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  • File : 1255821914.jpg-(74 KB, 486x994, trolled.jpg)
    74 KB Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/17/09(Sat)19:25 No.40264720  
    Alright, I promised to make this thread and I don't know how well its going to turn out but here it goes...

    FFVIII thread. Any questions about FFVIII, story-wise and gameplay-wise.

    Please don't troll.
    pttb, I lol'd
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/17/09(Sat)19:27 No.40264828
    only bump
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)19:27 No.40264860
    Does anyone fuck Selphie?
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/17/09(Sat)19:29 No.40264959
    Irvine might, if he quits oogling other girls long enough for her to take him serious...or when she realizes its his front (aka facade) and he's really a caring guy who loved her since the orphanage.
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/17/09(Sat)19:32 No.40265145
    Zell sure had a chance, when she was sitting on his bed.

    "Yo Squall, I think my mom wants to play cards with you..."

    "Now where were we Selphie, you exclaimed that I was lucky that you were on my don't know how right you are!"
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/17/09(Sat)19:37 No.40265467
    Delete this thread? First answer and I'll comply.
    >> Bumpers !!4KH6b+ml99j 10/17/09(Sat)19:38 No.40265542
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    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/17/09(Sat)19:39 No.40265609
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    Giraffe neck Squall?
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)19:39 No.40265627
    Why did Squall want to drink a glass full of piss?
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/17/09(Sat)19:41 No.40265740
    Because I don't have photoshop, and I wish someone could make it look better. Oh well.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)19:46 No.40266021
    Am I the only one who finds Quistis useless?
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)19:48 No.40266132
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    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/17/09(Sat)19:49 No.40266141
    Yes? She's capable of beating anything on her own, with no magic junctioned to her and at lvl 8. Just fill out her limit break list.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)19:50 No.40266193
    Anyone else fuck up the splitting up group part when this guy was first introduced? I didn't really realize he took both of the girls at first, and thought I might as well go with the zell group since it was lookin' pretty good.
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/17/09(Sat)19:51 No.40266274
    To get into more depth. The line of Limit Break combo to win with her...
    Mighty Gaurd (sometimes does Aura)
    White Wind
    Bad Breathe
    Shockwave Pulsar
    >> 「僕」 !BOKU/lkVms 10/17/09(Sat)19:51 No.40266306
    To be fair, if you dont level Rinoa she can do the same with Angel Wing and Meteor. That shits mad powered, yo.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)19:52 No.40266324
    Um, degenerator would like to have a word with you.
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/17/09(Sat)19:52 No.40266362
    usually I took two of the lowest lvl characters with me so that I can level them up, or break even.
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/17/09(Sat)19:54 No.40266476
    However, Rinoa can't heal herself during it. And Invincible Moon only last for so long.

    Quistis and Selphie are capable of healing themselves and hax powers. It amazes me that Rinoa is even a Sorceress, but alas, if healing was a Sorceress power, we'd all be screwed during the Ultimecia battle.
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/17/09(Sat)19:57 No.40266600
    Maybe if Angelo was more frequent during battles, Angelo Recover, she would top those two.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)19:57 No.40266621
    I heard Duel and Squall's limit with max weapons can do almost 200k in damage in like no time. Especially if you use the quick moves for Zell's duel so your 7 seconds last
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/17/09(Sat)20:02 No.40266902
    Yes, its a fan-name combo created out of a simple flaw.

    Apocalyptic Fist- O-X...=> <=

    Renzokuken (4-8hits) Lionheart (17hits) with 9999dmg. You only need to be near 7000 to do 9999 with Lionheart.
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/17/09(Sat)20:06 No.40267185
    There was actually another one...I forget the name...something Symphony. It was basically another combo.

    I'm actually trying to make one, but complicated as hell. I actually want to use other moves that simply move back to the first option, with always the option to end it with the ender moves.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)20:09 No.40267348
    Who here got a 10 after Dollet?

    I did, but instead of the time limit thing, i defeated the robot (more cool that way than Quistis saving your ass, even if you don't get the FMV).
    >> 「僕」 !BOKU/lkVms 10/17/09(Sat)20:12 No.40267533
    Doesnt Lionheart do 9999 damage regardless?
    I was fighting a Turtapod the other day and it was doing its defence curl thing, which can turn my Squalls 8000+ damage into 300, but when I did a Lionheart he still hit 9999.
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/17/09(Sat)20:12 No.40267541
    I haven't, I always have to kill that bastard and jump off the cliff. However, I always do the Ifrit mission with 10 mins, no magic.
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/17/09(Sat)20:18 No.40267863
    There are plently of Youtube videos that show Lionheart lacking 9999. I believe, not sure, but Squall's ender moves are non-elemental, stat ignoring moves.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)20:20 No.40267957

    Yeah, I just like the report card that you get after, all tidy :D

    Most people don't do it cos to get the SeeD level 10 you have to defeat 75 enemies, and that messes up the no levelling shit some people go for, unless you kill off squall and zell and let seifer do all the killing until you get selphie.

