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  • File : 1257384060.png-(408 KB, 500x375, adamgrenade.png)
    408 KB Sessler's Soapbox: Adam Calls Infinity Ward Out Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:21 No.41582931

    Adam cares. You wish Adam was your father, or at least your cool uncle.

    Here's the video in question:
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:27 No.41583260
    human wrecking ball? wat?

    they have that kind of shit in American TV?
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:31 No.41583489
    wtf? I thought he was going to talk about all the bullshit IW has been pulling on PC players.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:31 No.41583511
    No one cares about them.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:32 No.41583583
    >On terms with the "n" word

    lol no
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:35 No.41583706

    he said something about it towards the end. But he tries to be as professional as possible
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:35 No.41583718
    u mad?
    >> Chicken 11/04/09(Wed)20:36 No.41583772
    i like sessler but he was being a bit of a whinger in this video i feel
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:36 No.41583792
    The points are sound, but why is he getting so personally upset?

    Is Adam gay?
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:38 No.41583867
         File1257385089.jpg-(736 KB, 2327x2859, 1254006456529.jpg)
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    i just realized that I see these threads on /v/ all the time. and look at the way the title is.

    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:38 No.41583877

    I was waiting for him to just come out and say it. There is a cut in the vid..... mysterious.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:38 No.41583878
    >Is Adam gay?

    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:38 No.41583894
    What is he? A faggot?
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:39 No.41583962
    >736 KB, 2327x2859

    what the fuck is wrong with you
    >> Rinon460 !!JBgjJyk+HsA 11/04/09(Wed)20:40 No.41583993
    you're right, OP.
    I do.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:40 No.41584018
         File1257385251.gif-(1.21 MB, 320x240, MeetTheSess-1.gif)
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    I miss the old Xplay skits.

    The Meet The Sess joke made me lol so hard when i watched it for the first time
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:40 No.41584024
         File1257385258.png-(321 KB, 742x486, 1236298957067.png)
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    >This thread
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:41 No.41584073
    obviously from a cell phone
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:42 No.41584117
    >> Rohzz 11/04/09(Wed)20:42 No.41584118
         File1257385347.jpg-(26 KB, 529x359, pic of the year.jpg)
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    >> Tron Bonne !xlYhXhJVKA 11/04/09(Wed)20:42 No.41584134
         File1257385361.jpg-(12 KB, 118x173, 01trondaww.jpg)Thumbnail unavailable
    Well, because as he said: he loves how gaming, as a medium, is enjoyed by anyone regardless of race, creed or whatever. There are well ways to call anyone names online other than resorting to racial, religious or sexualoriented slurs.... So you can still call someone a "fucking piece of shit" online.... Well... at least until we get friendly with some alien shit-looking race and we have to refer to them as fecaleans not to offend anyone.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:43 No.41584163
    Protip: Sessler is a fag.

    OH NOES! saying a word in the presence of a certain demographic may cause them slight annoyance if they are of the mindset to let it bother them.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:43 No.41584171
    Anyone can copy and paste a title, which I did.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:43 No.41584172
    So he is?
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:43 No.41584202

    I got something to tell you Mr. Sessler. There is something called "Free Speech".Anyone can say anything they want no matter what you say.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:44 No.41584214
    I've always disliked Sessler but lately he's one me over. Great video.
    >> Tron Bonne !xlYhXhJVKA 11/04/09(Wed)20:44 No.41584246
         File1257385482.jpg-(12 KB, 126x177, 04tronponder.jpg)
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    You cant tell? He's such a queen! Typical fag hag!
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:46 No.41584329
    ... so he is?
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:47 No.41584387
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:47 No.41584399
    i hope he makes another soapbox where he's complaining about homophobia in online games i'm tired of being called a faggot

    fucking kids
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:47 No.41584404
    So he can't handle the word "fag?"

