Go to bed, Scott, you're still not funny.
I'm starting to hate VGcats more than B^Uckly now... at least the faggot updates on time.
At least it uses the Medkits
I remember that sometime during 08 Scott said he wasn't going to attend anymore conventions for that year... lol
something is wrong with their mouth's. They same mouth isn't used over and over throughout the hole thing
Ugh, come on Katie, get back so we can read your awesome comics.
>>43730095You won't last
Made me lol.
I remember when VGcats used to update on time... every monday... ;_;
Hate these 'mics.
>>43730224At least she actually made alright jokes.
>>43730224It's that stupid boyfriend of hers, he's keeping her from drawing comics.
Holy crap, an update! I guess I can't be as cool as the haters, cuz it made me laugh.
Scott once made a news post about Duke Nukem Forever, ranting about how it's taking so long and that they should stop teasing us with the promise of a game.>Comic goes up next week>Comic tomorrow I swear>Comic? I'm redrawing it lol>Scraped Idea, it was shit>Comic next week
Who's Katie, what are her comics?
>>43730254We are too busy playing video games to update regularly. Sorry for the inconvenience.
>>43730254That was so long ago...
>>43730417That's a lie and you know it, you keep going to conventions ;_;
>use med-kit on teammate>force them to stand still as a tank rushes at them>stop at the last second>they aren't healed, tank punches them in the face
>>43730417Scott doesn't play videogames.
This makes B^Uckley look like a genius
>>43729943dayum, coach turns into Max Payne in the last panel
>>43730401Awkward Zombie.They're good, but they only focus on Nintendo themed games
>>43730417Say hello to the filter you sorry sack of shit
>>43730298And drew herself how she actually is>>43730307I think Varn actually wants her to draw comics. Might just be college in her way.
>>43730490Who said anything about him?
Scott Rammalammadingdong is a faggot
>>43730554pic related
>>43730603In my opinion, she drew herself even uglier.Which is great.
D'awwww, his Coach is adorable.
>>43730579Don't forget WoW. I hate it when she does those. They're much more inside-joke stuff.
>>43730640That's trueShe looks a lot better in real life.
>>43730608We all know that you and Leo are too busy fucking to make comics, stop being furry faggots and make some fucking comics.
>>43730752Captain Haddock last panel?
>>43730829Her father looks too much like Captain HaddockIt's mentally disturbing
>>43730608How many times must i tell you people, WE ARE NOT FUCKING! OKAY?!
>>43730417Oh look, yet another avatarfag.
>>43730915Oh joy, and this one roleplays, too.
>>43729943After making yet another L4D comic, he finally updates... with a L4D2 comic.Genius.
>>43731071I hate furries and all, but why is this so damn adorable? ;_;
>>43731339cause your a furry! ahahahapic very related
>>43731495Wouldn't you like to know?
>>43731495http://rule34.paheal.net/post/list/Aeris%28VG_Cats%29/1fap away
Well, it's been fun, but this thread is quickly spiraling downward.
>>43731495Leo isn't exactly the smartest of the bunch.
>>43730517Get out of here Tim
>>43731715Didn't TIm like Scott until he jumped aboard the CADabortion bandwagon?
>>43731617Yes I would!
>>43731617Well, I know what i'm fapping to tonight.
>>43731859someones a bit blind
>>43730224>Katie Tiedrich>Awesome comicsYeah I would fuck her but shes still a unfunny stuck up bitch
>>43731859See >>43731690That'll teach you two for recording yourselves having sex.
>>43731003That comic is actually kind of adorable.I hate myself for thinking so.
>>43731905OH SHUT IT, YOU!
>>43731794I don't ever recall him doing that, but I shit myself when I saw this...
>VG Cats thread derailing into RP Avatarfag and furry VG Cats porn spamNever change, /v/.
>>43732034aww you get so cute when your mad
Cool tripfag circlejerk
>>43732126He also did that bit with the five dancing aborted fetuses.Well...four after a cat ate one.
>>43732034You know this was going to happen right?It's obvious how /v/'s mind works, maybe you know that you can derail any thread you want into furry porn.
>>43732034Less talk, more porn
F@nboy$ is just as bad as Vgcats for updates.
>>43732126>That's the joke
>>43731339Because you are a furry.
>>43732136I actually wish I derailed it into an AZ threadAh well, furry porn is close enough.
Whatever happened to that techguy in CAD... how long is it gonna be before B^Uckley kills him off?
>>43732592Tim actually removed him from the Bio.
>>43732158Indeed I am aware of that, although bringing iit up won't remove the porn off the internet
>>43732592>>43732666>I can't include every character in every strip. Nor do I try to give every character equal "screen time". I write the storylines as they come to me, and I use the characters I need for said stories. Some characters are just supporting roles in the comic, and they don't appear often. It's just how it is.> I write the storylines as they come to meThat would explain CADabortion.
>>43732592Scott? He was my favourite back when CAD was good. Him and his badass penguin.inb4 CAD was never good. I used to love that comic.
>>43732863I'll admit it was good back when it started, it seemed a hell of a lot better than all the spritecomics that were going on at the time, but then Tim became a fag and introduced Lilah and it went to the shitter.
>>43732863Apparently he wrote the x-bot out too, seems as if he's hell bent on re-writing the comic to become a drama.
>>43733026Well at least I'm no longer the center of attention.
>>43733167Do me
>>43733116Sooner or later video-games in the CAD world won't exist due to some super-virus.
>>43733167ShaddupYeah, I liked CAD back when I was like... 15, maybe I grew out of it, maybe the comic has gone down hill. But to me, it shall always be that comic with two guys and a Mellon.
it makes me feel good knowing he probably spent forever drawing that final panel and its still uglyseriously i hate this guys are only a little less than bucklys
>>43733116I remember seeing that comic where the girl robot came in, what actually happened?
>>43732126MY life is NOTHING like fucking Buckly depicted it!
>>43733674Are you still here?
>>43733026>>43733116>but then Tim became a fag and introduced Lilah and it went to the shitter.>Apparently he wrote the x-bot out too, seems as if he's hell bent on re-writing the comic to become a drama.FUCKING THIS CHRIST
>>43733824Yeah. Moslty because I have nowhere else to go
>>43733414Not that I had much respect for you before but, you have got to be fucking kidding me with that whole statement.