    Anyway ff8 rox, i'm replaying it right now actually

    How about the best party? I used to choose squall, zell and irvine, but then found out about selphie's and quistis' break limits
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/17/09(Sat)20:23 No.40268094
    Well Selphie and Quistis limit breaks are alot of work. Selphie is basically chance, Quistis is getting 100 cursed spikes and lvl-ing Siren to 100, unless you have the PC port.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)20:24 No.40268155
    Logic, I fucking missed you. Where you been?
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/17/09(Sat)20:27 No.40268361
    If I had a special controller, I'd have Irvine in the party, so I can do 100 fast shots in the time limit, especially with 20/40+STR and a meltdown.
    >> 「僕」 !BOKU/lkVms 10/17/09(Sat)20:27 No.40268379
    I used Squall, Zell and Quistis.
    Squall for fuck yeah permanent crits, Zell for punching shit and Quistis for her versatility.
    Renzokuken is still the most badass limit break ever.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)20:28 No.40268439
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    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/17/09(Sat)20:30 No.40268537
    I've been anonymous. I've always been here, however, I'm paranoid as fuck and I believe /v/ hates me...I don't blame you guys, my fanboyism is disgusting. Most of my threads bomb and at times, I say something stupid that even makes me cringe.

    Either way, still coming up with theories. For those who don't like my FF Timeline theory (actually /v/'s) I've come up with the FF Mutability theory, which is so easy to explain, it only takes a paragraph. Just ask...
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)20:31 No.40268580
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    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/17/09(Sat)20:32 No.40268653

    Also, its not like you have a choice of Squall being in the party.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)20:35 No.40268831
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    Squall has hands down the best limit break.

    Zell's duel (booya+rush spam actually) is the second most powerfull, but his combo can take several MINUTES and I'd rather have a quick fight.

    Irvine's dark shot is awesome early game, and his rapid shot is powerful when his STR is maxed.

    Rinoa's Meteor Wing is awesome but you lose control of a character. it would be awesome if you could perform angel wing while under the effect of invincible moon.

    Quistis is not really damage oriented, but her limits are a great support and the best for normal enemies. Boss fight = Guard + Bad Breath + Shockwave. Everything else = Degenerator.

    Selphie IMO is the worst. People love her because of The End, but i got it like twice in whe whole game, none of them in boss fights. Mighty Guard is better than Wall and you need to redo her slot several times in order to something useful to show up while the enemy is kicking your ass.
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/17/09(Sat)20:36 No.40268867
    Don't know if like, but thank you
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)20:37 No.40268903
    ff8 is good, but i have to admit, irvine being a dumbass and quistis whole storyline (that talk in training center after the ball and when she says she loves squall like a brother)... man that sucked ass.

    selphie's story is pretty cool tho and zell evolves nicely
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/17/09(Sat)20:37 No.40268944
    I use Selphie mostly for Full Cure and Aura
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)20:38 No.40269004

    doesn't selphie have smtg like full cure? or you guys use something else for healing?
    >> 「僕」 !BOKU/lkVms 10/17/09(Sat)20:41 No.40269170
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    I really wish all the Seifer battles were just a 1on1. The final Seifer battle after he fucks up Odin was so ridiculously easy for me. I had Squall on 150 speed and auto-haste so he alone was getting 3-4 turns for every 1 of Seifers.

    I agree. People always say to use his armageddon fist combo but thats just so mundane, I enjoy using it for a few seconds and then using Different Beat. That hits plenty of times and for a lot if you have his str high. And My Final Heaven is down right awesome but a pain to do.
    >> Excalibur !iHiirBkON2 10/17/09(Sat)20:45 No.40269406
    I loved this game, Zell was my favourite character i think. It got a bit weird during the end and i didn't really explore Ultimecia's Castle. But all in all i found it thoroughly enjoyable

    It did feel odd to complete a FFRPG at level 9 though
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)20:45 No.40269415
    I usually have a character with Leviathan's Recover ability junctioned. It heals to full HP
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/17/09(Sat)20:45 No.40269438
    I love the story completely. I never seen anything, or read anything that had the past predicting the future.

    (on the train) Laguna gets to see Julia, a girl he's inlove with
    >Squall gets to see Rinoa, a girl he seems interested in [and jealous when he finds out she wanted Seifer for the train mission]

    (Forest before Galbadia Garden) Laguna is ordered to go to Centra Excavation Site, where he almost dies
    >Squall is ordered to go to Deling, where he almost dies

    So on so forth.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)20:46 No.40269510
    I love how much sense the Rinoa Mind control theory works.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)20:46 No.40269523

    i'll check it out, has to be better, cos like someone said before, you have to keep rolling sometimes to get what you want with selphie's lb
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/17/09(Sat)20:48 No.40269636
    This is why I'm trying to make a new combo. You'd have to write it on a peice of paper just to do it right, but atleast you'd be doing more than 2 moves, and I'm trying to make it go to each ender move so that you still have a choice to end it awesomely.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)20:50 No.40269740
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    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)20:51 No.40269796
    I called Rinoa my little blue angel of death angel wing/meteor killed most bosses without the other teammate's help.

