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  • File : 1257355775.jpg-(40 KB, 340x340, atheism.jpg)
    40 KB Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)12:29 No.41553525  
    Athiests as a Majority

    This is what it would be like, if the majority of people were athiests.
    ATHIEST KID: Mom, I'm going to go **** a hooker.
    ATHIEST MOM: Okay, son.
    ATHIEST KID: Afterwards, I'm going to go smoke pot with my friends, since it's "not addictive."
    ATHIEST MOM: Okay, come home soon!

    The athiest kid leaves the room. The father comes home from work several minutes later.

    ATHIEST MOM: Hi, honey! I'm pregnant again. I guess I'll just get another abortion, since "fetuses don't count as human life."
    ATHIEST DAD: Okay, get as many abortions as you want!
    ATHIEST MOM: Oh, and don't go in the bedroom.
    ATHIEST DAD: Why not?
    ATHIEST MOM: There are two gay men ****ing eachother in there.
    ATHIEST DAD: Why are they here?
    ATHIEST MOM: I wanted to watch them do it for awhile. They just aren't finished yet.
    ATHIEST DAD: Okay, that's fine with me!

    Suddenly, their neighbor runs into the house.

    ATHIEST NEIGHBOR: Come quick, there's a Christian outside!
    ATHIEST MOM: We'll be right there!

    The athiest couple quickly put on a pair of black robes and hoods. They then exit the house, and run into the street, where a Christian is nailed to a large, wooden X. He is being burned alive. A crowd of athiests stand around him, all wearing black robes and hoods.

    RANDOM ATHIEST: Damn you, Christian! We hate you! We claim to be tolerant of all religions. But we really hate your's! That's because we athiests are hypocritical like that! Die, Christian!

    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)12:30 No.41553553
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    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)12:30 No.41553568
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)12:30 No.41553576
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    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)12:30 No.41553578
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    >> The Swede !!S3u4IzG4mYU 11/04/09(Wed)12:31 No.41553615
    Oldest copypasta on the fucking internet.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)12:31 No.41553617
    Being an atheist doesn't mean you have no morals, dickcheese.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)12:31 No.41553623
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    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)12:31 No.41553624
    Christians do suck, and are making the world a shitty place.
    >> Salt_ !MmitchLA6Q 11/04/09(Wed)12:31 No.41553625
    and then christian was a zombie
    >> sage sage 11/04/09(Wed)12:31 No.41553626
    us gamers, right?
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)12:31 No.41553656
    It's funny how on 4chan the only time anyone says anything anti-atheists its definitely a troll post.
    >> Anyone who uses this field should be shot !eNwncubcDk 11/04/09(Wed)12:32 No.41553662
    v/ - Video Games

    1. Flaming/flagrant "fanboism"/etc. will not be tolerated.
    2. Threads should not devolve into flamewars. Inciting or encouraging such activity will not be tolerated.
    >> 3. All posts should pertain to video games, their consoles, etc. Threads should remain on topic and stay in theme with the board. Don't post errant material.
    4. Please refrain from reposting. If possible, try to skim the board for threads pertaining to your topics/info that may have already been posted.
    5. Game help and long-term discussion threads should be posted to the /games/ board.

    Read the rules and FAQ before posting.

    Report submitted! This window will close in 5 seconds...

    <----- /b/ is that way.

    seriously I know /v/ normally has too many non vidya threads, but today is just asinine. Are we being raided or is /v/ just really this dumb today?
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)12:32 No.41553666
    Well, good story. As the classic says, "all's well that ends well!"
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)12:32 No.41553667
    you don't know the half of the math of this.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)12:32 No.41553668
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    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)12:32 No.41553682
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    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)12:32 No.41553686
    videogames are my favorite videogames
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)12:32 No.41553696
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    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)12:32 No.41553699
    >missing the point
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)12:32 No.41553700
    Video games
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)12:32 No.41553708
    Sounds like a fun world. Why isn't it like this?
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)12:33 No.41553727
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    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)12:33 No.41553740
    In b4 400 replies
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)12:33 No.41553770
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    >357 posts and 150 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)12:35 No.41553826
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    >> DavidHume 11/04/09(Wed)12:35 No.41553833
    Super tard. Plato separated God and morality 2400 years ago (although to a degree which is not ontologically satisfying for many atheists).

    Keep it up ChristTard
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)12:35 No.41553860
    I never knew Athiests lacked common sense. Well this is new to me.
    >> sage sage 11/04/09(Wed)12:35 No.41553865

    Holy shit! This is how Atheists live?! Fuck religion, I'm jumping the fucking bandwagon! Sounds like a perfect world!

    However, on a serious note, WTF are you doing in my /V/?

    Sage goes in EVERY field guys.