    Shit. Most people use it as a joke and not something directly at gays, so Sessler can get that dick out of his ass and quit over-reacting.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:48 No.41584471
    "Most people" is not 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:49 No.41584491
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:49 No.41584503
    Gaymer here: The word fag or any variation of it doesn't offend me, and I think that anyone who allows it to offend them, are weak of mind and just further perpetuate the stereotype that we are all giant pussies who cry like little girls. STOP BEING PUSSIES.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:49 No.41584504
    Adam has a girlfriend. She was shown in an older video.
    >> Broseiden !8YimBiCYVg 11/04/09(Wed)20:49 No.41584506
    HE MAD
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:50 No.41584573
    Sessler really is a limp-wristed little bitch.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:50 No.41584583
    If you didn't browse 4chan it probably WOULD offend you. We may use the word fag as a suffix, but it doesn't mean that the rest of the world is used to that shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:51 No.41584634

    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:52 No.41584677
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:52 No.41584682
    Adam Sessler confirmed for homosexual.
    What a fucking fag
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:52 No.41584683

    Freedom of speech isn't what it used to be. If you want to throw around hateful and offensive words, you can be called out on for harassment. It's in the same sense that you can get arrested for threatening to kill somebody, you can't just pull the "freedom of speech" card.
    >> Haru-chan !jX235bW6Ro 11/04/09(Wed)20:52 No.41584721
    Wait a minute...what's this video about? What's he calling IW out about?

    On a shitty connection, can't watch the video.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:53 No.41584730
    I thought he was married?
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:53 No.41584790
    So from this thread, he's upset because IW used FAGS as an acronym, instead of how MW 2 is even more of a sequel ripoff than ODST was + lack of dedicated servers.

    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:54 No.41584797
    He is married.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:54 No.41584799
    I would have never noticed this unless somebody pointed it out to me.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:54 No.41584812
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:54 No.41584815
    Fight Against Grenade Spam

    F A G S

    Yes he's an over-reacting gay dude
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:54 No.41584816
    I don't give a shit if Adam Sessler is going out of his way to protect gay rights. I thought this would be about the pc fiasco.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:54 No.41584847
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:55 No.41584874
    I don't see what the big deal is.

    I'm gayer than the entire cast la cage aux folles, torchsong trillogy, and Gay as Folk combined.

    Who gives a fuck about the word fag?
    >> Rinon460 !!JBgjJyk+HsA 11/04/09(Wed)20:56 No.41584963
    OP, why would you post this on the most close minded place on the internet?
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:56 No.41584990
    Champagne cake?
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:57 No.41585021
    Sessler is such a faggot bundle of sticks. Don't mind me, just gonna step out for a fag cigarette, fucking pussyboy Sess is a baby
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:58 No.41585108
    Seriously? What a faggot.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:58 No.41585143
         File1257386318.jpg-(31 KB, 240x180, sessler.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:59 No.41585183
    Sessler was never good, downvote this viral shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:59 No.41585185
    I thought this was gonna be about dedicated servers >__>
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:59 No.41585252
    Sessler confirmed for faggot jew nigger
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:00 No.41585273
    I like Adam Sessler, he's intelligent and quite good at debate, but this is ridiculous.
    A three letter word and he's up in arms, sounding like he's about to cry.
    He should man up and quit being such a nigger .
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:00 No.41585278

    Yeah to hell with real flawes of the game
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:00 No.41585331
         File1257386459.png-(200 KB, 308x182, Home-Page-Personality-Quotes.png)
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    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:01 No.41585339
    >lol no

    You're the prime example of the type of oxygen wasting sack of shit that he's talking about. Chan communities especially have corrupted the internet into thinking such derogatory terms is not just acceptable but 'funny'.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:01 No.41585413
    by being afraid of words, we give them more power than if we used them
    >> Rinon460 !!JBgjJyk+HsA 11/04/09(Wed)21:02 No.41585431
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:02 No.41585438
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:02 No.41585449
    Sessler confirmed for moral fag.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:02 No.41585467
    im gay and found this offensive

    anyways i was going to pirate MW2 so yeah ............
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:03 No.41585537
    over reaction image.jpg
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:04 No.41585593
    >"Most people" is not 4chan.