    I made Irvine a medic/support caster because of his speed stat. (Plus I liked the dumbass.)
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/17/09(Sat)20:52 No.40269863
    I don't like it, especially since Rinoa didn't even know she was capable of being a sorceress. If she did it by accident, then I guess, but I always figured Squall liked her because that dance proved that he has to get out of his shell so he can't enjoy the world. He was a wall flower, just there...she comes and dances with him and he actually enjoyed it. As the game goes on, every time they fight, I always believe he thinks it over.

    And I like what they say between eachother, I always saw a relationship developing naturally.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)20:52 No.40269893
    same, I really enjoyed the story till it was like "OK guys, we're gonna have to condense time."
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/17/09(Sat)20:53 No.40269949
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    >can enjoy
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)20:53 No.40269953
    The Let's play of this summed it up perfectly.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)20:56 No.40270108
    It's like a thread someone posted some time ago. Their relationship comes out of nowhere if you send her to the missile base and screws the music during the FH Festival. They had a good relationship development, but all the development was skippable ingame and a lot of people accidentally skipped it.
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/17/09(Sat)20:56 No.40270110
    Someone clue me in, I heard someone say this before and I don't remember it.
    >> TheWriter 10/17/09(Sat)20:57 No.40270164
    Personally I'd have more respect for Rinoa's character if she were playing possum the entire time; feigning ignorance of her sorceress powers, deliberately placing herself in danger because she knew Squall would save her... she could have been pulling the long con all along.
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/17/09(Sat)20:58 No.40270243
    That they did, I kept her with me all the time. I took Squall seriously, "Stay by my side"
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/17/09(Sat)21:00 No.40270373
    I have respect for her the way she is. She only screwed up once. Everyother time after wasn't her fault...its her FATE to die.

    Just like Raine and Julia dies, Rinoa is doomed to die as well. Just like Laguna becomes president of Esthar, Squall will be head/master of Balamb.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)21:01 No.40270392
    I loved Final Fantasy VIII.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)21:01 No.40270397
    Read, and laugh as I did.
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/17/09(Sat)21:04 No.40270603
    >> TheWriter 10/17/09(Sat)21:10 No.40270997
    See, that's another thing; I don't see the comparison between Squall and Laguna's life to be that important. Squall never had a second girl like Laguna did; Squall has the means and intention never to leave Rinoa's side, unlike Laguna gallavanting across Esthar twice; unless you count the dog he doesn't assume responsibility over a dependent like Ellone upon meeting his main girl... While yes, you can draw comparisons, I just don't see them being enough to be anything more than coincidence.
    >> Auxia !!VWXLYDs/sw5 10/17/09(Sat)21:10 No.40271030
    Sup bro, me again.

    If you have the time, I'd like to pick up our Ultimecia discussion where it left off.
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/17/09(Sat)21:11 No.40271033
    I lol'd...this is funny without being bitchy and whiney like Spooney...maybe its his voice.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)21:11 No.40271070
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)21:12 No.40271138
    I'd definately recommend reading the whole thing. Very worthwhile.
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/17/09(Sat)21:14 No.40271232
    Awesome! What was the question?

    Well, to each thier own opinion. However, just to add...
    Laguna stops Adel
    Squall stops Ultimecia

    Laguna loses Julia and gains Raine
    Squall loses Rinoa and gains her back (which means she plays both the role of Julia and Raine)
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/17/09(Sat)21:15 No.40271321
    Someone make this COMIC! I obviously suck at making comics.

    Will do, I didn't realize this came from the same guy who did Meatbag Worf.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)21:16 No.40271411
    Logic! I've spend many late night hours on /v/ discussing FF8 in the past. I was actually talking to my younger bro about a lot of the stuff you explained to me regarding FF8's plot. I think I blew his mind...he's looking for a copy of FF8 to play ever since.

    The only relevant vidya discussion I've ever had has been with you.

    And that's all I wanted to say. Take care.
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/17/09(Sat)21:21 No.40271706
    I am completely touched...COMPLETELY TOUCHED. I wish you were here, there are so many things I haven't said about FFVIII here.
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/17/09(Sat)21:25 No.40271966
    I'm still waiting. I seriously have a shit memory. My long term memory is good, my short term memory sucks. After a while, what was in my short term memory moves into long term memory. WTF! How does something I forget move to an area of NEVER FORGET AGAIN. Well, atleast I can never forget FFVIII.
    >> TheWriter 10/17/09(Sat)21:25 No.40271968
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    Well, of course. It isn't like this is the first thing we disagree on, after all.
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/17/09(Sat)21:29 No.40272190
    Hey, been meaning to ask you, someone posted as "Writerfag No.9", was that you?

    You disagreeing with me is the best. I'm House, and you are like my 3 assistance. Through our back and forth, I come up with a greater answer.

    Is it you who likes R=U?
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)21:30 No.40272275
    This game's Draw and Junction system is fantastic fun... assuming you don't know the game has FUCKING LEVEL SCALING THAT PUNISHES YOU FOR COMPLETING BATTLES.

