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  • 10/01/2009 - 4chan turned 6 years old

    File : 1254903675.jpg-(206 KB, 625x790, 20091007.jpg)
    206 KB Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)04:21 No.39519284  
    swing and a miss
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)04:23 No.39519340
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    improved version
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)04:24 No.39519366
    i'm not boycotting L4D2 because I think I'm entitled to free stuff.

    I'm not buying it because the 1st was a ripoff
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)04:24 No.39519369
    buckly does it again!
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)04:25 No.39519416
    egotistical piece of shit. this comic is terrible.

    it was promised as FREE DLC. it is now $60, less than year after the first game. and nobody plays fucking Madden anyway, so why did he even bring that up? it's not like L4D and Madden share a fucking demographic.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)04:26 No.39519446
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    cad rule, no need for second and third frame, aplies even to shitty edits
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)04:26 No.39519452
    Does anyone remember when his comics were funny?

    me either
    >> Haru-chan !jX235bW6Ro 10/07/09(Wed)04:28 No.39519499
    dare I post his updated rant?

    Yes, the fucker felt the need to FURTHER PROVE HIS POINT by updating his news with more self-preach on how his opinion is better than everyone else's.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)04:28 No.39519522
    I don't like the new characters, I want to be able to play as Zoey. That is literally the only reason I'm not playing L4D2.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)04:29 No.39519542
    BU^kley straying from his usual templates? at least attempting to be witty for once?

    great scott, if he continues down this course, his comics might become bearable!
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)04:29 No.39519543
    I wouldn't think that the same people that buy Madden games would really all that care about Left 4 Dead or it's sequel.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)04:29 No.39519555
    B/\U does it again!
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)04:30 No.39519569

    Source on this promise right now or shut the fuck up.
    >> Wakko 10/07/09(Wed)04:31 No.39519600
    dont think so tim. it will never be bearable while he is at the helm. now all we need to do is have someone photoshop the character's faces to look like gigantic asses because all that text is shit.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)04:31 No.39519606
    Did anyone else get a Scott McCloud vibe from this?

    Buckley's at least emulating someone good, for once. Maybe someone bought him "Making Comics" and he took some advice, just the wrong advice.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)04:31 No.39519612

    The point is you don't feel the need to boycott Madden, so making a big deal of someone else doing the same thing is stupid.
    >> Haru-chan !jX235bW6Ro 10/07/09(Wed)04:31 No.39519618

    Hey, shut your whore mouth right now.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)04:33 No.39519669
    even if lots of content wasnt promised (and it was), l4d is not worth 60 fucking dollars.

    fallout 3? or any other game with a fuckton of content? sure. But not a source engine mod that isnt really that long.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)04:33 No.39519677

    Why don't you just, you know, not buy it.


    You know the first mod will be an "original characters" mod, right?


    You haven't done ANY sort of research on L4D2, have you? Valve's first comment on the subject was something along the lines of "we had a ton of ideas for L4D, and instead of spending years developing it in DLC, we decided to bundle it all together in one year".

    Also, it's Valve: the gaming company dedicated to making gaming cheaper. For Christ's sake, the first L4D was $10 on Steam two weeks after it's release.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)04:34 No.39519694
    that also says that they already added new classes to TF2 which is patently false
    >> Haru-chan !jX235bW6Ro 10/07/09(Wed)04:34 No.39519699
    Buckley's rant about it....because he feels the need to further prove his point after every comic. Ever.

    > I conveyed my opinions on the Left 4 Dead 2 boycott via Twitter a couple of times in the past, but I still get the occasional person asking me what I think of the situation. Since people continue to be up in arms over the subject, despite the recent DLC to L4D, and in the face of Valve's planned $25m advertising budget for the sequel (which I take as a sign that all the "boycotting" and crying got these people absolutely nowhere), I figured I'd amuse you with my thoughts on the subject:

    >It's crazy stupid.

    >People nowadays have this notion, and I don't know where they got it from, that they are entitled to things for free. They aren't. I think I made a newspost about that once, so I won't go into it again, but that's basically what this "boycott" boils down to. People loved L4D. Valve jumped right on a sequel. People wanted the sequel, but since the original only came out a year ago, they took that as a sign that they deserved the new stuff for free, as an "addon". Nevermind that had updates for L4D stopped today, and another year had past, nobody would have said a word about "this should be DLC".

