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  • File : 1260131306.jpg-(830 KB, 907x1261, 1259420128759.jpg)
    830 KB Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)15:28 No.43946667  
    Can anyone explain to me the relationship between /v/ and /a/?
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)15:29 No.43946710

    If there is any then /v/ is full of more faggots than I initially realized.
    >> Namomo !!Z3RFFZClUrF 12/06/09(Sun)15:29 No.43946757
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    /a/ is /v/'s cuter older sister.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)15:30 No.43946800
    Tsundere x Tsundere.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)15:30 No.43946850

    >implying /v/ isn't the second gayest board.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)15:31 No.43946895
    /a/ is better at games than /v/
    more fun to play games with too
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)15:32 No.43946989
    >> Namomo !!Z3RFFZClUrF 12/06/09(Sun)15:35 No.43947185
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    Try making a thread about games on /a/.

    Watch them actually discuss the game.

    I've seen it happen.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)15:36 No.43947191
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    I understand /a/ is nothing but weeaboo faggots and neckbeards.

    We have neckbeards and weeaboos. There's a POKEMAN TRADAN CATCHAN LOL thread every hour.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)15:37 No.43947242
    /co/ is the gayest and we are proud of that fact
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)15:38 No.43947319
    They play every game /v/ does, plus more
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)15:39 No.43947367
    /a/ is a tsundere trap that is in a relationship with asshole /v/. Someone drew up a doujin of /v/ and /a/ going at it, with i think /co/ as a moeblob in the background.
    >> Namomo !!Z3RFFZClUrF 12/06/09(Sun)15:39 No.43947395
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    The weeaboos there are better than the weeaboos here.

    And the neckbeards have bushier beards on their necks.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)15:40 No.43947422
    ITT: people don't realize that half of the people who browse /a/ also browse /v/ and vice versa.
    >> Lamer Gamer !XwRXAZB.36 12/06/09(Sun)15:40 No.43947450
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    >> Mog !!VchrloHGtBm 12/06/09(Sun)15:41 No.43947492
    The avatar fag speaks the truth

    I get better responses from FF threads on /a/ than /v/

    Though apart from WoL the people are not as good...
    >> Chicken 12/06/09(Sun)15:41 No.43947528
         File1260132114.jpg-(64 KB, 708x580, this is how it really goes.jpg)
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    the relationship goes something like this.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)15:42 No.43947551
    /a/ is the only board faggier than /v/ so it's natural that they have a close relationship(not counting /b/ for obvious reasons and /fa/ because you can't get faggier than them).
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)15:42 No.43947567
    >Someone drew up a doujin of /v/ and /a/ going at it, with i think /co/ as a moeblob in the background.

    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)15:42 No.43947568
    Japan makes games
    /v/ stands for games (i know it's hard to believe it but it's true)
    japan also makes PS3
    PS3 is for games

    not that hard isn't it?
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)15:43 No.43947588
    >ha! yes! eat that tripfag! thatll show you to post on MY 4chan! Anon in leejun! xD
    >> Mog !!VchrloHGtBm 12/06/09(Sun)15:43 No.43947594
    I lol'd
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)15:43 No.43947611
    stop spamming ur shitty board on A n o n t a l k . com
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)15:43 No.43947634
    /a/ likes all game platforms
    /v/ only likes the PS3 because they never talk about games
    >> Water !!a0j30T5Lh0B 12/06/09(Sun)15:43 No.43947639
    There is no relationship. They're two boards on 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)15:44 No.43947661

    And that's why we love you,/co/
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)15:44 No.43947680
    Therefore the relationship is that they are both boards on 4chan
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)15:44 No.43947685
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    >> Lamer Gamer !XwRXAZB.36 12/06/09(Sun)15:44 No.43947687

    Cause it's not like I'm a tripfag or anything, right?

    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)15:44 No.43947696
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)15:44 No.43947708
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    I decided to take a look at /a/ once. There was a thread with people discussing their relationships with imaginary girlfriends. Some said they would brutally murder their girlfriend if she did something wrong.

    I slowly backed out of there and never returned.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)15:45 No.43947741
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    >> Mog !!VchrloHGtBm 12/06/09(Sun)15:45 No.43947776
    I like that image
    Made me lol a little
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)15:46 No.43947794
    I think /g/ and /v/ have a stronger relationship then /a/ and /v/ Kinda like /fa/ and /fit/ are faggot lovers
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)15:46 No.43947811
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    aww yeah
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)15:46 No.43947815
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    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)15:46 No.43947831

    You don't think very much, do you?
    >> Mort. 12/06/09(Sun)15:46 No.43947832
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    Video games are more accepted into the mainstream than anime is, this is the reason /a/ hates /v/. We're generally less social fuckwits and when someone finds out we like games they don't care, as opposed to thinking someone likes Naruto or DBZ when they mention anime.

    That and we have better /a/ related threads then /a/ does.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)15:46 No.43947837
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    /a/ is like /jp/ now.

    Used to be you could discuss all kinds of anime and manga there aside from Naruto but last time I visited it was awful. They really don't care about anime, it's just a source of waifus for them.

    /v/, although strongly opinionated, can't be said to not have an interest in video games in contrast.
    >> Water !!a0j30T5Lh0B 12/06/09(Sun)15:47 No.43947853
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    Last time I went to /a/. Every thread was asking for pictures of some tripfags dick.

    I never went back.
    >> Sudowoodo !!3qUlT4d9A1L 12/06/09(Sun)15:47 No.43947860
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    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)15:47 No.43947867
    As long as its a JRPG
    >> Skull Kid 12/06/09(Sun)15:47 No.43947875
    >Anon in leejun! xD
    >its a tripfag

    har har.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)15:48 No.43947916
    I love the bulge coming from underneath her skirt.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)15:48 No.43947933
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    >we have better /a/ related threads then /a/ does
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)15:48 No.43947960
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    >> Mog !!VchrloHGtBm 12/06/09(Sun)15:48 No.43947961

    Both you two went at weird times then
    When I've been everything seems quite normal...
    >> Lamer Gamer !XwRXAZB.36 12/06/09(Sun)15:49 No.43948005


    Jesus that show is terrible. The only High School shows that should be around are stuff like Cromartie.

    Fuck, it's even worse than Lucky Star's fanbase.
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)15:49 No.43948022
    Fuck, I probably should have refreshed the page before posting...
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)15:50 No.43948023
    That's better than here how?
    >> Bumpers !!4KH6b+ml99j 12/06/09(Sun)15:50 No.43948038
         File1260132620.jpg-(72 KB, 1280x720, 1 (8).jpg)
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    >Visit /a/ as I randomly do on occasions
    >First thread is Namimi asking me to go back to /v/
    You were just waiting right?
    >> Anonymous 12/06/09(Sun)15:50 No.43948039
    Are you suggested it isn't true? All /a/ talks about are waifus and that fucking Battler visual novel or whatever. The only acceptable anime for discussion is K-ON for the moe and Bakemonogatari for the "pretentious".

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