    If it wasn't for that, it would be one of my favorites in the series. Don't give a shit about the story and characters, though.
    >> Auxia !!VWXLYDs/sw5 10/17/09(Sat)21:31 No.40272318

    ...I don't even remember what I was going to say because you just blew my fucking mind.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)21:31 No.40272366
    I was sincerely hoping for a TF2 parody with Irvine as the Sniper, and a jarate.
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/17/09(Sat)21:34 No.40272537
    I liked monsters leveling with me, I still lvl to 100. Never beat the game with any lvl less. It doesn't feel like I beat it right if I don't.
    >> TheWriter 10/17/09(Sat)21:34 No.40272555
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    >implying Zell has any sort of game with the ladies

    >Writerfag No.9
    Nope. I'm always just TheWriter.
    >House's assistant
    Chase then, I guess; I'm Australian.
    >Is it you who likes R=U?
    Yeah, that's me. I need to put everything down on paper sometime.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)21:36 No.40272654


    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)21:36 No.40272681
    The level scaling isn't the real punishment, realizing every level you gained without Jumbo cactuar is a wasted level is the real rage inducer
    >> Excalibur !iHiirBkON2 10/17/09(Sat)21:36 No.40272682

    i know what you mean. Squall was my highest level character at level 9 when i beat it. It just felt odd
    >> TheWriter 10/17/09(Sat)21:37 No.40272752
    Ever noticed how Aura, the spell that makes you angry enough to use Limit Breaks any time, turns you yellow? That's Irvine showing off his sniper roots.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)21:38 No.40272810
    I know what you mean, in my first playthrough i was like lvl 70 when i finally got the airship
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/17/09(Sat)21:38 No.40272813
    No need, I'm willing to comply, however, you must comply. I'm writing soon how Rinoa=Ultimecia and yet how Ultimecia=Ultimecia.

    I wish someone would take up my challenge, but alas, laziness...or doesn't matter to them.
    >> TheWriter 10/17/09(Sat)21:40 No.40272948
    You could just abuse Devour once you get it, couldn't you?
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)21:40 No.40272977
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    why do people even like this mini-game?

    The opponets all have good cards and you have ot pay attention to who you play and where you play so you don't spread the gay rules (RANDOM) around like AIDS
    >> TheWriter 10/17/09(Sat)21:42 No.40273052
    Time's the killer for me; I'm halfway through a degree at the moment. Hell, I should be working on an assignment right now.
    >> Auxia !!VWXLYDs/sw5 10/17/09(Sat)21:42 No.40273061

    What's yo' challenge, bro?

    You all have inspired me to torrent FFVIII so I haven't much to do until it's done.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)21:42 No.40273081
    Seeing as my main use for Irvine was to have him cast Aura on Rinoa and Squall...

    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/17/09(Sat)21:42 No.40273090
    I'm trying to remember what about Cactuars makes level so sad. With Ifrit I got STR LVL+, with Quesacotl, MAG LVL+. I'm sure I tried LVL UP, LVL DWN on my own characters but its not an option.
    >> TheWriter 10/17/09(Sat)21:46 No.40273294
    I just used all my Str-Ups after I hit 100. When that stopped working I started Devouring T-Rexaurs. Pretty sure it was T-Rexaurs.
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/17/09(Sat)21:48 No.40273444
    Give me your email address. I will send you Ultimecia'sBackstory.txt

    This backstory actually has a linear storyline. With the linear storyline, I came up with events that make sense of how Ultimecia (not Rinoa) goes through her ascension of power and starts time compression.

    What the R=Ufag must do is use the same linear storyline...which is actually the list of songs. It makes sense when you read the email.
    >> Auxia !!VWXLYDs/sw5 10/17/09(Sat)21:52 No.40273643

    Not sure I exactly understand what you're asking though.
    >> TheWriter 10/17/09(Sat)21:56 No.40273883
    Logic took note of every song that played throughout the main plot of FF8, put them in reverse order, and came up with a series of events to explain Ultimecia's rise to power that matches that song order. A big undertaking, no doubt.
    >> Auxia !!VWXLYDs/sw5 10/17/09(Sat)21:58 No.40274025


    Holy shit, Logic.

    Do you really think Nomura would have planned to encode her history into the game like that?

    Also, why is Adel a manwoman?
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)21:59 No.40274042
    What, like The Extreme to Maybe I'm a Lion all the way to Liberi Fatali? Day-um.
    >> TheWriter 10/17/09(Sat)22:02 No.40274281
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    Adel's sorceress body tried to balance out the fact that she had no Knight? That, or she's Chyna.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)22:04 No.40274380
    Square confirmed years ago that Rinoa is NOT Ultimecia in at least 2 interviews. One of the reasons is that Ultimecia can't possess herself.
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/17/09(Sat)22:08 No.40274536
    Or Adel was the only person left during the Lunar Cry at Centra...Odin being his lover. Odin was a more physical fighter, Adel's chi was enough to cast 2nd level magic. Adel is the first mad to be a sorceress, due to an overly gay mind. Even though Odin is gay, he's the manly one, Adel is the trap.

    I like my idea.

    Read the email...they can name the songs whatever, long after they made the story of the game. And just like I said... >>40269438 predicting the future with the past.
    >> Squall Leonhart !FF8lUaDUVA 10/17/09(Sat)22:10 No.40274616
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    Op tell me what is going on here.
    >> TheWriter 10/17/09(Sat)22:11 No.40274680
    That's all very well and good, but we weren't talking about R=U. I'll hear you out anyway, if you can find two interviews refuting it.

