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    File : 1262316110.jpg-(193 KB, 1024x614, ragnajin.jpg)
    193 KB Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)22:21 No.45712899  
    Alright guys.

    So I got Blazblue for christmas. I never really played 2D fighters aside from the Street Fighter games when I was a kid.

    I figured that since this was from the same company that did guilty gear it would be some complex shit since I bought guilty gear isuka and didn't have a CLUE how to play it. I figured it would be like that, or maybe just long button string memorization which I always found to be mind-numbingly boring shit.

    As it turns out, each character only has about 5-10 moves, and the input sequences are simple. They can even be mapped to the right joystick and done instantly.

    I figured I would need a lot of practice and training, but as it turns out, if you just button mash, the game is easy as shit.

    This is my basic strategy for beating anyone in BB. I usually use Taokaka.

    1) Dash up close to them, attempt to grab
    2) If grab hits, hit D in mid air, bounce off for extra hit
    3) if grab fails, dash in again and start button mashing
    4) When/if you corner them, start using any kitty claw attack
    5) repeat

    Wow, this sure is hardcore guys.

    Explain to me how this is a real man's fighting game and Brawl isn't? Cause you know, Brawl has the move decay system so you can't use faggy tactics like I have to actually vary your strategy and whatnot?

    Actually, the more I think about it, the more Brawl seems like the real man's fighting game. I know it has cutesy characters and all that. But really think about it: if you turn the items off, doesn't Brawl require more skill? I mean, if only for the fact that the game doesn't let you spam attacks ad nausem.

    Not saying Blazblue is a bad game. Certainly not. It looks pretty, and it's fun. But in the end, button mashing can get you everywhere. And even if not, you only need to know a few sequences to win.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)22:23 No.45712995
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    Not sure if troll
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)22:24 No.45713085

    Not a troll. I'm sure the Brawl thing will make a lot of people think so, but I've put hundreds of hours into Brawl and never got tired of it. I'm already getting tired of Blazblue and it's only been a few days.

    So I'm just wondering - what's the difference here?
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)22:25 No.45713138
    Nobody responded to you in the other thread, so now you're gonna make a whole new thread? Desperate much?
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)22:26 No.45713159
    You have obviously never fought a good player
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)22:26 No.45713172
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    >button mashing with Tao

    What kind of idiots are you playing against?
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)22:27 No.45713220
    the main difference so far is your personal taste in the vidya.
    Don't like BlazBlue? Keep it to yourself, we don't care.
    But enjoy Brawl if you love that bro. Happy new year
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)22:27 No.45713222

    I built on my original post and thought I would present it to the entirety of /v/ since you guys were lost in your discussion. Problem?
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)22:27 No.45713236

    >Spam attacks


    I see your problem
    >> Britniii !KPn4/zsgsM 12/31/09(Thu)22:28 No.45713292
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    >If you turn the items off
    >Tourneyfag detected
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)22:28 No.45713303
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    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)22:29 No.45713360

    A few level 50-ish. I played one Hakumen, beat the shit out of him the first round, then got stomped the next, barely scraped by in the final round.

    He sent me a friend request saying "your Taokaka is good man". I lol'd. It was my second day playing Blazblue.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)22:30 No.45713463
    wow you can button mash against people who don't have a clue congratulations
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)22:31 No.45713481
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    >doesn't let you spam attacks ad nausem.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)22:31 No.45713500
    >i see your problem

    Um, I don't have a problem. That's the thing. My faggy tactics work.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)22:32 No.45713522
    Have you even been playing people that have a respectable skill level or anything? It's not like brawl doesn't have strategies like this that work against people who suck and/or the CPU. Every game does pretty much.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)22:32 No.45713543
    Yeah from playing it for 5 minutes you sure have come to an accurate conclusion.
    BB characters have about 40 moves each.
    Each character has a completely unique mechanic which will have to be dealt with differently depending on who you're playing.
    And.. no wait why do I even bother replying to obvious troll.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)22:34 No.45713629
    >I don't know what move decay is
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)22:34 No.45713671
    I find it hilarious how you made a Taokaka strategy guide, saying what you always do in succession... as if that worked against a smart opponent after one time.

    It's like saying hey guys i found the reason why daigo is so good, just spam at melee range and then hadokens and u win all matches!!!!!!!