    THANK YOU. It's hard for the retards on 4chan to accept the fact that while this cesspool of an imageboard might be full of homophobic sexist bigots, that not everyone is like that. I don't know if it's because they are that detached from reality, or they're just trolling, but whatever the case may be it's fucking annoying to have to deal with idiots here going "LOL, BLACK PEOPLE DON'T MIND THE WORD NIGGER. U MAD?"
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:05 No.41585635

    That's cool ANONYMOUS.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:07 No.41585802
    Wait... so did IW intend for Fight Against Grenade Spam's acronym to be FAGS? To be honest, I didn't even notice it the first time I watched the damn vid. It doesn't even make sense as a joke to call the organization you're supposedly supporting FAGS.

    My guess is that IW didn't even notice it either.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:07 No.41585803

    Do you have the source of that picture my good man?

    Also does anybody remember when they had the passion of christ 2 skit or when FF10 first came out and they kept bringing that fat guy dressed as Yuna onto set to dance and pose. Those were the days. Now they have fucking news feeds as if i'm meant to give a fuck.
    >> Haru-chan !jX235bW6Ro 11/04/09(Wed)21:07 No.41585808

    So what is Sess complaining about in the video then? I read up on the story IW is just causing problems left and right for the whole game world.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:07 No.41585810
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:08 No.41585872
    G4 is full of fucking cassual

    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:08 No.41585882
    what's sort of sad is that there's a growing generation of gay people who are just clueless about the historical context of discrimination. yeah, it's kind of 'cool' and 'edgy' when someone like Dan Savage can throw around the term so casually, being a gay man himself. but that's not how a majority of people use the word. it's just so fucking disappointing that you're so willing to be society's bitch and not stand up and against for something so obviously wrong, so eager to be accepted and liked. no amount of nonchalant behavior will make up for the fact that as long as the word fag is casual insult in discourse, you're pretty much being treated like a second class citizen.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:09 No.41585914
    He's making jokes about child abduction. This is a serious topic and he just jokes about it. He has no idea how it feels to have had your child locked away in a basement for years on end. I don't think G4 should associate with this kind of behaviour, and if they don't just go out against this behaviour, and tell people not to abduct children, then they should just not associate themselves with him
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:09 No.41585954

    Seconded, I had to watch the video 3 times after I watched the rant from Sess to find this "offensive acronym", and I've watched the video previously a time or two. Seems almost unintentional, a tiny slip up.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:10 No.41585997
    I don't understand. Is he mad about the word 'pussies' or that the acronym of Fight Against Grenade Spam is fags? Because that's a really tenuous and trivial thing to be offended by. Fucking pussy fags
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:10 No.41586010
    >Wait... so did IW intend for Fight Against Grenade Spam's acronym to be FAGS?

    They sure as hell couldn't have let it slipped, nor did the marketing department that green light it. These are the same people who decided terrorists shooting up an airport is a good idea, even if it's optional.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:11 No.41586067
         File1257387087.jpg-(5 KB, 251x197, 1249661000616.jpg)
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    Actually in this context you're makes more sense than your. If you think about it. Because if his father sucked dick all the time I don't think he would have had a son. But if he is father (perhaps a priest) blahblahblahblahblahnoonewillreadthis
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:12 No.41586096
    hhaha what a FAGGOT

    my asshole is just for shiting
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:12 No.41586110
    I loled.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:12 No.41586127
    It seems like a lot of people here don't know how it feels like.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:12 No.41586129
    My buddy who shares rent with me had a friend over who is gay. I was perfectly fine with this except for the fact that a lot of his obnoxious behavior was because "hes a fag". Its not me thats saying it, its him. He seems to think that just because hes a "fag" that he gets to be deragatory and all around unpleasant.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:13 No.41586182

