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12/11/09(Fri)10:15 No.44231155  File1260544544.jpg-(37 KB, 540x304, gfs_107209_2_2_mid.jpg)
 >>44230955 Hey tripfag, it appears you don't know when to use a tripcode.
aren't so you can have a name and password to log onto 4chan, this is
an anonymous imageboard for a reason, there is no sign up process and
there was never any intent for scum like you to try and pathetically
make a name for yourself in this community.
I find it offensive
that you are arrogant and enough of an attention whore to actually try
and give yourself a name and password on an anonymous imageboard - are
you actually that desperate for attention and validation on your
horrendously awful thoughts, feelings and opinions that you think you
and not the majority of 4chan users should have a name and be known
around here? Do you think you're special? Because actually all your
moronic posts are pathetic.
I'm quite frankly sick of seeing
pathetic scum like yourself posting with both a name and tripcode when
you clearly don't know when they are appropriate, besides that do you
think people actually care enough to remember your tripcode thus
proving it's you?
Here's a quote you can enjoy you pathetic wank stain: "One
Toshiaki (the default name for an anonymous poster) is as good (or as
much a loser) as another." There is no reason for anyone to feel like
they stand out as someone important in this Japanese community. If
nicknames were used, as the creator of the board Hiroyuki Nishimura
once explained in an interview, those people would gain authority in
this network over time... an authority which would make it harder for
others to tell them "what you say is wrong/boring/lame." Nishimura
says, “All information is treated equally; only an accurate argument
will work.” And: "People can only truly discuss something when they
don’t know each other."
you've had enough of childish tripfags ruining /v/ please copy and
paste this whenever quoting a tripspastic, and don't forget to sage! |