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  • File : 1255878506.jpg-(41 KB, 400x400, persona-4.jpg)
    41 KB Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:08 No.40310640  
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:10 No.40310724
    thats not a picture of oblivion tho
    >> Bumpers !!4KH6b+ml99j 10/18/09(Sun)11:10 No.40310758
         File1255878659.png-(138 KB, 300x650, 1255524213574.png)
    138 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:11 No.40310794
    >> Neku 10/18/09(Sun)11:12 No.40310834
         File1255878759.jpg-(97 KB, 800x870, Shadow Rise.jpg)
    97 KB
    But this isn't an Adachi thread.

    Here's a whore, just to spite you.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:14 No.40310915
    This is what weabboos believe
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:14 No.40310919
         File1255878861.jpg-(88 KB, 407x655, 1578706.jpg)
    88 KB
    Get bent!
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:15 No.40310955
    I am still in utter disbelief that her casting animation is basically her thrust her crotch at you and moaning.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:16 No.40311006
         File1255878973.jpg-(731 KB, 1000x1399, 3399612.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:16 No.40311014
    persona thread?
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:16 No.40311022
         File1255878992.jpg-(108 KB, 800x560, 1255308891350.jpg)
    108 KB
    Now a Chie thread
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:17 No.40311051
    The magic of strippers is hard to comprehend.
    >> Neku 10/18/09(Sun)11:17 No.40311055
    That was uncomfortable.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:17 No.40311094
         File1255879074.jpg-(289 KB, 800x647, 1255309502356.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:18 No.40311112

    Agreed, assuming you mean 'uncomfortable in my pants.'
    >> Vexx !!NtHiiCzDmbI 10/18/09(Sun)11:18 No.40311113
    Why yes, yes it is.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:18 No.40311114
         File1255879098.jpg-(234 KB, 803x999, 6649432.jpg)
    234 KB
    >Ah ha! Is this our chance?
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:18 No.40311121

    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:18 No.40311137
    lol jrpgs.
    >> !BAWKersLBg 10/18/09(Sun)11:19 No.40311153
    As a weeaboo I'm not sure what the hell you mean.

    Until P5 is released.

    It was wonderful wasn't it?
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:19 No.40311161

    Seriously, I'm happy I don't share my dorm room with anyone because that shit is just made of awkward moments.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:19 No.40311176
         File1255879174.jpg-(314 KB, 1024x768, 1255309286552.jpg)
    314 KB
    Delicious feet
    >> Neku 10/18/09(Sun)11:19 No.40311180
         File1255879175.gif-(125 KB, 550x564, 1253161380474.gif)
    125 KB
    Not really.

    Also, we now have a bitch acting like a whore.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:19 No.40311188
         File1255879187.jpg-(96 KB, 600x600, 1732806.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:20 No.40311213

    I..I didn't like the sounds she made when she rubbed the pole, it was unnatural.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:20 No.40311214
         File1255879220.jpg-(119 KB, 512x640, Chie Stretch 2 [Awesome].jpg)
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    Don't forget the squelching sounds!
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:20 No.40311216
         File1255879227.jpg-(220 KB, 567x800, 1255309690887.jpg)
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    >> Vexx !!NtHiiCzDmbI 10/18/09(Sun)11:20 No.40311227
    Oh I love this game but I couldnt play it in front of people.

    They say its too Japanese.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:20 No.40311233
    Persona 3 and 4 are the cancers killing shin megami tensei.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:21 No.40311264
         File1255879287.jpg-(118 KB, 600x433, P4 Party Spiral Background.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:21 No.40311289
         File1255879316.jpg-(52 KB, 497x707, 1255309296686.jpg)
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    >> Full Stake Belphegor-Warrior of Light 10/18/09(Sun)11:22 No.40311300
         File1255879333.jpg-(265 KB, 700x1000, 637929b185331e12e7ffac1a16dd8c(...).jpg)
    265 KB
    Nanako thread you say.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:22 No.40311312
    Anyone who has played Persona 1 & 2 would say otherwise.