    so where'd you copy that from? that's some nice pasta
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:13 No.41586193
    He needs to be more sensitive about the issue. Imagine a kid who went through being locked up for months on end, having his hole ordeal joked about by a national tv host. It'd be as bad as the N word, or saying that it's a lot of hit black people in RE5 then in Africa
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:13 No.41586198
    But the only way it works as a joke is on the "HURR THEY SAID A BAD WORD" level. I cannot fathom why it would intentionally be there.

    If they'd put the words in the acronym vertically in the video
    then I would concede it was most likely intentional. Looks like an oversight to me.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:14 No.41586228
    who could have gotten offended by this?

    the only people that would have watched this are people who more than likely have played vidya online

    if you play vidya online you've more than likely called people more than "fag" especially if you play on live

    they might as well call out cole hamles for being biased against people that like to throw grenades randomly

    jesus people are so gay
    >> OB(Original Bro) !!VIAPfXk2IgZ 11/04/09(Wed)21:14 No.41586253
    Can we just agree that Infinity Ward are the new Sony? They shit they're pulling with MW2 is just as arrogant and retarded as Sony's original bullshit with the PS3.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:14 No.41586265
    A lot easier to hit*
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:16 No.41586349
         File1257387376.png-(151 KB, 308x182, Home-Page-Personality-Quotes-2.png)
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    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:16 No.41586365
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    No one noticed it before, it's obviously an oversight.

    let's just let concerned parents decipher and get bring it up even though no one ever said anything about it before
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:16 No.41586367
    I'm in love...
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:16 No.41586372
    Fucking love this man
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:18 No.41586496

    there not associating themselves with it
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:18 No.41586524
         File1257387533.png-(179 KB, 483x361, 1257205161220.png)
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    I'm going to acknowledge this is a picture of Coop from Megas XLR behind me, Evil coop from an alternate dimension that was not developed by Adam Sessler. It seems very curiously that every picture of Adam Sessler has been missing off my computer.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:19 No.41586533
    Fuck Adam 'Gaylord' Sessler
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:19 No.41586562
         File1257387563.jpg-(1.12 MB, 1600x1200, sweet sweet husbando.jpg)
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    Wow, really? Only total fags are going to get offended by this.
    Sessler confirmed for whiny queen.
    pic somewhat related, it's my husbando
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:19 No.41586582
    You're a fucking idiot if you think they were oblivious. I am bold enough to claim they did this shit on purpose just to cause a potential shitstorm for publicity, just like that stupid airport scene.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:19 No.41586592
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:20 No.41586619
    Just because you foul mouthed heathens all use this horrible slur in your daily vocabulary does not mean that it is an acceptable word to use.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:20 No.41586625
    shut up you pathetic virgin shes not even hot, she just has tits
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:20 No.41586632
    adam is a faggot
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:20 No.41586649
    It wasn't an oversight.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:21 No.41586696
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:21 No.41586701
    very clever mr. Kotick, very clever I say
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:21 No.41586730
    This thread is fucking pointless. Asking 4chan for their opinion on this video is like asking the KKK how they feel about the use of the N word. Half the thread is proof of this.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:22 No.41586755

    Sometimes people do things on purpose

    BTW, my favorite virus is 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:22 No.41586760

    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:22 No.41586808

    Hey /v/ don't change, I love it when you're incredibly stupid
    >> Tripfag !!Oseao3ee+Hd 11/04/09(Wed)21:23 No.41586817
    you dont fuck with the Sess.

    been watching that man since ZDTV.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:23 No.41586845
    MORE viral advertising, as if they hadn't spent enough on it.

