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  • File : 1257473835.jpg-(41 KB, 512x384, 1255132371051.jpg)
    41 KB Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:17 No.41662656  
    /v/ - Literature and Books part 2.

    >Have to read Atlas Shrugged
    >Teacher is an Objectivist
    >You're not
    >D- on paper and accusation of not reading the book
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:17 No.41662695
    dumb thread and op is dummmb.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:18 No.41662719
    I'm the guy who burned 24 or so copies of Ayn Rand's bullshit. Shit was so cash. Beach Parties rock.
    >> Unsung !!NO7ubUArw4F 11/05/09(Thu)21:19 No.41662803
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    >> Gaahl !kwG8Ja1P2Q 11/05/09(Thu)21:20 No.41662827
    The only positive thing I have to say about Anthem is that it was the shortest book I had to read for school.

    Which makes it better than The Great Gatsby
    >> Chicken 11/05/09(Thu)21:20 No.41662829




    >> Virgil 11/05/09(Thu)21:20 No.41662833
    [Thanks for making a new thread]

    K thanks /v/ for helping me for the most part of setting up my book list for now.

    To Kill a Mocking Bird
    The Great Gatsby
    Count of Monte Cristo
    The Divine Comedy

    I currently have access(as in I have them right now) to the first 2 books on my list so I thought I would get them out of the way. Can someone tell me if I will need any background knowledge on the Odysseus to understand Ulysses? Also how long is Ulyssess and the Divine Comedy?
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:20 No.41662835
    Looking for some light funny reading during a plane trip
    The new Douglas Adams book, or the new Discworld book?
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:20 No.41662860
    >find some obtuse fantasy book in the library and take it out
    >holy shit this is awesome
    Hounds of the Morrigan by Pat O'Shea
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:22 No.41662977
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    Also some Aussie guy in the last thread mentioned Deltora Quest.

    It has an anime version.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:22 No.41663019
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    >Let students pick out a book of their choice to read for Highschool English reading credit
    >About half of the girls choose Twilight
    >Class I am disappoint

    polite sage for not vidya related
    >> Chicken 11/05/09(Thu)21:23 No.41663067
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    neil gaiman AND terry pratchet
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:23 No.41663085
    Books are so good for being short and meant for children.
    Fuck yes solving our fights by tricking giant monsters into being retarded for a second and/or running away from them rather than getting ourselves killed retardedly!
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:23 No.41663090
    Attention everyone.

    Your attention, please.

    Please read One Hundred Years of Solitude.

    I repeat.

    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:25 No.41663187

    The Monkey Wrench Gang isn't funny, but it's damn good, and relatively light.
    >> Chicken 11/05/09(Thu)21:25 No.41663204
    some one has to fucking help me out with this though i'm desperately trying to remember it
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:25 No.41663210
    Anyone else think The Road was fucking terrible?
    >> Gaahl !kwG8Ja1P2Q 11/05/09(Thu)21:25 No.41663217
    Ulysses will run you about 700 pages give or take. If by Divine Comedy you mean all three books (Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso) then it might break the 1000+ range.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:26 No.41663281
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    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:26 No.41663290

    Cien años de soledad

    original spanish motherfucker
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:27 No.41663294
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    >Attend three different High Schools

    >Re-use 1984 report in every English class
    >> Unsung !!NO7ubUArw4F 11/05/09(Thu)21:27 No.41663304
    Did anyone ever read Parcifel's Page, and the sequels?

    I remember them being fucking awesome, and I've wanted to reread them again.

    Same with some book I read in like, 7th grade called Crusader
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:27 No.41663312
    Reading How to Eat a Dinosaur because I am a hipster faggot
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:27 No.41663354
    Read Rand's horrible shit and explain in detail why the teacher would've been considered a "looter" under her shitty pseduo-philosophy.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:28 No.41663372
    I just read "And then there were none", and shit was VERY, VERY cash.