    >The short time span skewed people's views on the subject. Perhaps because they're idiots.

    >I understand their base arguments. They argue that Valve promised DLC. I see DLC delivered, I don't know what else you'd call the new map/game modes.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)04:34 No.39519701
    >Valve intends to support hotly anticipated zombie survival shooter Left 4 Dead post-release with new characters, new maps, new achievements and new weapons in order to grow the community, Gabe Newell has revealed.

    New characters is the only condition that hasn't been met. That's what this whole thing is about, then.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)04:34 No.39519716
    fallout 3 wasn't even worth 20 dollars, what the fuck man
    >> Haru-chan !jX235bW6Ro 10/07/09(Wed)04:35 No.39519725
    >Boycotter's complain that L4D still needs bug fixes. Yeah, that might be true. It's still not a good enough reason that you should get NEW content for free or for cheap. And even if Valve decided to stop support for the original game (which they won't), you have to grasp the reality of a statute of limitations on this sort of thing anyway. You buy a game, sure you're entitled to get some bugs fixed etc... but not for the rest of your god damned life. At some point the company gets to say "Ok, guess what... we're going to work on new stuff now."

    >And if you've been playing the game for a year, then chances are these bugs still present aren't exactly a super hindrance to your enjoyment of the game. And on top of that, if you're still playing Left 4 Dead a year later, I think it's safe to say that you've gotten a ridiculous entertainment-to-cost ratio out of your initial $50. Like, to the tenth power with that shit. It's time to put that $50 to rest and accept that if you want another year's worth of entertainment, you're going to have to pay for it.

    >And you will, and we all know it. I wish we could track all of the boycotters via GPS, so that on release day we could watch 90% of them slink off to purchase the game just like everyone else. Because let's face it, your "boycott" will last up until the second that you realize it didn't get you shit, and you still want the game so you can partake in the fun everyone else is talking about having.
    >> Haru-chan !jX235bW6Ro 10/07/09(Wed)04:35 No.39519740
    >I don't think boycotts are stupid... I always say the consumer's most powerful message to businesses is their right to choose not to buy something. And that they should exercise that right if they see fit. And I support your right to not buy this game, but I still think this boycott is stupid, because it sounds so very hollow. I can't see any merit to it, and all I hear from it is "Waaah, I want my game for free!", because somehow you're under the impression that it doesn't cost these people money to make this stuff. Money that they're entitled to try and earn back.

    >Your initial $50 doesn't make these people your indentured servants for life.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)04:36 No.39519758
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    I never even got past the L4D demo once I had millions of zombies pop out of a fucking BROOM closet and rape my ass.

    This is now a gabe thread.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)04:36 No.39519762
    >Ctrl + f "promise"
    >nothing found

    >> Haru-chan !jX235bW6Ro 10/07/09(Wed)04:36 No.39519772
    I love it when webcomic artists feel the need they can use their website to preach whatever they feel like, don't you?

    He just posted an update not long ago.:

    > I've exchanged a few emails with Walking_Target, one of the leaders of the L4D2 Boycott, and he expressed some concerns that I was focusing too much on the vocal contingent of the boycott that is trying to get free content, and not enough on what he states as their primary issue here, and that is "promised-but-not-delivered support" from Valve.

    >And I understand that that is one of the main complaints here, however I still need to disagree with the entire thing.

    >What people are saying to me is "We didn't get the DLC and support Valve promised us", however nobody seems to be able to quantify exactly what and how much stuff Valve supposedly promised.

    >Right now, this looks to me like if someone were to say "Hey, I'll give you some money if you sign up for my newsletter", and you sign up, and the guy gives you $5, and you get angry because you were hoping for $20. Yeah, it sucks that you didn't get what you were hoping for, but the terms of the agreement were filled to the letter in my eyes.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)04:36 No.39519777
    why are all their mouths upside down?
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)04:36 No.39519780
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    >despite what you may have convinced yourself of
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)04:37 No.39519794

    >i see dlc delivered

    crash course, TWO LEVELS?

    this guy really is stupid. no wonder his comics arent funny.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)04:37 No.39519798

    They don't feel the need to boycott Madden because they don't care about it.

