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  • File : 1261009684.png-(26 KB, 800x450, 1256792785285.png)
    26 KB BLAZBLUE THREAD SleeplessRegent 12/16/09(Wed)19:28 No.44623049  
    So, I said I'd make one for people who like to play at a reasonable hour.

    Any Xbox players feel like a game? I'd be willing to make a room if no one else will

    also blazblue general I guess
    >> SleeplessRegent 12/16/09(Wed)19:31 No.44623291
         File1261009905.png-(270 KB, 800x575, Noel_Vermillion_by_DeviantShu.png)
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    I guess any time before 11 is a bust?

    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)19:33 No.44623372
    more noel please
    >> SleeplessRegent 12/16/09(Wed)19:35 No.44623499
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    I have some, but not a lot
    >> SleeplessRegent 12/16/09(Wed)19:42 No.44623839
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    most of which aren't uploading for some reason...

    >> SleeplessRegent 12/16/09(Wed)19:47 No.44624158
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    Do I need to play ranked for an hour and check back?
    >> raltese !7VARROT7Ms 12/16/09(Wed)19:48 No.44624296
    >reasonable hour

    Are you playing with anyone yet?

    I have trouble believing many people would play before midnight eastern time.
    >> SleeplessRegent 12/16/09(Wed)19:51 No.44624458
         File1261011085.png-(35 KB, 180x200, hakumen.png)
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    Not yet, though I'm very close to giving up and trying later

    8 o'clock can't be that bad?
    >> raltese !7VARROT7Ms 12/16/09(Wed)19:56 No.44624850
    Don't know.

    I'd pop on solely so you're not so alone, but I'm PS3. You're 360.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)19:59 No.44625098

    For those of you interested in the new character songs, there are samples available for Bang's and Tsubaki's character songs. Bang's is based off of this particular nicovideo:
    >> SleeplessRegent 12/16/09(Wed)20:04 No.44625416
         File1261011851.jpg-(180 KB, 1023x776, Youdodged.jpg)
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    The joy of multi-platform games!

    I'll try again in an hour or so I guess. Playing ranked to warm up..
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)20:06 No.44625588
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    Alas, I would play but It's 2AM here and I gotta get up at 8. Kinda sucks that european /v/ never wants to play blazblue :(
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)20:14 No.44626183
         File1261012496.jpg-(647 KB, 850x950, 24493bf1ff3d32b1d3cffc1dcd1f5e(...).jpg)
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    Did someone say Noel?
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)20:15 No.44626261
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    >> Unsung !!NO7ubUArw4F 12/16/09(Wed)20:16 No.44626297
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    Been practicing stick

    Can't DP worth shit anymore

    Feels bad, man.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)20:16 No.44626314
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    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)20:17 No.44626393
    should I bother buying this game when the sequel is less than a year away?
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)20:18 No.44626416
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    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)20:18 No.44626436
    I want BlazBlue, but I'm waiting for Continuum Shift.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)20:20 No.44626535
         File1261012814.jpg-(17 KB, 355x181, lambdanu.jpg)
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    In CS's story mode, Lambda will regain her memories and talk to Ragna with Nu's voice. I guarantee it.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)20:21 No.44626618
         File1261012894.jpg-(167 KB, 419x500, b60610b39d1085be2c41e05bfabd0f(...).jpg)
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    Up to you. Don't think the console release date has been confirmed but prolly safe to assume it'll be about a year at most. I'd suggest it though. Unless your main happens to be named Rachel or Noel you won't have to worry about relearning your characters or anything. Might be completely lost in the story though. Fuck; the story is even confusing WITH having played CT.

    Anyways I digress. Moar dump.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)20:22 No.44626669
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    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)20:22 No.44626680
    So Arakune has a new, shiny 4-6k curse loop.

    >> UFO !!+He5Oo7euSg 12/16/09(Wed)20:22 No.44626686
    Yeah same here.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)20:23 No.44626717
    If I wasn't stuck in the middle of other stuff I would play on 360. I just bought the game the other day in the Gamestop Buy2Get1 sale.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)20:23 No.44626751
         File1261013020.jpg-(214 KB, 700x622, e59f3808c6372c13a3441c8141b83e(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)20:23 No.44626754
    Hey, i was considering buying blazblue, how is it? I know the graphical style is cool, but how is the gameplay, online, balance, learning curve etc. My only other fighting games i played are smash bros and dead or alive. Also, can you play it with 2 or more players offline/on a couch
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)20:24 No.44626775
    Is there a way to learn to play this without playing online against fags?
    >> SleeplessRegent 12/16/09(Wed)20:24 No.44626809
    Two enjoyable ranked matches in a row, and the thread is still up!