    I'm now reading "The man in the brown suit". It's not THAT good compared to the first, but it's awesome.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:28 No.41663393
    No no, the new Hitchhiker's book.
    Already read it, twas awesome
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:28 No.41663394
    I am about to start reading "Orxy and Crake" but i'm too lethargic right now to start it and instead here i am wasting the day on /v/.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:28 No.41663416

    >> Pang Tong !KOcvfNjeL2 11/05/09(Thu)21:29 No.41663434
    Oh fuck you /v/ I already posted all my shit into the other new thread. Hang on.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:29 No.41663445
    Shade's Children, by Garth Nix?
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:29 No.41663453
    If you haven't read The Silmarillion, get on that, too. Imagine Lord of the Rings, but less character development, and more "HOLYSHITTHISISAWESOME" (and it's by Tolkien, and is canonical to the series)

    Sage for non-vidya
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:29 No.41663459
    /b/ swears by Crime and Punishment, although I prefer the Brothers Karamazov or The Idiot
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:30 No.41663504
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    The divine comedy was the world's first crossover fanfic...
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:30 No.41663508

    Sorry, I don't speak Spanish because I took German instead. :<
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:30 No.41663517

    You're gonna be pretty disappointed. Fuck The Great Gatsby. It's barely relevant today. Read 1984 and Animal Farm. Shit rules.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:30 No.41663535
    Ender's game series is top tier
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:31 No.41663545
    Oh, also Catcher in the Rye. That book is absolutely fantastic.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:31 No.41663548
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    fucking hate that cunt
    i cant understand how anyone can read this and take it seriously
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:31 No.41663561
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    Dune is the best series I've read in a while.

    Then again, I'm a sucker for anything revolving around a false religion
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:31 No.41663572

    >No no, the new Hitchhiker's book.
    >Douglas Adams is dead
    >You mean Eoin Colfer's new book in Douglas Adam's universe
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:31 No.41663593
    Read Fight Club and Choke for English class. Shit was unbelievably cash.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:31 No.41663602

    Because casual philosophers are casual.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:32 No.41663628
    Oh. Right then, that.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:32 No.41663634
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    Some asshole doing anything to get rich and live like a king isn't relevant today?!
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:32 No.41663639
    Shade's Children. Garth Nix
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:32 No.41663645
    I don't consider myself an objectivist though I do share some similar views with the common specimen. However, I do enjoy Rand's books, I'm disappointed at your teacher for trying to push her beliefs on you if that's what actually happened.
    You're a douche, dude.
    >> Chicken 11/05/09(Thu)21:32 No.41663654
    well god damn done my friend
    >> Virgil 11/05/09(Thu)21:32 No.41663660
    I don't know why but it doesn't surprise me that people who browse /v/ read daily.

    Also I just finished The Catcher in the Rye. I'm a bit confused, I mean it was a good read. Kept me busy, it wasn't so bad that I would of had to put it down. But is he telling his story in a mental hospital from the start or is that just in the last page? Houlden just seems like a douche, like a guy who people can be nice to but still acts like a fucker over stupid shit. Really, really, you don't like me because of my suitcase?
    >> Unsung !!NO7ubUArw4F 11/05/09(Thu)21:33 No.41663685
    How are the others in the series? I only ever read Ender's Game, just because it felt like it would be all downhill afterwords.

    I've been wanting to reread it for a bit now though, should I go for the sequels? What's the main story driving the next one?
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:33 No.41663695
    My favorite book is The Count of Monte Cristo

    I've read it at least twice a year for going on 4 years now
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:33 No.41663728
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:33 No.41663729

    Thats a Terry Brooks book, Apocalypse Children or some shit.

    It was alright.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:33 No.41663730
    >Find the Belgariad on some old shelves
    >Read it for the nostalgia
    >Have fun with it, decide to look up David Eddings
    >Find out he died a few months ago.
    Feels bad man, his shit was nice escapism.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:33 No.41663731

    The reason you hate The Great Gatsby is because it's Livejournal, circa 1920s
    >> Pang Tong !KOcvfNjeL2 11/05/09(Thu)21:34 No.41663776
    Worst book I read in High School: Deadly, Unna? (Australian book so Australian school had a hardon for it. It's about a wimpy kid in a town that's racist and then an aboriginal kid gets shot while he's burgling a house.)

    Best book I read in High School: 1984

    Favourite book series: Song of Ice and Fire (FUCK YOU MARTIN YOU FUCKING FUCK)

    Recently finished books: Dune, Complete Hitchhiker's Guide, Watchmen

    Currently reading: Necronomicon. The style is just so "classic".
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:34 No.41663790
    Gulag Archipelago and Dark Tower series are my favorite.

    Fantasy is for little kids
    Adventure lacks content
    Non-fiction has no storeys
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:35 No.41663797
    but its just a goddamned bad book regardless of the philosophy being retarded or not
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:35 No.41663809
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    You must identify if you've read the revised/extended edition of The Stand. All 1,200 small print pages of it. Took me about a damn year.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:35 No.41663819

    Hell yeah! Gabriel García Marquez up in this motherfucker!