    He's saying that the people boycotting L4D shouldn't do it because they don't do it for Madden? Why would they? They're complaining about something they actually play (or want to) and not something they don't.
    >> Haru-chan !jX235bW6Ro 10/07/09(Wed)04:37 No.39519801
    >I get that Valve said they were going to create DLC for the game. I see DLC delivered. Maybe not as much as you were hoping to get, but it's there, and since they didn't promise X number of updates (that I've ever seen) their portion of the deal is fulfilled.

    >I get that the game still has some bugs. I haven't seen any statement from Valve that it won't still try to fix them, that L4D is instantly kicked to the curb on L4D2 release day. However these aren't bugs that have prevented you from using and enjoying your paid-for-product. Annoyances you'd like to see fixed, sure. But the game isn't unplayable.

    >Hell, World of Warcraft recently announced that they're currently tracking and working on, like, a million bugs or something. You don't see players boycotting Starcraft 2 until these are fixed.

    >What I'm saying is, I hear you, boycotters. I have listened to and understand your issues from multiple sources, not only mainstream media. I hear you, I just happen to strongly disagree with you and your approach.


    yes, ladies and gentlemen, he compared WoW to Left 4 Dead. Genius.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)04:39 No.39519843
    I don't know what the whole boycott is about or what you fags are complaining about; my issue here is I remember L4D was supposed to be like TF2. Updates all the time.

    We didn't get anything like that. L4D2 can go suck my dick.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)04:39 No.39519847

    what promise are you even talking about, douche hat? L4D was a good idea but it's fucking BORING and the very essence of pointless repetition. I loved the game when I bought it...for about two weeks.

    why on earth would I buy a sequel that's just more of the same? a sequel should promise something new.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)04:39 No.39519857
    im not buying l4d cause I plan to spend my 60 dollars on a game thats fucking worth it.

    like uncharted 2.

    enjoy your repetitive mod, faggots.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)04:39 No.39519866
    I'll pay for L4D2 when Valve proves they can actually patch serious problems out of the prequel. Since they will not, then I guess I've got 60 bucks to spare on a better expansion, ODST.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)04:40 No.39519877
    Let me represent the boycotters' side for a moment. There's a key ingredient that is missing in all of these arguments that present the boycotters as feeling entitled to receive things for free -- and that's the fact that we don't feel entitled to receive things for free. At all. All that stuff they promised before the game came out? That's why we bought the game. It's not incidental. It's not additional free content. It's not bonus content. It's the content we bought, having no idea that it wasn't already in the game (as in the case of the two missing versus campaigns) and that it wouldn't actually be added*

    *some content has been added
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)04:40 No.39519890
    >crash course, TWO LEVELS?

    YOU ARE NOT ENTITLED TO MORE. Do you walk around food courts and throw bitch fits when they don't give you the entire free sample tray?

    >They don't feel the need to boycott Madden because they don't care about it.

    That's not an excuse. You can't just say something's okay to do just because you don't care about the product.
    >> Haru-chan !jX235bW6Ro 10/07/09(Wed)04:41 No.39519921

    Go to bed, Buckley.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)04:41 No.39519928
    Nice samefag, nearly made me believe.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)04:42 No.39519941

    Ouch. Swing and a miss.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)04:42 No.39519960
    lets break this down:

    valve releases tf2, gives community multiple FREE updates, including maps, weapons, and yes, halos! This has been going on for 2 years now...

    valve releases l4d, promises lots of additional content. "dlc" includes 2 level "campaign". Within a year of release, full-price l4d 2 about to hit shelves. l4d 1 community screwed.

    see the problem here, kids?
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)04:43 No.39519970
    >he still takes accusations of same person seriously
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)04:44 No.39519988
    If I go to a food court and order a hamburger, fries, and a drink, and the hamburger only has one bun, and there are only three french fries in the container, and they only fill the drink halfway -- then I have every right to ask for the rest of my order. I didn't get what I thought I was getting. That's the part of the analogy you're missing. We got half a game. We did not get the game that was advertised. We didn't get what we thought we were buying in the first place.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)04:44 No.39519989
    not to mention when they revealed L4D2 they literally said "we were working on this as DLC and decided to just throw it all together in a new retail game"
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)04:44 No.39519997
    Let's see:

    -The rant is funny and for the most part reasonable(still a tad to wordy though. +1