    >Ultimecia can't possess herself.
    Tell me why not.
    >Sorceresses don't age, Rinoa can't be generations into the future
    Sorceress Memorial facility says this isn't impossible.
    >Any other issues
    I'll be happy to discuss them.
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/17/09(Sat)22:12 No.40274715
    Wow, I know about the first...
    "Sorceress don't live forever"
    >Sorceress Memorium
    but now this one?
    "Ultimecia can't posses herself"
    >Rinoa is Ultimecia every other time

    Don't worry, if you can't, I will.
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/17/09(Sat)22:14 No.40274799
    In the picture? Thats Griever Ring in the background. I don't know about the black rose.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)22:15 No.40274850
    Ok. tell me the best strategy to kill the dragon Laguna has to fight.
    >> Squall Leonhart !FF8lUaDUVA 10/17/09(Sat)22:16 No.40274913
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    No I mean in this thread, I'm lazy and don't have time to read it. Fighting sorceresses is tough work.
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/17/09(Sat)22:20 No.40275083
    Junction Pain to Status-atk, I'm forgetting the magic equivalent to remedy..but that to status-def. Tornado to str.
    >> TheWriter 10/17/09(Sat)22:20 No.40275097
    We're discussing whether your girlfriend is a double-dealing sorcerous whore from the very beginning or not. From where I stand, you didn't start giving a shit about anyone but yourself until after this:
    >> TheWriter 10/17/09(Sat)22:21 No.40275175
    Esuna. Esu = S(tatus), na = nashi (negative). About as original a name as Fire.
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/17/09(Sat)22:22 No.40275194
    I should know...I'm cleaning up the Lunar Cry situation, while you sit at the helm of Balamb Garden. I respect you man, thanks for saving me man.

    Its rock/paper/scissor battle again. I keep slashing, just like I kept punching.
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/17/09(Sat)22:23 No.40275267
    Thank you.
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/17/09(Sat)22:25 No.40275374
    And Firaga to elem-def
    >> eggmanl33t 10/17/09(Sat)22:25 No.40275384
    How do I abuse the junction system to beat the game at like level 13? The idea of a FF game with no random encounters is awesome. I might actually look forward to playing it.
    >> Squall Leonhart !FF8lUaDUVA 10/17/09(Sat)22:27 No.40275482
         File1255832826.jpg-(399 KB, 500x544, 5773774.jpg)
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    I love Rinoa, I just need her to tell me why again.

    Its all in the job.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)22:27 No.40275491
    you don't need to. just go through the game and you can beat it with just refining items.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)22:28 No.40275590
    After the events in FF8 Selphie kills Rinoa and inherits her sorceress powers. Selphie is already batshit, all she needed was the power to become Ultimecia.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)22:29 No.40275634
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)22:30 No.40275659
    in b4 samurai comic copypasta dump
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/17/09(Sat)22:30 No.40275663
    Card game. If you don't know how to play it, I can go further into explaination. The highest lvl I had to get to is lvl 10 to do this. Grind AP with the fishes on the shore of balamb, get Card, refine-I, and refine-f. Then work on Card Mod, Hp-junction and Str-junction. Now you are on your way. For Squall (who might be the only person you need for the rest of the game) learn Str+20/40/+. Never junction death to status, use break, since it doesn't give you exp, death does.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)22:31 No.40275755
         File1255833112.png-(42 KB, 400x500, selphietrainz.png)
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    >> Blue Wizard !Mhx73kgxoU 10/17/09(Sat)22:32 No.40275792
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    I don't get to post this enough.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)22:33 No.40275829
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/17/09(Sat)22:33 No.40275836
    Wow...because your strengths cover eachothers weaknesses.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)22:34 No.40275865
    How do i get to Balamb Garden
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)22:35 No.40275940
         File1255833348.jpg-(62 KB, 600x600, kill yourself.jpg)
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    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/17/09(Sat)22:36 No.40276002
    Buy FFVIII, have either a PS1 or PS2. Start game, hit New Game...after FMV, you are at Balamb Garden. Works every time!
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)22:38 No.40276119
    It would be so funny if they discovered time compression was irreversible once they allowed it.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)22:39 No.40276187
    >> eggmanl33t 10/17/09(Sat)22:40 No.40276193
    Well ok how do i do this? The only time i played this game was when i was 16. I loved triple triad but when the rules chaged to face down cards i dropped the game entirely.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)22:42 No.40276302
    Just don't let the rules spread, always refuse whenever someone starts babbling about using different rules until they simply ask if you wanna play a match.
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/17/09(Sat)22:42 No.40276326
    Squall-"I have an idea. Everyone think of Laguna."
    (everyone does so, Laguna appears, Squall slaps him)
    Laguna- "Well, actually....nevermind."
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/17/09(Sat)22:44 No.40276428
         File1255833855.jpg-(34 KB, 406x277, 1252535584486.jpg)
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    imagining Squall this mad.
    >> Squall Leonhart !FF8lUaDUVA 10/17/09(Sat)22:50 No.40276794
         File1255834247.jpg-(53 KB, 450x450, WTF.jpg)
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    I get that angry all the time.
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/17/09(Sat)22:54 No.40276996
    oh man, what about when you realized Norg was our Master? Shit, I still go down to the bottom to see if he supposably evolved.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)22:55 No.40277043
    That was just terrible.
    >> Squall Leonhart !FF8lUaDUVA 10/17/09(Sat)22:56 No.40277106
         File1255834571.jpg-(35 KB, 580x373, WHAT_THE_HELL.jpg)
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    This was my face then.
    >> TheWriter 10/17/09(Sat)22:56 No.40277135
         File1255834598.jpg-(54 KB, 708x563, 1253953597652.jpg)
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    >> Squall Leonhart !FF8lUaDUVA 10/17/09(Sat)22:59 No.40277276
         File1255834744.jpg-(70 KB, 700x886, Blushing_Squall.jpg)
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    Fun times right there.
    >> TheWriter 10/17/09(Sat)22:59 No.40277289
         File1255834755.jpg-(207 KB, 822x998, 1253401508298.jpg)
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    I dunno, but you seriously need to stop letting her guinea-pig new magic on you.
    >> TheWriter 10/17/09(Sat)23:00 No.40277348
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    >> TheWriter 10/17/09(Sat)23:00 No.40277399
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    >> TheWriter 10/17/09(Sat)23:02 No.40277545
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    In all seriousness, though, Rinoa looks way too fucking happy in this pic.
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/17/09(Sat)23:04 No.40277664
    I just laughed a little. I remember Meg Griffin taking a package of hotdog weiners to masturbate to the Yankees (or whatever), I bet shes the reason we never have hotdogs in Balamb.

