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  • File : 1258009783.jpg-(29 KB, 564x423, halo3.jpg)
    29 KB Anonymous 11/12/09(Thu)02:09 No.42123040  
    So now that Halo has been officially dethroned as most popular FPS can we openly like it and fondly look back on the days when it was top dog?
    >> Anonymous 11/12/09(Thu)02:11 No.42123116
    if you didn't openly like it before you are a complete cunt and need to die in a fire
    >> Anonymous 11/12/09(Thu)02:12 No.42123229
    I openly dislike all Halo besides the original (Which I don't enjoy any more and think has aged badly) and I doubt time nor popularity will affect my dislike towards the series.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/09(Thu)02:12 No.42123232

    lol MW2 just came out. I GUARANTEE that in a month, 2 months tops, halo will be back at the top of the charts. It always happens and there is no such thing as the "halo-killer."

    Also, took them long enough to get a game to fucking take over for more than what will probably be 2 weeks, i mean come on halo 3 has been out for over 2 years. GoW, Waw, and CoD4 didn't even touch it.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/09(Thu)02:13 No.42123270
    Capmaign was fun with a friend, I didn't play multiplayer that much because I had my hands full with Cod4's multiplayer at the time.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/09(Thu)02:13 No.42123284
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    >> Anonymous 11/12/09(Thu)02:16 No.42123428
    I like Halo, I just think it's gameplay needs to be refined. Every game since the original has added new features, but lost something as well.

    I can't quite place my finger on it, but in a way, I kind of think that the series has reached a plateau. It just can't go any higher, or improve in any dramatic ways beyond just improving the scale of the battles, and the quality of the A.I.

    I can't wait for the Franchise to end in this regard. Time for new blood.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/09(Thu)02:16 No.42123434

    fuck you and fuck your subletely
    >> Anonymous 11/12/09(Thu)02:16 No.42123462
    Honestly, I enjoy the Halo games.

    I tried to not like it. I tried thinking that it was just mediocre. However, it cannot be denied that Halo is a solid shooter. Even after playing FPS greats like Half-Life, Serious Sam, and Quake, I still find myself enjoying Halo.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/09(Thu)02:18 No.42123580
    Didn't Modern Warfare 2 sell 7 million first day, or are those figures disgustingly exaggerated? That's 70% of Halo 3's lifetime sales.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/09(Thu)02:19 No.42123623

    invalid anyway, MW2 is multiplatform.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/09(Thu)02:20 No.42123648
    >top dog
    >> Anonymous 11/12/09(Thu)02:21 No.42123741
    There's plenty to like about the games, especially with how they handle
    - Scale
    - Enemy A.I.
    - Really good Sound Design.

    They're really champs with those three. But they need to tighten their shit up. They have a unique style and presentation, and some really smart guys working on the games... but it's time to drop some jaws, or get off the stage now.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/09(Thu)02:22 No.42123775

    No we can't
    One it wasn't that long ago.
    Two what was so great about those days or the game itself
    >> Anonymous 11/12/09(Thu)02:22 No.42123801
    Halo's biggest fault is how disgustingly overhyped it is. Otherwise, it's a fun game to play with buddies. The direction the franchise has taken lately has put me off though. At this point, I just want to see Bungie work on something new.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/09(Thu)02:24 No.42123887

    Those aren't exactly game making points you know...
    >> Anonymous 11/12/09(Thu)02:26 No.42123994
    Dude, I don't think anyone quite predicted the kind of cultural impact Modern Warfare would have. That shit just sort of implanted itself, the same way Halo 1 did on the original Xbox.

    Except this time, COD4 had Online Play, was Multiplatform, and Video Games are even more accepted now than they were 8 years ago. That's like gasoline on a fire.

    COD4's the kind of game anyone seriously interested in Video Games has played, and likes. It's multiplayer is addictive to all kinds of players for all the right reasons, and it had an engaging storyline. It left almost everyone with a good taste in their mouth.