    Also, read Rayuela (Hopscotch) for some more latinamerican goodness
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:35 No.41663835
    Okay, /v/. Help me out here.

    When I was a kid, I had a book I loved. I can't remember the name, though. My problem is that, during a scavenger hunt I turned the book in, because a mole was on the cover, and that was one of the items we needed.

    Help me find the book. It was about a mole, of course. His culture is being wiped out be some illness, so he goes to find the cure in the outside world. In the end, the find out that the disease is boredom, and the moles need adventure so they have a reason to truly live. Any ideas, bros?
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:35 No.41663838
    Best book I read in school (english class): Hamlet
    Best book I read in school (biology): The Demon in the Freezer - smallpox is fucking fascinating

    Worst book I read in school: Things Fall Apart
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:36 No.41663861
    no. fight club was overrated, and fucking retarded after watching a second time.
    actors fine though.
    book gayer
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:36 No.41663865
    I had to read Margret Atwood books all through high school

    Fuck Canadian schools
    >> Virgil 11/05/09(Thu)21:36 No.41663893
    So you all suggest 1984? If someone can persuade me a bit of why I should pick it up then most likely I will read it after I finish To Kill a Mocking Bird and The Great Gatsby
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:36 No.41663894
    Because it appeals to that special kind of retard that likes to think of the world as 'sheep' and 'me'.
    >> Chicken 11/05/09(Thu)21:36 No.41663898
    >wikipedia it
    >realize how fucked up it was
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:36 No.41663907
    The Wheel of Time just got another book.

    Thats like, what? 12 One thousand page books now?
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:37 No.41663915

    Oh shut the fuck up. Just enjoy a book for once. He's a hilarious character. I just love the way he acts. He's not an outright asshole to people, really, but the way he talks about them afterwards is funny. He's just such a strange, unique, and humorous character.
    >> Unsung !!NO7ubUArw4F 11/05/09(Thu)21:37 No.41663928

    Read it in 2 weeks during High School. I never payed attention to any class ever, in retrospect.

    Also, The Stand was the shit~
    >> Steve Hermann !mZMZUAWd5w 11/05/09(Thu)21:37 No.41663950
    Trying to push through Moby Dick.

    I really like the ideas of omnipotence that've come up, fun to think about.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:38 No.41663984

    Lets put it this way.

    You know all those people who love Johnnen Vasquez comics? If you haven't heard of them then let me give you the over view.

    >stupid writing with no plot
    >everyone loves it because it is trying to be angsty misanthropes "just like them"
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:38 No.41663994
    >owever, I do enjoy Rand's books.
    Her political tracts you mean.
    >You're a douche, dude.
    Him being on /v/ makes him a douche by default. Him burning Rand's horseshit (if he didn't pay for them) makes him a decent human being.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:38 No.41664004
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    >no. fight club was overrated, and fucking retarded after watching a second time.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:38 No.41664028
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    Don't mind me, I'm just being the best war novel of all time.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:39 No.41664037

    Read this four years ago. Took about three or four months to finish. I proceeded to spend the next 2 years reading the library's collection of stephen king. This, Rose Madder, and Dark Tower are some of my favorite books
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:39 No.41664051
    >read text 5 minutes before class

    teacher chastises everyone but you for lack of preparation, try not to look smug.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:39 No.41664062
    David and Leigh are dead?
    I... I didn't know that... ;_;
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:39 No.41664085
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:40 No.41664120
    He's a shitty character and you're a bad human being for liking him, eat my opinion.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:40 No.41664145
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    Don't mind me, im just being better
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:40 No.41664149
    Unsung hero, you are correct about the series getting weird after ender's game. i would say this weirdness culminates in Xenocide, which is still great. as for the rest of the series, ive heard great thing about the "Ender's shadow" series with bean as the center character. But yeah give the other enders game books a try, and if you dont like it then w/e
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:40 No.41664154

    1984 is amazing, fantastic, original, and a total mind-fuck. It's really thought-provoking, too. Skip The Great Gatsby, seriously. It's boring, irrelevant nowadays, and is only enjoyed by pretentious douche bags who enjoy over-analyzing everything.


    HAH. We never had to do that in my school. Well, in university I have one course where I have to read a Margaret Atwood book, but it'll probably be better than that piece of shit The Trial we just had to finish reading. Ugh, the editing was absolutely fuckawful, and the story was boring to boot.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:41 No.41664187
    Not quoted but Catcher in the Rye was horrible.
    Just like reading whiny teenage livejournals.
    >> Unsung !!NO7ubUArw4F 11/05/09(Thu)21:41 No.41664197
    >Dark Tower
    That series has all but killed reading for me. Since the last book came out, nothing has even come close to hooking me like the Tower books.