    Man, that tower in Dollet doesn't just send messeges...Thanks Earth. Interesting shit.
    >> Squall Leonhart !FF8lUaDUVA 10/17/09(Sat)23:07 No.40277844
         File1255835242.jpg-(180 KB, 1272x900, 5406419.jpg)
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    Strange week that was.

    That is way hotdogs will become outlawed.
    >> Necron 10/17/09(Sat)23:08 No.40277928
    Logic, my cousin! How are things? Did you read the email I sent you about stuff?
    >> TheWriter 10/17/09(Sat)23:09 No.40278010
    >Gimme my real belt back you cockstain?
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)23:14 No.40278284
    you mother fucker.... I'm going to end up reading that entire thing now.

    Thanks though.
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/17/09(Sat)23:16 No.40278409
    Yes, thank you very much. I haven't taken any time thinking about the theory more. However, I found out I can't have FFI end everything. The fact that FFI has the 4 points where the fiends took energy from the planet, is how FFV begins its idea to use crystals to better thier lives.

    Though I didn't understand the over all theory, what I got out of it was that FFIX happened before FFIV. I think its about time I actually turned it into more of a story instead of a line of events.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)23:19 No.40278587
    Why didn't Zell fuck Selphie?

    They are both hyper active retards
    >> Necron 10/17/09(Sat)23:20 No.40278650
    Yes, that's the gist of it. When you play them both, and remember what I've told you, it'll all make perfect sense, I'm sure.
    >> TheWriter 10/17/09(Sat)23:20 No.40278695
    Because Zell's a stupid fuck who was too busy sucking up to Squall to make a move on her, so Irvine took his place.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)23:21 No.40278759
    wtf is going on in this pic
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/17/09(Sat)23:22 No.40278817
    Pigtail girl and Irvine...Thinking about Zell fucking Selphie is nice though. He's fast, emotional, she's daring, and crazy. Kinky, fast, hard, emotional and awesome sex evar.
    >> TheWriter 10/17/09(Sat)23:23 No.40278850
    I took it as Squall demanding his real belt back. Note the lionface.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)23:25 No.40279010
    I see now... Then wtf is Yuna's problem?
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/17/09(Sat)23:27 No.40279073
    Oh shit, Indecent Proposal, Squall is a millionaire Garden Master and Tidus needs money to support his Blitzball team.
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/17/09(Sat)23:28 No.40279173
    No, unfortunately, I've seen these artist sacraficing his belt buckle with this Kon lion face, and they haven't had Squall say anything about it before.
    >> TheWriter 10/17/09(Sat)23:30 No.40279270
    Yuna owes him weed money.
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/17/09(Sat)23:36 No.40279568
    Well, no questions about plotholes, like people were complaining about.
    >> TheWriter 10/17/09(Sat)23:45 No.40280084
    What do you think inspired Seifer's obsession with sorceresses and knights at the start of the game?
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/17/09(Sat)23:47 No.40280193
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)23:49 No.40280307
    >Edea's tits
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/17/09(Sat)23:52 No.40280467
    sorry, I thought the thread was dying. Seifer always loved Edea (as a mother), because no matter how much of a troubled kid he was, she still accepted him. Of course, Edea being a sorceress, she most likely told him the story of Sorceress Knights. This is how he became Disciplinary Commitee, dispite him being trouble, he has discipline enough to train with a gunblade. He's good at telling people to follow directions, more than he is at taking them. Like a cop, speeding all over the place, but giving you a ticket when you do. Either way.
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/17/09(Sat)23:55 No.40280674
    Its even a theory that Seifer may be Edea and Cid's kid, since Rinoa's father has her card and Squall's father has his. Then again, Mrs. Dincht has Zell's card and he's adopted.
    >> Anonymous 10/17/09(Sat)23:58 No.40280817
    And Selphie's teenage friend in Trabia Garden has her card, maybe she's Selphie's mother
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/17/09(Sat)23:59 No.40280907
    well, I'm gone.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)00:02 No.40281102
    I always used Selphie. I seemed to get Rapture pretty often actually, though I've only seen The End a few times. And even if you can't get those she still arguably has the most versatile limit break.