    They didn't need some obnoxious advertising campaign like Halo 3's launch. This is just something everyone has been planning to buy subconsciously since they played the first game. Heck, I'm sure I'll end up getting it around December once I get the urge.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/09(Thu)02:28 No.42124077
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    November 9, 2004 >> November 10, 2009

    for me at least.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/09(Thu)02:28 No.42124102
    Your post was spot on until the last line. Didn't Activision say MW2's advertising campaign was the biggest in history? Also, how are commercials with Eminem rapping anything but obnoxious? It doesn't even fit the tone of the game by any stretch.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/09(Thu)02:28 No.42124111
    I was always curious, how do people hyping a game up make it a bad game? I facepalm whenever I hear people say: "It's a good game, but it was too overhyped." Can't you just perceive the game how it is, without people telling you?
    >> Anonymous 11/12/09(Thu)02:30 No.42124184

    >They didn't need some obnoxious advertising campaign like Halo 3's launch

    If it weren't for the halo ad campaign modern warfare wouldn't be as popular as it is now.

    That ad campaign introduced a large majority of the people who are now in the market, to gaming.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/09(Thu)02:30 No.42124192
    I am still kind of puzzled as to how COD blew into RIDICULOUS proportions overnight.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/09(Thu)02:31 No.42124277
    Somehow it's the game's fault for them not being able to think for themselves and being easily swayed by the words of other people.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/09(Thu)02:32 No.42124304
    >> Anonymous 11/12/09(Thu)02:32 No.42124314
    Kotick (yeah yeah the devil etc) must be a fucking marketing genius or some shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/09(Thu)02:33 No.42124360
    When I hear amazing things about a game, I expect to see them in game. Often times I find myself disappointed by the actual product because of bullshit I was lead to believe. It's harder to look passed a game's flaws when it's praised to kingdom come.

    Obviously, I don't buy into hype anymore, and when I hear about how "innovative" a game is, I take it as nothing more than a grain of salt. Before then, I've had popular titles spoiled for me because I expected better than what the game was truly worth.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/09(Thu)02:33 No.42124371
    I don't remember sh*t from CoD4's campaign. Something about Russians, the Middle East, and a nuclear bomb. However I could tell you exactly what happened to the Chief in all three Halo games. Halo wins in the single-player realm.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/09(Thu)02:34 No.42124393
    We all know plenty of other shooters match or beat Halo in specific areas. Really now days those are the best things Halo has going for it, and why people play the series.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/09(Thu)02:34 No.42124413
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    Did I hear someone bitch about Halo's ad campaign?
    >> Anonymous 11/12/09(Thu)02:35 No.42124426
    COD4 was fun, but not a go to game. Was cod 4 really this big with people to call in this much of a draw?
    >> Anonymous 11/12/09(Thu)02:36 No.42124465
    Yah, Modern Warfare also dethroned Halo 3 for a week.

    Modern Warfare 2 has the same shitty gameplay, so I'm expecting Halo 3 to be back on top soon.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/09(Thu)02:36 No.42124476

    That shit is delicious. The Mt.Dew was better though.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/09(Thu)02:36 No.42124500
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    Ok so...someone would rather play the game with better sound...then the game with better gunplay?

    Or a unique style?
    >> Anonymous 11/12/09(Thu)02:37 No.42124544
    i don't think any more halo games are going to reach the sales of halo 3. reach to be specific, but actual fans of the entire series that don't give a shit about your faggot little wars and actually like games are going to buy it. like me, i'm going to buy reach, and enjoy the fuck out it! hooray! ZULTAN
    >> Anonymous 11/12/09(Thu)02:38 No.42124558
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    >Implying halo 3 doesn't have the same shitty gameplay as its predecessors
    >> Anonymous 11/12/09(Thu)02:38 No.42124570
    PS3 and PC had no Halo 3. Even on 360 the fucker was more played than Halo 3 some weeks.

