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  • File : 1259874904.jpg-(703 KB, 692x2282, 091201.jpg)
    703 KB Anonymous 12/03/09(Thu)16:15 No.43729943  
    >> Anonymous 12/03/09(Thu)16:15 No.43730002
    Go to bed, Scott, you're still not funny.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/09(Thu)16:16 No.43730032
    I'm starting to hate VGcats more than B^Uckly now... at least the faggot updates on time.
    >> Aeris !mogCYDIV7g 12/03/09(Thu)16:17 No.43730095
         File1259875025.jpg-(44 KB, 161x161, 85.jpg)
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    At least it uses the Medkits
    >> Anonymous 12/03/09(Thu)16:17 No.43730130
    I remember that sometime during 08 Scott said he wasn't going to attend anymore conventions for that year... lol
    >> Anonymous 12/03/09(Thu)16:17 No.43730160
         File1259875076.png-(186 KB, 1324x1171, 1259711643540.png)
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    >>   12/03/09(Thu)16:18 No.43730174
    something is wrong with their mouth's. They same mouth isn't used over and over throughout the hole thing
    >> Anonymous 12/03/09(Thu)16:18 No.43730224
         File1259875130.jpg-(227 KB, 688x494, Kate_by_Moby_Dik.jpg)
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    Ugh, come on Katie, get back so we can read your awesome comics.
    >> Ashin !!7GbGny89dzr 12/03/09(Thu)16:19 No.43730235
    You won't last
    >> Anonymous 12/03/09(Thu)16:19 No.43730250
    Made me lol.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/09(Thu)16:19 No.43730254
    I remember when VGcats used to update on time... every monday... ;_;
    >> Anonymous 12/03/09(Thu)16:20 No.43730295
    Hate these 'mics.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/09(Thu)16:20 No.43730298

    At least she actually made alright jokes.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/09(Thu)16:20 No.43730307
    It's that stupid boyfriend of hers, he's keeping her from drawing comics.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/09(Thu)16:21 No.43730387
    Holy crap, an update! I guess I can't be as cool as the haters, cuz it made me laugh.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/09(Thu)16:21 No.43730389
    Scott once made a news post about Duke Nukem Forever, ranting about how it's taking so long and that they should stop teasing us with the promise of a game.

    >Comic goes up next week
    >Comic tomorrow I swear
    >Comic? I'm redrawing it lol
    >Scraped Idea, it was shit
    >Comic next week
    >> Anonymous 12/03/09(Thu)16:21 No.43730401
    Who's Katie, what are her comics?
    >> Aeris !mogCYDIV7g 12/03/09(Thu)16:21 No.43730417
         File1259875308.jpg-(30 KB, 155x128, 92.jpg)
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    We are too busy playing video games to update regularly. Sorry for the inconvenience.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/09(Thu)16:22 No.43730451
         File1259875334.jpg-(43 KB, 704x396, 1237230950799.jpg)
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    That was so long ago...
    >> Anonymous 12/03/09(Thu)16:22 No.43730465
    That's a lie and you know it, you keep going to conventions ;_;
    >> Anonymous 12/03/09(Thu)16:22 No.43730467
         File1259875347.png-(62 KB, 266x223, kenan.png)
    62 KB
    >use med-kit on teammate
    >force them to stand still as a tank rushes at them
    >stop at the last second
    >they aren't healed, tank punches them in the face
    >> Anonymous 12/03/09(Thu)16:22 No.43730490

    Scott doesn't play videogames.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/09(Thu)16:23 No.43730517
    This makes B^Uckley look like a genius
    >> Anonymous 12/03/09(Thu)16:23 No.43730549
         File1259875414.jpg-(28 KB, 511x303, coach doesnt like your attitud(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/03/09(Thu)16:23 No.43730554

    dayum, coach turns into Max Payne in the last panel
    >> Anonymous 12/03/09(Thu)16:23 No.43730579
    Awkward Zombie.