    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)12:36 No.41553902
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)12:36 No.41553932
    Because we christians know that arguing with them would lead to little to no conclusions.
    Also, we don't force our thoughts on them. If they want to believe that God doesn't exists, too bad for them, but that's it really.
    At least, the true christians don't try to force their thoughts. Fanatics should really gtfo
    Also, fuck forgot my fucking sage
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)12:36 No.41553945
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    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)12:36 No.41553955

    If you didn't like God then you shouldn't have put a ring on him. Don't be mad when you see Islam want it, if ya didn't like it then ya shouldn't have put a ring on him.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)12:37 No.41553991
    haha what is this?
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)12:38 No.41554028
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    This has to be my favorite copypasta.
    >> Seqi 11/04/09(Wed)12:41 No.41554224
    Christian household:
    AT ALL
    NO FUN
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)12:41 No.41554232
    Hey, remember when /v/ was about videogames and not copypasta from the middleages?
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)12:41 No.41554242
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    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)12:43 No.41554369
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    >Hi, honey! I'm pregnant again.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)12:45 No.41554436
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    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)12:45 No.41554441
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    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)12:46 No.41554513
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)12:46 No.41554534
    v/ - Video Games
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)12:47 No.41554558
    Atheist household:
    Then, most of the time, you find yourself with a whore, three unwanted kid, possible drug/alcohol addiction and general depression
    Everything needs balance. Just because you don't believe in God it doesn't mean you can do whatever the fuck you want. And it's not true that if you're christian you can't do anything. You just have to moderate some things, but it's not that hard, really.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)12:50 No.41554698
    OP sounds awesome, objectively a better world than this current one
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)12:50 No.41554734
    Scene 1: What is the problem? sex is a pleasurable action. If someone wishes to make money off of it, or pay for it, that shouldn't be an issue. Mixing religion with government is the only reason it still isn't. Also, Pot isn't physically addictive, and is less harmful than cigarettes. It is also less harmful than the bible.

    Scene 2: A fetus isn't a human life, it is a mindless parasite. Also, there is nothing wrong with homosexuality, and if people get off on voyuerism or exhibitionism in the comfort of their own home, that should be perfectly fine.

    Scene 3: I don't think We'd need black robes or a big cross to rid the neighbourhood of a potentially dangerous virus. Sounds like some Christians masochistic fantasy. we'd probably just kill them, or maybe force them out of town. No different then what God says to do to non-Christians in the bible, so it would be kind of hypocritical for a Christian to complain.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)12:51 No.41554746
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    damn i love you, kiddy vidya
    you may be ATHEIST or CHRISTIAN, no other option. i think there is no more stupid possibilities than this two
    all aboard ragtrain!
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)12:52 No.41554815
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    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)12:53 No.41554864
    SCIENCE! > religion
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)12:53 No.41554886
    This is why I prefer door to door christians, at least they actually care. Callous "regular" or "good" christians are so moral and kind that they really don't give a fuck who will be tortured forever. I could only imagine the knid God of the New Testament being very disappointed in them. Maybe if they were jews, with the fire and brimstone pre-Jesus God, they'd be cheered on.
    >> Giygas' Husbando !!K479H/TsWzJ 11/04/09(Wed)12:56 No.41555028
    It's so laughable that Christians need a god to be moralistic.
    True men do the right thing because they know it's what makes men better than animals.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)12:57 No.41555050
    >implying atheism is a science
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)12:58 No.41555131

    >implying religion isn't some made up bullshit
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)13:01 No.41555255
    what does this have to do with video games?
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)13:03 No.41555372
    Ethics is a concept whom had its birthplace in the mind of Atheist.

    What now, OP?
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)13:04 No.41555409
    It's not that we don't care.
    When I tell you something, you are free to accept it or to mark it as bullshit. I have not the right to annoy the shit out of you, nor the will to do so and contribute to the stereotype of the annoying christian.
    If you believe it, I'm more than happy. If you don't, I'm sorry but well, too bad for you. I'm not going to be your spiritual nanny.
    >> Take back /v/ for video games !eNwncubcDk 11/04/09(Wed)13:04 No.41555428
    v/ - Video Games

    1. Flaming/flagrant "fanboism"/etc. will not be tolerated.
    2. Threads should not devolve into flamewars. Inciting or encouraging such activity will not be tolerated.
    >> 3. All posts should pertain to video games, their consoles, etc. Threads should remain on topic and stay in theme with the board. Don't post errant material.
    4. Please refrain from reposting. If possible, try to skim the board for threads pertaining to your topics/info that may have already been posted.
    5. Game help and long-term discussion threads should be posted to the /games/ board.

    Read the rules and FAQ before posting.

    Report submitted! This window will close in 5 seconds....

    <---- /b/ is that way.

    Take back /v/ for video games.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)13:06 No.41555522
    Funny thing, I just thought about this macro today and how christianity - or any form of religious conviction, for that matter - claims exactly the same by saying that a deity came out of nowhere and created everything else.

