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  • File : 1257383583.png-(11 KB, 478x403, nokisses.png)
    11 KB Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:13 No.41582501  
    It really sucks just thinking about how much of a loser you have to be to have your girlfriend leave you for a guy who has physically abused in her in the past. She'd rather be with a guy who BEATS HER than be with me. That's how boring I am to her.

    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:13 No.41582534
    i dont think you ever 'had' her in the first place

    she was probably banging him the entire time
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:14 No.41582552

    worked for me.
    >> Ooishi !!Nb5ZGY4w68l 11/04/09(Wed)20:14 No.41582555
    I'm posting.

    I'm working up the courage to confess to someone.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:14 No.41582569

    protip: women are stupid
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:14 No.41582571
    Beat the fuck out of her boyfriend and show her that you can give her the same loving care and beatings that he does
    >> Boco !sCZ24qY6KY 11/04/09(Wed)20:14 No.41582594
    Fine, if I MUST...
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:15 No.41582610
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:15 No.41582625
    i kissed a girl once but...that was years ago. and it was my only kiss.

    i haven't seen any girl in person for 2 years now. i was texting a girl the other day, and when i told her that, she stopped replying.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:16 No.41582669
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:16 No.41582674
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    If everyone on /v/ posts, we won't be seeing the end of this thread any time soon.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:16 No.41582690
    Maybe you should have treated her little more like shit.
    >> Alakazam !PtelepoRTs 11/04/09(Wed)20:17 No.41582725
    Really, it's kind of overrated. Don't beat yourselves up over it.
    Polite sage, as I don't fit OP's criteria, and not vidya.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:18 No.41582774
    Women want a man that treats her like shit. That's why the majority of married couples are miserable.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:18 No.41582791
    I have.

    But she forced it on me because she didn't quite catch the drift that I didn't like women.
    >> Katsura !!nUzEn/3silL 11/04/09(Wed)20:19 No.41582818
    Yeah right. This might be true but i'd be willing to bet that you're leaving a huge piece of this out, namely that you probably cheated on her or also treated her like shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:20 No.41582894
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    If it's a choice between being a "loser" and this? I'll choose loser every time.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:20 No.41582928
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:21 No.41582934
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    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:21 No.41582953
    Girls want to date bad guys first, and when they're finally thirty and abandoned by their boyfriends, THEN they want to date a "nice guy".

    Apparently all the love in the world can't compete with a douchebag who slaps you around when he feels like it.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:22 No.41582998
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    >> Katsura !!nUzEn/3silL 11/04/09(Wed)20:23 No.41583072
    Not true (for most girls.) You have to keep in mind that it's really hard for girl to find a guy that isn't just using them. When a guy meets a girl chances are shes being genuine. Girls don't want the jerks, they're just hard to pick out from everyone else. That's why we don't stay with them (usually)
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:24 No.41583119
    I have not

    but there is someone I think likes me and she's cute I think I'm going to ask her to a date :3
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:25 No.41583160
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:25 No.41583166
    :3 this makes me feel warm inside
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:25 No.41583180

    I call bs. Some chicks will always date dicks.
    >> Boco !sCZ24qY6KY 11/04/09(Wed)20:26 No.41583233

    Then she'll shoot you down and you'll come to /v/ to bitch and moan about it.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:26 No.41583238

    Listen OP, not that you yourself aren't probably a lame asshole, but how great could she really have been if she's willing to leave you for someone physically abusive?

    buck up, motherfuck, other fish in the sea and cheerio
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:27 No.41583271
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    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:27 No.41583290

    Hey, it's fine to be sad for something like that, but don't be sad forever. Same thing happened to me, took me 3 years to get out of that depression and I wasted all that time moping when the whole fucking world is right there.

    Be sad, don't forget, but move on. It's part of growing up.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:28 No.41583318
    Drugs > Women
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:28 No.41583327
    Meh, I just don't let it bother because I've acknowledged I'm a loser socially, but I'm working on it after dealing with crippling depression (shitsux).
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:28 No.41583331

    There are other girls I've felt more strongly for, but you know maybe it's good I'm not crazy about her like I become with some girls.

