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  • File : 1259800513.jpg-(2.55 MB, 1657x2339, Blazblue.jpg)
    2.55 MB Blazblue Thread Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)19:35 No.43672531  
    Anyone got that picture with Tager holding Arakune and Rachel saying something along the line, "Time to show Tager his busta's."

    And the one when Rachel reads the nerf on herself only to faint.

    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)19:37 No.43672664
         File1259800652.jpg-(120 KB, 900x300, ee6a73613591335e8a20ef0366c952(...).jpg)
    120 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)19:39 No.43672777
         File1259800780.jpg-(93 KB, 800x579, c859eda4cf2eb43dfc422162e434bf(...).jpg)
    93 KB
    Man, /v/ wasn't kidding that BB threads don't get shit rolling until late night.

    Fuck it, I'll image bump until a bro has the pictures I would like to have.

    Appreciation in advance.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)19:41 No.43672864
    This threads generally die unless you post porn/image dump.

    Because we all know /v/ doesn't actually discuss video games.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)19:41 No.43672871
         File1259800880.jpg-(180 KB, 512x512, bb83e4b54c3a9fc4e82608123fbf8d(...).jpg)
    180 KB
    >> Clovis !9L.gxDzakI 12/02/09(Wed)19:42 No.43672958
         File1259800962.jpg-(511 KB, 1031x1457, 1257214764610.jpg)
    511 KB
    I'll help you bump!
    >> Clovis !9L.gxDzakI 12/02/09(Wed)19:43 No.43673006
         File1259801008.png-(1.03 MB, 429x600, 1259710952822.png)
    1.03 MB
    But of course, I'll keep it worksafe!
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)19:44 No.43673045
         File1259801044.png-(103 KB, 500x500, cef5f0bc52d00dfc898b61160d7959(...).png)
    103 KB

    That only pertains to daytime, these threads usually get momentum because all the neckbeard basement dwellers wake up after playing all night to get games rolling.

    Sometimes I wish I could just drop out of college, get some retailer job, and game every fucking day.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)19:44 No.43673060

    So yeah, Hazama is looking better. From what I'm hearing, he's one of those characters that suck unless you learn to use them with max efficiency. Basically there's no room for screw-ups when you play.

    Hopefully that means he won't be as overused online.
    >> Mage3YE 12/02/09(Wed)19:45 No.43673147
         File1259801134.png-(19 KB, 100x100, ragna2.png)
    19 KB
    Hey Clovis, up for a few matches?
    >> Clovis !9L.gxDzakI 12/02/09(Wed)19:45 No.43673157
         File1259801141.jpg-(236 KB, 500x678, 1259712889257.jpg)
    236 KB
    >Sometimes I wish I could just drop out of college, get some retailer job, and game every fucking day.
    That's dangerous talk, son. But it would be nice...
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)19:45 No.43673169

    Same could be said for Carl, no? That fucker has quite the learning curve in my opinion.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)19:46 No.43673231
    Continuum Shift fanart already?
    >> Clovis !9L.gxDzakI 12/02/09(Wed)19:47 No.43673263
         File1259801243.jpg-(498 KB, 1000x1000, 1259712808833.jpg)
    498 KB
    Sadly, no; I got an extra half hour because I finished a test early (my first final of the semester, done!), but I have another class in just about an hour, so I can't drive home to play.

    That said, I'll probably have time tomorrow if I can finish this stupid film paper early, and I'll for sure be on over the weekend.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)19:47 No.43673265
         File1259801243.jpg-(130 KB, 849x644, WHAT.jpg)
    130 KB

    Yeah, just got to endure two more years, find a decent job, and I'm set for life.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)19:49 No.43673370
         File1259801340.jpg-(79 KB, 428x422, f7c5a47b2097d3e504c4d5ee22e5eb(...).jpg)
    79 KB

    Kind of, I don't see many Tsubaki fanart.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)19:49 No.43673378

    God the new announcer is unbearable, please tell me there's a way to turn it off without turning off the other voices
    >> Clovis !9L.gxDzakI 12/02/09(Wed)19:49 No.43673418
         File1259801377.png-(1.38 MB, 963x1362, 1259658771943.png)
    1.38 MB
    Hohohoho baby, you haven't seen all the Hazama art?
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)19:50 No.43673456
         File1259801407.jpg-(569 KB, 640x560, 7413474.jpg)
    569 KB
    Is everyone still bitching about Tao taunt loop?
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)19:50 No.43673466

    I didn't check the video until you brought it up, BUT HOLY MOTHER FUCKER, WHAT IS UP WITH THE VOICE ACTRESS.