    P3&P4 are glorified dating sims, nothing more
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:22 No.40311319
    Being Japanese has nothing to do with it. You'd be wary of playing a game in front of people in which the bosses are fucking Ids stating the most uncomfortable shit you can imagine.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:22 No.40311328
         File1255879376.jpg-(181 KB, 900x675, 1468.jpg)
    181 KB
    >This thread

    enjoy your kiddie games FAGGOS.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:23 No.40311335
    weeaboo pedophile faggots GET IN HERE
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:23 No.40311359
    >weeaboo shit
    >implying this will ever be GOTY
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:23 No.40311360
    Nope, I played P1, P2 IS & ES. P3 and P4 have a better approach to the story, and a better story at that.

    P1 is especially bad, so I don't know why the hell you brought at up as an example of a good game.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:23 No.40311372

    Oh wow nice.
    >> Full Stake Belphegor-Warrior of Light 10/18/09(Sun)11:24 No.40311375
         File1255879441.jpg-(173 KB, 600x729, 77693a5f7e5d3dffe5017c54b05ab4(...).jpg)
    173 KB
    Persona 1 sucked balls dude.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:24 No.40311378
    Why do people refer to Adachi as a "lol randum" villain? It's obvious from his speech just before you fight him that he's had a rough lot in life and holds a grudge against sucessful people and the tough luck of life in general.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:24 No.40311380
    >P3&P4 are glorified dating sims, nothing more
    I don't see the problem
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:24 No.40311382
         File1255879447.jpg-(128 KB, 800x734, Chie & Yukiko Summer Cloth(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:24 No.40311414
         File1255879476.jpg-(44 KB, 486x486, superawesome.jpg)
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    What the fuck is that? Jello on a stick? Holy shit!
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:24 No.40311417
         File1255879477.jpg-(1.88 MB, 2176x3036, 1501516.jpg)
    1.88 MB
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:24 No.40311428

    Is that... Persona 4 + Mai Otome?

    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:25 No.40311442
         File1255879514.jpg-(465 KB, 1134x767, 1255798957493.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:25 No.40311451
    Shut up. get the fuck out with the "P3 AND P4 RUINED THE SERIES BECAUSE I SAID SO" shit
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:25 No.40311454
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:25 No.40311455
    > They say its too Japanese.
    lol racism
    >> Vexx !!NtHiiCzDmbI 10/18/09(Sun)11:25 No.40311456
    Thats great.
    Chie is 16 its all good.
    >> Vexx !!NtHiiCzDmbI 10/18/09(Sun)11:26 No.40311502
    Yes Yes it is.
    >> Mr. Casual !Li1mlbgTi2 10/18/09(Sun)11:26 No.40311503
         File1255879597.jpg-(14 KB, 255x230, 1254881932772.jpg)
    14 KB

    I know for a Shin Megami Tensei faithful, I bet it was a Strange Journey through Persona 3 and 4.

    Don't worry though, at least you're a Devil Survivor.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:26 No.40311512
         File1255879607.jpg-(289 KB, 625x625, Izanagi.jpg)
    289 KB
    It's Steak Croquette. Hard as rock, Chie has diamond teeth.

    Also, she likes meat flavored gum.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:27 No.40311524
    >Demon's Souls comes out

    buncha faggots
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:27 No.40311533

    Persona 2 has aged terribly. Battle system is slow and convoluted. The story is not as good as hardcore megaten fans make it out to be. But the new Personas make me feel like i'm watching a high school anime and it makes me rage constantly. what they need to do is make persona 5 with grownups. this would pretty much solve 90% of the problems with the game.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:27 No.40311542
    No, it's more like:

    I did not enjoy Persona 3 and 4.

    I will not allow anyone else to enjoy Persona 3 and 4.
    >> Vexx !!NtHiiCzDmbI 10/18/09(Sun)11:27 No.40311554
    BTW Yosuke is a fucking banana
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:27 No.40311562
         File1255879678.jpg-(138 KB, 600x680, 9827e74687c11e52c330c54068885a(...).jpg)
    138 KB
    Son, I am disappoint.
    >> !BAWKersLBg 10/18/09(Sun)11:28 No.40311566
         File1255879680.jpg-(58 KB, 526x550, p4-02-04-1.jpg)
    58 KB
    Because >>40311312 is just a name dropping moron who likes to repeat things he sees on the internet to seem like he knows his shit.