    It's very depressing.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:41 No.41664205
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    >Didn't compromise integrity and write for teachers bias
    >Expected good grade
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:41 No.41664213
    Whatever, you don't need to whine.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:41 No.41664217
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    Am I the only one who has read this book? I certainly hope not.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:41 No.41664233
    Well it's unsurprising you found Hamlet to be the best book you read in class. It's considered the best work in English literature by a large number of literary critics (taking a couple poetry classes in high school, I can tell you what a bitch it is to get the stuff in metre and rhyming, let alone do it to the subtle professional skill Shakespeare does, whilst adding in numerous metaphors and analogies).
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:42 No.41664253
    Best book on bureacracy. EVER.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:42 No.41664284
    This, The Dune series (Frank Herbert's, Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson are good Science Fiction writers, Dune is more then Science Fiction though) was excellent. Though, I didn't like how I liked every character, there were no antagonists and protagonists in my view.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:42 No.41664285
    >ctrl f
    >no findings

    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:42 No.41664297
    Why do people bash Rand so much? She just stole everything she could from other philosophers. It's hilarious and saddening to see people bash Rand in one sentence and talk about Nietzsche with respect in the next.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:42 No.41664300
    pfft. Not this garbage.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:42 No.41664303
    oh god.
    >> Salathiel, Angriest of Marines 11/05/09(Thu)21:42 No.41664306
    I read the extended version in 3 weeks. Fucking AMAZING book.

    I'm currently doing a 7 page report over A Clockwork Orange. Excellent read.

    Also, anybody read Cell, by Stephen King?
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:43 No.41664352
    >good science fiction writers
    No, they're horrible fanfiction writers.
    >Dune was more than sci-fi
    >> Unsung !!NO7ubUArw4F 11/05/09(Thu)21:43 No.41664360
    I'll definately give them a try, if it isn't straight up horseshit. My local used book store has the entire series for $5, so if they are meh, it's no real loss.

    Hopefully, they are fun.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:44 No.41664384
    I read it. The only thing that pissed me off was that it would be like: "Read excerpt here if you want" and i HAD to get every last drop of content so i would, and Pelfania's letters were like 40 fucking pages.

    This especially killed me considering how intense Johnny Truant's story was getting. Also I got bored a bit by the Navidson record but read it in order to get the full effect of the book.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:44 No.41664395
    The ones with Bean are good, but very different. They're very centered on Peter (that's Ender's brother name, right? I read them like three years ago), and on politics on Earth (with a character named Achilles being a major rival of Bean). Plus, when Bean becomes fucking enormously tall, it becomes interesting.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:44 No.41664396
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    >Forced to read a Jodi Picoult book in high school literature class.
    >It's about a girl who gets high at a party and some guy fucks her.
    >Her dad is a MYSTERIOUS AND BROODING comic book artist.
    >There's stupidly obvious symbolism to "The Inferno."
    >She spends the rest of the book moping and her mom murders the guy who fucked her.
    >The guy is portrayed as a villain, we're supposed to feel sympathetic for the girl.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:45 No.41664426
    I read it! Fucking amazing book, I would definitely suggest it to anybody who wants to be fucking terrified of the dark for a couple of months.

    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:45 No.41664468
    >fat lesbian feminist English professor

    >write soppy feminist bullshit in every paper you write to get good grades

    >teacher is moved to tears by having "a man who 'gets it' in her class" and wishes you teary heartfelt good luck with the rest of your college career at the end of the class

    >feel too guilty to tell her you don't actually believe a word you wrote

    In this case, am I a pussy for lying about what I believe in order to get a good grade, or just playing the system intelligently?
    >> Virgil 11/05/09(Thu)21:45 No.41664487
    Hm I'm going to add it to my book list but I don't plan to knock off the Great Gatsby. Sooner or later I know I'm going to have to end up reading that book so I might as well get it out of the way.