    >> Mage3YE 12/02/09(Wed)19:50 No.43673487
         File1259801430.png-(14 KB, 100x100, ragna.png)
    14 KB
    Sweet, friday is my last day at my job, and then I have about a week of free time before I move. I haven't played with /v/ for a while, random ranked matches just aren't as fun
    >> Sengar Zombolt 12/02/09(Wed)19:50 No.43673502
         File1259801442.jpg-(105 KB, 850x609, rachel6.jpg)
    105 KB
    Haven't seen a BB thread in a while. Then again, I haven't really been able to play much lately.

    But yeah, pretty excited for CS. Hearing that Rachel has been crippled so much feels pretty bad though. I'll probably still use her, she's definitely one of my favorites in the game both character and gameplay wise.


    That's what I'm hoping too. I don't plan to make him a main, but I'll most likely keep him as a back-up, just to mix it up a little.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)19:51 No.43673545
    actually, I've watched every recorded match that came out of japan. At first I couldn't stand the announcer, but now, I guess I got used to it. It's really a lot less grating than it was 2 weeks ago that's for sure. Seems a lot more natural.
    >> MalkavianJD !0zxTFQoGI2 12/02/09(Wed)19:51 No.43673546

    Time to filter casual shit and play hardcore Third Strike & Guilty Gear.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)19:51 No.43673582

    To be honest, I prefer playing weak ass characters.

    Now I want her to be either my main/sub when CS is out.
    >> Clovis !9L.gxDzakI 12/02/09(Wed)19:53 No.43673649
         File1259801583.jpg-(104 KB, 425x589, 1259648732776.jpg)
    104 KB
    Rumor is that it'll be rerecorded for english release; at least, that's the buzz on dustloop.

    Yeah, I can't play ranked anymore.

    Just gotta wait and see; remember, the game is brand new still. I'm sure Rachel will find her way.

    Fuck, now Find Your Way from FFVIII is stuck in my head.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)19:53 No.43673689
         File1259801622.jpg-(401 KB, 600x750, db2dc4b2e0a48070125da6e0f763bd(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)19:54 No.43673732

    Holy fucking rape Batman.

    Berial Edge looks sweet.
    >> Mage3YE 12/02/09(Wed)19:55 No.43673795
    I havent seen a recent CS tier list but someone told me Ragna is in the high tier now? And Hakumen got buffed too?
    After playing Final Fantasy XI for so long, it feels weird having the things I play actually get improved over time instead of just shat on. I think I like it.
    >> Clovis !9L.gxDzakI 12/02/09(Wed)19:55 No.43673847
         File1259801757.jpg-(511 KB, 724x559, 1259640457851.jpg)
    511 KB
    Has Ragna always popped his collar before a match? Never really noticed, but that's FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABULOUS of him to do so.
    >> Sengar Zombolt 12/02/09(Wed)19:56 No.43673914
         File1259801806.jpg-(71 KB, 300x400, rachel4.jpg)
    71 KB

    Yeah, gotta keep that in mind.I don't really care about tiers that much, and It will be fun to relearn using her.


    I...I like the new announcer. The previous one sounded like a robot and didn't do much to get me pumped up for the match. The loud, peppy, and slightly obnoxious announcers always sound better to me.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)19:57 No.43673959

    Only against Nu and Jin.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)19:57 No.43673970
         File1259801869.jpg-(269 KB, 500x533, 345c40a170e244014dad4f710b3ed2(...).jpg)
    269 KB

    Yes, the image I'm in search for that also has a panel of Rachel fainting shows that Hakumen is getting buffed.

    The first one shows Hakumen cooking humming, "On my way to the top."
    >> Clovis !9L.gxDzakI 12/02/09(Wed)19:58 No.43673990
         File1259801884.jpg-(191 KB, 500x1300, 1259657673643.jpg)
    191 KB
    Sadly, I don't have a tier list handy...from what I've heard, though, Litchi is at the top in terms of favorable match ups.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)19:59 No.43674083

    Bang, Ragna, and Litchi are the top three as it stands right now.
    >> Mage3YE 12/02/09(Wed)19:59 No.43674116
         File1259801999.jpg-(568 KB, 913x785, ragnarachel.jpg)
    568 KB
    Fuck yes, Berial Edge.
    My only concern with it is the number of hits it has, but it doesn't look like the kind of move you combo out of, so it probably won't be so bad.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:00 No.43674176
         File1259802049.jpg-(300 KB, 1000x750, bdf23f6b9417eba1a698ee3ef9d6ef(...).jpg)
    300 KB
    I'm losing hope here bros, I'm shocked no one has either of the pics I'm searching for.