    Also, faggots have it wrong: there was ALWAYS "something". Indeed, nothing can come out of nothing, and the very essence of existence itself is that there is no ultimate beginning or end - catch is, this is a concept that's already beyond the grasp of most religious people, and is therefore void to try and convey.
    >> Epic Skull Guy !JIYeV9k4KQ 11/04/09(Wed)13:06 No.41555527
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    I actually don't see a problem with the OP's post. It would make my day if the world was like that.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)13:08 No.41555629
    >epic kkk guy
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)13:08 No.41555635
    Copy pasta that will stay on the front page.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)13:09 No.41555656
    I'm still wondering why these atheists vs christians threads always get at least 200 replies...
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)13:09 No.41555661

    Well done anaon. Well doen.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)13:09 No.41555664


    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)13:10 No.41555699
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    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)13:10 No.41555700
    I'm just sorry that people like you still exist in the 21st century
    And I'm atheist.
    Learn to live and let live, faggot
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)13:11 No.41555797
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    >> Starving African 11/04/09(Wed)13:12 No.41555802

    welcome to almost 3 years ago
    >> Epic Skull Guy !JIYeV9k4KQ 11/04/09(Wed)13:12 No.41555846
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    Being an Atheist aren't I actually the exact opposite of the KKK?
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)13:15 No.41555966
    But it's the same fucking principle
    instead of persecuting people for their skin, it's persecuting them for their religion
    Still retarded and intollerant

    I wonder why people hate christian people more than gay people, really. I can't really see that.
    >> Epic Skull Guy !JIYeV9k4KQ 11/04/09(Wed)13:18 No.41556087

    Of all the possible things you can persecute something for, believing in christianity is the most harmful.

    Christians cause the stagnation and downfall of society by being against the advancement of technology. Every single technological slowdown in human history was due to christian influence. The biggest one, the dark ages, last a thousand years, was started due to the forced conversion of europe to christianity, and only ended when Atheists began the Renaissance. Every single notable Renaissance man was an Atheist, they pulled europe out of the thousand year hell, and it's only gotten better from there.

    If christians didn't exist we'd be fucking exploring the stars by now.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)13:19 No.41556135
    censored words... too obvious
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)13:19 No.41556150
    since when is being an atheist synonymous with being evil?

    OP is a stupid brainwashed christfag
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)13:21 No.41556223
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    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)13:22 No.41556289
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)13:23 No.41556355
    Fuck yeah. 400 replies here we come!
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)13:24 No.41556412
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    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)13:25 No.41556429
    I really hope OP gets banned. But he won't.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)13:26 No.41556519

    >implying all atheist believe in the big bang theory and abiogenesis, which apparently all turn into dinosaurs.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)13:28 No.41556629
    Gay people are not stupid by default. Colored people are not stupid by default. And ultimately, religious people too aren't *stupid* by default. ALL of them, however, are at the very least intellectually and philosophically limited. Being gay or being black does not matter. This does.

    You may argue that everyone's naturally free to hold whatever philosophy they want and that the perception of life is majorly subjective, and while this is true to an extent, there does exist an indication of a philosophical "right and wrong". In a world where logic, personal experience and one's own effort makes the gears turn and where people suffer everyone from the cruel laws of the universe and the complexities of their own minds, leaning towards something as unearthly as a religion is simply not possible. Things matter on this planet, and religion gives you an unreal perception of these values, and consequentially makes you take idiotic attitudes and actions.

    Sexuality and race are given by birth, and cannot be changed. Conviction is not given and can be changed, and should therefore be persecuted if faulty.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)13:36 No.41556967
    This of course assumes you accept that sexuality is something that is always determined at birth and is not something that is heavily influenced by early life experiences, and social/cultural experiences.

    I'm looking at you ancient Rome.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)13:45 No.41557426
    Sexuality is a very complex thing, and I personally find it hard to say how much it's implemented in birth and how much it can change by how many people during the course of life (because inarguably there are such cases as well), but my point remains the same: who you fuck is of no real consequence. Surely being homosexual may affect your personality to some degree, but in the end, you essentially don't differ in the least from other people.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)13:56 No.41557973
    You would also be in a much more fucked up society
    If christianity didn't exist, all the moral principles we have now would be nonexistant, and anarchy would rule.
    Also, most of the time the catholics wanted to use religion as a tool to use people by leading their will how they wanted, and to gain money and power, so it doesn't fucking count. Get this straight.

    >Conviction is not given and can be changed, and should therefore be persecuted if faulty.
    Faulty conviction? Are you trolling or what? One is free to believe whatever the fuck wants.
    Just because, like I said up there, a bunch of fags used religion as a tool to have power and money and killed everyone who would prove a bit of sanity 9001 years ago, it doesn't mean that now christians are slowing down science. That is a bad accusation and you should feel REALLY bad.

    also, capslock-fu
    >> reported Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:05 No.41558458
    Video games.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:09 No.41558696
    >Conviction is not given and can be changed, and should therefore be persecuted if faulty.
    Your mindset is faulty, you should be persecuted to death.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:15 No.41559021
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    >This thread
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:21 No.41559336
    Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?
    Then he is not omnipotent.
    Is he able, but not willing?
    Then he is malevolent.
    Is he both able and willing?
    Then whence cometh evil?
    Is he neither able nor willing?
    Then why call him God?

