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  • File : 1254090157.jpg-(413 KB, 629x800, borderlandsBRO.jpg)
    413 KB Borderlands General Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)18:22 No.38838125  
    Hello, The Vidya, fellow anonymous here! I just came to say that I am excited for the upcoming game, Borderlands! It looks great! It has elements of RPG and FPS in a large, open world where you can play co-operative with 3 other friends! It's gonna rock!

    You can find out more at

    Borderlands releases on October 20th, 2009, and will be priced at $59.99 USD on Xbox 360, PS3. PC Will be released on October 26th, 2009 and be at the price of $49.99 USD.

    Pre-order now at Gamestop and get 8 exclusively made guns for Gamestop! Check out for more information!
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)18:24 No.38838287
    it really has 3/4 million guns?
    how you scroll through fucking gun menu?
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)18:24 No.38838291
    Seriously? This shit is getting worse. You faggots saying "LOL NMO VIRAL MARKETING ISNT REAL HURDFDDURRFFFFFFF" this! looks at this!

    you faggots are killing /V/.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)18:25 No.38838350

    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)18:25 No.38838356
    >> (*3*)Onsokumaru !!ncYyB/oJlJM 09/27/09(Sun)18:26 No.38838411
    First time I'm ever going to say this in my life, but...
    lol viral marketing. Stop using Borderlands as your troll tool
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)18:26 No.38838449
    >no shit
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)18:26 No.38838454
    Well i didnt expect to see that
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)18:26 No.38838457
    Well now THIS is blatant.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)18:27 No.38838497
    Screencapped. It's official. VIRAL MARKETING ON v!

    They can't make people want their shitty game. sO why do they keep doing this?
    >> Mort. 09/27/09(Sun)18:27 No.38838510
    >> David Collins 09/27/09(Sun)18:27 No.38838536
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    inafter people think it really is a marketer
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)18:28 No.38838549
    Do you actually believe that it's viral marketing or are you trolling the troll?
    >> sage Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)18:28 No.38838557
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)18:28 No.38838569
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    >> Wronglets !iT0tvRhlpc 09/27/09(Sun)18:28 No.38838583
    trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls

    welcome to /b/
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)18:29 No.38838640
    You morons, this isn't actual viral, this is some fag pretending to be a marketer to piss you off.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)18:29 No.38838650
    PC version got pushed back to the 30th. Im expecting a leak in two weeks though. Also fuck gamestop. If your gonna be a troll do some research.
    >> d 09/27/09(Sun)18:30 No.38838670
    oh god so many trolls in one thread
    >>   09/27/09(Sun)18:30 No.38838678
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)18:30 No.38838682
    it is real they done this before like 20 times in an hour theres screencaps of it
    >>   09/27/09(Sun)18:32 No.38838796
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    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)18:32 No.38838797
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    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)18:32 No.38838818
    i lold at OP, amazing that some people fell for it.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)18:33 No.38838896
    Borderlnads has split screen co-op.

    Day one purchase.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)18:34 No.38838934
    It can't be stopped now. New meme has officially been generated.
    >> David Collins 09/27/09(Sun)18:34 No.38838948
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    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)18:36 No.38839063
    hahahahaha stop posting forever
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)18:37 No.38839105
    Of course! Using viral marketing as a troll tactic!

    Thanks, op! Now there will never be a troll-free discussion of an upcoming video game again! Not to imply /v/ ever had troll-free discussions before.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)18:38 No.38839206
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    Ok, now seriously. I've been wanting to go as Roland my first time, but I can't help but think Lilith will end up being that class that's harder to play, but funner to be once you figure it all out. And I plan on not being a helpful person, I'm going all assault for the most part.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)18:38 No.38839222
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    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)18:40 No.38839281
    October 20th? Oh, holy shit!

    That's the day the rest of Abbey Road will be available on TB:RB! Thanks for reminding me, OP.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)18:41 No.38839386
    It was said that Brick would be the most difficult to play, though Lilith would be the trickiest.

    Going Brick, all melee. Final Destination.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)18:42 No.38839390
    I hate the xbox 360 generation of gamers.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)18:43 No.38839466
    Looks like someone is under the age of 12 and has no friends. Because as far as I can remember, I used to love playing games like Goldeneye, Perfect Dark and Twisted Metal via splitscreen with friends.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)18:44 No.38839517
    Split-screen? On MY next-gen systems?

    Its more likely (and awesome) than you think.
    >> Anonymous 09/27/09(Sun)18:44 No.38839527
    No sage? I'm dissapoint, /v/
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 09/27/09(Sun)18:44 No.38839548
    Obvious viral marketing is obvious.

    Even I've been accused of viral marketing when I made a thread about The Final Destination late August on /tv/.

    Even though I actually saw the film.

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