    *cough* terrorist shooting civilians at an airport *cough*
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:23 No.41586870
    >hurrr legion. Scientology epic fail
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:24 No.41586887
    anyone who bitches about grenade spam is a faggot case closed adam loses
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:24 No.41586904
    Oh my god, I am so disappointed like you don't even know. I thought that Sessler was going to call out all of the bullshit that IW has been pulling on its fans with MW2. I was about to post about how he deserves a brofist, but fuck, I pull that statement back.

    Holy fucking shit this.

    Faggots really need to goddamn grow up. Grow some fucking balls. There's a reason why we have BALLS and not VAGINAS.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:24 No.41586907
    What I am going to talk about is a very unfortunate image that leaked onto the internet. It was produced by sessler, and it was a joke interview about his personality on twitter. Talking about his personality that happens in online multiplayer matches in Call of duty 4, something that is somewhat annoying. The primary gist of it was actually quite clever, joke about stuff and post it online, it was done through a online site called twitter, It was typed by G4. And at the end of it, he typed a message talking about a very unfortunately well known problem involving child kidnapping
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:24 No.41586914
    >implying subtly that any opinion which isn't blatantly pro gay is wrong.

    People can say anything they want. Words only have power if you let them. If you are offended by mere words than you are the problem, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:24 No.41586918

    in the beginning it broadly states that its his own views dummy
    >> Holden !LURKgu7QlQ 11/04/09(Wed)21:24 No.41586942
    Here I was hoping he would talk about no dedicated servers, 9 vs. 9 matches, no mods, and all the other ridiculous bullshit they're pulling with MW2.

    Instead I hear about that fucking advertisement where they say fags LOLOL who fucking cares. Gee this sure is more interesting, complaining about their marketing instead of the game itself.
    >> ZEEP 11/04/09(Wed)21:25 No.41586977
    Not that I give a shit about the fags thing but this 1. wasn't funny 2. was poorly done 3. made me give even less of a shit what activision is publishing
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:25 No.41586980
    So, how come if a word is ever used as hate speech, it can never be used by anyone ever again?

    Faggot isn't even really used for dicksuckers anymore, it's used for people that just fucking suck.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:26 No.41587044

    it was pretty poorly done

    when i first saw it i thought it was made by those fags that do those gay halo machinimas
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:27 No.41587055
    >People can say anything they want.

    Oh, another "1st ADMENDMENT RITEZ!" faggot. Let me guess, you think you have the right to go up to something and call them hateful things without it being called harassment?

    I hope for your sake you're trolling. Please don't tell me society is degrading this rapidly...
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:27 No.41587075
    >implying that just because you're not offended, everyone else shouldn't be either.
    >> Maximilian Thermidor !!hzeFKjF7lyF 11/04/09(Wed)21:27 No.41587093
         File1257388058.png-(530 KB, 853x480, grenadeofgrenade.png)
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    Boy, we sure found out who the true asspained faggots of the gaming industry are.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:27 No.41587107

    You're such a stupid nigger, you really believe that they planned the entire airport scene around gaining publicity for their game?

    No, no you're right. It couldn't have been a story element to build the character of the main villain, it was obviously a clever ploy to have the scene leaked and gain publicity.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:28 No.41587150
    Seriously, when was the last time you called, or heard someone calling, a genuinely gay man a fag/faggot?
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:28 No.41587182
    Wait wait..
    So he's bitching about the PSA?
    ...At first I was all: "Alright the douche is gonna say something about all the crap IW has been pulling, maybe he's not so.."
    >Going to talk about a video about nade spam.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:29 No.41587217
    Choke to death on a nigger dick, faggot.

    see what i did thar?

    People who are quick to anger and easily offended have a lower IQ.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:29 No.41587233

    Go look up Schenck v. United States.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:30 No.41587270
    >you really believe that they planned the entire airport scene around gaining publicity for their game?