    I'm not even Athiest and i think this makes sense.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:23 No.41559396
    Fuck yes Epicurus
    >> sage Alakazam !PtelepoRTs 11/04/09(Wed)14:26 No.41559587
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    Super-Dee-Fanduperfucking story there, bro.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:27 No.41559641
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:28 No.41559678
    You shut your trolling yap. All sensible morals come either from greek philosophers or are even older than that. Christianty didn`t invent a thing here.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:30 No.41559831
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    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:32 No.41559905
    Actually, they didn`t even invent their own religius principles, they blatantly ripped them off of egyptian and summer-acadian religions

    Enjoy worshipping your sun, christfags.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:32 No.41559957
    This is why christians don't want to have a way with atheists
    All you receive is "LOL U R WRONG"
    Fuck this shit

    For the record, everything was fine and shit till marrying was considered canon. Now that everybody just wants to fuck, look how much we're fucked.
    And marrying is a christian moral.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:34 No.41560051
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    >implying I have to believe in an imaginary friend to have morals
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:34 No.41560071
    All religious threads are troll threads.

    They rank up there with threads made by Lanced Jack, and all of his spin offs and clones.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:35 No.41560098
    Sorry bro, latest research in brain biology suggests moral hardware is built in to the brain.
    Don't need magic vengeful god to figure out that hurting people is a non-zero-sum game, along with plenty ie if you don't want it to happen to you then you shouldn't do it to anyone else otherwise you're in a morally indefensible position.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:35 No.41560102
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    >89 posts and 26 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:36 No.41560132
    >Aren't ya a bit old to have imaginary friends?
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:36 No.41560168
    You know that commies tried to do away with it but even they failed miserably?
    >> Mog !!VchrloHGtBm 11/04/09(Wed)14:36 No.41560176
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:36 No.41560193
    >And marrying is a christian moral.

    pretty much this

    If you aren't a christian then marriage will mean little to nothing to you and you will never understand it's true purpose
    >> iRage !RAGEpq8/Ww 11/04/09(Wed)14:37 No.41560239
    Atheism != lack of morals
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:37 No.41560258
    >fetuses don't count as human life.

    This is what Christians actually believe. This is actually why I hate Christians. Fetuses ARE human beings, you shouldn't just murder them like that. Fuck you, Christians. Fuck your medieval morality and medieval outlook on life. Go to hell.
    >> HuntingDown[Gman] !ozOtJW9BFA 11/04/09(Wed)14:38 No.41560283
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    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:39 No.41560348
    Are you fucking trolling? Christians count them as human lives. Atheists don't. You're fucktarded.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:39 No.41560356
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    Atheism is not a choice, it's a conclusion.

    Enjoy having a dysfunctional brain that still believes in fairy tales.
    >> THE FLYING DUTCHMAN !KVW31moNek 11/04/09(Wed)14:39 No.41560371

    It makes sense when you disregard free will.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:40 No.41560430

    If God is so powerful, why can't he overcome the humanity's free will? OH, RIGHT. BECAUSE HE DOESN'T EXIST.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:40 No.41560432

    I can only WISH life was as cool as this copypasta. Fuck yeah smoking pot and burning Christians.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:41 No.41560485

    I'm an atheist and I count fetuses as human beings. It's the Christians who are talking about them NOT being human beings. I have yet to hear a single atheist claim they're not.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:42 No.41560501
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    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:42 No.41560535
    Because he wanted us to have free will. Or at least so they say. I don't even know.
    One christian compared it to a woman's love.
    If it is forced, can it be called love? insert rape joke here, derp
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:43 No.41560593
    You are harming by simply BEING.
    Reading comprehension.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:43 No.41560624
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    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:43 No.41560630
    I think that if you go in front of a christian and yell "FETUSES ARENT HUMAN BEINGS" they're going to forget all the christian principles and rape the fuck out of your brain.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:44 No.41560679
    Same could be said about you apparently.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:44 No.41560681

    He can overpower us with his will. The thing is, he won't.

    He wants us to have a free will, and wants his children to follow his ways by choice, not by force.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:44 No.41560693

    That's right, I can't see how God is all loving and caring when he's forcing his commandments and all the tosh on us. YOU DO AS I SAY OR YOU'LL BURN IN HELL. What the fuck.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:45 No.41560780
    That's why I say I don't know.
    Fucking hell, if you loved us so much, why the fuck would you give us the right to act wrong and then burn in hell?
    That's what is keeping me from being christian.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:46 No.41560823
    primarily in america where groups like KKK are formed
    whereas in places like china christians are killed for they believed

    its all a scale thing
    but blame america for the shitty christians
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:46 No.41560829
    >they're going to forget all the christian principles and rape the fuck out of your brain