    -The art is much improved from his earlier work +1

    - /v/ still raging about a below average at worst webcomic, that is somewhat boring at times +1

    3 out of 5 Tim, not bad at all.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)04:45 No.39520002
    The funny part is you accuse me of being Tim Buckley not because I appear in any way to follow any sort of writing/typing habits, not due to what I'm writing about, but because of the opinion I hold on it. lol4chan
    >> Mort. 10/07/09(Wed)04:45 No.39520024
    >Implying Madden 10 is the same as 09
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)04:47 No.39520060
    hey look, tim buckley is gay for gabe.

    maybe he wants a free copy of l4d 2.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)04:47 No.39520062
    >my issue here is I remember L4D was supposed to be like TF2. Updates all the time.
    >TF2. Updates all the time.
    OH YOU
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)04:48 No.39520084

    That is what everyone is bitching about, which is retarded because it was never even hinted at.

    All of you fuckers just assumed that since TF2 was getting updates, L4D was, too.

    Yeah, I agree with you guys that free DLC and updates would be nice, but I certainly don't feel entitled to it.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)04:48 No.39520085
    I like how valvefags keep claiming that this is about 'free content', as if this were some sort of massive update to the formula.

    We just wanted Valve to live up to their promises of continued, extensive support to L4D, none of which has been fulfilled. They give us a mini campaign, while still leaving bugs unfixed, no new characters, as originally promised, delayed the release of the sdk to the point where it doesn't fucking matter, as most sheep will abandon L4D to play 2.

    I'm sure they will make a ton of money, thats fine. As a company they are sure allowed to do that. Not one more dollar of that money will come from me.

    I've uninstalled Steam because of this. I don't want to deal with Valve at all, at this point.
    >> Haru-chan !jX235bW6Ro 10/07/09(Wed)04:48 No.39520092
    >The rant is funny
    >the artwork has improved

    You've got to be kidding me.


    I've seen how Tim is when he's just trying to get a point across, he's not WORDS WORDS WORDS all the time. He can be a faggot without it. Not that THAT gives you much hope though.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)04:48 No.39520095
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)04:49 No.39520119

    I'm not missing that part of the analogy at all.

    >and the hamburger only has one bun, and there are only three french fries in the container, and they only fill the drink halfway

    Does not apply, because that would mean you were recieving an incomplete order. You have not recieved an incomplete order with Left 4 Dead 1.

    You're crying because you purchased an order of small fries and didn't get as many as you would have gotten had you asked for a large.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)04:49 No.39520122
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    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)04:49 No.39520123
    i will buy borderlands before i buy l4d 2.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)04:49 No.39520132

    Like Tim Buckley isn't

    a) Getting a free copy, anyway
    b) rich enough to buy a copy for all of you fuckers which, incidentally, would stop EVERYONE's bitching
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)04:49 No.39520137
    Actually, we didn't assume. Valve came out and SAID it. Look it up, douche-nozzle jones.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)04:51 No.39520180
    note: the people who bought l4d 1 are also getting fucked over by this, cause they will need to pay $60 again to play with the "busier" community, or try to find a game with the few people who didnt upgrade.

    way to alienate your userbase again, valve!
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)04:51 No.39520194
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    Goddamn buckley is a fucking twonk
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)04:51 No.39520203

    Now put some logic behind it. A reason why you think it's true rather than just a reason why you believe it might be possible somehow.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)04:52 No.39520224

    people who didnt pre-order l4d 2 will not get a halo

    or bat
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)04:53 No.39520273
    >making a simple point into a convoluted sentence
    >stupid point to begin with
    >no sense of humor or ability to identify jokes
    >overwhelming smugness and sense of superiority
    Its Tim
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)04:53 No.39520281
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    >Implying Buckly is funny
    >Implying B/\U is still not present in EVERY PANEL

    OH YOU
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)04:54 No.39520295
    Okay, so let's force the entire gaming industry to stop making new releases on the off chance that a Left 4 Dead player might want it.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)04:54 No.39520303

    That may be so, but I'm more disgusted about how quickly people can turn against the only company left defending them at the first sign of something they don't like.