    First off, if you're trying to offend me by calling be a derogatory term for African Americas when I'm Caucasian, you have failed. With that said, they would have been advised NOT to add such things by their marketing department, for obvious reasons (like angering people). The fact they went ahead with it shows intent.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:31 No.41587345
    No, but it wasn't leaked randomly. It is the one part in that game that would get people to act as they did, only increasing preorders.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:31 No.41587358
    >see what i did thar?

    Yes, you showed your age on 4chan, which is an 18 or older site. Reported for underageb&.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:31 No.41587364
    You can yell, "fuckdamn shitcunts" on video game chats all you want.

    Yelling "fag" is derogatory, though, used to demean a certain group (gay fags), and Sessler's simply making his point that people lightly use the term with no consideration.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:31 No.41587376

    You don't even have to use Clear and Present Danger. Only political speech is protected free speech.

    And what are you, AP Govt student?
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:32 No.41587414
    homosexuals are less than human so we don't need to consider their feelings
    >> Maximilian Thermidor !!hzeFKjF7lyF 11/04/09(Wed)21:33 No.41587461
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    >that people lightly use the term with no consideration

    When something becomes an insult, consideration goes out the fucking window.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:33 No.41587470
    Sessler is a bitch, but that ad was just pure biggotry. Seriesfag for a second, that shit is so base its just fucking weird. IW don't need to take that angle, the game speaks for itself, Activision must have been the corrupting influence here.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:33 No.41587511
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    I thought maybe adam sessler was gonna bitch at IW for something I actually care about like the stupid shit that they are putting in MW:2

    I am disappoint...
    >> Younity !LEfGVHSaiE 11/04/09(Wed)21:34 No.41587562




    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:34 No.41587564

    Nice intelligent argument, dipshit. You picked apart my nigger statement, here's a cookie smartass.

    Not everyone pussy-foots around, taking every precaution not to offend. That airport scene is a marketing ploy like the entirety of the GTA series is a marketing ploy.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:35 No.41587609
    This thread is bad and you should feel bad.

    Sessler is a total faggot confirmed.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:35 No.41587622
    i think that we need to talk about the bigger issue at hand here


    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:35 No.41587640
    He's a pussy faggot for complaining about that, but anything that puts IW and MW2 in a bad light is fine by me.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:35 No.41587656
    why is that shitty website so horrible
    the video wont play
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:36 No.41587691
    Unlike him, you haven't used any evidence to your statement other than NU-UH. Troll harder idiot, maybe you'll succeed next time.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:36 No.41587693
    Honestly, I think the whole bit by IW was a jab at the general gaming community. Anyone who has played any online games in the past 10 years knows that, players will use derogatory terms for just about any type of play style they find cheap. Railgun whore, Awpfag, grenade spamming faggot, etc. Anyone who's been playing the CoD series since at least CoD 2, knows how bad grenade spamming has been. So IW was mocking the gaming community for always being bumsore about some cheap playstyle. I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if there was some online group that's name spelled out some offensive acronym about a play style/tactic that they hate. People who don't play online games so much, probably wouldn't get this. But if you've spent more than 15 hours on xbox live or any other online game with voice chat, you've probably heard a dozen or so people call someone a myriad of names.

    The person going "lol no" wasn't implying that "fag" is funny. But that Sessler is dead fucking wrong in thinking that fag is anywhere NEAR the severity of nigger. Fag is a derogatory comment, and insult. Someone walked by you "There's that fag" etc. Nigger on the other hand, was peoples goddamned names. It wasn't Leroy or Joe or John or Marie or Sheila It was "Hey nigger, fetch that pot." "Nigger, grab that sack" "Nigger get over here" Also, if you can take it in the ass, I think you can brush off being called a fag.

    To those who say Sessler can't be gay just because he has a girlfriend/wife etc. My 12th grade english teacher was married for 30 years, had 3 kids, divorced, and became a flaming homosexual with a little dog and everything. He even had this odd limp and when 1 girl pressured him about he said "I got it from Bob fucking my ass so hard one night."
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:36 No.41587696
    Hating faggots like you is funny.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:37 No.41587782
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    So I gather from the thread that this is about the FAGS video (oh no, somebody said fag on the internet, call the internet police) and not about something that's actually relevant, namely the bullshit they're pulling with the no private chat option on XBL and the total lack of dedicated server support on the PC end of things.