    To top it off he does it anonymously which is even more retarded and pathetic.
    >> Full Stake Lucifer-Warrior of Light 10/18/09(Sun)11:28 No.40311573
         File1255879699.jpg-(246 KB, 705x1000, 3e5e691fa2ea5b00a2f7ed477cf291(...).jpg)
    246 KB
    Instead of faggots saying p3 killed your little series, remember what pulled it out of the shitty grave.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:28 No.40311579
         File1255879704.gif-(93 KB, 426x600, Adachi Tarot Card.gif)
    93 KB
    >this would pretty much solve 90% of the problems with the game.
    None of the problems with the game have to do with the age of the cast. Sorry.
    >> OPs 10/18/09(Sun)11:28 No.40311585
         File1255879708.png-(102 KB, 302x306, 1251693896911.png)
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    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:28 No.40311587
    saged and reported for viral marketing
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:29 No.40311612
         File1255879746.jpg-(669 KB, 1050x1485, 1255740577717.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:29 No.40311616
         File1255879750.jpg-(108 KB, 769x521, Yosuke & Jiraiya [MAGIC SP(...).jpg)
    108 KB
    What the hell.
    >> Vexx !!NtHiiCzDmbI 10/18/09(Sun)11:29 No.40311617
    Very true. Hell a lot of people never heard of it until P3
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:29 No.40311648
         File1255879793.jpg-(451 KB, 1440x900, 3497203.jpg)
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    >> Vexx !!NtHiiCzDmbI 10/18/09(Sun)11:30 No.40311651
    comedy thats what lol.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:30 No.40311669
    For all intents and purposes, Persona as a series died. Seriously, it was in the same place as Breath of Fire is in now.

    I would NOT complain about the entries that brought my favorite shit back to life.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:30 No.40311674
    ok all you shit takers know one thing. i dont fuck around with faggot ass faggots that rip on the best, most creative rpg series of all time so do yourself a favor and BACK OFF. stfu right now and ceese the insults or you WILL know the fury of my rage when i have you in a choke hold, killing you slowly as you die to death
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:31 No.40311702
         File1255879890.jpg-(416 KB, 1280x1024, Chie Kicks High 2.jpg)
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    >> Vexx !!NtHiiCzDmbI 10/18/09(Sun)11:31 No.40311705
    Great Wall man.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:32 No.40311731
         File1255879926.jpg-(584 KB, 2000x1345, 1357461.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:32 No.40311742
         File1255879944.png-(894 KB, 1120x700, P4 Party Investigation Team Co(...).png)
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    >> Vexx !!NtHiiCzDmbI 10/18/09(Sun)11:32 No.40311753
    >Same state of BoF

    I blame Dragon Quarter.

    I always do.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:33 No.40311783
         File1255879998.jpg-(147 KB, 600x892, 41111fef069bab9660f44d11509cf4(...).jpg)
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    >> Full Stake Lucifer-Warrior of Light 10/18/09(Sun)11:33 No.40311811
         File1255880030.jpg-(61 KB, 515x614, 1208342745791.jpg)
    61 KB
    That the point, p1 was shitty and p2 had a good story but was otherwise shit. P3 and p4 have kept the whole series from death or wherever DDS grave is.

    Not anymore
    >> everyone is a tripfag !r.192u62CQ 10/18/09(Sun)11:33 No.40311817
         File1255880035.jpg-(30 KB, 322x245, umadclassic.jpg)
    30 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:34 No.40311832

    unless you are not very interested in high school kids trying to discover their sexual identities.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:34 No.40311855
         File1255880085.gif-(34 KB, 500x696, Protagonist stomps Adachi.gif)
    34 KB
    Fuck, I'm STILL fucking asswounded about that shit and that Capcom made an official statement basically saying that RPGs are no longer profitable for them.