    Damn it.
    >> Clovis !9L.gxDzakI 12/02/09(Wed)20:01 No.43674202
         File1259802070.jpg-(2.83 MB, 2335x1700, 1258924934587.jpg)
    2.83 MB
    >top tier

    Hoooo boy, /v/ rooms are going to be hilarious when CS drops.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:01 No.43674244
    fucking tier lists... just play as who you enjoy

    not like anyone on /v/ is PRO or anything
    >> Clovis !9L.gxDzakI 12/02/09(Wed)20:02 No.43674258
         File1259802128.jpg-(280 KB, 677x850, 1259658431504.jpg)
    280 KB
    I'm sorry; I really wish I could help.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:02 No.43674272

    Its main purpose is supposed to be as a combo ender from what I see.

    Also works for getting you back on the ground quickly to get the jump on your opponent or follow up with another combo.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:02 No.43674280
    aren't /v/ rooms already hilarious?
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:02 No.43674282
         File1259802145.jpg-(1019 KB, 1394x944, litchi.jpg)
    1019 KB
    >> Clovis !9L.gxDzakI 12/02/09(Wed)20:03 No.43674320
         File1259802181.png-(43 KB, 742x720, 1259715094535.png)
    43 KB
    Actually, XDest is the number one Taokaka on Live. He's pretty amazing to watch in action.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:03 No.43674344
    How did Tager change in Continuum Shift? He's my main right now.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:03 No.43674368

    Bang taunts after his new Distortion.

    >> Tetra !!lYkTaRWDpBS 12/02/09(Wed)20:04 No.43674437
         File1259802288.png-(2.39 MB, 1224x1632, 1254282572344.png)
    2.39 MB
    Hakumen was up there last I heard.
    >> Clovis !9L.gxDzakI 12/02/09(Wed)20:05 No.43674450
         File1259802300.jpg-(117 KB, 800x731, 1259639814228.jpg)
    117 KB
    Yeah, but /v/ has really diversified lately; it's not just Bang and Tager anymore. When CS drops, get ready for a sea of Bang and Hazama for 2 weeks straight.

    Hazama is going to be the new Tao, where everyone on /v/ mains them right away, then moves on before the month is done.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:05 No.43674476

    Replying because I know XDest from DOAcentral.

    Pretty cool guy, never knew he played Blazblue.

    Failed at VF though.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:05 No.43674480

    When every match Isn't a Bang/Tager/Hakumen mirror, sure. We usually get a lot more variety now. The only characters I still really don't see are Litchi and Carl.


    Not as bad as he was in CT. A lot more options for magnetizing now and he was generally buffed overall.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:06 No.43674529
         File1259802371.jpg-(180 KB, 800x800, 7352307.jpg)
    180 KB
    I've been seeing a lot of Tao in the vids in youtube doing stuff I can never do online. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:07 No.43674600

    >Hazama is going to be the new Tao

    Tao was never that popular in most /v/ rooms. It has geenrally always been Bang, Tager, and Hakumen.

    Outside of /v/ rooms though, yeah. She was one of the most used characters when the game first came out. Now I barely see any.
    >> Clovis !9L.gxDzakI 12/02/09(Wed)20:08 No.43674649
         File1259802495.jpg-(190 KB, 512x382, 1259648328193.jpg)
    190 KB
    Really? Back when the game dropped on consoles, I was constantly fighting Taokaka.

    Maybe I was just in weird rooms...
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:08 No.43674658

    He's in A Tier, but the three I just mentioned are the only ones in S Tier.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:08 No.43674661

    Yes he is. Last I checked he's A tier now.
    >> Godzilla !!zUVkhMjkkpM 12/02/09(Wed)20:08 No.43674675

    I still see a lot of Taokaka players, but holy mother fucker if I have to see another Jin one more time.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:08 No.43674685
    Wish people would just play as who they like, one my friends mains bang and he's going to drop him and switch to some else because he's high tier now. Then I'm going to have to hear him bitch how the person he plays is to weak -_-
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:10 No.43674781
    Well, she isn't great (or I just never met any good Tao players online).

    And Noel wasn't great to begin with but I'll stick with her in CS. I'm interested in Tsubaki or Hazama as a decent second though (never did manage to spend enough time getting decent with anyone apart from Noel in CT).
    >> Clovis !9L.gxDzakI 12/02/09(Wed)20:10 No.43674792
         File1259802626.jpg-(51 KB, 544x384, 1258743490292.jpg)
    51 KB
    Hahahaha, I still remember your reaction (at least, I think it was you) when the Jin player started flowcharting in my room that one time; you were livid.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:11 No.43674840
         File1259802675.jpg-(196 KB, 850x850, sample_dc307afba0a3dd320c94063(...).jpg)
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    >> Sengar Zombolt 12/02/09(Wed)20:11 No.43674862
         File1259802694.jpg-(93 KB, 500x550, rachel5.jpg)
    93 KB

    >Ranked Match
    >Opponent's D-Card
    >Main: Noel
    >Sub: Hakumen
    >Match starts

    >> Clovis !9L.gxDzakI 12/02/09(Wed)20:12 No.43674912
         File1259802744.jpg-(176 KB, 423x584, 1259650969746.jpg)
    176 KB
    Eh, what can you do. It happens in every fighing game, I imagine.