    I mean, being pissed at Valve is fine, that's your opinion. I'm talking about the faggots who are "boycotting" the game (a month before it's release), assuming that nobody wants to play it and that their opinion is the only one that matters.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)04:56 No.39520358
    Nooo, we *did* receive an incomplete order with Left 4 Dead. First of all, there were only two versus campaigns included in the game. That was not disclosed *anywhere*. That didn't get fixed for six months. In interviews every fucking where (you can look them up) Valve said there would be new content -- new monsters, new weapons, new campaigns -- around the corner. Chet Falsucky, prior to launch, did an interview where he said there would be a DLC by Christmas. This is Christmas of 2008, we're talking about. They also spent a lot of time advertising their L4Dead authoring tools, that would allow the community to make new campaigns........ etc. etc. etc. I could go on and on. We definitely did not get the game they told us we were getting. That's a verifiable fact. That's not an opinion.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)04:58 No.39520406

    >>making a simple point into a convoluted sentence
    >hurrr wut r does big wurds

    Let me put this in a way you'll understand.

    >implying everyone who thinks the boycott is stupid is samefagging
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)04:58 No.39520415

    Im agreeing with this guy. Im telling my customers at work just to pirate the bloody thing (L4D2) because its banned here in Aus.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)05:00 No.39520477

    >That was not disclosed *anywhere*

    Um...yeah it was. Like two months before the game even came out. Valve mentioned that, based on TF2 and CS research, people only end up playing one or two of their favorite maps, anyway. It was a dumb mistake, yeah, but god forbid that there was a flaw in a game.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)05:00 No.39520483
    Usually, most sequels don't come out a year later.

    Valve turned L4D into Zombie FPS Madden.

    If it plays anything like L4D, I'm sure part 2 will be good. I simply don't want to pay 60 dollars to support a company who essentially lied about the way they would handle the franchise.

    Everything seen in L4D2 was originally meant for L4D as part of the continued support they promised in every article before the game was released. Denial of this means you are lying to defend a company that only wants to rip you off. They don't need the money half as bad as you'd think.

    Not only that, I find their completely dismal support of our consolefriends, particularly the PS3, to be another sign that Valve no longer has any shred of credibility as a company that actually strives to make a superior product, and not merely a 'successful' one. I own a PS3, 360, and pretty nice PC that runs L4D without a hitch. Out of curiosity, I tried the console versions, and I was APPALLED at how terrible they look and control.

    For fucks sake, it's not like L4D is that good looking a game, they had to go out of their way to present this dog shit.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)05:01 No.39520494
    Well, I haven't joined a boycott group or anything, but I'm not going to be playing L4D2, because I got ripped off. And how is Valve defending us? What are you even talking about? I don't give Valve a pass because of their reputation and their past great games. Those things just make this all the more heartbreaking. I think it's due to the great love fans have for Valve that they feel so betrayed; if it was any other game company, it wouldn't have been a big surprise.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)05:01 No.39520498
    >new weapons
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)05:01 No.39520502
    The point of Left4Dead is online play. I don't think just using Hamachi or any silly program for that will do enough.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)05:02 No.39520513

    I don't think you understand how an online multiplayer game works
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)05:04 No.39520566
    >blaming valve because a game runs in an inferior fashion on inferior hardware
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)05:04 No.39520571
    I never saw it mentioned anywhere. I read virtually every interview and every advertisement and every write-up and every review leading up to launch. Such was my excitement for the game. I was playing on day one -- and I'll tell you, that was a shock to everyone. But you know what we all told each other late in the night as we ran through zombie-infested tunnels over our mics? Don't worry, it's Valve. It's Valve.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)05:04 No.39520576
    >Everything seen in L4D2 was originally meant for L4D as part of the continued support they promised in every article before the game was released
    This only exists in your mind
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)05:06 No.39520604
    they said that when they revealed it at e3
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)05:07 No.39520649
    >First of all, there were only two versus campaigns included in the game. That was not disclosed *anywhere*. That didn't get fixed for six months.

    Regardless, it DID get fixed, so it's no longer an argument.

    >In interviews every fucking where (you can look them up)

    Don't use an argument you can't even supply.

    >Valve said there would be new content -- new monsters, new weapons, new campaigns -- around the corner.