    Christ almighty, and there goes a classic to join the pile of IPs Capcom doesn't even use.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:35 No.40311889
    Again, none of the actual problems with the game will be solved by swapping teens for adults.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:35 No.40311912
         File1255880147.jpg-(345 KB, 700x683, 2920950.jpg)
    345 KB
    Bros b4 hoes.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:37 No.40311981
         File1255880224.jpg-(36 KB, 319x175, 1230499641099.jpg)
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    >> Vexx !!NtHiiCzDmbI 10/18/09(Sun)11:37 No.40311998
    the Gameplay is still better.

    A combat system thats superior to every other version. Of course P5's will most likely be better but thats not a bad thing.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:37 No.40312001
         File1255880249.jpg-(96 KB, 360x432, Adachi and the Amazing Technic(...).jpg)
    96 KB
    Seriously, the series ditched the cliché as fuck demon angle for exploring the mindscape. And one of the things inherent to that concept is some level of self examination.

    You'll just get middle aged women wondering if men think they're disgusting, or a gay office worker or something.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:37 No.40312015
         File1255880255.jpg-(465 KB, 1200x1440, 4228097.jpg)
    465 KB
    Kanij made it work.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:38 No.40312061
         File1255880317.png-(2.03 MB, 1600x1116, a1b35f51abeaf4038730d569126a5c(...).png)
    2.03 MB
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:39 No.40312097
         File1255880353.jpg-(315 KB, 715x620, Izanagi 5 [Glowing Eye, Aw(...).jpg)
    315 KB
    All I want for the next game is a far great number of areas to go to, with those areas being larger than the ones we've gotten before.

    Then just populate them with people, and in weather and time and we're golden.
    >> OPs 10/18/09(Sun)11:39 No.40312124
    How does the middle guy's shirt work?
    it doesnt have any buttons...
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:39 No.40312131
         File1255880392.gif-(431 KB, 175x175, 1255713949618.gif)
    431 KB
    >fury of my rage
    >die to death
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:40 No.40312149
         File1255880407.jpg-(408 KB, 800x1184, 3755357.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:41 No.40312190
         File1255880461.jpg-(152 KB, 494x600, Adachi & Car Accident [Awe(...).jpg)
    152 KB
    And we'd get people like Adachi, bitter about life because despite all their effort they haven't gotten anywhere.

    Or like Namatame and his utter despair. That anon's problem isn't with the teens it's with the exposition and material.
    >> Vexx !!NtHiiCzDmbI 10/18/09(Sun)11:41 No.40312226
    He is the protagonist he is suppose to be you.

    Shirt doesnt have to make sense.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:42 No.40312239
         File1255880525.jpg-(90 KB, 760x720, 2031444.jpg)
    90 KB
    The buttons are covered by fabric.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:42 No.40312255
         File1255880537.jpg-(242 KB, 480x640, P4 Postcard.jpg)
    242 KB
    What are you ta- Holy shit, you're right. Artist forgot to put buttons.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:42 No.40312256
    I had the chance to buy this game when it came out.

    Now I'll never find it in a normal store. Just USED COPIES HGURURGJ
    >> Mr. Casual !Li1mlbgTi2 10/18/09(Sun)11:43 No.40312293
         File1255880580.jpg-(14 KB, 348x332, 1253513063722.jpg)
    14 KB

    Instant-Bishounen-Shirt. No buttons needed!
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:43 No.40312305
         File1255880588.jpg-(701 KB, 1650x2357, Chie & Chibi Party.jpg)
    701 KB
    Or you could just get it from an online store.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:44 No.40312365
         File1255880653.jpg-(725 KB, 1217x883, P4 Protagonist & Izanagi 1(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:44 No.40312411
    Something wrong with a used game?
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:45 No.40312440
         File1255880728.jpg-(581 KB, 800x870, 2378257.jpg)
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    >> Neku 10/18/09(Sun)11:45 No.40312455
         File1255880744.jpg-(111 KB, 625x781, 1253161227315.jpg)
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    This thread has lead me to the conclusion that I will never see a picture of Kanji that I like.
    >> Vexx !!NtHiiCzDmbI 10/18/09(Sun)11:46 No.40312486
    Unsafe for the most part.

