File: 1303876871312.png (116.92 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, YahNahIhate4chan.png)
Anonymous 04/26/11 (Tue) 21:01:12 No.396
Kso.I'm slightly peeved that I was banned from 4chan. I guess I'll be spending the next 14 days on 4chon.Anyway, can we get a Minecraft projects general?
Anonymous 04/26/11 (Tue) 21:04:22 No.426
>banned for no reasonwelcome to 4chon
Anonymous 04/26/11 (Tue) 21:04:39 No.427
File: 1303877079123.png (111.97 KB, 360x600, 3:5, screencap_banned.png)
Try being banned for 9000 days. This will be my permanent home now. How sweet it is….
Anonymous !admin.cH4I 04/26/11 (Tue) 21:05:11 No.428
You're welcome here friend
Anonymous 04/26/11 (Tue) 21:09:54 No.452
File: 1303877394848.gif (937.04 KB, 400x222, 200:111, 1303532438802.gif)
>>426>>428Thank you!>>427Also, That's fucking ridiculous.
Anonymous 04/26/11 (Tue) 21:12:00 No.461
I want this to be my new home. How do I get perma-banned?
Anonymous 04/26/11 (Tue) 21:13:28 No.466
>>461Say joot can go suck some 100% heeb cock. Or be racisss. Failing that, just type out It gets autobanned.
Anonymous 04/26/11 (Tue) 21:14:56 No.470
>>461Post some porn in /ck/ while insulting the mod that's lurking there.
Anonymous 04/26/11 (Tue) 21:17:03 No.475
File: 1303877822584.png (351.85 KB, 900x563, 900:563, Dead_Leaves_by_smlc.png)
>>466Alright…Perma-ban here I come.
Anonymous 04/26/11 (Tue) 21:17:09 No.476
>>470Tried that a while back. Something of that stature is only like a 15 day ban or so from all boards.
Anonymous 04/26/11 (Tue) 21:18:35 No.478
Just do a Minecraft general covering everything Minecraft, the board's slow so you don't need to have a set topic worrying that the thread will 404, it'll sort of derail into more specific things as the threads goes on.
Anonymous 04/26/11 (Tue) 21:20:03 No.484
File: 1303878003684.jpg (415.72 KB, 1680x1050, 8:5, citytown.jpg)
I used to admin on a Something Awful Minecraft server called Penislandia. There are a lot less penises than you might is the server name, but you have to bee an SA goon if you want build permissions. Feel free to wander around, the main island is themed and well moderated and frankly kicks some serious ass. Ask around for what the best sites to see are, or just take a cart around the main island, we have a fuckhuge railway that goes for about 3-4 miles or so all the way around the entire island and stops by most cool areas.Pic Related, A small part of CityTown(more to come)
Anonymous 04/26/11 (Tue) 21:22:07 No.493
File: 1303878126447.jpg (332.28 KB, 1680x1050, 8:5, rome.jpg)
Here is the Colosseum, 1:1 scale.
Anonymous 04/26/11 (Tue) 21:25:32 No.506
File: 1303878332804.jpg (10.21 KB, 153x175, 153:175, Eat a dick.JPG)
>>475>Mfw I got a one day ban for posting like twenty times, saying niggers over and over and then saying "Joot can suck a 100% heeb cock."
Anonymous 04/26/11 (Tue) 21:27:28 No.515
File: 1303878447145.jpg (403.51 KB, 1680x1050, 8:5, spergin.jpg)
>>493>>484Spergenburg Castle. The town is still wip but its being built by SMP who is a fucking god-tier builderso its just gonna be a smorgasboard of pwn when it's done
Anonymous 04/26/11 (Tue) 21:31:12 No.533
File: 1303878672349.png (890.99 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, Picture 12.png)
Unnamed castle, in progress.Still not satisfied with the look.
Anonymous 04/26/11 (Tue) 21:31:37 No.534
I feel a hankerin for some jaffa cakes….
Anonymous 04/26/11 (Tue) 21:33:26 No.542
so autism general?
OP 04/26/11 (Tue) 21:34:23 No.552
File: 1303878863414.png (1.03 MB, 1366x746, 683:373, 2011-04-27_00.32.26.png)
China Pavilion built by a user on my server.
Anonymous 04/26/11 (Tue) 21:34:43 No.556
>>542Now, now. Lets all get along in new /v/.
OP 04/26/11 (Tue) 21:36:07 No.563
File: 1303878967184.jpg (84.39 KB, 800x304, 50:19, 2011-010.jpg)
>>556I agree with you.Also, are there any plugins for 4chon? Chrome user here.
Anonymous 04/26/11 (Tue) 21:36:52 No.567
>>563Theres a 4chon extension that works with Greasemonkey. Don't know if you can get that with Chrome.Check the sticky on /meta/ if interested.
Anonymous 04/26/11 (Tue) 21:37:00 No.568
>>563yeah, check meta
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