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  • File : 1253953315.jpg-(9 KB, 456x229, hideokojima.jpg)
    9 KB Kojima on Natal Anonymous 09/26/09(Sat)04:21 No.38722347  
    " Kojima was absolutely blown away when he saw it. Takahashi claimed that he thought Kojima almost fainted when he saw it "

    " Kojima said that he really wanted to be here because he believe in the possibilities of the controller -- he said it has the potential to really change the lifestyle of gamers. he said he wants to use natal in his games, but he's really more excited about seeing how Natal changes the lifestyle habits of gamers "

    " Kojima said that Natal is going to raise the bar for game development "

    " Kojima said we are going to see the same sort of revolution of going from 2D games to 3D games with the move to Natal "

    " Kojima is now talking about how this is going to be a transitional stage -- for example, some gamers might not be able to accept trying to control a driving game with a pretend steering wheel in their hands "

    " Kojima said that he wants to do stuff that incorporates all aspects of the Natal -- the camera, the voice, the motion control. He especially loves the face recognition possibilities. he said he would like to make a game kind of like AI "

    " Kojima says he would love to use Natal to come out with a completely new game that no one has played before "
    >> Anonymous 09/26/09(Sat)04:24 No.38722472
    Natal is gonna be the greatest thing ever!!!
    >> Anonymous 09/26/09(Sat)04:25 No.38722489
    Kojima makes movies, not games. Arguments not valid.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/09(Sat)04:26 No.38722521
    That's cute hun but I'm not going to start crawling on the ground and hiding under boxes to play a video game.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/09(Sat)04:26 No.38722549
    Z.O.E3 confirmed for 360!
    >> Anonymous 09/26/09(Sat)04:27 No.38722572
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    I bought a 360 and a PS3 because I didn't want a Wii.
    >> Mr. Anonymous 09/26/09(Sat)04:27 No.38722577
    " Kojima was later seen masturbating on top of the TGS Building -- he was arrested and is now being put into custody by the local police force "
    >> Anonymous 09/26/09(Sat)04:28 No.38722613
    >> Anonymous 09/26/09(Sat)04:28 No.38722637
    Actually natal acting as a interface with A.D.A would be awesome. You'd still use a controller, for the main shit.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/09(Sat)04:29 No.38722648
    wheres the quote that says he wants to make a halo 3 or gears of war style game

    that pretty much throws all credibility this guy ever had out the window
    >> Anonymous 09/26/09(Sat)04:30 No.38722702
    >Microsoft has no presence in Japan and ZERO new exclusives to announce at TGS so they pay developers to say good things about Natal

    Fixed for accuracy.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/09(Sat)04:31 No.38722746
    We're all talking about Natal porn games, right?
    >> Anonymous 09/26/09(Sat)04:32 No.38722787
    >> Anonymous 09/26/09(Sat)04:32 No.38722794

    >> Anonymous 09/26/09(Sat)04:32 No.38722805
    "Kojima has confessed that he was the mastermind behind WTC"
    >> Anonymous 09/26/09(Sat)04:33 No.38722820
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    >> Anonymous 09/26/09(Sat)04:34 No.38722866
    But he'll make it DEEP and convoluted and a smash hit with the artfag crowd.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/09(Sat)04:36 No.38722935
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    Hey. Hey. What did /d/ ever do to you? No, wait. No, you don't have to answer that.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/09(Sat)04:36 No.38722962
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    >> Anonymous 09/26/09(Sat)04:36 No.38722983
    Kojima is only one of a few devs who actually used the maximum potential of 3D graphics when they first came out (MGS). Most others just took 2D game mechanics and put them in 3D. Platforman, shootan, sportan, etc. But he actually created a fully 3D world that you could use objects to your advantage in, hide under stuff, crawl on top of things. The original TGS videos for MGS have him talking about how excited he is to use the new revolutionary technology.