    Same if you say fetuses are human beings. Same if you say ANYTHING at all. That's Christianity for you.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:46 No.41560830
    Video games are my favorite video games.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:46 No.41560842
    >Implying christfags do not obstruct science
    >Petitioning to remove evolution form public schools
    >Forcing abortion bans
    >Making a fuss about cloning
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:46 No.41560856
    >ATHIEST MOM: Hi, honey! I'm pregnant again. I guess I'll just get another abortion, since "fetuses don't count as human life."
    >ATHIEST DAD: Okay, get as many abortions as you want!
    I lol'd so hard

    also video games
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:47 No.41560894
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    But why do I have to agree with you? Why do I also have to hate God? Can't I just not believe in him? Instead of being a gigantic faggot that isn't in any better of a belief by saying God can't exist?
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:47 No.41560931
    This is my ideal society. OP is correct in every way.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:48 No.41560941
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    >implying a Christian can beat anyone considering Jesus said to turn to other cheek in order to respond without violence.

    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:48 No.41560946

    God is a douche, fair and square. He killed THOUSANDS of people in the Bible, whereas the Satan killed ten at most. He still claims he's the good, loving guy afterwards too.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:48 No.41560964
    Opinions. Christians or atheist or agnostic or whatever the fuck you want in front of someone who has not the same opinion as yours, a shitstorm is ensured. That's humanity for you.
    Think about /v/. It's not a single entity, it's many individuals who have a different opinion about anything.
    Whatever the fuck you say, someone is coming and starts a shitstorm.
    >> THE FLYING DUTCHMAN !KVW31moNek 11/04/09(Wed)14:48 No.41560989

    Because it's not as black and white as you think it is. If God takes away our free will, how can we truly know love? And since God is love, then how could we truly know Him?




    The commandments were God's way of telling us that because of our grey nature (both good and evil thanks to Adam and Eve's sin) we are condemned by our actions and unable to join with God eternally. In other words, our actions separate us from God. That's what hell is, separation from God. The laws were purposefully impossible to follow because only faith saves (faith is indicated via good works).


    It's inherent with free will though.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:48 No.41560991
    If you got a problem with Athiests come down to 53 Hawthorn Avenue Thornton Heath Surrey CR7 8BW in London.
    Thats what I thought.
    >> THE FLYING DUTCHMAN !KVW31moNek 11/04/09(Wed)14:50 No.41561065

    That figure is bullshit and you know it. And you're trying to defend Sodom, where the men tried to rape ANGELS.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:50 No.41561072
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    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:50 No.41561104
    Whereas God-believers try to express their opinion and try to prove they are right, atheists act like this faggot right here.
    Fuck you all.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:50 No.41561105

    >implying religious nutjobs don't exist in every religion


    Atheistfags are tearing this country apart with treasonous speak like that.

    Except not really, that guy was just a fag. They exist in every facet of society.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:51 No.41561139
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    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:51 No.41561170
    Exept it mostly was caused by christianity, see also reasons for the fall of the roman empire.

    L2history, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:51 No.41561179
    Because if we want to progress as a society and most ultimately as Humanity, we need to stop believing a 2000 years old fairy tale written by shepherds . The sooner you wake up, the better it will be for everyone.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:52 No.41561224
    >unable to join with God eternally

    I thought God was omnipotent? Couldn't he just use his powers to let us join him? I thought he was supposed to love us?
    This whole you-have-free-will-but-if-you-don't-do-as-I-say-you're-going-to-burn thing is bullshit. God needs to make up his mind, IMHO.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:52 No.41561228
    great video game thread imbecile
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:52 No.41561236
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    Ok, here a news flash that may shock many of you out there: God VIDEOGAMES MOTHERFUCKERS
    >> Always Doodling !pXmYIXPFSc 11/04/09(Wed)14:53 No.41561274
    This is why I respect Buddhism, a religion centered on achieving happiness and improving yourself through study and training? Atheists are small time.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:53 No.41561304
    Can someone please sage this crap? Seriously /v/ is filled with fail today. Sure it can be argued that /v/ always have fail but today is worse then usual.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:54 No.41561378
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    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:54 No.41561384
    >implying Christian monks were not the ones who translated classical texts into western latin

    With out religion the world wouldn't be as culture and advanced.

    Muslims gave us mathmatics and sciences and Christians preserved classical lititure.

    In the swing of history most important art works and music pieces were written for God.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:54 No.41561389
    >implying sage does anything to kill the thread faster.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:54 No.41561399
    Guys, just let them have their thread, if you sage it to oblivion they`ll just make another 10 in it`s place.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:54 No.41561403
    >And you're trying to defend Sodom, where the men tried to rape ANGELS.

    I never said anything about Sodoma and Gommorah. What about the great flood and Noah? HOW MANY BEINGS DIED IN THOSE 40 DAYS? I don't think that's what you'd call a good deed.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:56 No.41561476

    Ancient Rome would like a word with you.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:56 No.41561484
    That sounds like God made up his mind to me.