    I'll be sticking with my adorable little No Face, though.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:13 No.43674947

    Except it was like this


    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:13 No.43674958
    Hows arakune in CS? I usually stick to normals instead of bugs in my online matches.
    >> Clovis !9L.gxDzakI 12/02/09(Wed)20:13 No.43674980
         File1259802817.jpg-(38 KB, 500x600, 1255326954730.jpg)
    38 KB
    It's like you're really watching my ranked match experience!
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:13 No.43675000
         File1259802831.jpg-(447 KB, 1639x2233, buffandnerf0003.jpg)
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    >> The End 12/02/09(Wed)20:14 No.43675011
         File1259802840.jpg-(322 KB, 800x539, tea time.jpg)
    322 KB
    I should be getting back on BB. Most likely this weekend after I fix my hard drive.
    >> Godzilla !!zUVkhMjkkpM 12/02/09(Wed)20:14 No.43675034
         File1259802859.jpg-(37 KB, 701x326, Godzillafebreezingyourshit.jpg)
    37 KB

    Nah, I play on the PS3, never met you other than that one Dead Space thread.


    Thank goodness faggots like those suck ass, you can just punish the shit out of them with 320. I encountered a guy who mained Noel subbed Ragna and he fights me with a Nu. Fortunately, he didn't know how to exploit long range Sledges so I couldn't help, but simply message him, "Piss off."
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:14 No.43675050

    Curse Isn't as annoying/spammable anymore.

    It's on a timer now and goes away after a while, even if he doesn't get hit.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:14 No.43675055
    So why do all black Jins have a jp voice(haven't played online much)
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:15 No.43675082

    Happens all the time. I'm sticking with Hakumen forever though. I've been playing him forever, and people will say I suck, but I'm going to stick with him until I get good at using him dammit.
    >> Clovis !9L.gxDzakI 12/02/09(Wed)20:16 No.43675146
         File1259802961.jpg-(167 KB, 1141x1030, 1259717496821.jpg)
    167 KB
    Hahaha, must have been some other guy raging then.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:16 No.43675148
         File1259802964.jpg-(13 KB, 298x296, happykitty.jpg)
    13 KB

    Holy shit, thank you kind friend, my day is now fucking set.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:16 No.43675195

    They think the Japanese voice will make them better at the game. Except they usually just Ice Car all day.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:16 No.43675201
         File1259803007.jpg-(245 KB, 468x495, 1236312770267.jpg)
    245 KB

    I thought you mained Ragna? Fuck, I've seen you use Bang and Noel too.


    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:17 No.43675239

    Because weaboos....

    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:17 No.43675269
         File1259803058.jpg-(291 KB, 1808x1275, HakumenSTier.jpg)
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    This one?
    >> Godzilla !!zUVkhMjkkpM 12/02/09(Wed)20:17 No.43675288

    Maggots all think alike.
    >> ZombahKuja 12/02/09(Wed)20:18 No.43675328
         File1259803106.jpg-(210 KB, 710x620, 7405567.jpg)
    210 KB
    There an XBL thread going on?
    Also, i have been listening to The Shadow, Los Straightjackets and The Mono Men all day. I want Daisuke to get into Surf Rock.
    >> Clovis !9L.gxDzakI 12/02/09(Wed)20:18 No.43675348
         File1259803119.jpg-(139 KB, 700x700, 1259639268497.jpg)
    139 KB
    Zombolt is incredibly fluent with any of the BB characters; I've seen him use at least 5, and he's done well with all of them. Absolutely awesome to fight against :3
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:19 No.43675417
         File1259803180.jpg-(108 KB, 700x975, iamnotbutyouare.jpg)
    108 KB

    Indescribable happiness, cheers bros, fucking cheers.
    >> Clovis !9L.gxDzakI 12/02/09(Wed)20:20 No.43675478
         File1259803239.jpg-(214 KB, 1000x800, 1259658120786.jpg)
    214 KB
    >roasting George
    >the names on the ingredients

    Hahahaha, oh wow; that's awesome.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:20 No.43675495
         File1259803253.jpg-(32 KB, 640x480, 1259716727657.jpg)
    32 KB

    No problem, almost feel bad for the Rachel players if it's really as bad as they say it is. Doesn't matter to me, stickin' with Tao.
    >> Clovis !9L.gxDzakI 12/02/09(Wed)20:22 No.43675618
         File1259803379.jpg-(282 KB, 794x524, 1258924684552.jpg)
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    I just can't imagine her being absolute shit.