    In fact I think she likes me more than I her.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:28 No.41583347
    girls are for fags
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:29 No.41583385
    Kissed a girl, recieved BJs, had sex.

    Also got fucked in the ass and sucked dick.

    Being bisexual is awesome.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:29 No.41583391
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    this is you
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:30 No.41583424
    I dont think gay sex happens

    I cant get it
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:30 No.41583459
    goddamnit OP
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:31 No.41583487
    Are you fucking kidding me? It is so exponentially easier for a girl to meet a guy that there should be no excuse for not finding a nice one.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:32 No.41583565
    Kissing a girl? How fucking gay!

    I love real time strategy World War 2 sims! Those are all I need!
    >> MaxieMan !L4yVShAZAM 11/04/09(Wed)20:33 No.41583589
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    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:33 No.41583627
    Whenever I make out with my girlfriend I can't help but imagine I'm making out with a guy

    I don't know why
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:34 No.41583679
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    Same thing happened to me somewhat, OP
    One of two girls I have a crush on in my life completely ignored my advances so she could go out with a guy who then cheated on her twice and messed her up somewhat. Then she came back for me, that's when I realized I can stand on my own and told her I was no longer interested in her. Maybe you'll be like me, maybe you'll find someone better. One is bound to happen, OP.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:34 No.41583683
    Not afraid to admit it here. Why would any woman have incentive to kiss a grizzly, rotund neckbeard? I don't blame them.
    >> Katsura !!nUzEn/3silL 11/04/09(Wed)20:35 No.41583722
    It's not as easy to get a nice boyfriend as you make it out to be :/ The only guys that are easy to get are usually the ones who just want you for your body.
    >> Katsura !!nUzEn/3silL 11/04/09(Wed)20:36 No.41583768
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    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:36 No.41583773
    this thread again?
    I'm about to make a thread where only people who have been in a foursome can post.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:38 No.41583897
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    i lol'd
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:39 No.41583922
    I keep forgetting I already reported this shitty /b/ thread. For the third time I got the "you have already reported this post" message.

    So I'll do you fags one better


    I made you your very own thread on the board where it's not offtopic! :D
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:39 No.41583943
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:42 No.41584116
    postan q.q
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:45 No.41584287
    sigh, yep
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:45 No.41584311
    Posting ;.;
    >> Tougou Masakazu !DWTCi9Vwl2 11/04/09(Wed)20:46 No.41584354
    Does drunk make outs count?
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:47 No.41584390
    Yes, they count.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:50 No.41584570
    to everyone in this thread who hasnt kissed a girl, If you aren't incredibly hideous (and lets be serious, fucked up self esteem and weight aside, you cant be that bad) just approach girls. They aren't that unattainable, especially the non "cool" ones.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:51 No.41584633
    who cares about bitches and whores?
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:53 No.41584744
    I'm guessing you're trying to help, but can you show me something on this site that isn't godawful
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:55 No.41584887
    I'm actually pretty good looking, at least when I was skinny, and I think I've encountered good looking people that were interested in me. The problem was I don't really have good social skills and I was kind of shy, so that kind of ruined all the encounters I had with people.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:55 No.41584893
    technically yes.

    my first on the lips kiss was from a girl during a game of spin the bottle at animu expo this year
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:55 No.41584901
    Why must I?
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:56 No.41584965
    I never kissed a girl, but one time a girl sat on my lap in eight grade for a game of truth or dare.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:57 No.41585054
    I'm not horrible looking or creepy, and I'm not socially inept, I just don't know how to meet girls
    Can anyone tell me how to do so without looking entirely stupid?
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:57 No.41585060
    >Implying girls who like jerks aren't stupid bitches themselves, making you a hypocritical faggot for liking them
    >Also video games
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:57 No.41585084
    See, the problem isn't that I want to and can't. I just don't care any more. It sucked up until I turned 16.