    My usual party for the boss fights would be Squall, Selphie, and either Quistis or Zell.


    Thanks for making a decent FFVIII thread. It's my favorite out of the series and though I take pretty much anything that comes out of /v/ with a grain of salt just out of habit, the constant hatemongering and trolling over this game gets to be distressing after a while.

    Story-wise, I didn't like this game as much the first time through. The second time I played it, however, I was able to see how all the elements fit together much more clearly, the ways that Ultemecia had manipulated everything from the start. The first time I played it I felt like a lot of the stuff that happened was kind of arbitrary, but it really wasn't once you know what's going on behind the scenes.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)00:08 No.40281483
    I raged when Seifer took out Odin. And Gilgamesh was a shitty replacement.
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/18/09(Sun)00:09 No.40281563
    Man, I said I'd be gone and I haven't left.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)00:11 No.40281658
    Selphie was mai first waifu, then i got a real girlfriend.
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/18/09(Sun)00:12 No.40281709
    I actually got tired of Odin, when he died, I hate to say this, I was kinda happy. I guess I'm the only one who felt this way.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)00:13 No.40281797
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    >real girlfriend
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/18/09(Sun)00:14 No.40281872
    That actually sounds like a downgrade...nah, I'm joking.
    >> Saru Lock !4BKCSR9wns 10/18/09(Sun)00:19 No.40282080

    Stop lying faggot.
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/18/09(Sun)00:21 No.40282188
    I don't know if you are implying me saying just kidding being a lie, or the whole thread.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)00:21 No.40282197
    Yeah, don't be so nice to the faggot, anyways she's mine.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)00:22 No.40282240
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    >> The Saintly Seahawk !!7QqGrqfu/eO 10/18/09(Sun)00:24 No.40282373
    Holy shit Writer you blew my fucking mind.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)00:29 No.40282614
    I did it this way my second time through.I laughed my arse off when they were all pissed about being with Irvine.

    And a rudeness filter, WTF?
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)00:32 No.40282778

    Is there any other FFs with a story this deep and complicated?

    I've always had a certain....I don't know....attraction to FF8's story and characters and I couldn't quite put my finger on it. After reading this thread I'm completely in shock...

    Are any of the other FF's story as good as this?
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/18/09(Sun)00:33 No.40282881
    Depends on how you take the TimeLine theory, then they're all great stories that weave from one to the other.
    >> Auxia !!VWXLYDs/sw5 10/18/09(Sun)00:34 No.40282946
    Sorry bros, I was watching a movie with my mate.

    Anyway, Logic, as I said, I never beat FFVIII. Torrented it and am currently playing as I type this. But I'm still interested and will discuss it more thoroughly when I get a lot further/beat it.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)00:36 No.40283029
    Do you have a favorite? I'm in the mood to pop in a good RPG I can get into. I'm free for a few days with not much to do.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)00:38 No.40283166
    I wish me and a couple of /v/ bros could bust a train on Selphie, if you know what i mean.
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/18/09(Sun)00:39 No.40283218
    Oh shit....I'm so fuckin sorry for all the spoilers. Wait, there hasn't been alot of any plotholes or questions about the story. Nothing exposed.

    I can't believe no one asked where GFs come from, especially Eden.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)00:42 No.40283388
    >if you know what i mean.

    You lost me.
    >> Tohru Adachi !!6G0HsjEMbz5 10/18/09(Sun)00:42 No.40283413
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    Do explain....
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/18/09(Sun)00:45 No.40283552
    FFVIII...this is why I know so much about it. To be honest, I have two jobs, one I acquired not long ago. They only require physical strenght, and I'm pretty strong, there are 160lbs of shit I deal with more than once, and I do it alone, on purpose. My job has gotten so easy, mentally, I'm horribly bored. People always complained about the plotholes in FFVIII, like the moon monsters, Pupu, Gfs, and I filled all the logic using cannon things.

    If I were to have to suggest another game...hmm...
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/18/09(Sun)00:46 No.40283646
         File1255841219.jpg-(33 KB, 605x499, gf1truth.jpg)
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    At the end of FFVIII Ultimecia summons Griever from Squall's mind. This implies that Sorceress are capable of creating GFs, as she created Iguion.
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/18/09(Sun)00:50 No.40283853
    Ifrit is actually a monk who trained at the fire cavern

    Shiva is actually a dancer who lived near Trabia

    Quesacotl is actually the psychic named Orlan, who created the Triple Triad cards, and is why he has the card command, Quesacoatl is actually a wizard in a green rob, at which the point of the hat acts like a head.
    >> Auxia !!VWXLYDs/sw5 10/18/09(Sun)00:51 No.40283913

    No worry, man. I already kind of knew how it ended (me and my friends were addicted to it back in 8th grade, they all beat it and told me what happened). But there's still a load of stuff I don't know. Like what Griever has to do with anything... I always thought he was just Squall's ring and gunblade design.