    They weren't able to meet their own goal expectations. Nowhere was any of this PROMISED. Telling some guy what you want to do in an interview is not a promise.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)05:08 No.39520662

    Valve, for the past decade, has had a reputation for not only catering to their fanbase almost tirelessly, but trying to make gaming cheaper as a whole. It's because of this that I have faith that Valve isn't just running our wallets. If I'm wrong, I'll be with you guys 100%. But personally, I'd rather wait until I was proven wrong to turn my back on them.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)05:08 No.39520663
    because saying it in every pre launch interview ever just isnt enough.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)05:09 No.39520688
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    I like mine. :(
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)05:09 No.39520691
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    >several 7 letter words
    several 9+ letter words
    >Conveniently ignoring overwhelming smugness and sense of superiority so they can continue including both in their posts

    And that my friends is how we identify Fuckley in the wild
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)05:09 No.39520699
    That's hardly an excuse. There are games on both platforms that not only look VASTLY superior to L4D on any platform, but run smoother, with more shit going on, better animations, better special effects, you name it.

    If the PS3 can put out Uncharted 2, the only excuse for L4D2 looking as awful as it does on PS3 is...they didn't give a fuck in the first place. Basically, they ripped off everyon on PS3 who bothered to play their shitty port. That's great, defensible business practices!

    The 360 version not only looks like ass as well, but the delay in support for fixes to problems like system crashes, exploits, AI glitches, framerate issues, doesn't stand up to the fact that there are PLENTY of better looking and playing games on the 360.

    There are games on PC that not only look better and play better, but have gotten far better support. Look at Crysis. At least they didn't have the fucking gall to charge full price for Warhead, which is in fact a better game in pretty much every aspect to L4D, a casual FPS for casual players.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)05:10 No.39520725
    What disgusts me about the whole thing is how defensive and petulant people are about sticking up for Valve - how they snidely attack the people who (accurately) point out that it sucks that they paid $50 to beta test the "real" game that eventually would be L4D2, as if Valve, in promising content they didn't deliver, is the aggreived party.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)05:10 No.39520736

    >Everything seen in L4D2 was originally meant for L4D as part of the continued support they promised in every article before the game was released.

    That's not entirely true. Sure, some of the things were, but 90% of L4D2 is based off of information gathered in L4D1, like the Spitter (forcing players out of corners) and such.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)05:12 No.39520792
    >several 7 letter words
    >several 9+ letter words

    Maybe you'll have a bigger vocabulary too when you get out of 4th grade.

    >Conveniently ignoring overwhelming smugness and sense of superiority so they can continue including both in their posts

    Welcome to /v/. Every argument ever made here is done so in a condescending manner.
    >> Super Nintendo Chalmers !!l6Z4DiTytr2 10/07/09(Wed)05:13 No.39520794
    Silly B^U, Condoms arent made of metal.
    >> Bernie Is Casual !3GqYIJ3Obs 10/07/09(Wed)05:13 No.39520803
    >me either
    it's NEITHER, me NEITHER.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)05:14 No.39520831
    >i jerk off to poly counts
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)05:14 No.39520846
    u mad? As if saying YES WE WILL PUT IN NEW WEAPONS/CHARACTERS/DLC isnt enough.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)05:15 No.39520850

    If your used condoms don't set off a metal detector, you're doing it wrong
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)05:16 No.39520887
    If you think L4D is somehow better than Crysis, you are casual.

    If you think that L4D somehow looks better and plays better than Uncharted 2, you are casual.

    Fuck, even Halo 3 does more on screen and plays better than L4D, which is casual, for people like you.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)05:18 No.39520948
    Except they didn't use the word "want", they used the word "will" -- and that is a promise. You should probably consult a dictionary, just to be sure.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)05:18 No.39520960
    everything you mentioned in that post was about visual effects.

    hence the jerking off to poly counts comment.

    sorry, i can't comment on the quality of L4D, Halo 3, Uncharted, or Crysis. I don't play shitty games. I just thought it was laughable that you were so APPALLED that a shitty game ran shitty on shitty hardware.
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)05:19 No.39520988
         File1254907198.jpg-(78 KB, 319x243, YouMad.jpg)
    78 KB
    >stupidity pinata
    >really big stick
    >> Anonymous 10/07/09(Wed)05:20 No.39520993
    >>I'm a backpedaling fag who can't even troll right! I DID IT FOR THE LULZ LOL 4CHAN ROKS MY FIRST INTERNET IMAGE BOARD HYMEN

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