    And to the other Anon. dude I found it New in August in a Gamecrazy.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:46 No.40312511
    BROsona4 was like a breath of fresh air compared to P3, atmosphere wise. Nothing like going from GRIMDARK to "Let's save a quaint country town".
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:46 No.40312513
         File1255880816.jpg-(401 KB, 800x600, 1512160.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:47 No.40312517
    noone cares. leave if you dont like this threaf
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:47 No.40312531
         File1255880839.png-(103 KB, 500x388, Fatlus_feels_Japanese.png)
    103 KB
    posting in a weeaboo thread
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:47 No.40312534
    messed up discs, etc.?
    >> Neku 10/18/09(Sun)11:47 No.40312559
         File1255880874.png-(149 KB, 910x295, 1242245338958.png)
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    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:48 No.40312580

    But... the internet is just for /v/ and porn!
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:48 No.40312600
         File1255880921.jpg-(159 KB, 808x650, Protagonist & Izanagi 7.jpg)
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    I'd rather have a new game, than something that's basically preworn. And most games are fucking imbeciles that leave their games horribly scratched.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:49 No.40312617
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:49 No.40312628
         File1255880959.gif-(163 KB, 827x924, 4121420.gif)
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    Are his eyes really his best feature?
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:49 No.40312652
    >most games are fucking imbeciles
    >> Vexx !!NtHiiCzDmbI 10/18/09(Sun)11:49 No.40312654

    Ok my 2nd play through of P4 I need to max Kanji's S Link.

    Didnt do it the first time.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:50 No.40312672
         File1255881012.jpg-(118 KB, 600x534, P4 Protagonist Trolls Adachi.jpg)
    118 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:50 No.40312696
    I've never played the Persona series but i hate them anyway. Weaboo dating sim shit with j-pop soundtrack.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:50 No.40312699
    Oh, you're one of THOSE guys. Amazon or Ebay has never failed me so far and I've been buying used games off them for years
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:50 No.40312701
         File1255881045.jpg-(78 KB, 842x613, kanji.jpg)
    78 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:50 No.40312702
    Or just pirate it.
    Grab the iso and hope the emulator is up to scratch.
    >> Vexx !!NtHiiCzDmbI 10/18/09(Sun)11:51 No.40312724
    Very true

    I swear if I didnt KNOW that was Teddie
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:51 No.40312741
    Do it, the second persona is awesome. Also, Kanji gets over caring what people think about his passtime. Too bad the Protag couldn't give a shit about oven mitts.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:51 No.40312754
         File1255881102.png-(384 KB, 600x1000, kanjishadow.png)
    384 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:52 No.40312805
    Can't find a new version in B&M shops? Online.

    It's convenient and I've been doing it for quite some time, and it hasn't failed me yet. The internet is wonderful for things beyond trolling.
    >> !BAWKersLBg 10/18/09(Sun)11:52 No.40312818
    Very paranoid or just incredibly unlucky with used games?

    I've never had a problem at all.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:52 No.40312822

    It's like a manly Turn A gundam.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:53 No.40312833
         File1255881192.png-(525 KB, 779x1024, 1318779.png)
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    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:54 No.40312883
    I've faced off/I've hold off/I welcome to the choochoos and the jeejees...
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:54 No.40312905
    >Didn't max out Kanji's S.Link
    Not cool
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:55 No.40312942
         File1255881344.jpg-(159 KB, 566x800, 3890791.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:55 No.40312948
         File1255881351.jpg-(187 KB, 800x950, 1794053.jpg)
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    I don't know why but there is a bunch of art for this threesome. I get Kanji/Naoto but why is Rise thrown in to the mix?
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:56 No.40312979
         File1255881384.jpg-(549 KB, 1024x768, P4 Red Party.jpg)
    549 KB
    I'm probably just unlucky, but often enough that I insist on a new copy of a title I'm interested in. The shops that sell used games have no obligation to check if a copy they receive is in decent condition, just that the right disc is in there.
    >> Neku 10/18/09(Sun)11:56 No.40313004
    They're in the same grade.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:57 No.40313017
         File1255881427.jpg-(163 KB, 1220x803, P4 Red Party [Chie & Yukik(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:57 No.40313024
         File1255881436.jpg-(262 KB, 1024x768, 5714546.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:57 No.40313062
    If you look at Kanji and Naoto's collars, they have 1 on them. Same grade, and Rise is also in the same grade.