    Sadly, most developers just do the same tired shit - Kojima is honestly the ONLY creative dev I can even fucking think of. Boktai, Lunar Knights, ZOE, MGS, MGA, etc.. all of these really pushed the envelope of tech.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/09(Sat)04:37 No.38723000
    I'm sorry, when was the last time this guy was relevant?
    Never, he's always been a talentless hack who doesn't understand the most important thing about video games: fun.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/09(Sat)04:37 No.38723035
    This all reminds me of that Back to the Future 80s cafe scene. The kids say "YOU HAVE TO USE YOUR HANDS? THIS IS A BABY GAME"
    >> Anonymous 09/26/09(Sat)04:38 No.38723041

    What exactly is he seeing that's so great? So far everything I've seen is a fancy eyetoy.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/09(Sat)04:38 No.38723080
    >a completely new game that no one has played before
    uh, isn't that what a new game is?
    >> Anonymous 09/26/09(Sat)04:40 No.38723125
    >> Anonymous 09/26/09(Sat)04:40 No.38723132
    >Takahashi claimed that he thought Kojima almost fainted when he saw it

    wow, they sure are pumping his image of videogames visionary


    wait until the first few gimmicky games fail to attract any sort of response, then reread these statements and laugh.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/09(Sat)04:41 No.38723181
    I do not want to use Google.

    What is Natal?
    >> Anonymous 09/26/09(Sat)04:42 No.38723198
    He means a new game with INNOVATION
    >> Anonymous 09/26/09(Sat)04:42 No.38723229

    Eyetoy with night vision
    >> Anonymous 09/26/09(Sat)04:42 No.38723231
    Just how much money did Microsoft hand him?
    >> Anonymous 09/26/09(Sat)04:43 No.38723238

    it's basically a television with a camera and mic behind the screen. it uses your existing bluray compatible player as a game platform.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/09(Sat)04:43 No.38723243
    Cool sauce bro.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/09(Sat)04:43 No.38723267

    Stupid fancy eyetoy gimmick.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/09(Sat)04:44 No.38723288
    >Kojima said Kojima said Kojima said Kojima said

    who cares?
    >> Anonymous 09/26/09(Sat)04:44 No.38723306
    Remember how Kojima was very impressed by the Wii (when it was still known as the revolution) and said almost the exact same thing?

    How many games has Kojima made for the Wii?
    >> Anonymous 09/26/09(Sat)04:45 No.38723347
    you guys realize that most developers said how excited they were to develop for the wii due to its motion control...hell, even kojima was excited for it and a whole lot of people were guessing he was going to make some sort of boktai game for the wii....

    now look what happened.....wii.NOGAMES
    >> Anonymous 09/26/09(Sat)04:46 No.38723351
    Exactly. He's just being the normal pretentious attention whore that he's always been.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/09(Sat)04:46 No.38723392
    > Want a Wii game?
    Yes Kojima! Please?
    > No
    > Want a DS game?
    Yes!!! PLEASE?!
    > No, fuck you.
    > Want a Natal game?
    Eh? If it's cool.
    > HAHA no!
    Do we at least get a new Metal Gear?
    > Sure, and it had Big Boss as the star!
    > For PSP.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/09(Sat)04:47 No.38723432
    It might be. Kojima gets weird ideas.

    He was continually disappointed when making MGS2 because there was no technology to have the player smell the environments.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/09(Sat)04:49 No.38723494
    Kojima is a Playstation fanboy and a troll. He'll probably make an awesome game and announce it'll be using the latest in next gen motion control and turns out it's for the Sony Dildo.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/09(Sat)04:49 No.38723501
    natal is going to flop so hard
    >> Anonymous 09/26/09(Sat)04:49 No.38723508

    Could you imagine a scent dispenser for PS3?