    [New book list]
    To Kill a Mocking Bird
    The Great Gatsby
    Count of Monte Cristo
    The Divine Comedy

    How fast do you all read. Like let's say 100 pages a day? I don't know my exact number but I take my time since I re-read pages often.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:46 No.41664523
    Speed reader here. 600 pages in a day on average.
    >> Steve Hermann !mZMZUAWd5w 11/05/09(Thu)21:46 No.41664527
    Navidson and Karen are Zampano's and Pelafina's parents. Pelafina marries, has a kid, goes nuts. Zampano resents the child. The child's father takes Zampano for one of his truck drives and somehow ends up crashing. Zampano survives. The child goes through several foster homes, is severely abused in one, and when he comes of age, travels across Europe before returning to California. Becomes acquainted with a drug dealer.

    what do you think
    >> Virgil 11/05/09(Thu)21:46 No.41664529
    You are being intelligent. God bless you.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:46 No.41664538
    Somewhere in between the two.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:47 No.41664543

    Ask yourself this

    What would lawful evil do?
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:47 No.41664562
    Because her cobbled together crap is loved by certain kinds of retards. Her books are little more than political tracts. Her "philosophy" can't stand up to even basic stuff like Hume's test.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:47 No.41664586


    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:47 No.41664609
    You're a disgusting human being with no spine.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:47 No.41664613
    >Favourite book series: Song of Ice and Fire (FUCK YOU MARTIN YOU FUCKING FUCK)

    Same here, it wouldn't be so bad if the last book wasn't the first part of a two parter.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:47 No.41664616
    Fuck Marquez. One Hundred Years of Solitude might be good, but Love in the Time of Cholera is utter shit.

    One of the main characters is in love with the other main character for 50 some years. He keeps track of how long it was since they met to the day. He proposes to her right after her husbands funeral, but she rejects him obviously. During those 50 years, this guy fucked all sorts of prostitutes and milfs. One of his nieces or some relative came to live with him, and he fucks her too. Anyway, the other main character finally gives in to him on a boat ride, and they have 70 year-old sex. What a terrible book.
    >> Unsung !!NO7ubUArw4F 11/05/09(Thu)21:48 No.41664629
    I've been using that book as a mousepad for a while now.

    I need to get off my lazy ass and read it.
    No, how was it? It honestly seemed like it would be The Stand Lite to me, but I could certainly have been wrong

    I personally think King stopped trying after the last Tower book
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:48 No.41664650
    some people deserve to be lied to
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:48 No.41664653
    100 pages a day?
    That's...pretty pathetic.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:48 No.41664657
    shut will fuck you up
    in a good way
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:48 No.41664673
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    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:49 No.41664690
    but john, you are the feminists.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:49 No.41664700
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:49 No.41664713
    I had to read The Beautiful and the Damned over the spring. It was an interesting book, but it would've made a better 2-page summary than a 600-and-some page borefest.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:49 No.41664720

    The Navidson Record was supposed to have been filmed in the early to mid 90's, and Johnny discovered Zampano's transcript in the late 90's.
    >> Virgil 11/05/09(Thu)21:50 No.41664774
    No that was just an example, if I would have to guess I would say I read 200-300 pages a day. I was planning to actually record how many pages I read but I keep on forgetting.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:50 No.41664784
    No mention of Terry Pratchett?
    He's more /v/ related than most authors. He mods for Oblivion in fact.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:50 No.41664791
    I read Warren Ellis's novel "Crooked Little Vein" last month.

    For what it was, it was good, it had a real Transmetropolitan vibe, but a lot dirtier.
    >> Unsung !!NO7ubUArw4F 11/05/09(Thu)21:50 No.41664795
    Add The Dark Tower series. It's 4000 pages total, but might be the most captivating fictional universe ever.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:51 No.41664820
    how did...why is this on /v/....

    what happened to this place...
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:51 No.41664823

    The only book you faggots should be reading thats anywhere near vidya related is Roadside Picnic, which Stalker is loosely based off of.
    >> Steve Hermann !mZMZUAWd5w 11/05/09(Thu)21:51 No.41664825
    You have to remember that the film never actually existed. Zampano wrote it. Whether any of it was true or not he definitely used elements, if not entire events, from his own life. His writing it makes the children being Z and P entirely possible.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:51 No.41664828
    The only book by Rand that's worth reading is Anthem. Everything else is a bunch of self-important masturbation on her part.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:51 No.41664860

    >Bringing up skeptiicist arguments in topics not directly related to skepticism

    Enjoy not getting anything accomplished.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:52 No.41664905

    #1 American Pratchett fan reporting in. I own everything in original hardcovers.
    >> anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:53 No.41664938

    green text happened.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:53 No.41664946
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    So am I the only one who's read Harlan Ellison?

