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  • File : 1260422554.jpg-(36 KB, 819x260, Friendship Ends.jpg)
    36 KB Project Kurtz !cfZiGIAqOg 12/10/09(Thu)00:22 No.44141943  
    Hey guys.

    Friendship ends in one day.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)00:23 No.44141995
    >> Project Kurtz !cfZiGIAqOg 12/10/09(Thu)00:24 No.44142031
    The blog.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)00:33 No.44142498
         File1260423225.png-(293 KB, 570x356, 1259991236236.png)
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    What is it???
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)00:35 No.44142573
    When a soldier kills a demo or vice versa, the announcer sometimes says something about friendship.

    soldier vs demo update tomorrow.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)00:36 No.44142609
    >> Anoon !9pI4h3/VLg 12/10/09(Thu)00:36 No.44142631
    I get depressed when I see this, because I find that I've been on here so long, people from all different timezones are waking up and getting this news, when I knew it 6 hours ago.
    >> Project Kurtz !cfZiGIAqOg 12/10/09(Thu)00:38 No.44142722
    I've been away from my computer all day.

    So.... yeah.
    >> Anoon !9pI4h3/VLg 12/10/09(Thu)00:40 No.44142809
    I wasn't complaining mate. I was just saying that I've been on here so long that it's scary that I've skipped most people's entire nighttimes.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)00:43 No.44143019
    When the fuck will the Engineer ever have an update? Why they gotta update the 2 most balanced classes?
    >> Anoon !9pI4h3/VLg 12/10/09(Thu)00:50 No.44143348
    I don't have a source, but I've heard a lot of people quoting that the engi will be the last to be updated.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)00:52 No.44143438
    That's one Valve day. We should be getting an update sometime next year!
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)00:53 No.44143479
    I really hope "Friendship ends in one day" actually means "Shit'll be released tomorrow".
    If they're releasing what looks like a full-fledged update this weekend, I'll forgive them for everything they've done and become a Gabe-cock sucking fanboy once more.

    But yeah, well, Valve Time, etc.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)00:54 No.44143504
    engie is a fucking camp class

    its good that soldier and demo are before, but it probably would have been better if they had been updated in conjunction.

    this way people dont sit on their asses all day as engineer when the update finally comes, because there will be so many countermeasures to it.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)00:55 No.44143555
    >> Anoon !9pI4h3/VLg 12/10/09(Thu)00:55 No.44143580
    They'll probably do a 5-day reveal thing.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)00:56 No.44143627
    I thought these always started on Monday on Tuesday?
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)00:56 No.44143633
    Where are the hidden links? Don't these things usually have hidden links?
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)00:58 No.44143712
    it's Valve.
    They could shit out lightning and I wouldn't raise an eyebrow.
    >> Anoon !9pI4h3/VLg 12/10/09(Thu)01:00 No.44143791
    No hidden links yet. I've dug into it personally and there's nothing.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)01:01 No.44143833
    Man, I'm actually hoping this friendship kinda lasts.

    Call me a geek, or idort, or whatever, but seeing even a tiny bit of story makes me happy.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)01:01 No.44143852
    Speaking of which, how exactly are they found? are they just hidden in the source?
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)01:01 No.44143868
    I love you.
    >> Anoon !9pI4h3/VLg 12/10/09(Thu)01:02 No.44143898
    I believe so. Check the source for yourself if you like for the current things, it should be really simple to decode even without any PC knowledge.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)01:02 No.44143902
    click on update on blog.
    press tab when you're on the update page until you find secret shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)01:03 No.44143941
    Or Ctrl+A
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)01:03 No.44143944
    Know what's gonna make sum RAEG? The fact that some of the achievements are obviously going to be tied to the random "friendship detected" thing now. Who knows, maybe limited unlocks, too.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)01:03 No.44143957
    Now that I think about it, I don't believe I've ever seen any rule 34 of the announcer. So, /r/equesting rule 34 on the announcer and her assistant/intern/whoever that is.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)01:04 No.44143962
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    I, for one, want more story for my cartoony shootan' game.

    ...please. ;_;

    I would jizz forever if a TF2 cartoon or movie was made.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)01:05 No.44144005
    Here's hoping they'll release another Meet The Class video.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)01:06 No.44144045
    wait where did you get this?
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)01:06 No.44144073
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    I don't have anything saved, but I know I've seen at least one picture of her with the Scout's mom. And there are fanfics, but I don't know if you count that.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)01:06 No.44144092
         File1260425212.jpg-(86 KB, 1024x768, TF2 Spy Shocked.jpg)
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    >limited unlocks
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)01:06 No.44144093

    Meet The Administrator/Announcer

    I'd probably cum buckets.
    >> Anoon !9pI4h3/VLg 12/10/09(Thu)01:07 No.44144117
    They have Pyro and Medic left to do. They will.
    I believe they're having problems getting the Medic's voice actor back. However since it's the same person as Travis Touchdown, I wouldn't hold out hope for one any time soon.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)01:08 No.44144162
    Amazing artwork.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)01:08 No.44144178
    So those cereal box in left 4 dead...
    the 10th collectable figurine.