    Would definitely make zombie survival games a lot worse. "Damn this room is scary..." -press scent dispenser- "Oh....dear go-BLAHAGAGHAHGAKG"

    >> Anonymous 09/26/09(Sat)04:50 No.38723525
    Dual Wands.
    Ocelot Campaign.
    Gun Slinger and Hand Gesture simulator.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/09(Sat)04:51 No.38723547
    An Ocelot game is way overdue. Way fucking overdue.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/09(Sat)04:52 No.38723614
    google produces no results for any of that text, OP.

    way to be trolled /v/, way to be trolled.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/09(Sat)04:54 No.38723687
    Why does Sony ALWAYS shamelessly copies everything Nintendo creates?
    >> Anonymous 09/26/09(Sat)04:54 No.38723690
    its from tgs 2009 kotaku realtime blog
    >> Anonymous 09/26/09(Sat)04:55 No.38723725
    They don't. They just hesitate to put anything out before it's a proven concept. They were burned too hard by Betamax to be the first to do anything.

    That wand has existed off and on for years.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/09(Sat)04:55 No.38723729
    plus you fucking fail at google just type in kojima natal and it's the first result
    >> Anonymous 09/26/09(Sat)04:56 No.38723762
    > implying Nintendo invented anything it put out

    Bet you think Nintendo invented touch screens too.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/09(Sat)04:57 No.38723787
    Natal is only going to be "revolutionary" if developers can and DO try to make the most out of it, otherwise it'll be a flop and petulant pseudo-know-it-all faggots are going to laugh and point to Wiigames trend and say TOLD YOU SO

    Either way this will be fun.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/09(Sat)04:58 No.38723814
    powerglove invented motion controls
    but underaged and b& don't know that
    >> Anonymous 09/26/09(Sat)04:58 No.38723829
    how many 13 year old children (the 360s primary userbase) are going to buy a $199 addon in order to wave their hands around like a fucking moron?

    unless the next halo game requires it i don't see this catching on. same with the ps3 dildo.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/09(Sat)04:59 No.38723874
    Sony is shit
    >> Anonymous 09/26/09(Sat)05:00 No.38723892
    The military invented motion controls dumbshit. Half the technology we use comes and goes through military use first. Power Glove didn't invent shit.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/09(Sat)05:00 No.38723895
    no one is gonna buy the wii it's so fucking stupid with it's dumbass motion controls and wagglan
    oh wait...
    >> Anonymous 09/26/09(Sat)05:01 No.38723935
    power glove invented motion controls for use in vidya which is what matters here
    >> Anonymous 09/26/09(Sat)05:01 No.38723944
    Wise anon is wise.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/09(Sat)05:01 No.38723959
    It'll flop simply because no one is ready for losing the controller. The mass audience wants a simply controller, not 'no controller'. Unless we can plug our brains into the machine or something ridiculous there's no way Natal will work beyond casual.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/09(Sat)05:01 No.38723962
    the people who own wii's are considerably different to those who own 360s.

    no one bought a 360 so they could use motion controls. if they wanted casual gaems they would've bought a wii. it would've been cheaper
    >> Anonymous 09/26/09(Sat)05:02 No.38723990
    Nintendo invented rumble feature too
    >> Anonymous 09/26/09(Sat)05:03 No.38724016
    Xbox360 is just as casual as the Wii
    >> Anonymous 09/26/09(Sat)05:03 No.38724018
    It doesn't actually matter. The technology existed. It went through various phases and multiple tests from air simulations to doctoring. You can't draw a line and go, "lol but they invented it here." You might as well say Skype invented the phone.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/09(Sat)05:04 No.38724057

    Who cares if it sells what matters is if it is useful. Most good wii games would be just as good or better without motion controls and the ones that utilize it well are casual minigame collections.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/09(Sat)05:04 No.38724060
    Nintendo didn't invent anything in the vidya. Everything they're credited with existed in arcades before they put it in home consoles. Everything. There are no exceptions.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/09(Sat)05:04 No.38724082
    >no one bought a 360 so they could use motion controls

    I did, and thus far i am very disappointed.
    >> Anonymous 09/26/09(Sat)05:05 No.38724111
    there were no marios dude. nintendo invented marios
    >> Anonymous 09/26/09(Sat)05:06 No.38724160
    > implying Nintendo invented druggies, plumbers, apes, and jumping
    >> Anonymous 09/26/09(Sat)05:06 No.38724180
    consider this concept:
    caters BOTH for the hardcore and casual user

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