    God wants you to love Him, but he doesn't want to force you, so He gives you a choice. It's your fault if you choose not to follow His laws, so you accept His punishiments.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:56 No.41561497
    >This is why I respect Buddhism, a religion centered on donating more money to the Dalai Lama so you can achieve a higher spiritual level (see Richard Gere getting pissed off because Steven Seagal gave more money to the Dalai Lama and is more considered by him).

    Fixed it for you, bro. No need to thank me.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:56 No.41561535
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    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:56 No.41561537
    I'm not Religious nor an Athiest, I don't care what happened to who or when and how. God might exist, maybe he doesn't but I can tell you one thing.

    If there was a God, it would be Bruce Willis
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:56 No.41561547
    >Can't I just not believe in him?

    >we need to stop believing a 2000 years old fairy tale written by shepherds.

    So the reason I can't just not believe in him is that we need to stop believing in him?
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:57 No.41561571
    What classical texts? Those that, you know, were already written in latin and greek?
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:57 No.41561578
    >>ATHIEST KID: Mom, I'm going to go **** a hooker.
    ATHIEST MOM: Okay, son.
    ATHIEST KID: Afterwards, I'm going to go smoke pot with my friends, since it's "not addictive."
    ATHIEST MOM: Okay, come home soon!

    The athiest kid leaves the room. The father comes home from work several minutes later.

    ATHIEST MOM: Hi, honey! I'm pregnant again. I guess I'll just get another abortion, since "fetuses don't count as human life."
    ATHIEST DAD: Okay, get as many abortions as you want!
    ATHIEST MOM: Oh, and don't go in the bedroom.
    ATHIEST DAD: Why not?
    ATHIEST MOM: There are two gay men ****ing eachother in there.
    ATHIEST DAD: Why are they here?
    ATHIEST MOM: I wanted to watch them do it for awhile. They just aren't finished yet.
    ATHIEST DAD: Okay, that's fine with me!

    Implying that religious beliefs are representative of moral values.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:57 No.41561598
    >implying "it seems logical" is it's own arguement
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:57 No.41561604
    They were all evil and had their chance. You think God would have killed them all if there were enough good people in the world? Think about Sodom, he said "look, if there are even 10 people there good, I'll spare the city." There was like 1 good dude among all of the cities, so BAM.

    It's pretty much the same with the world in Noah's day.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:57 No.41561610
    >fetuses don't count as human life

    They really don't.

    Can you recall being a fetus?
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:58 No.41561648
    >not /v/
    >148 posts and 39 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    ITT the cancer killing /v/
    >> Here's a story from north america!!! !!yYCGS+b3bUK 11/04/09(Wed)14:58 No.41561651
    this, and inb4 someone says that they were all corrupt. because that is just fucking retarded. babies and infants, and retards were corrupt? o rly?
    "god" only saved ONE family.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:58 No.41561652
    If there was a god, threads like this wouldn't be on /v/.

    Prove me wrong.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:59 No.41561716
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    >Christians claim that they're more 'moral' because of their invisible sky magician

    >A Christian is more than ten times more likely to be incarcerated than an atheist

    How do you explain this, then? Are atheists just better at avoiding getting caught?
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:59 No.41561718
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    >implying we don't know that jupiter has a gravity because otherwise its moons would go flying around in space
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:59 No.41561731
    can you recall what you did exactly 19 years ago?
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:59 No.41561742
    i like to post in religious threads.

    i dont know why.

    i just know that the atheists are getting infuriated by the lack of logic from the religious, impotently infuriated at their inability to convince anyone of anything

    and the religious are all nervous, pissing their pants at the thought of anyone disputing there concrete set beliefs.

    meanwhile, the rest of us just watch in complete indifference.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:59 No.41561749
    Can you recall being and Infant?
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:59 No.41561751
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    >154 posts and 40 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:59 No.41561765
    Sometimes I like to play and talk about video games.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)14:59 No.41561780
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    What about the countless scientists who got sentenced to death by the Church because they discovered something that the church didn't want to spread to the general population ? What about Islam who still treat women as animals ?
    >> Here's a story from north america!!! !!yYCGS+b3bUK 11/04/09(Wed)15:00 No.41561783
    I can, Vaguely.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)15:00 No.41561786

    I shivered at the thought that there are actual people believing that without space daddy we would murder fetuses en mass and the fetuses are the actual space overlords who watch over earth's prosperity.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)15:00 No.41561802
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    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)15:00 No.41561808

    Yes to both, actually.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)15:00 No.41561815
    Stop disscusing old fairy tale as if it was a historical fact.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)15:00 No.41561816
    what's your argument? That God wouldn't allow a website to be made? I don't understand your rationale
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)15:00 No.41561843
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    >Implying they don't and that religion is to blame when it is the batshit insane followers who completely fuck it up
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)15:00 No.41561844
    >there concrete set beliefs

    And there goes the validity of your argument.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)15:01 No.41561879
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    No, it would be Joe Pesci.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)15:01 No.41561896
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    so you expected those babies and retards to be saints? Look who was raising them, they'd turn out just as bad, if not worse

    pic related
    >> angry !.PCbrom8VY 11/04/09(Wed)15:01 No.41561912
    Sounds about right, yes.
    I love being an atheist.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)15:01 No.41561931
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    >If atheists were a majority

    There's no need to make a hypothetical 'if' statement, there ARE countries where atheists are the majority.