    That's why they refer to Chie, Yosuke, Yukiko and Protag as senpai.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:58 No.40313088
         File1255881515.jpg-(144 KB, 1220x803, P4 Red Party [Kanji & Yosu(...).jpg)
    144 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:58 No.40313097
    Whoa, why did Naoto become Betty Boop?

    I guess that makes sense.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:58 No.40313105
         File1255881535.jpg-(2 MB, 1000x2000, shadows.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)11:59 No.40313119
         File1255881556.jpg-(144 KB, 1220x803, P4 Red Party [Naoto & Rise(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)12:00 No.40313155
    Naoto is stacked, according to her medical records.

    And she's shorter than Chie's 5'1". That + that image is them somewhat older and you have Betty Boop: Japan Edition.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)12:00 No.40313178
    Such boring games. Typical JRPG nonsensical story, retarded fan service animu shit, tacked on dating sim elements, horrible gameplay. This series has all the makings of the perfect "fucking loser" game.

    Get some real human interaction you depressing faggots.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)12:01 No.40313186
         File1255881662.jpg-(156 KB, 1220x803, P4 Red Party [Teddie & Pro(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)12:01 No.40313198
    I know that, it just seems an unusual way to group them. Normally jap fanart groups them based on relationships rather than simply being in the same grades and Rise just didn't seem that close to Kanji or Naoto.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)12:01 No.40313215
    Awesome picture, even after all this time.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)12:02 No.40313240
    It's been mentioned by NPC's, and the characters themselves that these 3 do hang out together off screen. Plus, they're the youngest of the group.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)12:02 No.40313254
    Well, this time they used a more logical means of grouping them (because the game establishes no pairings between party members, or even hints of it).
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)12:02 No.40313258
         File1255881761.jpg-(239 KB, 900x500, what.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)12:03 No.40313300
         File1255881814.jpg-(121 KB, 1280x995, P4 Screen Shadow Kanji.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)12:03 No.40313307
         File1255881820.jpg-(173 KB, 900x693, 8dad254f460711a7c4aa24db72ebd1(...).jpg)
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    There needs to be more Shadow Chie fanart.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)12:04 No.40313332
         File1255881867.jpg-(144 KB, 700x741, P4 Street Crossing [Beatles No(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)12:04 No.40313335
         File1255881873.jpg-(398 KB, 780x1066, sky.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)12:04 No.40313338
    why is juggernaut there?
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)12:04 No.40313341
         File1255881882.jpg-(338 KB, 579x819, (JP) s.r., Persona 4 cast.jpg)
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    You played the game on an emulator? How is it?
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)12:05 No.40313365
         File1255881913.jpg-(137 KB, 800x769, Cabbage.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)12:05 No.40313366
         File1255881914.jpg-(158 KB, 693x985, 1249610422851.jpg)
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    >> Neku 10/18/09(Sun)12:05 No.40313383
    Yukiko likes Juggernaut, it seems.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)12:06 No.40313398
         File1255881962.jpg-(157 KB, 848x600, P4 Super Magatsu Bros..jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)12:06 No.40313434
         File1255882012.jpg-(100 KB, 960x720, P4 Screen Yoshitsune.jpg)
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    Glorious. Some weird audio artifacts, but otherwise it's awesome.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)12:06 No.40313435
    Anything for a bro.