    if anyone's looking for a game send a message
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)20:25 No.44626868
    You play fags offline.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)20:25 No.44626873
         File1261013151.jpg-(389 KB, 1029x1468, b57e1cbe3c2e7d8d4ec72344ab43e8(...).jpg)
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    BTW I'd play ya but PS3. Also haven't been able to connect for a week (guess it kinda worked out since it was finals week and all)

    Guess my main.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)20:26 No.44626881

    You play bros?
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)20:27 No.44626958

    it's 1 vs 1 only, so if you're gonna play with buddies, it's gonna be a case of "PASS DEM STICKS! I GOT NEXT!"

    As for actual playstyle, I guess it'd be more similar to SSBM with fast aerial characters like Falcon and Fox more than anything. It's the kind of game that's easy to play, but hard to play WELL.

    Online has mighty fine netcode, from what I hear, but the playerbase isn't exactly the best.
    >> Unsung !!NO7ubUArw4F 12/16/09(Wed)20:27 No.44626961
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    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)20:27 No.44626980
    Get BlazBlue now to keep you enetertained and in the BlazBlue scene. Then when CS comes out, trade that fucker in for it.
    >> Unsung !!NO7ubUArw4F 12/16/09(Wed)20:28 No.44627022
         File1261013331.jpg-(216 KB, 850x843, sample_ce4199d0ede39a39749c0c6(...).jpg)
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    Also, CS will likely be out within 6 months or so.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)20:28 No.44627027

    I have no friends that would want to play this, really.
    >> SleeplessRegent 12/16/09(Wed)20:30 No.44627157

    find bros to play online then.


    The playerbase is split. Half are fun, half are dumb
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)20:31 No.44627191

    I feel your pain. None of my friends will play me in games even remotely resembling Guilty Gear after I raped them so many time at Guilty Gear X. And I'm not even good.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)20:31 No.44627192
         File1261013484.png-(905 KB, 768x1024, 8d2ae07eda99ac9f1dbcf6c7ca4bbc(...).png)
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    Do we have any people up for a PSN room?
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)20:32 No.44627253
         File1261013541.jpg-(71 KB, 600x750, handsoffthepanda.jpg)
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    Learning curve is decent as long as you don't jump straight into online. Try out arcade and story till you find a char you like and main em. Each character plays REALLY differently and skills learned playing one character don't usually transfer over to playing a different one so you have to be relatively commited.

    Netcode is incredible. Even with my shit-tastic internet connection there's still hardly any lag once the fight starts. Tiny bit of input lag but loads better than most current gen fighters.

    Honestly, BlazBlue was my first serious fighter too and I found it really enjoyable.

    Pretty balanced with characters that play so uniquely. Of course there's always going to be "that one matchup" that's crazy hard for your main. Unless you main Nu. Then you're pretty much halfway there.

    2-Player offline yes. Get it.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)20:32 No.44627254

    Well, this game can be played with 2-players offline. I wouldn't say it has a high learning curve. I mean, if you want to be pro at it, then it does. If you just want to mess around with friends then you'll be fine. It's a fun game, everyone plays differently. I'm not that good myself, but I have a lot of fun playing against friends, who are only about as good as I am. Sometimes I'll play with /v/ and I don't win too many matches but I still have fun with that.

    It's a good game, and definitely more fun with some good friends.
    >> Victoly 12/16/09(Wed)20:32 No.44627290
    I actually haven't had a problem with the online community.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)20:33 No.44627319
         File1261013594.jpg-(125 KB, 850x850, sample_1de6140e2069fc001fe5874(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)20:33 No.44627343
    Hmmk, but what do you mean with netcode?
    Dont know what that means
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)20:35 No.44627472
         File1261013702.png-(708 KB, 850x860, sample_66166e7cc9d153173caa192(...).png)
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    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)20:35 No.44627518
    I wish I weren't so bad at this game...

    I have a way to go, don't I?
    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)20:36 No.44627536
         File1261013772.gif-(65 KB, 500x786, 4b81342f9ac7f427fd24416d430ac3(...).gif)
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    >> SleeplessRegent 12/16/09(Wed)20:36 No.44627586

    The only problem I have with them is the ones who d/c ranked matches.

    "oh this guy mains Hakumen, NOT WORTH MY TIME"

    >> Anonymous 12/16/09(Wed)20:37 No.44627618
         File1261013832.jpg-(209 KB, 800x800, 5d209bc73a97e993ec23f2c15c319f(...).jpg)
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