    They're good, but they only focus on Nintendo themed games
    >> Anonymous 12/03/09(Thu)16:24 No.43730588
    Say hello to the filter you sorry sack of shit
    >> Anonymous 12/03/09(Thu)16:24 No.43730603
         File1259875459.jpg-(30 KB, 614x227, varn.jpg)
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    And drew herself how she actually is

    I think Varn actually wants her to draw comics. Might just be college in her way.
    >> Aeris !mogCYDIV7g 12/03/09(Thu)16:24 No.43730608
         File1259875462.jpg-(27 KB, 111x116, 83.jpg)
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    Who said anything about him?
    >> Hank "The Fist" Scorpio !!D1wEzlENbVA 12/03/09(Thu)16:24 No.43730611
    Scott Rammalammadingdong is a faggot
    >> Anonymous 12/03/09(Thu)16:24 No.43730628
         File1259875485.jpg-(115 KB, 480x621, MP3.jpg)
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    pic related
    >> Anonymous 12/03/09(Thu)16:24 No.43730640

    In my opinion, she drew herself even uglier.

    Which is great.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/09(Thu)16:25 No.43730684
         File1259875523.jpg-(27 KB, 119x194, 1259874904709.jpg)
    27 KB
    D'awwww, his Coach is adorable.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/09(Thu)16:26 No.43730742
    Don't forget WoW. I hate it when she does those. They're much more inside-joke stuff.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/09(Thu)16:26 No.43730752
         File1259875580.jpg-(136 KB, 650x1015, comic113.jpg)
    136 KB
    That's true

    She looks a lot better in real life.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/09(Thu)16:26 No.43730792
    We all know that you and Leo are too busy fucking to make comics, stop being furry faggots and make some fucking comics.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/09(Thu)16:27 No.43730829
    Captain Haddock last panel?
    >> Anonymous 12/03/09(Thu)16:28 No.43730901
         File1259875713.jpg-(159 KB, 650x1564, comic43.jpg)
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    Her father looks too much like Captain Haddock

    It's mentally disturbing
    >> Aeris !mogCYDIV7g 12/03/09(Thu)16:28 No.43730915
         File1259875727.jpg-(27 KB, 118x117, 89.jpg)
    27 KB

    How many times must i tell you people, WE ARE NOT FUCKING! OKAY?!
    >> Anonymous 12/03/09(Thu)16:30 No.43731003
         File1259875811.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 11 KB, 200x200, 1257642713494.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 11 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/03/09(Thu)16:30 No.43731012
    Oh look, yet another avatarfag.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/09(Thu)16:30 No.43731025
         File1259875825.jpg-(215 KB, 800x1626, vg_cats_porn_178.jpg)
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    >> Boco !sCZ24qY6KY 12/03/09(Thu)16:30 No.43731031

    Oh joy, and this one roleplays, too.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/09(Thu)16:30 No.43731071
         File1259875858.jpg-(256 KB, 450x2263, ob_gm.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/03/09(Thu)16:32 No.43731200
    After making yet another L4D comic, he finally updates... with a L4D2 comic.

    >> Aeris !mogCYDIV7g 12/03/09(Thu)16:33 No.43731245
         File1259875986.jpg-(35 KB, 129x129, 80.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/03/09(Thu)16:33 No.43731298
         File1259876027.jpg-(137 KB, 700x988, vg_cats_porn_07.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/03/09(Thu)16:34 No.43731339
    I hate furries and all, but why is this so damn adorable? ;_;
    >> Darkstone !!jdm2epkwOAz 12/03/09(Thu)16:35 No.43731410
         File1259876120.jpg-(202 KB, 1050x1120, 1259222557486.jpg)
    202 KB
    cause your a furry! ahahaha
    pic very related
    >> Aeris !mogCYDIV7g 12/03/09(Thu)16:36 No.43731495
         File1259876183.jpg-(59 KB, 189x207, 84.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/03/09(Thu)16:37 No.43731617
         File1259876276.png-(146 KB, 800x550, porn_25.png)
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    Wouldn't you like to know?
    >> Darkstone !!jdm2epkwOAz 12/03/09(Thu)16:39 No.43731690
    fap away
    >> Anonymous 12/03/09(Thu)16:39 No.43731694
    Well, it's been fun, but this thread is quickly spiraling downward.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/09(Thu)16:39 No.43731696
         File1259876343.jpg-(132 KB, 1000x682, vg_cats_porn_01.jpg)
    132 KB
    Leo isn't exactly the smartest of the bunch.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/09(Thu)16:39 No.43731715