    "Repent, Harlequin! Said the Ticktockman" is my favorite short story.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:53 No.41664947
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    >> sage anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:53 No.41665001

    forgot my sage.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:54 No.41665018
    Lol. He says he does it because the normal Oblivion is "rather dull otherwise".
    Smart man.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:54 No.41665020
    >People defending Ayn Rand
    What the fuck /v/?
    >> Crisco Disco !1ETTPxZ8j. 11/05/09(Thu)21:54 No.41665039
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    Cormac McCarthy is the greatest living author.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:55 No.41665076
    >Atlas Shrugged
    Would you kindly turn /v/-literature and books part 2. back into /v/ vidya games, nostalgia and crap.
    >> Pang Tong !KOcvfNjeL2 11/05/09(Thu)21:55 No.41665094

    Oh dear god no.

    Although I did hear that the Japs loved the series for some reason. It is pretty cool. And Barda looks fucking manly as shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:56 No.41665125
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    Reading this right now. Shit's awesome.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:56 No.41665128
    >author talks about ayn rand biography she wrote on NPR
    >prompter asks why people hate rand
    >author says they don't get it

    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:56 No.41665131

    >> Steve Hermann !mZMZUAWd5w 11/05/09(Thu)21:56 No.41665143

    We need a lit board, gat damn.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:56 No.41665157

    I wonder how really shitty amerikan universities have to be so teachers are allowed to force their students to read that crap.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:57 No.41665198
    I also might add that the character 'Atlas' from Bioshock is based (or the name is taking from) the book. That is why I found it humourus to point out.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:57 No.41665203
    It creeps the shit out of me that he's like 74, and his son is like 5.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:57 No.41665240
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    This book is fucking awesome. The illustrations alone are worth the cover price. Too bad I never have time to read anything besides audiobooks these days.

    Just finished The God Delusion. Better than I thought it would be, even if the ending was a little strange.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:57 No.41665250
         File1257476277.jpg-(42 KB, 182x200, ellisonharlan1179.jpg)
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    I have the anthology in my car actually, its huge. Its good for stopping into a coffee shop and breezing through a story while you eat. Elison is the man. I named my band after one of his characters.
    >> Pang Tong !KOcvfNjeL2 11/05/09(Thu)21:58 No.41665277

    What the hell, what has he made for Oblivion?
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:58 No.41665289
    >Reading Catch-22
    >Shit gets confusing
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:58 No.41665290

    The movie was a peice of shit, too
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:59 No.41665322
    There have been 3 lit thread so far.

    No one has once seriously mentioned all those popular modern series that the masses love.

    I am so proud of you /v/
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:59 No.41665330
    HERP DERP shut the fuck up tripfag
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:59 No.41665342

    What a massive fucking hipster.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)21:59 No.41665349
    >> BLUEDEMON !!Xz8l55OpdZQ 11/05/09(Thu)22:00 No.41665383
    I'm looking for that collection since it is all his stuff in the last 50 years. He is so prolific with the art of the short story.
    >> Steve Hermann !mZMZUAWd5w 11/05/09(Thu)22:00 No.41665419

    lol u disturbed at my pointing your unfunny and less than clever joke out?
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)22:00 No.41665437
    No it was corny and unfunny as fuck, and the rest was just Pride and Prejudice.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)22:01 No.41665447
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    Cool story bro.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)22:01 No.41665454
    I always write for my teachers bias

    Feels good man.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)22:01 No.41665504
    no matter what you will not understand Ulysses
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)22:02 No.41665513
    And the most hipster post of the year award goes to...
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)22:02 No.41665555
    In grade 12 we had to read some letter thing she wrote for our one assignment.

    It was so fucking pompous. The whole thing was basically "LOOK I KNOW THESE THINGS EXISTED AND SHALL REFERENCE THEM DERP DERP"
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)22:02 No.41665559

    I saw you on youtube, and loled at all the ass pained Randians.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)22:02 No.41665566

    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)22:02 No.41665575

    I don't. I told my teacher -- who was in love with Fitzgerald -- that I didn't like The Great Gatsby or The Beautiful and the Damned (although I wasn't too harsh on the books) and I still got an A+ in his course :3
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)22:02 No.41665590
    No, I mean he uses mods. I don't think the internet could take what he could make.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)22:03 No.41665600
    Matter and energy had ended and with it, space and time. Even AC existed only for the sake of the one last question that it had never answered from the time a half-drunken computer ten trillion years before had asked the question of a computer that was to AC far less than was a man to Man.

    All other questions had been answered, and until this last question was answered also, AC might not release his consciousness.

    All collected data had come to a final end. Nothing was left to be collected.