    I mean, didn't Heartnana or something do an interview about Noel and Rachel, saying that it was being blown out of proportion?
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:24 No.43675693
         File1259803447.jpg-(90 KB, 720x800, 7352507.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:24 No.43675727

    Wow, I never noticed he was cooking George.
    >> ZombahKuja 12/02/09(Wed)20:24 No.43675732
         File1259803492.jpg-(116 KB, 704x723, don__t_you_dare_fav_this_x_by_(...).jpg)
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    He basically said "Yeah my main (Noel) is worse but there's a lot less bullshit going on and it's overall more balanced.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:25 No.43675767
         File1259803522.png-(574 KB, 991x1020, tao.png)
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    >> Sengar Zombolt 12/02/09(Wed)20:25 No.43675784
         File1259803541.jpg-(175 KB, 349x700, rachel3.jpg)
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    I don't really have a "solid" main, although I sometimes use some characters more than others. It's just a way to keep myself interested in the game. Instead of just devoting all my time to mastering a single character, and I try to get decent with a wide variety.

    Also helps to keep things interesting in game rooms since I can pull out a different character for any given situation.


    feels bad man
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:26 No.43675806
    Rachel was fucking terrible at the beginning of the tests, she's apparently still pretty decent at the release.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:26 No.43675809

    Hes flipping george, there is a bee on the cutting board all cut into pieces, and the ingredients are move names.

    Shit is hilarious.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:26 No.43675814

    No clue, I've been too busy following changes on Tao, Tager and Bang. I should check that out though, got a Noel friend who'll flip if she's changed too much or something.
    >> Clovis !9L.gxDzakI 12/02/09(Wed)20:26 No.43675838
         File1259803586.jpg-(94 KB, 500x500, 1259043684985.jpg)
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    And I guess Arakune being a bit lower couldn't hurt, either; I may not have been very good with him, but I could imagine the rage people felt when fighting a decent one.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:27 No.43675872
    What's this? A thread striving before 2 AM EST?
    >> Clovis !9L.gxDzakI 12/02/09(Wed)20:28 No.43675943
         File1259803687.jpg-(189 KB, 800x1101, 1259028938289.jpg)
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    Not to mention Litchi and Bang waiting to be served.

    Shit like this makes me wish I could draw.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:28 No.43675946
         File1259803688.jpg-(1.17 MB, 2376x3379, BB057.jpg)
    1.17 MB
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:28 No.43675954

    It's so heartbreaking to see Tager lose.

    He tries so hard.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:28 No.43675968
    I do feel bad for all the Rachel opponents I've come across that didn't spam lightning and George like a pretentious faggot.

    Fucking retards cheesing the players without efficiently using their characters is bogus.
    >> Pyramid Head !/O89fJMhC2 12/02/09(Wed)20:29 No.43676003
         File1259803752.png-(284 KB, 600x748, cf28afb37b70c7658e7c932f982a06(...).png)
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    >top three

    >> ZombahKuja 12/02/09(Wed)20:29 No.43676019
         File1259803768.jpg-(323 KB, 479x697, 7000370.jpg)
    323 KB
    >Tager's new GETB theme.avi
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:29 No.43676047

    Hes got some bullshit lift a nigger of the ground move like Ragna's 22c now.

    Moves Tager into CHEATING tier.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:30 No.43676054

    >spam lightning and George

    You can spam those?

    They both seem incredibly punishable unless combo'd into.
    >> ZombahKuja 12/02/09(Wed)20:31 No.43676165
         File1259803907.jpg-(37 KB, 640x456, 7181350.jpg)
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    >IT'S NOT OVER YET nerfed from 800 damage to 400
    Feels Bad Man
    >> The Demadon !!2o7yjCkzXji 12/02/09(Wed)20:32 No.43676208
         File1259803954.jpg-(21 KB, 360x216, gyohehehehe.jpg)
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    As soon as CS hits, yeah, everyone is gonna be trying out Hazama. I won't mind this, as his theme is fucking awesome.

    But I resolve to separate myself from the pack and become the best Hazama on /v/.

    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:33 No.43676239
    Knew someone who used to do nothing but use wind to run away throw rods at you and use George. He didn't win once with Rachel tho, but there are people who play like that
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:33 No.43676255
    Final boss should be Bang vs Tsubaki, with this song playing:

    I mean, Bang vs Tsubaki matches are hella fun to watch.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:33 No.43676264
    Oh fuck me, DAT 720 BUFFER
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:33 No.43676290
    Hey guys, would it be worth it to buy the first BB now or should I just wait for CS to hit the console market?
    >> ZombahKuja 12/02/09(Wed)20:33 No.43676292
         File1259804035.png-(91 KB, 600x450, 7310541.png)
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    Lol no me
    Also, his command grab is so badass.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:34 No.43676306

    I wouldn't be surprised if that's Mike Z and that one faggot Nu player that won the finals in EVO '09.
    >> Sengar Zombolt 12/02/09(Wed)20:34 No.43676319
         File1259804059.jpg-(269 KB, 1000x1050, rachel7.jpg)
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    On a different note, I always thought Jin looked pretty cool to play as, but I hate actually using him. It's fun to watch a good Jin in motion though.