    Seriously now, you're either a masterfull troll or a god tier retard/underage faggot.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)22:35 No.45713721

    I've gone through story mode with each character and I printed out a moveset guide. I'm not sure what the other moves are, unless you're referring to the varying directional attacks and weak/mid/strong...
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)22:35 No.45713727
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    >Implying doing slightly less damage after spamming the same move over time matters when Snake and Metaknight can still win by literally using 2-3 moves over and over.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)22:38 No.45713925
    >implying anyone uses Metaknight

    Also, Snake's side smash (which I assume you're referring to) is easy as hell to avoid.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)22:39 No.45713982
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    >2) If grab hits, hit D in mid air, bounce off for extra hit
    Brotip: You can airdash forward and start an air combo after a grab that does way more damage than one little D move.

    Also, if you're beating people with that strategy then they're, and I hate using the term, scrubs. There's a wealth of depth (not as much as like SF4, though) to dig into this game.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)22:39 No.45714002
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    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)22:40 No.45714023
    Let me guess.
    You play online don't you?
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)22:41 No.45714097
    I love how OP is trying to force his point so hard he made a new thread about this

    >guys, hey guys, I think brawl is the deepest figther of all times, right guys? am I right guys? ... guys??

    The answer is one and has been clear for years: no.

    Brawl is even a japanese "fighter" and it's completely ignored by the japanese who have the biggest community of the genre. And they dont just stick to SF, they actually play all kind of figthing games (even those obscure games most of the people never heard of and will never get a western release). But nothing. You don't see a top gamer having interest for melee/brawl. Ask yourself why.

    To top it all, even Nintendo said the game is designed to be casual fun (and succeeded in it, gotta say).

    Where's your manly complex game now.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)22:41 No.45714123

    Online and offline as well. I have an easier time offline of course. But in the end, my strategy usually holds up.
    >> Corvus !pp1QJ4VZwc 12/31/09(Thu)22:43 No.45714212
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    what fucking idiot are you playing against in that you beat them with tao THAT EASILY.

    go play someone that require skill, like Nu.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)22:43 No.45714246
    epic trol
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)22:44 No.45714273
    Yeah, you were referring to specials, whereas the poster you're replying to thought you meant 'moves in general'.

    Anyways, yes, you can win matches by button mashing online. The average online match doesn't really say much about advanced play, however.
    It's like saying you can beat Gary Kasperov at chess because you've beaten a few of your friends.
    You've discovered your first reliable tactic. Soon, if you keep at it, you'll discover that there are holes in this tactic. How you respond to this will say a lot about your outlook on tournament fighters.
    If you refuse to adapt and change your tactics, you can't get better. If you've no will to get better... well, not much other players can do about that. :(
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)22:45 No.45714376
    So now you prove that besides not knowing anything about BB, you know nothing about Brawl.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)22:45 No.45714378
    Best troll of 2009
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)22:46 No.45714425
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    Im gonna have to guess there is an epic amount of samefagging in here. I refuse to belive that /v/ falls for shit tier trolls such as this.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)22:46 No.45714432
    Come on, we've seen way better.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)22:46 No.45714479

    Nobody uses MK because of the "broken" stigma attached to him, and Snake's "direct attacks" like his bazooka, etc, are easy to spot and avoid. if you get hit by his mines or C4, you're just a retard.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)22:48 No.45714607
    This is the kind of strategy that gets destroyed by any player who knows what moves have iframes, or any player who knows how to do a proper defense.
    >> Shinsigami the Wonder Weeaboo !qqpx1EjQ2Q 12/31/09(Thu)22:49 No.45714668
    Blazblue is a very good fighting game.

    What I do not appreciate are people like OP who use faggy tactics.

    I also equally do not appreciate most of the other fags in this thread who thinks that Blazblue is sooooo deep. While OP is a fag and probably a troll, you have to admit that button mashing can get you a lot of places in any fighting game, not just Blazblue. A seasoned veteran could conceivably lose against a newbie if only for the concept that lack of a strategy can confuse those who have established strategies.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)22:49 No.45714673
    Well, Blazblue IS ass, but not for the reasons you provided.