    It must be the annoucer.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)01:08 No.44144180
    I haven't played this in half a year.

    I am going to be so fucking rusty when these unlocks come out.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)01:11 No.44144301
    That's because she's a decrepit old woman, you retard.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)01:11 No.44144305
    is he dead or some shit?
    >> Anoon !9pI4h3/VLg 12/10/09(Thu)01:12 No.44144357
    No, he's working on NMH2, isn't he?
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)01:12 No.44144368
    Not dead; busy.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)01:12 No.44144377
    come on, doing voice overs doesnt take for fucking ever.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)01:13 No.44144396
         File1260425595.png-(46 KB, 156x453, pauling.png)
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    Here, Pauling 34
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)01:14 No.44144422
    These story things Valve does, like this comic. They are so incredibly atmospheric.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)01:14 No.44144449
         File1260425670.png-(12 KB, 630x592, longneck.png)
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    Oh, I got it. There will be some sorte of kill count or points between the soldier and demoman globaly (or something like that) and the one who wins gets the update first.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)01:14 No.44144459
    ook next to the word "unplug"

    from the halloween update

    family picture

    Zepheniah Mann (old guy who wrote the above letter and is seen laying in bed) is the founder of a weapons company that he gave to Saxton Hale's father, Barnabus Hale, when Zepheniah died. His twin sons argued their entire lives, so he gave them both equal rights over new found territory in America. The two sons feuding are the reason for all the fighting in TF2. You play as a bunch of mercenaries (equipped by Saxton Hale's company) hired by the twins to destroy the other twins industries. Guess who their mother is? The announcer
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)01:15 No.44144506
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    >> ~t.0.p.~ !Z38UEmTLVo 12/10/09(Thu)01:16 No.44144530
    If that is the case, I am going to play Demoman until I am black.

    I do NOT want to start my winter break off with a fucking month of nothing but soldiers on every damn server.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)01:16 No.44144539
         File1260425785.jpg-(147 KB, 1000x753, 126034381331.jpg)
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    >> Gary Squarepants 12/10/09(Thu)01:16 No.44144540
    >>44144459 idjit.

    That's his MAID.
    And she's the Announcer's MOTHER.
    >> Gary Squarepants 12/10/09(Thu)01:17 No.44144585
    SHe still looks like a satyr.
    >> Colin Mochrie !qFnMecP7cI 12/10/09(Thu)01:17 No.44144602
         File1260425871.png-(149 KB, 320x238, cmwait.png)
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    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)01:18 No.44144634
    What is this from???
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)01:20 No.44144716
    Giving all his fortune to the Hales would have united the 2 brothers against a common foe.
    Instead he wanted to make them miserable like they did with him when he was alive.
    So he gave them each a piece of the pie and let them argue over it forever while they each wasted over time their entire heritage which would be slowing going towards the same man. Hale.
    His wife saw that the masquerade kept going.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)01:20 No.44144734
         File1260426033.jpg-(98 KB, 450x796, 1260088197591.jpg)
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    I find it a little bit scary how the fan made work of what the announcer would look like, is almost exactly what was shown in that comic. :|
    >> CANO 1118 9567 0768 -plat 12/10/09(Thu)01:20 No.44144749
    they probably are gonna give them new weapons along with the healthy competition, which will probably be about explosive projectiles...

    "they met at the projectile weapons expo."
    >> Colin Mochrie !qFnMecP7cI 12/10/09(Thu)01:21 No.44144785
    It's Valve's own design.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)01:22 No.44144812
    Valve loves letting fans do the doity work, it's how TF2 started.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)01:23 No.44144873
    >>but the only difference from the fan concept is the colors
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)01:25 No.44144941
    maybe demoman gets either a shotgun or some projectile rockets, while solider gets grenades?
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)01:25 No.44144973
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)01:25 No.44144989
    You're only correct on the technicality that Valve hired the Deviantartist that originally drew that art.