    Seem like pretty nice places to me. Weren't they supposed to unravel at the seams and fall apart without their sky faerie giving them orders?
    >> Here's a story from north america!!! !!yYCGS+b3bUK 11/04/09(Wed)15:02 No.41561977
    This is true. HOWEVER! at that pint, What exactly had they done to deserve murder?
    >> Penis Moai !!NkdgpjMYR+C 11/04/09(Wed)15:02 No.41561982
    What videogame is Atheism? I'm sure it's a fine game but I don't own an XBox.
    >> Always Doodling !pXmYIXPFSc 11/04/09(Wed)15:02 No.41561989
    What the hell would the Dalai Lama have to do with your own spiritual progress? This isn't scientology.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)15:03 No.41562002
    >seems like pretty nice places to me
    >the origin of lolicon hentai and tentacle porn with panty vending machines and gameshows designed to beat the crap out of you

    yeah...ok...keep thinking that.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)15:03 No.41562005
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    10/10. Impressive troll OP.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)15:03 No.41562006
    I let people believe in whatever the fuck they want. But if they start pushing that shit on me... it's hammer time.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)15:03 No.41562007
    this copypasta is delicious every time
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)15:03 No.41562013
    >177 posts and 46 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >ancient copypasta and image

    You're fucking pathetic
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)15:03 No.41562019
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    Wow, sure is /b/ in here...
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)15:03 No.41562050
    >implying most religious books don't preach violence
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)15:04 No.41562076
    Because most hispanics and niggers are christian.
    >> Rick Ross !CzEEJ7F16M 11/04/09(Wed)15:04 No.41562086
    apparently these people are seven years old
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)15:04 No.41562111
    Despite Japan's supposed 'perversion', their sexual assault rates are more than 7x smaller per capita than the U.S.

    Could it be that the deviants there are allowed to get off to fake stuff instead of being forced to bottle it up and eventually rape a real person? No, that couldn't be it, porn is immoral.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)15:04 No.41562112
    >"But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also."
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)15:04 No.41562135
    CHRISTIAN MOM: If you dont do as God says he will throw you into a lake of fire.
    CHRISTIAN MOM: He will make sure your eyes will be eaten by crows and your beating heart ripped from your chest and seeing it get raped by a gang of horny imps.
    CHRISTIAN KID: mummy what are yo..
    CHRISTIAN MOM: Your arms will be ripped from your body while your soul rots in constant pain and misery for all eternity!

    > scarred kid for live
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)15:05 No.41562138
    Christians are fine when they aren't forcing their shit down your throats.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)15:05 No.41562156
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)15:05 No.41562158
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    > 160 posts and 40 image replies omitted
    Grats OP
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)15:05 No.41562177
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)15:05 No.41562199
    Atheism =/= Nihil

    OPs post is about morals, not about religion
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)15:05 No.41562202
    they don't report anything in Japan.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)15:06 No.41562231
    They want it, they get it, still, look how only outsiders complain about these things. It`s their country, they can do whatever suits them there and you can go fuck yourself from rage.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)15:06 No.41562235
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    I actually have the give the OP some credit. One ancient copypasta and look what he accomplished
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)15:06 No.41562252
    Are you serious? This thread is still alive after two and a half hours?

    Dammit, /v/
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)15:07 No.41562274
    >What the hell would the Dalai Lama have to do with your own spiritual progress?

    Well, abso-fucking-lutely NOTHING, because there is no spirit. Still many people consider the Dalai Lama their spiritual leader (and I'm certainly not one of them).
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)15:07 No.41562285
    0/10 atleast they sent him to heaven
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)15:07 No.41562308
    So OP is saying that the only reason Christians do good things is because they fear going to hell.

    Makes perfect sense.
    >> King Scourge !!L1zu7Nr5D8/ 11/04/09(Wed)15:07 No.41562321

    >> Nadia !!wZ6+lr+4+7z 11/04/09(Wed)15:07 No.41562338

    I love you /v/, I love you so much.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)15:08 No.41562351
    Why do these threads always get at least 200 replies?
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)15:08 No.41562374
    You have no evidence for this, because there is none. It's a lie hurtbutt feminists came up with when they couldn't understand how Japan could have such low rape statistics.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)15:08 No.41562402
    and due to quantum mechanics something comes out of NOTHING.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)15:09 No.41562412
    God, the very symbol of forgiveness and benevolence, who hath given mankind the ten commandments, one of which was "Thou shalt not kill", slaughtered two entire villages for them defying his supreme rule.