    One of these days I might just have to sit myself down and learn him.
    >> Clovis !9L.gxDzakI 12/02/09(Wed)20:34 No.43676322
         File1259804062.jpg-(111 KB, 425x600, 1259028891817.jpg)
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    His theme IS awesome

    Do we have any idea when a soundtrack is going to be released, or even ripped? I haven't even heard Tsubaki's music...

    >But I resolve to separate myself from the pack and become the best Hazama on /v/.

    Hahahaha, well, you're pretty darn good from what I recall, so I have faith in you!
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:34 No.43676362
    Now with Bang in the Top tier I wonder how many bandwagons Bangs are going to appear
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:35 No.43676405
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    >> ZombahKuja 12/02/09(Wed)20:35 No.43676422
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    Apparently, there's a Ragna vs. Hazama theme called Nightmare Fiction, but no Rachel vs. Hazama.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:36 No.43676432
    Most likely the Rachelfags and the V13 assholes are gonna pile up because DURR HURR HE'S GOOD NOW.
    >> The End 12/02/09(Wed)20:36 No.43676443

    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:36 No.43676444
    I find it hilarious.
    >> Clovis !9L.gxDzakI 12/02/09(Wed)20:36 No.43676462
         File1259804195.jpg-(209 KB, 800x800, 1259658038649.jpg)
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    If you can find BB for 40 bucks or under, go for it; CS is still a while away, and CT will be a great experience. Plus, /v/ has a fantastic BB community, so they'll be games nearly every day until CS drops.
    >> PhantomLight !foNL5ycv6E 12/02/09(Wed)20:36 No.43676464
         File1259804196.jpg-(103 KB, 400x470, 1246323541458.jpg)
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    >Arakune nerfs
    >Arakune is still high up on tier charts, even with FEVER system.

    On another note, anyone know of any US arcades that have the Japanese version of CS yet?
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:36 No.43676489
    There's a Ragna vs Hazama theme?
    Well, that means Ragna won't be the dude to beat the final boss.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:37 No.43676509
         File1259804229.jpg-(1.46 MB, 2370x3379, BB113.jpg)
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    Here, have a HQ one.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:37 No.43676510
    Any word on a PC date?
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:37 No.43676533

    Well, even if I find it I probably won't be able to play online due to third world bullshit. Hell, the PSN service doesn't even cover my country.
    >> luckyoats !URun3wQIQc 12/02/09(Wed)20:37 No.43676536
    I'm liking how Hazama uses those drills. Very interesting. I'm definitely at least trying him out, and he'll probably become my Sub. I am a tad dissapointed, because I was expecting him to play like Johnny from Guilty Gear, but oh well.

    An Tager videos out there, by any chance?
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:37 No.43676559

    Heres a vid where Haz doesn't get assraped.

    He really has got some classy shit. Oro straight down on an opponent who is in the corner, into a throw? Fuck yeah nigger.
    >> Sengar Zombolt 12/02/09(Wed)20:38 No.43676562
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    He does look incredibly badass.
    Tsubaki looks kind of fun too, but I don't see myself using her that much. Then again, you never know.

    Also, is anyone still hoping that the console release will get at least one more new character? Having Jubei in would make my entire year.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:38 No.43676596

    Which is really sad, I mained Bang since my first day playing BB and now I'll have to see a sea of horrible Bangs
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:38 No.43676612
    >Moves Tager into CHEATING tier.

    Not really, it's not that amazing. Ragna can combo as his,Tager's just resets them.

    Most characters can just DP right through anything you'll do, though if you can predict it you can block and punish I guess.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:39 No.43676657
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    I wanna try Hazama out,he looks like he would be fun to play as, may use him as my sub, but I think I'll probably stick to Hakumen as my main
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:40 No.43676709
    Oh look, another fighting game thread full of faggots patting themselves on the back for using low tier characters.
    >> Clovis !9L.gxDzakI 12/02/09(Wed)20:40 No.43676712
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    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:41 No.43676765
    inb4 is Slayer
    >> ZombahKuja 12/02/09(Wed)20:41 No.43676769
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    You can sorta mist cancel with his 214D stance move
    No word on a XBL room up?
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:42 No.43676822
    >Oh look, another fighting game thread full of faggots patting themselves on the back for using low tier characters.

    You prefer people that play high tier chars patting themselves on the back?
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:43 No.43676866
    I think I might pick up Tsubaki when CS drops. She seems kinda interesting.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:43 No.43676919
    I want to see how Tager works differently in Continuum Shift; the only reason I stopped playing BlazBlue in the first place is because of ranked match D-card counter-picking.