    But all collected data had yet to be completely correlated and put together in all possible relationships.

    A timeless interval was spent in doing that.

    And it came to pass that AC learned how to reverse the direction of entropy.

    But there was now no man to whom AC might give the answer of the last question. No matter. The answer -- by demonstration -- would take care of that, too.

    For another timeless interval, AC thought how best to do this. Carefully, AC organized the program.

    The consciousness of AC encompassed all of what had once been a Universe and brooded over what was now Chaos. Step by step, it must be done.

    And AC said, "LET THERE BE LIGHT!"

    And there was light----

    Asimov is god tier.
    >> Virgil 11/05/09(Thu)22:03 No.41665622
    Really? I heard so many good thinks about it I want to read it.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)22:04 No.41665672
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    I don't mind being called a hipster
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)22:04 No.41665676
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    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)22:05 No.41665731

    brb watching 2001 a space odysee.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)22:05 No.41665736
    Trying to help out /v/.

    >> Steve Hermann !mZMZUAWd5w 11/05/09(Thu)22:05 No.41665774
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    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)22:05 No.41665787

    Oh look its someone else who think sage is a nega-bump
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)22:06 No.41665830

    Anyways, samefag here. I was referring to Atwood.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)22:07 No.41665875
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    Just got this book today as background reading for my uni course, whilst it's not fiction it is a total mind fuck as the author predicts the future.
    It's beyond awesome.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)22:07 No.41665884

    We had to read that book. Not bad but my god all the analysis we did was such bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)22:07 No.41665912
    The only book I read in high school was this
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)22:07 No.41665927
    Rand a.k.a baby's first sexually repressed Nietzsche rip-off.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)22:09 No.41666032
    >Have to read Atlas Shrugged
    >Teacher is an Objectivist
    >You're not
    >Write bullshit that I know will get me graded well, like I do on every other occaision I have to write something
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)22:10 No.41666055
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    >> Virgil 11/05/09(Thu)22:11 No.41666125
    What class/course are you reading this for? I'm just wondering.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)22:11 No.41666139
    whats that got to do with asimov? or was that a troll attempt?
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)22:11 No.41666174
    It depends on the subject though. Usually in Lit classes i'll speak my mind but if its about a partisan issue ill lie like a rug
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)22:12 No.41666187
    >read dante's inferno
    >oh well this doesnt look too interesting it's probabily the olde bullshi..
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)22:12 No.41666217

    I was talking about hard sci-fi that doesn't suck
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)22:12 No.41666240
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    I find the lack of Robert E. Howard's Conan disturbing.

    Also sage for non-vidya.
    >> Steve Hermann !mZMZUAWd5w 11/05/09(Thu)22:12 No.41666249
    I'll do that unless the other side is a total moron(s).
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)22:13 No.41666273
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    >book is set in The Middle Ages

    > Actually, it's in post-nuclear-apoctolyptica, but it's like the middle ages, where the Catholic church is the preserver of knowledge.

    >People worship a shopping list because they don't understand the significance.

    >Mankind ends up going through the apocolypse, the dark ages, and then bombing themselves all over again

    Written by a depressed Catholic who had faith issues and eventually committed suicide (a BIG no no in Catholicism). Shit was awesome, I'm glad I was forced to read it.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)22:14 No.41666328

    The predictions on the cover sound fucking ridiculous. Turkey and Poland are super-powers? Not India and China? My ass China's gonna fall apart any time soon.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)22:15 No.41666422
    >Catholic church is the preserver of knowledge.
    But did they supress all the stuff they didn't like/that went against their preaching?
    If no, then it wasn't very Catholic now was it?
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)22:15 No.41666423
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    International relations.

    In the book he goes on to analyse the next future powers in the world (Hint: Mexico, Turkey and Poland). The reasons why America is the undisputed superpower and why it will continue to be for the rest of the century and why China is likely to decend into medicocrity + more.

    This guy has been right in the past and it's likely he'll be right again.
    >> JT 11/05/09(Thu)22:15 No.41666448
    >great power

    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)22:16 No.41666518
    I see it in most Barnes and Nobles. His stuff has become significantly less hard to find in the last year or so.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)22:16 No.41666524
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)22:17 No.41666598
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    >The Red Badge of Courage
    >> Virgil 11/05/09(Thu)22:18 No.41666638
    Hm, so you would suggest this book to someone who is interested in International relationships or is this just something YOU wanted to read to get ahead of your class?
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)22:18 No.41666657
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    >International relations.