    Yes, CoD4 is the most overrated game of our generation, until yesterday at least.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/09(Thu)02:38 No.42124587
    >> Anonymous 11/12/09(Thu)02:38 No.42124589
    Halo 3 is the Counter-Strike of the Xbox. within a couple weeks itll be on top again.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/09(Thu)02:39 No.42124613
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    >> Anonymous 11/12/09(Thu)02:39 No.42124618

    Tribes is just too old bro. It was great at the time but honestly could you really play that seriously again?
    >> Anonymous 11/12/09(Thu)02:39 No.42124621
    I think Halo fell off, and that's something microsoft won't talk about in their research. loads of folks bought 3, then promptly fell out of love with it due to the very poor changes. Then passed on ODST due to $60 expansion. I'm one of them, will likely get reach, but I know the halo community today is barely anything like the one from 2 years ago, let alone 4.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/09(Thu)02:41 No.42124690

    Yes, and I do.

    Fuck I still play quake 1 online when I can find people. What does being old have to do with anything?

    Since we have mentioned tribes. Why the hell did not every fps copy this and not halo or all the other crappy stuff that gets recycled.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/09(Thu)02:41 No.42124708
    COD4 didn't have as memorable a universe as say the Halo Games.

    But COD4's storyline kick comes from it's ability to plan out cool "Moments" for players to experience. The Nuclear Bomb, or the final slow motion bit with the pistol come to mind.

    Halo has always sold itself on it's story, and how players interact with their game. Did they find that Tank and go on a rampage? Did they hop in the jeep with their friend and go crazy? Run around throwing grenades? Sniper RIfle? What did YOU do in "The sandbox?"

    COD has always been focused on how did specific things affect you? They give you less physical space to run around in, but focus on delivering a tighter narrative and atmosphere experience. I don't remember how "fun" it was to kill the endlessly respawning bad guys in the TV station.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/09(Thu)02:41 No.42124726
    >> Anonymous 11/12/09(Thu)02:43 No.42124805
    Dude, I'm not a very big fan of Halo 3, but ODST really is a killer game. It's very similar to Halo 1 in a lot of ways.

    Try and pick up a copy of the game used at least. It's a lot of fun. Really.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/09(Thu)02:45 No.42124888
    Think about it like this:

    Why did all RTS games rip off Starcraft to varying degrees, rather than Homeworld, or Myth?
    >> Anonymous 11/12/09(Thu)02:45 No.42124900
    Sorry, I won't. I don't care for the story, and firefight isn't worth $15 to me.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/09(Thu)02:47 No.42124959
    I think part of what has made Halo so popular is that it does a lot of things very well. It's also what leads to people hating the hell out of it. It's so easy to find a game that does one aspect better.

    There are games that do sniping/sneaking stuff better than Halo. There are games that do the intense moments of pandemonium (or whatever the hell you want to call it) better. There are games with better single-player/story. There are games better multiplayer options. And so on and so forth. But Halo is the place where all of these things come together and there's not too many other games that execute that total package as well as Halo does.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/09(Thu)02:49 No.42125057

    I don't know how to respond to that since I am not that privy to the ways of rts games, past the single player of the warcraft series..

    I was mostly curious as to why the tribes series had this very unique gameplay element. And literally NO ONE has tried to copy it.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/09(Thu)02:51 No.42125123
    guess it's just fate Bro. Fate.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/09(Thu)02:52 No.42125155

    absolute truth.
    >> The Flying Dutchman !7rE.JnQ9QA 11/12/09(Thu)02:52 No.42125163

    Because the masses hate originality.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/09(Thu)02:54 No.42125240

    What makes it even stranger is that tribes was a popular game when it came out...
    >> Anonymous 11/12/09(Thu)02:54 No.42125247
    The only Tribes I've played was Aerial Assault on PS2. If the PC versions were like that I can understand why no one copied it.

    That aside, wasn't Tribes the one that first introduced an honest integration of vehicles? It would seem it has left its mark.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/09(Thu)02:55 No.42125287
    >>42124959 basically just said that does everything, but is mediocre at it.

    If you say so, your the halo fag

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