    Get out of here Tim
    >> Anonymous 12/03/09(Thu)16:40 No.43731794
    Didn't TIm like Scott until he jumped aboard the CADabortion bandwagon?
    >> Aeris !mogCYDIV7g 12/03/09(Thu)16:41 No.43731859
         File1259876478.jpg-(32 KB, 133x114, 77.jpg)
    32 KB

    Yes I would!
    >> Anonymous 12/03/09(Thu)16:42 No.43731902
    Well, I know what i'm fapping to tonight.
    >> Darkstone !!jdm2epkwOAz 12/03/09(Thu)16:42 No.43731905
         File1259876530.gif-(33 KB, 256x192, ds 2.gif)
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    someones a bit blind
    >> Anonymous 12/03/09(Thu)16:43 No.43731971
         File1259876598.jpg-(349 KB, 692x1608, 090627.jpg)
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    >Katie Tiedrich
    >Awesome comics
    Yeah I would fuck her but shes still a unfunny stuck up bitch
    >> Anonymous 12/03/09(Thu)16:43 No.43731987

    That'll teach you two for recording yourselves having sex.
    >> Psyduck 12/03/09(Thu)16:43 No.43732000
         File1259876624.png-(3 KB, 184x184, no.png)
    3 KB

    That comic is actually kind of adorable.
    I hate myself for thinking so.
    >> Aeris !mogCYDIV7g 12/03/09(Thu)16:44 No.43732034
         File1259876658.jpg-(33 KB, 155x141, 90.jpg)
    33 KB

    >> Anonymous 12/03/09(Thu)16:46 No.43732126
         File1259876760.jpg-(78 KB, 500x632, Vg_cats.jpg)
    78 KB
    I don't ever recall him doing that, but I shit myself when I saw this...
    >> Anonymous 12/03/09(Thu)16:46 No.43732136
         File1259876766.jpg-(69 KB, 516x550, 1259796098044.jpg)
    69 KB
    >VG Cats thread derailing into RP Avatarfag and furry VG Cats porn spam
    Never change, /v/.
    >> Darkstone !!jdm2epkwOAz 12/03/09(Thu)16:46 No.43732158
         File1259876783.gif-(115 KB, 256x192, gla 1.gif)
    115 KB
    aww you get so cute when your mad
    >> BEATIN MY SOUL/DROPDEAD !!0abiY+bPoaW 12/03/09(Thu)16:46 No.43732198
         File1259876812.jpg-(6 KB, 140x175, 1258065113386.jpg)
    6 KB
    Cool tripfag circlejerk
    >> Boco !sCZ24qY6KY 12/03/09(Thu)16:48 No.43732268

    He also did that bit with the five dancing aborted fetuses.

    Well...four after a cat ate one.
    >> Acristofff !JyBWRFMLsA 12/03/09(Thu)16:49 No.43732381
         File1259876981.jpg-(3 KB, 126x110, bender-what.jpg)
    3 KB
    You know this was going to happen right?

    It's obvious how /v/'s mind works, maybe you know that you can derail any thread you want into furry porn.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/09(Thu)16:50 No.43732450

    Less talk, more porn
    >> Anonymous 12/03/09(Thu)16:50 No.43732452
         File1259877044.jpg-(6 KB, 251x177, x3.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/03/09(Thu)16:50 No.43732461
    F@nboy$ is just as bad as Vgcats for updates.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/09(Thu)16:51 No.43732475
         File1259877064.png-(43 KB, 158x160, 1252254578388.png)
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    >That's the joke
    >> Anonymous 12/03/09(Thu)16:51 No.43732518
    Because you are a furry.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/09(Thu)16:52 No.43732573
    I actually wish I derailed it into an AZ thread