    If I meet a woman I don't hate, maybe I will. I hope I don't disappoint enough to drive her away, anyway.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:58 No.41585126
    You guys suck dick.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)20:59 No.41585188
    Did you have a boner?
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:00 No.41585317
    My cousin. I also received handjobs.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:02 No.41585478
    No, I'm homosexual.
    >> s0up !69iSfooD82 11/04/09(Wed)21:03 No.41585532
    itt: losers :3

    you bros need to get some confidence and lose the whole "woe is me thing" Ive been getting consistent pussy since I was 15, shit aint hard.

    im almost 21
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:04 No.41585569
    kissed / fucked my share of guys and girls.
    I'm only 20

    play vidya basically everyday since i physically could

    you're all obviously doing it wrong.
    anyways, how about that spelunky
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:06 No.41585719
    Whatever. Being celibate isn't a totally bad thing. At least you don't have to worry about STDs. My brother and sister both have been sexually active and they both got STDs. My sister has HIV.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:07 No.41585822
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    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:07 No.41585824
    Did they get them from each other? That would be incredibly hot.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:09 No.41585922

    shit's so hard man
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:09 No.41585938
    Romantically? As an "i fucking love you kiss"? NEVER
    But making-out kisses yes, tee-hee
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:09 No.41585941
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    sigh. 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:09 No.41585944
    it's actually not that hard to avoid STD's unless you're just a fucking whore.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:10 No.41585984
    So, that's a yes...?
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:10 No.41585990
    Thats what makes it so good!
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:11 No.41586075

    more like dying: the game

    Demon Souls aint got shit on this game when it comes to dying
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:11 No.41586088

    fuck you!
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:12 No.41586139
    Well, my brother was a whore. My sister didn't sleep around as much as him, but I think she was just careless one time. Mistakes can and do happen sometimes. It just takes ONE time like with my sister.

    Anyway, just saying that sleeping around isn't all that it's cut out to be like some of the posters were bragging about.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:16 No.41586347
    But how is it possible to get confidence when everyone thinks you're a loser?
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:16 No.41586400
    Bad luck for them. My older sister has, by her count, fucked something like fifteen guys and two girls, unprotected, with no diseases. Personally, I've had four or five girls, and my sister's first boyfriend, with none.
    >> s0up !69iSfooD82 11/04/09(Wed)21:17 No.41586457
    easy, dont give a fuck about what people think about you.
    hold yourself in the highest regard, take care of yourself mentally and physically, get out and do shit, buy nice clothes, etc etc.

    confidence comes from within my bro.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:18 No.41586471
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    lol losers
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:20 No.41586627
    I hadn't kissed/made-out with a girl in almost two years, though on Halloween I hooked-up with some girl I met for the second time

    I was shaking a little a first, kinda nervous, but it was also really cold
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:21 No.41586740
    I've never kissed a girl but only because I kiss guys.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:22 No.41586771
    That's pretty gay.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:23 No.41586858
    Toasting and hopeless
    Doesn't really hurts that bad as long as I have Internet and vidya near me
    When those two are gone
    oh boy
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:24 No.41586931
    Once, a long time ago. Then I learned (the hard way) people are not meant to be trusted.

    Relationships are for the weak
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:26 No.41587001
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    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:26 No.41587002
    In my defense, he came onto me.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:29 No.41587189
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:29 No.41587194
    I bet he came inside you too, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:31 No.41587341
    Nope. On my face. And it was only three or four times. We weren't doing it too long.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:35 No.41587610
    That's doubly gay. I bet you swallowed some of it. Fag.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:38 No.41587829
    Wow. So are you straight or bi?
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:39 No.41587913
    Well, I can't say. Haven't been with a guy since him, but I think 16 is too old for it to be considered experimentation.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:39 No.41587957
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    I'm not an asshole. I'm not really socially awkward, my main issue is masking my true personality and replacing it with a more likable one. I don't do much, I play vidya and work and occasionally spend time with other humans. However, I'm very good looking and happen to get by on my looks relatively well. I notice that with each girl I get close to I learn something new, and it's a bit comparable to the experience system of an RPG. For example, during my teen years I was breaking through levels 1-10, learning what girls would put out but were socially inept or mentally fucked up, and what girls would not put out but were totally fucking cool. Now that I've grinded my way to max level, I spend my days fucking level 2 girls because they're easy and hot.

    Level 2 doesn't necessarily have to do with age. It's a metaphor. A vague one.
    I'm bored.

    You guys are lame as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)21:42 No.41588136
    Posting. I'm 24 years old.

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