    It seems heavily implied Kanji has a thing for Naoto.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)12:08 No.40313502
    Yosuke's shadow was the best. A real punch in the gut for me.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)12:08 No.40313514
    Too bad she feels nothing for him, not even a wink wink nudge nudge moment. There really aren't any actual pairings in the party, as said before.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)12:08 No.40313516
    Why are you trying to find logic in a fictional Japanese game?
    >> Vexx !!NtHiiCzDmbI 10/18/09(Sun)12:09 No.40313553
    Pretty sure that Yukiko thinks Chie thinks she is Juggarnaut
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)12:09 No.40313554
         File1255882176.jpg-(498 KB, 837x818, Persona 4 cast, grill.jpg)
    498 KB
    Ha, I remember last year when everybody was arguing whether or not Kanji was straight, gay, or bisexual. Good times.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)12:09 No.40313556
    Has anyone ever finished the beef bowl challenge?
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)12:09 No.40313560
    That's because Protag got all the pussy.
    >> Neku 10/18/09(Sun)12:09 No.40313561
    You are the only one who feels this way.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)12:09 No.40313567
    I rage quit at 'the game' dungeon

    "magical force stops you" BS fagballs
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)12:10 No.40313596
    Ah yes, moving from the big city to some shitty little hick town with nothing to do.

    I love how the shadow selves are the Id of the person in question, they speak only the truth. Hearing that Yosuke was actually glad there were murders and that he'd loved to "Hey! Get to be a Herooo!" was wild.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)12:10 No.40313597
         File1255882228.jpg-(221 KB, 884x625, Naoto.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)12:10 No.40313611
    >Pretty sure that Yukiko knows Chie thinks she is Juggarnaut

    I'd say Bi.
    >> Neku 10/18/09(Sun)12:11 No.40313637
    But how does she even know who Juggernaut is? He's an American comic book character.
    >> Axxess+ !cTV/UQRIx6 10/18/09(Sun)12:11 No.40313640
    The boss is even more rage-tastic.
    >> Vexx !!NtHiiCzDmbI 10/18/09(Sun)12:11 No.40313647
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)12:12 No.40313650
         File1255882324.jpg-(186 KB, 496x600, P4 S-Link Pimping Aftermath.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)12:13 No.40313694
         File1255882383.jpg-(372 KB, 560x800, P4 The Band.jpg)
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    >> Vexx !!NtHiiCzDmbI 10/18/09(Sun)12:13 No.40313697
    Oh damn I lol'd
    >> Vexx !!NtHiiCzDmbI 10/18/09(Sun)12:13 No.40313741

    One of the better K-on edits I have seen
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)12:13 No.40313743
    Any one else watch the Giant Bomb endurance run of this?
    Funny shit.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)12:14 No.40313752
    Marvel Superheroes are getting more popular around the world. Shit, /co/ has regular threads with Japanese fanart of American supers.

    Plus, the movies are extremely popular, and Juggernaut appeared in X-3.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)12:14 No.40313763
         File1255882455.jpg-(122 KB, 850x592, P4 The Girls [Beach].jpg)
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    What the, that's never happened to me. Or are you talking about the shell he had around him?
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)12:15 No.40313800
         File1255882509.gif-(62 KB, 578x550, Naoto, Kanji, Rise.gif)
    62 KB
    I lean more towards him being straight, really. A little confused, like a lot of boys are at his age, but straight overall.
    >> DJHBRD !!FfccD+Kq+YG 10/18/09(Sun)12:15 No.40313808