    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)22:50 No.45714720
    if at first you don't succeed...
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)22:51 No.45714764
    If the people your playing with even give you the chance to "dash in" then you're playing with preschoolers.
    Also, I bet an idiot ice car spamming could beat you.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)22:51 No.45714775

    Actually, I can forsee OP's tactic working fairly well, even against players who have skill. First, they rush in and try to grab you. You assume they'll do it again, so you try to counter block, but get hit before you can grab. Then maybe you figure they're gonna keep attacking, so you block, and get grabbed.

    It's possible..
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)22:52 No.45714845
    Or they see you dashing like a retard again and punish with a poke.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)22:52 No.45714878
    >lack of a strategy can confuse those who have established strategies.

    Dude, you just blew my fucking mind.
    >> Hubro Chávez !!65MLtCUTI9B 12/31/09(Thu)22:53 No.45714922
    I buttonmashed on burazu bururu a lot. I won about half the time. Low level play, but still lol.

    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)22:54 No.45714960
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    OP's trollin' or has only played against newbies and scrubs.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)22:54 No.45714987

    Not to bump this already shit thread, but I disagree. Players who are actually good have a solid defence mode that they switch to and know how to bait and punish. Any scrub who mashes will break down when the person starts blocking.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)22:55 No.45715047
    >mashing can get you wins

    Yeah, you're terrible at fighters.

    >A seasoned veteran could conceivably lose against a newbie if only for the concept that lack of a strategy can confuse those who have established strategies.

    Hahaha, oh fucking wow. Yeah, maybe if the newbie is able to guess exact position, choice of moves, frame trap combinations, enemy guessing of every instant of battle for a prolonged amount of time, well, I'd say winning the lottery is more likely to happen.

    The answer is: you think you're a "seasoned veteran" who loses to idiots mashing just being unlucky. But the thing is, you're still terrible at the game since you get beaten by those. Step it up beginner, stop whining, or quit.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)22:55 No.45715066
    Coming from GG, I'm not really the first one to call Blazblue 'sooooo deep'. These days, I barely even bother trying to quantify 'depth' in a fighter, as it's really a meaningless idea.
    Everything is as deep as you make it as far as gameplay is concerned.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)22:57 No.45715168
    SF2 Hyper fighting had a shit-ton of depth, yet no real mechanics to speak of.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)22:57 No.45715207
    Except that everyone uses MK exactly because of that, Tornado and a lot of his moves have transcendent priority. Snake is the master of spacing, he dominates the field, and the position you are in with his explosives, Oh, and his "direct attacks" are his f-tilt, his u-tilt, and his jabs. And they're fast, disjointed, and/or strong.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)22:57 No.45715208
    Even faster when they realize they strategy being employed isn't even a valid blockstring.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)22:57 No.45715224

    You mean like those pro tournament SF4 players who spam hadouken for half the match? God damn, maybe if I train hard I can be as good as them one day.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)22:58 No.45715236
    The only thing bad about BlazBlue really is the story. They just put a bunch of random stuff together.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)22:59 No.45715288
    Cool troll, bro
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)23:01 No.45715415

    Woah. Extremely asspained XBL kid getting beaten by beginner Ken/Ryu spamming hadoukens.

    You make it sound so easy, it's just hadouken spam as you say, why dont you try and fight them? It's just QFC+P, you learn it in 10 seconds. Go and win tournaments, son, and come back here gloriously!

    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)23:01 No.45715440
    Eh, sadly they're only doing what's necessary as a defense. It's really boring to watch, but thanks to silly way projectiles are implemented in SF, there are times when just chucking fireballs to counter others fireballs are your best option.

    That said, SF isn't my game. I do have to say though, ST is a lot of fun when playing the projectileless characters.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)23:01 No.45715442
    is a god like troll compared to
    Take note OP. this is how its done.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)23:03 No.45715540

    Nowadays' kids don't know shit about the art of zoning.

    Of course, with Halo and CoD being the competitive hot shits around, how would you ever understand that concept.

    What can you do, what can you do...
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)23:05 No.45715701

    You know that a move like hadouken has the same strategy value of a sweep (the move people like you love to spam and think it requires more skill or it's somewhat more honorable to use/funnier to watch - the perfect scrub mentality), it's all about spacing, where and when to use it, disable and mindfuck opponent and try not to let him do the same and gain ground. Sorry for the reply, you can go back to mindlessly mash on brawl now.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)23:06 No.45715731
    I don't know any pros who do this.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/09(Thu)23:06 No.45715759
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