    And FF8 just crashed on me, goddamn. Now I can't open it again.
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/18/09(Sun)00:52 No.40283966
    Siren is a bard at sea

    Brothers are actually two guards of the old king of FFIII, the one who killed (or almost killed) his son.

    Diablos is actually an Imp whose meditation took him beyond levels of a regular monster
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)00:53 No.40284026
    There's nothing really quite like it as far as FF games go.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)00:54 No.40284069

    HOLY FUCK....

    Is there facts to prove this or is it something you've assumed?
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)00:55 No.40284159

    What about non-FF games?

    Damn, I really want some kind of amazing story driven video game to play. I mean, I have all the systems and a PC and every current game plays like a wannabe action movie. Or the stories are just plain dull.

    Maybe I'm just getting too old for these video games...
    >> Tohru Adachi !!6G0HsjEMbz5 10/18/09(Sun)00:56 No.40284200
         File1255841808.jpg-(24 KB, 414x599, Adachi-open.jpg)
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    Makes sense....
    I'll trust you on this one.
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/18/09(Sun)00:57 No.40284216
    Griever, the one we know at the end, is basically Squall's persona. Squall uses Griever as his strenght. Pride, confedance, fearless...Its why Griever looks like Squall...a white main (Squall's collar) the spikes out of its arms (gunblades) and black (Squall's choice in color)
    >> Sho Minamimoto 10/18/09(Sun)00:58 No.40284315
    Except that Moobas used to be fucking Shumis.
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/18/09(Sun)00:59 No.40284355
    Look at Ifrit, his move consist of him jumping in the air and slamming you with his fist. He's a monk, he even has steel braclets around his fist so when he throws a punch, the steel hits his fist and makes his punch stronger.
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/18/09(Sun)01:00 No.40284419
    Yes, Shumis become Moombas, what I'm saying in the picture is that Moombas become Carbuncles via Sorceress curse
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)01:00 No.40284421
    Get Chrono Cross. The story turns into a time/dimension mindfuck halfway tru the game just like FF8.
    >> Sho Minamimoto 10/18/09(Sun)01:01 No.40284478
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/18/09(Sun)01:03 No.40284615
    At some point, it was nessecary to have a creature to reflect magic, more than likely, during the time of Hyne's reign or after, Sorceress were still respected, but one of them craved power. Carbuncle, which was once a Moomba, which was once a Shumi, which was once human...the liquid from the Lunar Cry is capable of changing normal animals to monsters. Look at your info page.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)01:03 No.40284664
    You might like Chrono Cross, it has a complicated and interesting story, and was quite a good game (although not quite as good as it's prequel, Chrono Trigger)

    This game is also pretty much a love/hate game, much like FF8.
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/18/09(Sun)01:06 No.40284831
         File1255842404.jpg-(474 KB, 1125x1500, ff8-hyne.jpg)
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    Look at Forbiddens and Geezards. Geezards is the skin, the useless part. Just like Hyne, casted half of his body. Forbiddens are the bones. Hyne is actually Hein from FFIII.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)01:06 No.40284845

    Hahaha, hivemind.I think this is your answer OP.I might well replay it my self after FF8, it's been 5 years or so since I last played through it.
    >> Anonymous 10/18/09(Sun)01:07 No.40284880
    >Shumi, wich was once human
    Wait, what the fuck, what about Artisan trying to envolve into a human? Where does anyone EVER mention this?
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/18/09(Sun)01:07 No.40284901
    A sorceress stepped out of line, Carbuncle was used to reflect.
    >> Deadpool !!NwFvGWk4qDd 10/18/09(Sun)01:07 No.40284902
         File1255842473.jpg-(93 KB, 694x530, PicardQ.jpg)
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    This thread is added to the list of reasons to hate this game...holy shit i didnt think people would be so crazy as to try to cover up or explain away faults and terrible things in a game as to go this far...

    Sometimes a game is just a game, and then sometimes its this huge ungainly thing you have made up in your head to explain away most of it...

    This look into the pysche of VIII has left me cold and disturbed /v/...
    >> Logic? !!4LMvISQ1spP 10/18/09(Sun)01:11 No.40285138
    Look at thier place, they created it. They are Artisans, but they call human Artisans because they don't realize that Sorceress have been the source of intelligence. They want to be human again. And I really don't recall them saying they want to evolve into a human, they were in awe in thier vechiles.
    >> Auxia !!VWXLYDs/sw5 10/18/09(Sun)01:13 No.40285264

    So let me get this straight, this is basically the origin of the FFVIII world?

    Some dude named Hyne made people who reproduced like rabbits, he didn't like that there were so many of them so he burned lots of kids, they didn't like that he did that and fought with him, so then he gave them his skin that had no real power and they learned that they had been double-crossed and wanted revenge?

    Or is this just a story told in the game?

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