    What a fag.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:37 No.41587810

    You know what else was leaked? The entire god-damned game. Someone obtained a copy in france and leaked the entire SP, someone caught onto the airport scene and threw a shitfit.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:38 No.41587845
    I meant no consideration for the meaning of the term.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:38 No.41587864
    This is what he's calling them out on? Seriously? And I thought for a second that I could maybe respect him again...
    >> Maximilian Thermidor !!hzeFKjF7lyF 11/04/09(Wed)21:38 No.41587871
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    There's no such thing as bad publicity.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:38 No.41587873
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    mw2 is just going to be one big troll moment
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:38 No.41587879
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    >implying that CoD is responsible for the widespread use of the word or in someway facilitates its use.
    >placing no blame on society for the caste at which they, at large, put gays in.

    It was a fucking commercial by IW made to appeal to CoDs audience. The use of the term is there, has been there, and GENUINELY IS NEVER MEANT IN TERMS TO OFFEND SOMEONES SEXUALITY HOLY SHIT ITS JUST A FUCKING NAME. I HOPE IF I CALL SOMEONE A BONEHEAD I DONT OFFEND PEOPLE WITH SKELETONS.

    Shut the fuck up and grow some thicker skin, faggots.
    >> Younity !LEfGVHSaiE 11/04/09(Wed)21:38 No.41587882
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    Still without friends, I see
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:39 No.41587902
    this video is faggot
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:40 No.41587987
    Cry more, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:40 No.41588033
    this thread is fags and should feel like fags
    >> Maximilian Thermidor !!hzeFKjF7lyF 11/04/09(Wed)21:40 No.41588039
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    I still stand by my comment. When people get into a pissing contest over the internet, xbl, psn, etc they don't care what or where the term came from. If it's an insult used to hurt someones feelings, they'll use it.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:41 No.41588090

    >Unlike him

    I think you mean like him

    anyway I wasn't expecting /v/ to troll this hard

    we had some pretty bad trolling in the "Video Game Violence" thread earlier

    what the fuck is happening /v/?
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:42 No.41588170

    what? this is the most pointless argument ever and pretty oblivious to the homosexual struggle. Both cases are issues of hate speech and the severity of discrimination is equal in history. all this does is water down any kind of progressive civil rights efforts when you try to 'prove' who the bigger 'victim' is.

    and if sessler is gay or not, it's a red herring and it doesn't fucking matter? like way to miss the fucking point in every way.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:42 No.41588180
    sweet, adam calls infinity ward out about the pc versi... oh wait, this isnt about that? i dont give a shit then, fags can go rot in hell
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:42 No.41588182
    My favorite insult to call somebody on the internet is "nonce."

    God bless the British for making it a normal thing to call somebody a fucking child molester.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:43 No.41588193
    Faggots have got over the fact that they aren't being killed for being aberrations of nature (at least in civilized countries), unfortunately you know what happened: we gave them an inch and they asked for another 7 inches because that's how big they like it.

    Hey fags, you want people to stop hating you? Stop with the parades. Giant dick floats and men dancing around in leather and skirts tends to make you look like fucking freaks, and no matter how much you want to be accepted for it you won't be. Tone that shit down and act like everyone else and we won't care so much about what you do in private.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:43 No.41588195
    I don't (at least, I think I don't, who knows) have a problem with gays, but people getting mad over the word "fag" make me want to scream it at them repeatedly at the top of my lungs.
    I can't really put it into words, but I suppose it's a feeling of disgust.
    Bunch of faggots, the lot of you.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:43 No.41588232
    >ignoring the assfucking PC players are getting.

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