    Occasionally I'd pick Nu just to fuck with people (My D-card was Tager/Arakune) but that would just happen to be the rare occasion where somebody would want a Tager mirror match and I'd end looking like an asshole. Then, when I just picked Tager like usual I'd be matched up against a Nu. Nobody wins.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:44 No.43676978

    What country would that be?
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:45 No.43677023

    I would've actually set up a room if I knew where my crap was. That and having to use the 360 controller...goddamn.
    >> Clovis !9L.gxDzakI 12/02/09(Wed)20:45 No.43677028
         File1259804721.jpg-(74 KB, 1245x934, 1258779558426.jpg)
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    >Tao getting blasted out of her distortion
    >> Sengar Zombolt 12/02/09(Wed)20:47 No.43677142
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    >Play BlazBlue
    >Play Ass is Red 2
    >Finish up some work

    Decisions, decisions....
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:48 No.43677209
    I'm seeing a whole lot of time outs in CS matches.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:48 No.43677238
    >I want to see how Tager works differently in Continuum Shift; the only reason I stopped playing BlazBlue in the first place is because of ranked match D-card counter-picking.

    Smaller, all moves are faster, Collider has head invincibility, magnetism is stronger (but lasts shorter), 360A deals more damage, extended and better combos, etc.
    >> PhantomLight !foNL5ycv6E 12/02/09(Wed)20:49 No.43677243
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    I'd start one up, but no one ever goes into my rooms apparently.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:49 No.43677256

    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:50 No.43677315

    That's the most hilarious thing ever. Especially that one pounce Distortion, because It's INCREDIBLY OBVIOUS when someone is about to use it most of the time.

    >Opponent starts backing up
    >INFERNO DIVIDAH right to face as she comes flying at you

    feels good man.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:50 No.43677337

    That would be because the new guard system is awful, and a lot of characters damage output sucks.
    >> Clovis !9L.gxDzakI 12/02/09(Wed)20:51 No.43677405
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    As an Arakune player, it makes me grin like a maniac when Tao jumps onto a bellbug or a cloud.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:52 No.43677433

    I noticed late what was Hakumen flipping in his pan

    God I lol'd HARD
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:52 No.43677466
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    I played Order Sol as a sub in GG so another power charging character might be fun to use. She has some cool looking moves, especially her shield charge and Cape attacks
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:54 No.43677529

    Agreed. CT was heavily focused on being offensive at all times. Now with damage nerfed and the new guard system, people survive a whole lot longer than they would have, that is unless they're playing against Hakumen.

    I think they overcorrected. If there is a third game, it will hopefully be the perfect balance of CT and CS.
    >> Lord Edin of the Stoner Age !09ENY0w322 12/02/09(Wed)20:54 No.43677561
    stop image dumping, its thread suicide
    >> Sengar Zombolt 12/02/09(Wed)20:56 No.43677661
         File1259805379.jpg-(220 KB, 640x640, rachel.jpg)
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    I've had a Tao jump right into Rachel's AH before.

    It was glorious.
    >> ZombahKuja 12/02/09(Wed)20:56 No.43677663
         File1259805381.jpg-(128 KB, 800x753, 6615952.jpg)
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    So a system where a couple characters (Ragna, Jin, Lambda) can excel at guard breaking whereas the others prefer to mixup is worse than a system where at high level play they happen every match and break the game?
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)20:57 No.43677751
         File1259805463.jpg-(155 KB, 740x416, 1245200813989.jpg)
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    That's not really true either. Ragna/Rachel matches with Kaqn and Shadow were basically BLOCKSTRINGS: THE GAME already.

    BlazBlue as a whole is pretty turtley considering how ridiculously laughably slow throws and overheads are, and matches took a fucking long time without making them even more so.
    >> The End 12/02/09(Wed)20:57 No.43677764
    Is it me or do I hear a moan from the announcer at 1:24-1:25 after she says COUNTER.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)21:00 No.43677894

    Where did you get the idea that Lamba excels at guard breaking? She's actually pretty horrible at it. Her best way to score damage on someone downbacking it up is still TK Crescent Saber/Cancel.

    Likewise, Jin isn't good at breaking either.

    So far Carl and Litchi seem to be about the only characters that guard break often, that could change though.

    And Calamity Trigger would have had a much better guard system had it not been for the shared libra thing, which made it so it was impossible for some characters to push it back. As it is, they are both bad. I just prefer Triggers.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)21:00 No.43677898
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    >> ZombahKuja 12/02/09(Wed)21:05 No.43678150
         File1259805901.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 138 KB, 595x842, 5733258.jpg)
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    cmon i want at least a couple matches
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)21:05 No.43678152
    Can't wait for my DEAD SPIKE to be useful.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)21:05 No.43678201

    Dead spike is useful now?

