world that's bright coupled with horror usually turns into an insane game, or loses some sense of being serious in a gamer's mind.
    >> Anonymous 01/10/10(Sun)18:38 No.46508411
    ... Except for the Wiki sage articles.

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