    *makes jerking off motion and rolls eyes*

    Get a real major you fucking loser.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)22:18 No.41666658
    Hole in the Sky, fuck year.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)22:18 No.41666670
    >(Hint: Mexico, Turkey and Poland)
    >The reasons why America is the undisputed superpower
    >and why it will continue to be for the rest of the century
    Not further decline, amirite?
    >and why China is likely to decend into medicocrity + more.
    Right, it's almost as if they where the ones ruining their shitty war economy by going to unprofitable (For the government rather than privately owned companies) wars.

    >This guy has been right in the past and it's likely he'll be right again.
    Suuure he will be.
    Enjoy your wisful thinking Amerifag.
    >> Steve Hermann !mZMZUAWd5w 11/05/09(Thu)22:18 No.41666679

    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)22:19 No.41666704

    Chinas weakness lies in it's inability to project power. Whilst it is a major economic power and that power can only grow in the next 10 or so years, the uneveness of wealth distribution only means one of two things taking place; China reinvesting its wealth in social policies which it is very unlikely to do, or; Social upheaval due to poverty.
    Chinas history is laced with cycles like this. Whenever it closes its borders it is a poor rural state, whenever it opens its borders to trade, the ports of Han China become very rich very quickly whilst rural china stays poor. Eventually the poor rise up and close the borders again. Mao did it 60 years ago and it's very likely to happen again within the next 20 years.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)22:19 No.41666713
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    Not to step on the toes of the hardcore lit talk in there, but...

    how about that lovecraft
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)22:22 No.41666868
    Dune is essentially 40k but with out the bolters
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)22:22 No.41666894
    As long as it stays with him and doesn't bring in any of the other hacks who used the Mythos.
    Clark Ashton Smith and Robert E. Howard are notable exceptions.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)22:23 No.41666990

    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)22:24 No.41667009
    unseen academicals was so cash.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)22:24 No.41667044
    How about him? He pretty much defined a subgenre of horror fiction the same way Howard popularized Sword 'N Sorcery.

    Fuck, don't know what they passed around back in the day, but I want it.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)22:24 No.41667046
    Any Micheal moorcock fans here? :3
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)22:25 No.41667061

    More like Rapecraft amirite
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)22:25 No.41667093
    I couldn't get into it but then I finally found a copy of reaper man and enjoyed the ever loving shit out of that.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)22:25 No.41667117

    Do the slightest bit of research before posting inane bullshit.

    Polands power will come from American reinvestment to defend it against a resurgent Russia. Poland has the population, the natural resources and the workforce to transform itself into a great power.

    Turkeys strength comes from its relative stability. Considering its surrounded by the biggest array of fuck up nations on earth Turkey has remained solid.

    Mexico has the strategic position of being able to project power into both major oceans, is currently the worlds 17th largest economy yet it is without any kind of real industrial base. With further investment from the outside world Mexico will be in an incredibly strong position.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)22:26 No.41667167
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    Its called horrible mind raping nightmares bro, that was his inspiration.

    Also why is it that no one is willing to make cthulhu mythos esque aliens anymore? In other words why is it ALWAYS the human like stuff that lovecraft tried to move us away from
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)22:26 No.41667186
    It's been a while since I read it, but I'm pretty sure in the book they did. There was a lot of political corruption.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)22:27 No.41667220

    It's a good book no matter what. Certainly very interesting.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)22:27 No.41667227

    Read more books, watch less movies.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)22:28 No.41667279
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    >next future powers in the world
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)22:28 No.41667295
    And well written, consistent and not filled with retarded shit.
    Oh, and there are no likeable characters in any Dune book. At all.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)22:29 No.41667360
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)22:30 No.41667411
    Was a bit past the "angsty special guy is really cool" phase when I read it. Was decent.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)22:33 No.41667608
    Which book? Guessing it's The History Runestaff series.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)22:35 No.41667711
         File1257478526.jpg-(44 KB, 450x418, derp23132.jpg)
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    I only read what Oprah tells me to read.
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)22:39 No.41667985

    when nobody else can...
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)22:40 No.41668015
    I was forced to read this too. It was so awesome reading it. It's basically the phrase "history repeats itself" in book format. The linking of the main characters in each part was pretty cool too.

    Also, H.P. Lovecraft. I grew obsessed with him after playing Call of Cthulhu DCotE. He's such a messed up guy, what's not to like?
    >> Anonymous 11/05/09(Thu)22:50 No.41668686

    Maybe the fact that he was a convicted pedophile (read that as "pea-dough-file, please)?

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