    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)12:15 No.40313814
         File1255882523.jpg-(216 KB, 1280x768, P4 Various Logos.jpg)
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    Yeah, it's definitely one of their best runs.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)12:16 No.40313859
         File1255882577.jpg-(22 KB, 483x175, P4 Twilight.jpg)
    22 KB
    What's wrong? Why are you acting like you've never seen Twilight in your Persona 4 before?
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)12:17 No.40313914
         File1255882645.jpg-(346 KB, 600x800, 2467113.jpg)
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    >> Mr. Casual !Li1mlbgTi2 10/18/09(Sun)12:18 No.40313973
         File1255882712.jpg-(103 KB, 1024x576, 1252789876002.jpg)
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    This is... gold. Every time I see it.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)12:18 No.40313982
         File1255882725.jpg-(233 KB, 950x721, Protagonist & Adachi Fight(...).jpg)
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    >> Vexx !!NtHiiCzDmbI 10/18/09(Sun)12:19 No.40314006
    Whats the name of that book in game? So I can remember to read it and laugh my ass off at it
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)12:19 No.40314009
    I couldn't believe it myself. Either the dev team is some awesome motherfuckers or the localization team is awesome for putting that in.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)12:19 No.40314028
    Bitches and Whores.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)12:20 No.40314052
    You have to accept an optional hangout session with Kou and Daisuke and you wind up with that faggy book. The title is a not so subtle nod at Twilight.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)12:21 No.40314082
         File1255882867.jpg-(270 KB, 1024x768, 1250907551033.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)12:21 No.40314085
    >Kou and Daisuke
    Best bros.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)12:21 No.40314115
         File1255882904.jpg-(316 KB, 1175x785, Protagonist & Izanagi 3.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)12:22 No.40314153
    I wish the manga would speed up. Seeing the current arc get told from Yosukes pov is interesting.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)12:22 No.40314164
    Definitely bros, especially with that sendoff at ramen shop. But, as everyone mentions, he's not going away forever they can go chill and he can come visit.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)12:23 No.40314187
    Persona 4 is pretty much the greatest JRPH, nay, game, ever made. It's a modern masterpiece. It will go down in history as man's greatest achievement.

    And of course, something like that could only come for glorious Nippon.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)12:23 No.40314205
         File1255883030.jpg-(14 KB, 154x153, 1248530279017.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)12:24 No.40314213
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    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)12:24 No.40314242
    God damn this thread is the reason why I will never reveal myself as a Persona "fan" to anyone irl. Fucking embarrassing bunch of cocks.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)12:24 No.40314247
         File1255883080.gif-(46 KB, 975x670, Protagonist & Izanagi 8.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)12:25 No.40314282
         File1255883129.jpg-(475 KB, 600x1050, Protagonist & Izanagi 12.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)12:25 No.40314285
         File1255883134.jpg-(148 KB, 800x826, 1244837493934.jpg)
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    Maybe we would have been able to explore the topic of Kanji's sexuality if Yosuke didn't give him shit about it at every possible opportunity.

    Personally I'm quite sure he's bisexual. Kanji gets a nose bleed at the sight of shirtless Protag which in Japan at least is more or less the same as a raging boner. He also calls what's-her-face from P3 cute.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)12:26 No.40314304
    阿魔 と させ子。
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)12:27 No.40314350
         File1255883236.jpg-(122 KB, 600x765, 2304660.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)12:27 No.40314352
    Anyone who doesn't like Persona is either a total faggot or a casual who hates any game that isn't a FPS. It's a well polished series with a (relatively) unique storyline.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)12:28 No.40314388
    Best part of the game.
    Also, SMT series ws here. Persona is for fags.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)12:29 No.40314421
         File1255883340.jpg-(97 KB, 500x677, 1701600.jpg)
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    He was also looking at the girls in their swimsuits, too.

    Personally, I don't care what he is, 'cause he's the motherfucking Kanji Tatsumi, motherfuckers!
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)12:30 No.40314462
         File1255883404.png-(1.05 MB, 390x3381, 1244828332014.png)
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    >> Akuma !XIxc6BpKnU 10/18/09(Sun)12:30 No.40314489
    What the hell is Persona about anyway?
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)12:30 No.40314500
         File1255883447.jpg-(575 KB, 1200x900, 1244828260122.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)12:31 No.40314520
         File1255883478.jpg-(216 KB, 800x600, 1244827913931.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)12:31 No.40314541
         File1255883512.jpg-(127 KB, 512x882, 1244828077717.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)12:32 No.40314567
    Requesting a sauce for this delicious doujin.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)12:32 No.40314578
         File1255883559.gif-(250 KB, 317x2717, 1244829235532.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)12:32 No.40314588
    google says

    We Magic and child Ali.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)12:33 No.40314617
         File1255883603.jpg-(55 KB, 389x551, 1244827109496.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)12:33 No.40314622
         File1255883612.png-(963 KB, 400x3200, 5543819.png)
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    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)12:33 No.40314635
         File1255883636.jpg-(290 KB, 715x996, 1244826805810.jpg)
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    >> Neku 10/18/09(Sun)12:34 No.40314641
    Whores, as you can plainly see.

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