    Ah well, furry porn is close enough.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/09(Thu)16:53 No.43732592
    Whatever happened to that techguy in CAD... how long is it gonna be before B^Uckley kills him off?
    >> Anonymous 12/03/09(Thu)16:54 No.43732666
    Tim actually removed him from the Bio.
    >> Aeris !mogCYDIV7g 12/03/09(Thu)16:54 No.43732704
         File1259877278.jpg-(28 KB, 109x113, 98.jpg)
    28 KB

    Indeed I am aware of that, although bringing iit up won't remove the porn off the internet
    >> Anonymous 12/03/09(Thu)16:55 No.43732788
    >I can't include every character in every strip. Nor do I try to give every character equal "screen time". I write the storylines as they come to me, and I use the characters I need for said stories. Some characters are just supporting roles in the comic, and they don't appear often. It's just how it is.
    > I write the storylines as they come to me

    That would explain CADabortion.
    >> Psyduck 12/03/09(Thu)16:56 No.43732863
         File1259877405.png-(3 KB, 183x184, tearyeyed.png)
    3 KB

    Scott? He was my favourite back when CAD was good. Him and his badass penguin.

    inb4 CAD was never good. I used to love that comic.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/09(Thu)16:59 No.43733026
    I'll admit it was good back when it started, it seemed a hell of a lot better than all the spritecomics that were going on at the time, but then Tim became a fag and introduced Lilah and it went to the shitter.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/09(Thu)17:00 No.43733116
    Apparently he wrote the x-bot out too, seems as if he's hell bent on re-writing the comic to become a drama.
    >> Aeris !mogCYDIV7g 12/03/09(Thu)17:01 No.43733167
         File1259877674.jpg-(54 KB, 170x170, 94.jpg)
    54 KB

    Well at least I'm no longer the center of attention.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/09(Thu)17:02 No.43733288
         File1259877771.jpg-(66 KB, 200x200, toon_1224597524639_ifuckinglov(...).jpg)
    66 KB
    Do me
    >> Acristofff !JyBWRFMLsA 12/03/09(Thu)17:02 No.43733295
         File1259877775.png-(74 KB, 1024x1024, 55174084.png)
    74 KB
    Sooner or later video-games in the CAD world won't exist due to some super-virus.
    >> Anonymous 12/03/09(Thu)17:03 No.43733338

    Yeah, I liked CAD back when I was like... 15, maybe I grew out of it, maybe the comic has gone down hill. But to me, it shall always be that comic with two guys and a Mellon.
    >> Aeris !mogCYDIV7g 12/03/09(Thu)17:04 No.43733378
         File1259877859.jpg-(44 KB, 134x144, 97.jpg)
    44 KB

    >> Chicken 12/03/09(Thu)17:04 No.43733414
    it makes me feel good knowing he probably spent forever drawing that final panel and its still ugly

    seriously i hate this guys are only a little less than bucklys
    >> Anonymous 12/03/09(Thu)17:05 No.43733444
    I remember seeing that comic where the girl robot came in, what actually happened?
    >> Aeris !mogCYDIV7g 12/03/09(Thu)17:08 No.43733674
         File1259878135.jpg-(40 KB, 134x155, 96.jpg)
    40 KB

    MY life is NOTHING like fucking Buckly depicted it!
    >> Boco !sCZ24qY6KY 12/03/09(Thu)17:11 No.43733824

    Are you still here?
    >> Haru-chan !jX235bW6Ro 12/03/09(Thu)17:11 No.43733867

    >but then Tim became a fag and introduced Lilah and it went to the shitter.
    >Apparently he wrote the x-bot out too, seems as if he's hell bent on re-writing the comic to become a drama.

    >> Aeris !mogCYDIV7g 12/03/09(Thu)17:12 No.43733914
         File1259878347.jpg-(19 KB, 59x123, 95.jpg)
    19 KB

    Yeah. Moslty because I have nowhere else to go
    >> Haru-chan !jX235bW6Ro 12/03/09(Thu)17:12 No.43733949

    Not that I had much respect for you before but, you have got to be fucking kidding me with that whole statement.

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