    It was fanmade until Valve bought the artist.
    >> Gary Squarepants 12/10/09(Thu)01:25 No.44144990
    They apparently loved how the artist drew up the Announcer and kept the design. They just added a few adjustments like the white stripe in her hair and her purple uniform.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)01:26 No.44145033
    I love that's she's wearing a purple top and a red-purple bottom.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)01:27 No.44145110
    I think that the announcer is Elizabeth.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)01:28 No.44145152
    This is not Ragnarok Online. Even though it is/was awesome.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)01:28 No.44145158
         File1260426538.png-(294 KB, 379x400, my-brain-is-full-of-fuck.thumb(...).png)
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    >this thread

    I don't know what to think anymore...
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)01:29 No.44145188
         File1260426570.jpg-(173 KB, 1024x819, 1259521753432.jpg)
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    what, you haven't unlocked storymode yet? slowpoke
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)01:31 No.44145271
    I think your timescale is off, decendant of Elizabeth maybe.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)01:34 No.44145393
         File1260426858.png-(14 KB, 108x104, 1252786096052.png)
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    I made that pick.

    I feel full of win right now.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)01:38 No.44145578
         File1260427134.jpg-(68 KB, 500x401, halolz-dot-com-teamfortress2-d(...).jpg)
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    >> GAELIN THUNDERFAGGOT !SigGvpr2Pk 12/10/09(Thu)01:45 No.44145895
    Just so that there isn't any confusion, the dog in the photo had its brain preserved and was integrated into Alyx's DOG robot. Also the guy in the far right of the photo is actually G-Man, who is referred to in the letter in the obscured section about secrets.
    >> GAELIN THUNDERFAGGOT !SigGvpr2Pk 12/10/09(Thu)01:50 No.44146133

    Also the shotgun held by Barnabas Hale is Annabelle, Father Grigori's shotgun. You should also note that he fought in WW2 as he has a DOD:S trench knife or bayonet on his person. The Announcer eventually funds Aperture Science through her exploitation of RED and BLU's feud. Aperture utilises her personality and voice in the A.I. "GLADDOS", unfortunately a bug results in it becoming outright homocidal and voice becomes more chipper.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)01:58 No.44146457
    Shall I assume Pauline's great-granddaughter, what with being in their blood to be a lackey, is Overwatch for the Combine?
    >> GAELIN THUNDERFAGGOT !SigGvpr2Pk 12/10/09(Thu)02:00 No.44146540

    Definitely. When Scout grows up he also buys a beam sword off eBay and uses it to become an assassin, but I don't think its been confirmed by Valve yet.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)02:02 No.44146662
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)02:05 No.44146770
    >implying he isn't.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)02:12 No.44147081

    Demo used to be major OP, but he's been nerfed so hard I don't think you can still call him OP.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)02:16 No.44147230
    Sorry what? I couldn't hear you over the sound of one stick bomb killing my heavy.

    >>implying the demoman is in ANYWAY balanced, you fucking fools
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)02:20 No.44147422
    This anon speaks the truth.
    >> Mort. 12/10/09(Thu)02:45 No.44148627
    He's not that bad, it all depends.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)03:05 No.44149506
    when i stop getting killed by a single pipe/sticky from full fucking health he wont be OP.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)03:05 No.44149514
    >> Motherfucking !xHGARYoak6 12/10/09(Thu)03:07 No.44149606
         File1260432428.jpg-(300 KB, 880x1668, 01.jpg)
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    posting the comic! BRACE
    >> Motherfucking !xHGARYoak6 12/10/09(Thu)03:08 No.44149690
         File1260432518.jpg-(302 KB, 880x1668, 02.jpg)
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    >> Motherfucking !xHGARYoak6 12/10/09(Thu)03:10 No.44149767
         File1260432635.jpg-(329 KB, 880x1668, 03.jpg)
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    also, the girl in the comic is part of the new class
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)03:10 No.44149778
    let me guess, bikedog, get the fuck out of here
    >> Mort. 12/10/09(Thu)03:11 No.44149794
    lolwut? Stop playing such weak classes.
    >> Motherfucking !xHGARYoak6 12/10/09(Thu)03:14 No.44149930
         File1260432845.jpg-(306 KB, 880x1668, 04.jpg)
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    >> Motherfucking !xHGARYoak6 12/10/09(Thu)03:15 No.44150014
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    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)03:18 No.44150123
    GOOD /34 on Pauling please.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)03:19 No.44150161
         File1260433177.jpg-(10 KB, 428x326, 28.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)03:20 No.44150203
    Why am I getting Soldier x Demoman vibes?

    Also, Administrator x Pauline?!
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)03:24 No.44150354
    This. (check first comment)
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)03:27 No.44150470
    >Eye Museum
    Oh, Valve.

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