    >> Rynac !!vTrWze7hR6V 12/02/09(Wed)21:07 No.43678308
    Anyone wanna play couple matches on PSN? I've got a half hour before I've got other stuff to do.
    >> ZombahKuja 12/02/09(Wed)21:07 No.43678335
    It's about as long as gunflame now and breaks a guard primer even on barrier block
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)21:07 No.43678340
    December 23.

    01. Continuum Shift - CONTINUUM SHIFT Opening Theme
    02. "Gale" (Tsuyoshi Koyama) - Bang Shishigami Character Song
    03. "Condemnation Wings ~Cry Camellia...~" (Asami Imai) - Tsubaki Yayoi Character Song
    04. "Oriental Flower ~Flower Blosoms~" (Chiaki Takahashi) - Litchi Faye-Ling Character Song
    05. "Queen of Rose ~Scarlet Onlooker~" (Kana Ueda) - Rachel Alucard Character Song
    06. Gluttony Fang - Hazama Theme
    07. Condemnation Wings - Tsubaki Yayoi Theme
    08. Nightmare Fiction - Ragna VS Hazama Theme
    09. Memory of Tears - Noel VS Tsubaki Theme
    10. Endless Despair - Boss Fight Theme
    11. Rubble Song - CONTINUUM SHIFT Ending Theme
    12. "Stardust Memory ~Place of Promise~" (Kanako Kondou) - Music Box Melody Image Song
    >> Sengar Zombolt 12/02/09(Wed)21:09 No.43678411

    Well, if you don't mind me leaving after about 15 minutes, I'll play.
    >> ZombahKuja 12/02/09(Wed)21:09 No.43678445
         File1259806187.jpg-(216 KB, 480x600, 7228506.jpg)
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    >02. "Gale" (Tsuyoshi Koyama) - Bang Shishigami Character Song
    >04. "Oriental Flower ~Flower Blosoms~" (Chiaki Takahashi) - Litchi Faye-Ling Character Song
    >05. "Queen of Rose ~Scarlet Onlooker~" (Kana Ueda) - Rachel Alucard Character Song
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)21:10 No.43678504

    If you want to make a room and play against my shitty Ragna, then be my guest.

    PSN: Wild_Wallice
    >> ZombahKuja 12/02/09(Wed)21:11 No.43678532
    Let's do it
    >> Rynac !!vTrWze7hR6V 12/02/09(Wed)21:12 No.43678605
    Ok! I'll set up a room.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)21:15 No.43678745
         File1259806515.jpg-(98 KB, 1251x938, shinu.jpg)
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    >02. "Gale" (Tsuyoshi Koyama) - Bang Shishigami Character Song

    God damn it I'm laughing and I haven't even heard the song yet.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)21:16 No.43678842
    Jin has the best set of moves in the game. Options for every situation, tons of jump cancelable moves, a million gatlings and so many ways to pressure the other person it's not even funny.
    >> ZombahKuja 12/02/09(Wed)21:18 No.43678908
    And now he's like AC Ky
    Where he has all that but shitty damage
    >> Rhannmah 12/02/09(Wed)21:19 No.43678983
    in other words he's pretty balanced
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)21:20 No.43679027
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    Hammer of 7hor here, if anyone wants to do some matches shoot me a message on XBL.

    I missed most of the thread because I was finishing up some gunpla so I don't know if this has been discussed.

    >> Spine-Fist 12/02/09(Wed)21:20 No.43679049
    PSN in name field. It'd be nice if I could get an invited.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)21:20 No.43679060
    His damage off his current BnBs is around the high 2000s or low 3000s, which is fine considering how easily he can hit them. With 25 meter it already goes up.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)21:20 No.43679072
    Better be a zaku or something.
    >> Rynac !!vTrWze7hR6V 12/02/09(Wed)21:21 No.43679090
    Shitty Ragna? You lie!
    >> Godzilla !!zUVkhMjkkpM 12/02/09(Wed)21:21 No.43679111

    Dude, it's me, Godzilla979, the Tager guy who you kicked the fuck out of in a Ranked Match two/three days ago.

    After that match, I fled like you were the bubonic plague when you showed on the matchup.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)21:22 No.43679144

    If your talking about shitty damage I'd like to point you in the direction of Rachel, Lamba and Tsubaki.
    >> Anonymous 12/02/09(Wed)21:22 No.43679145

    Lol. I play with people lvl 50 and 60, and they rape my ass and then insult me for it. I'm not used to being able to do much of anything.

    You should also pick up that other dude who wants an invite:

    >> Rynac !!vTrWze7hR6V 12/02/09(Wed)21:22 No.43679182
    I did, waiting for him to join.

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