    But i guess sodom and gomorra deserved it, did they not?
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)15:09 No.41562414
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    >the success of this troll and lack of sage in this thread
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)15:09 No.41562417
    This thread should be archived. So /v/ can always remember how easy they're trolled.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)15:09 No.41562428
    because we are infested with retarded fucking /b/ faggots who can't go to their own fucking board.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)15:09 No.41562431
    If a second thread is made to continue this one, I will castrate myself and post the pictures here. I'm warning you /v/
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)15:09 No.41562458
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    >pasting one of the few passages that doesn't preach violence
    >pretending the whole Bible is like that
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)15:10 No.41562500
    Now you just gave them a reason to do it, grats.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)15:10 No.41562531

    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)15:11 No.41562551
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    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)15:11 No.41562559
    >210 posts and 53 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

    seriously /v/, fuck you.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)15:11 No.41562620
    >implying we're not aware that OP is a troll
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)15:13 No.41562702
    Completely denying the existence of a god is just as close minded as arguing tooth and nail that one exists.

    Theres nothing wrong with not believing in god, but the fags who go around preaching that its completely unfathomable are complete douchebags. If you cannot prove/disprove then any sort of absolutism is stupid.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)15:13 No.41562767
    An absence of religion does not mean an absence of morality.

    Atheism is not Nihilism. Atheism is not believing in an all powerful God that created everything in existence. The opposite of Monotheism.

    Nihilism is believing in nothing. That nothing you do ultimately means anything.

    And people who don't believe in anything usually do believe in immediate consiquences of actions, For example that abusing a child or drugs can fuck up your life.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)15:14 No.41562786

    You're the OP aren't you
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)15:14 No.41562841
    A Christian has no fear of going to Hell, because once they are redeemed by Jesus Christ, they are transformed and must spend their lives doing good works and trying to bring others to Jesus.

    Too bad most Christians are idiots and think its "RAAAAHH! CONVERT OR DIE, HEATHEN!"
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)15:14 No.41562842
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    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)15:14 No.41562845
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    The positive assertions of monotheistic religions are heresies that would contradict the negative existence of transcendental entities.

    Suck it fags, hope your beliefs burn before the flatline desert of He Who Resides Above His Own Abode, where no "beliefs" can be farmed for heresies.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)15:15 No.41562860
    This threads only proves that mods don't exist.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)15:17 No.41563060
    >Completely denying the existence of Santa is just as close minded as arguing tooth and nail that one exists.
    >Completely denying the existence of dragons is just as close minded as arguing tooth and nail that one exists.
    >Completely denying the existence of the tooth-fairy is just as close minded as arguing tooth and nail that one exists.
    >Completely denying the existence of sirens is just as close minded as arguing tooth and nail that one exists.
    >Completely denying the existence of giants is just as close minded as arguing tooth and nail that one exists.
    >Completely denying the existence of vampires is just as close minded as arguing tooth and nail that one exists.
    >Completely denying the existence of ghosts is just as close minded as arguing tooth and nail that one exists.
    >Completely denying the existence of the smurfs is just as close minded as arguing tooth and nail that one exists.

    Do I have to go on?
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)15:18 No.41563134
    >Completely denying the existence of TROLLS is just as close minded as arguing tooth and nail that VIDEOGAMES.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)15:19 No.41563168
         File1257365956.jpg-(152 KB, 640x480, shipment_of_fail.jpg)
    152 KB
    >This whole thread
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)15:20 No.41563262
    those things didn't create the universe
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)15:21 No.41563359
    What if we made a religion that hates Atheism and their belief that there is no God.
    We'll claim that they are slaves to their belief that there is no God.
    We'll make funny pictures about how crazy it is to say God can't exist.
    We'll list statistics of the amount of people killed in the name of Atheism.

    Athiesm is just a less popular version of christianity that, instead of believing in a God, believes there can't be a god. No less of a religion.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)15:22 No.41563395


    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)15:22 No.41563406
    And why do you think so? If we take religion for granted, it could have been smurfs all along.
    >> Candle !!cLq0K5nK0ZK 11/04/09(Wed)15:22 No.41563409
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)15:22 No.41563450
    Prove they didn't.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)15:22 No.41563473
    Comparing children's stories which were created for the purpose on entertaining children to the possible existence of a god? The origins of these stories can be traced back, everyone knows they're stories.

    Yes. Please go on, as all these examples are terrible.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)15:23 No.41563481
    But one of them can be all over the world at the same time, and conjure untold numbers of presents from a scratch.

    The point is, all are magical beings that are universally agreed to be fiction. Why isn't this the case with god?
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)15:23 No.41563537
    >Athiesm is just a less popular version of christianity that, instead of believing in a God, believes there can't be a god. No less of a religion.

    This is what Christians actually believe.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)15:23 No.41563572
    >Implying origins of the bible can`t easily be trcked back.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/09(Wed)15:24 No.41563596
    Replace 'God' with 'Thor' and you'll see how stupid you are. Is 'not believing in Thor' also 'a religion'? If so, you're a member of it too.

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