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11/05/09(Thu)21:36 No.41663899 File1257475011.jpg-(83 KB, 405x500, deus_ex_front_preview.jpg)
 Deus Ex put me onto these books:
Last and First Men, and Star Maker
by Olaf Stapledon. Two of the best sci-fi/philosophy books I've ever read.
and First Men is a fictional "history" of the human race, from the
viewpoint of billions of years in the future, starting from modern man
as the First Men. Fucking awesome, great philosophy on man's purpose
wrapped neatly in a fantastic science fiction story. Viewpoint expands
gradually over the course of the book from decades to centuries to
millenia and beyond.
Star Maker takes Stapledon's implied
"perfect human experience" from the previous book and realizes it
through a giant, intergalactic out-of-body experience. Explores the
ideas of intelligent alien life, inter-planetary unity, and the
superconsciousness. At the end, he can experience all of time and space
from one viewpoint, and meets the Star Maker. Fucking awesome read.
>>41663251 I read them.
Also here's some more: Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (Philip K. Dick, Blade runner loosely based on this, really great) 1984 and Animal Farm, both great social/political commentary, Orwell was a mad cunt |